I TRIED Making a GIANT CAKE out of COOKIES and...

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so what just happened [Music] hey guys and welcome back to my kitchen today we are here as I alluded to last week because we hit 500,000 subscribers on this channel Wow guys five hundred thousand five hundred thousand humans just were like you look neat click I am so blown away and so I thought today you know what we need to celebrate and so I want to make a cake but not just any cake I want to make a funky cake just decided we're gonna wing it we're gonna wing it today but there's no one that I'd rather sit down and wing it with then all of you so I mean hopefully this turns out well I mean it's gonna be delicious cuz it's a cake made of cookies I mean you can't can't mess that up too much right right so I'm gonna bring in Chris we're gonna do a little brainstorming we're gonna figure out what this cake is gonna look like look what I get maybe I'll go play wait wait you can't sit down yet but I have to chair now you can sit down oh so comfortable so I was just saying we have to make a cookie cake yes and I'm gonna want it to be massive and big and have wheels and stuff so you're gonna have to help me make my dreams come true gonna be small no no it has to be big I have a notebook uh-huh so is this a cake with cookies like on it or there's no is there a cake component to it okay it's no it's all cookies so like we could make it with like a tons of like little cookies like just great you could grab a bunch from the freezer just pop them on boom okay has anyone done that before is that like a thing okay no I don't want little little cookies it doesn't look the way I'm envisioning it in my head so big cookies cookies okay what's on on the outside I don't know I'm open to suggestions I was just gonna ice it make it a cake a little more cookie like a cookie like a cookie I say well my my grandma used to make gingerbread houses but like Christmas houses but made out of chocolate chip cookie so the walls were chocolate chip cookie instead of gingerbread so we could just like make big sheets of no more said yes that's exactly what I want I want a house cake of cookies cookie house cake I don't even know what I'm drawing it's a box this is sniffing oh honey no I don't want that I want it taller what a big tall like that big yes that's a yes I feel like that should be like traditional chocolate cookies the layers on the inside we should do in different types of cookies that's a lot of layers keep thinking of Shrek onions have layers overs have layers now cookie cakes have layers what if it's a two-to-one vote that we just make it a nice small cake what do you think no that's fair so we're gonna make all of these in sheet pans oh I guess so yeah cuz it needs to be like like square I guess like how or at least rectangle yeah hub big is it's not gonna be this big that's too much much even I know that maybe okay could we do thirds and then and then we could do the one side and then the other side so it's just like a longer like a skinny cake but like really tall so how many of these do we want to do we have Reverse we have taco a mint we have oatmeal we have mint or like I feel like this is gonna take us oh boy that sounds like an off alright yeah you're right paper crisp red velvet reverse chocolate chip chocolate chip cookies on the outside and then frosting we have red food no Christmas felt like a you problems like a kitchen manager question I'm just the idea man ambitious I'm excited are you doing it yep so step number one okay so let's do one sheet tray of one of the interior ones so the reverse or the red velvet and then test it out and see how it like is structurally we need a lot of flour and eggs and butter that's a good thing weird have that look at this this is giant bag of flour what else do we need we need the stand mixer and I guess just to save on time we should make like a like a double batch I don't think I've ever made a single batch of cookies before no I don't know if I know what that looks like so the recipe we're going to be using is my mother-in-law's white chocolate chip cookie recipe because it's delicious I had to take a photo of it cuz it's on like what are those things called recipe cards that's how you know it's a good recipe okay so this recipe calls for semi-sweet chocolate mixed in the butter into the base of the cookie and Chris is measuring out all the dry ingredients there's just so many times yes ma'am so we're doing two eggs one tooth and then a cup of white sugar and brown sugar hey I just need to whisk this right no vanilla okay we skinned alright that's looking good now what I need to add dry ingredients good time merci beaucoup I'm hoping I get all the dry ingredients in in batches mix as well wait did you just tell me to not overmix like this is my first time making cookie come on my first time shots fired take back your chick I've got the sour cream and now be melted chocolate and the butter alright let's stick in the white chocolate chips do a little mix up that chocolate flavor and right Masada's get in there have time for your shenanigans I have to make another like at least oh how many sheets of these do we need to make eight eight I said we could make a small cake oh no it's great you hold it up and I will get it onto the baking sheet trans smooth this out cuz there's got to be enough right this a lot of cookie that looks right like Chris first companies to make you feel better so how then do I need to make this cuz it'll rise a bit right it will it looks phenomenal and smells really good and I already have chocolate all over my hands so you know it's gonna be a good video all right into the oven this goes 12 minutes though I'm assuming it's gonna take 20 round one of eight ooh they look and smell amazing and now I'm just letting them set up and firm in the fridge while we move on to the next recipe alright now we're gonna do the red velvet and I adjusted the camera a little bit cuz I figured we'd both be standing for lost so like keep bending down so for the red velvet cookie we actually found a cookie bar recipe so I think that that in terms of like structure would make the most sense to like a layer and a cake that's what we're gonna do so first I need to cream together the butter and the sugar so we're going for because we're doubling it we're doing two two cups of butter okay here we go OOP to that three cups of sugar now we need to cream this together for four minutes not five not three four so I need eggs red food coloring and vanilla one and a half to the street three tablespoons actually a little bit of pink a little bit of black all right we're gonna mix this together and see what color comes up this is turning into like a like a grey purple that's not what I want that's not my life so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add in some of the red food coloring and see if that just sort of warms it a bit and cancels up some of that purpleness pretty more pink my camera keeps focusing on computer Chris get out of here sitting there judging me all right this is I mean it's still pretty pink not gonna lie to you I'm gonna keep adding red in hopes that will change it still so Chris just went to the store to get more food coloring maybe red gel I don't know so in the meantime I'm making tacos with my lunch everyone that's how we do it all right now Chris is back brought us food dye I finished my tacos let's get into this so this is red red no taste all right I don't want to have any taste of that that works out well right off clearly not doing anything all right that's good enough let's get a little bit of this in and see what happens cool looks promising that literally do nothing I felt like that just did nothing put more so confused right now why isn't it making it red all right well kind of disappointing but I feel like I've added more than enough red food coloring so let's start adding the dry ingredients then like that that's pink pink cookie I'm curious to see how the color changes too because this has cocoa powder in it right is that gonna make it darker maybe it'll make it look more red and less like light pink okay so I mixed it no it's kind of brown I mean the red velvet isn't like fire-engine red it was a rhythm of thinning this is good dark chocolate chip time yeah I mean that looks like red velvet to me right kind of like a brown it's a classy red dog yeah grown-up red velvet okay into the oven should bring up the other one and see if it's like cuttable how she look at whoo NTD yeah she's looking so good look at this [Music] stoked okay so put this to the side make another batch of this you do dry I'll do that yeah and then put that in the oven so we're doing another two of these sheets this is the point of no return we can we can cut this into sixes and build a tower like that it'll be pretty tall will be so small no I have committed to this also I need to bring it on Sunday for my family can we do a quadruple batch in the thing yeah yeah all right call me he said confidently all right quadruple reverse chocolate chip cookie time you know if I can hold out to not eat this that's gonna be the real struggle this that is that is gonna be my commitment into this project it's not going and eating it but you know the cakes are never done until the next day can I decide I told you that all wouldn't fit in there Christopher look at that look how much cookie dough that is might just be enough so I guess I guess I have to put half of this in here and then try it on the other one okay so we took out the other two reverse chocolate chip we have the red velvet the other chocolate chip bread reverse one then we have more in the oven and now on to so I've got a recipe online and she seemed to be an expert at this like us exactly so I sifted icing sugar because she told me to she said never ever make frosting without sifting your icing sugar first we never sifting our icing sugar what a mitten frosting no baby it could be better I think we're gonna find out this is a test batch this will be nowhere near done it feels like a lot I know it won't be in the end but it still feels like a lot or in the two cups that's the whole thing bloop now flour on base because here the mixture will look Columbia Columbia it doesn't come P don't worry it's the Pope's - I'm not worried I was worried but now I am not increasing speed the vanilla salt and two tablespoons of the cream my spoons do you see this do you see what you did Chris Morocco very smooth shifting works mmm now we're just gonna move everything out of the way get everything we sorted to here and then go and do the assembly process what's gonna - so you want to cut it no one I sit this is very fun I mean I'm saying that now on the first layer I'm enjoying myself how do I make this this next player no no I'm not that next layer now I'm taking too long being too much of a perfectionist right oh I'm gonna get smushed in right no no it's not it's gonna lay daintily on top the edges of the red velvet finally got kind of brittle the inside still seems good but I just cut the edges off so that right there is the amount of thickness that we were working with so we're gonna go a little bit thinner than the first layer that's all right of these three which is your favorite cookie mm I do like classic but I haven't had the reverse in a while and I think I want the reverse chocolate chips one of those ones that your mom makes at Christmastime that's it yeah probably the classic classic yeah all right let's keep layering I think that was a good amount of frosting you used on the last one this is really fun I got a piece of cake cookie doesn't matter it's mine good deal at what point does the cookie become cake did you get a piece of cookie or didn't you get a piece of cake Christopher bringing in the philosophies of cake all right guys update time so we have our cake she looking so good what a masterpiece am i right so now we're taking a break from all the icing and we are making one of the traditional chocolate chip cookie trays of cookies and then we're gonna make that the wall it's gonna stick up on the outside excited [Music] so what just happened oh my gosh so how is it yeah my cake tree that's fair I'm sorry I'm gonna say six of these layers are salvageable this one up have not touched the floor okay just make a smaller cake I mean didn't I initially say make a smaller cake it's not the time still gonna unit though this feels like the friends episode where they eat the cake off the floor I feel like I need to do that because friends all right what are we having cake why are you doing this to a pregnant lady that doesn't feel right so these are good in a manner of speaking by the way it's 10:45 at night and kids anyone is wondering I was making ramen so it fell right behind me uh-huh and I heard the thud and I thought oh my first thought was the stand mixer and I was like oh no and then I reflected that it would didn't clang enough and as I was turning around I knew what it was see I heard the thud and I thought it was something with your ramen you dropped something and it was hot and I said are you okay and you're said uh so this one didn't touch that didn't touch it this isn't how I thought I'd be spending my night the best part is is that none of our family is gonna see this until after they've eaten it perfect so apparently this is why you don't make a cookie cake it falls on floors it's partially most harmful opens this is just really astute all eight layers you know what it's it's just it's just one I don't even see the problem here it's a little broken and a little rough around the edges but aren't we all who are you to judge that's okay just clean the floors oh those two more fires I've always wanted to pick up some cake with my hands bo I mean now's the time good I think what's throwing me off was that taste lolling on the for me knew that was the flaw in the whole plan it tastes like cake yeah kind of does it doesn't even taste like cookie ee ups can we title the video with the one where she cookie cake off the floor yeah seems really good it wasn't wasted a we found a new icing recipe I think the real cookie cake is their friends we made it away I mean it's good not mad about it now I'm scared to put a wall on it we've been like waiting we're gonna eat like a late dinner or a late snack I don't know and we were letting the thing cool so that we could prop it on the side but now I'm scared here Christopher my poached egg is overcooked oh I'm so sad for your poached day so that's two things that are picking up some cake with your hands idly oh yes that happened when the cake fell on the floor remember that time today was a learning experience I do have take a nice to come back so I guess it's been a good day you know what maybe we should have done it has made the cake smaller well here we are so we have our giant cookie that has been chilling for a while and we have this which betrayed we shot these lawyers these are the good players it's true ish still matter since we're here anyway might as well we're just gonna ice the one side I just wanted to see what happens and he's already fallen on the floor here we found what you're gonna guess it if we come in in half now we could get two sides remember all those days I did not see it listening to one side at all like you know went from zero to 60 it really like it was I thought it it felt very solid mm-hmm yeah well no it was good yeah Oh out of nowhere not even like this kitchen is like super hot and like this is melted or anything like it's still like it fell on the floor though huh all right slice this right you see this other side you see this you were getting the pretty side this is what we're looking at the uglier side so let's cover that how can you say that this songs right here can hear you you're the ugly stuff I wasn't prepared for that no I did I did not see that coming I'm not emotionally over it I almost cried yeah I saw that it's really sad about it we worked really hard this is why I've never seen a cake like this it's not a good idea apparently we should have put some wooden dowels in the cake because we now know what's that I think of that that baking expert would know that no we are we have a lot of heart yeah yeah heart and soul good hustle I wanted this to work oh it looks nice on camera right good job saving it can I send this up now yeah all right let's see what happens nope nope don't do it this won't be bad uh I can't watch you I have to watch what are you gonna do with it now oh go like this you know what this is a good looking cookie I'll say it also say that I didn't make this cookie Christopher made this 50 really trying to be even here but I'm one of those people that I try and cut things in a straight line and it's always on an angle oh it's crumbling oh it's kind of like success and the video quickly now imagine this if you will with this on the other side a bunch of icing on top maybe some little like round cookies like along the side maybe some sparklers hmm you know we cut down the sides and make them nice and even be a pretty cake it's not what's happening today but I tried congratulations on 500,000 subscribers I have nothing else to say about this cake I'm still a little proud of it though it still tastes very good like like let's uh let's finish it off by grabbing the good pieces they didn't fall yeah what's next I'm still 11 o'clock at night nice I'm gonna do it a little bit with all the ladies because I mean isn't that kind of up and what's on the floor again do now it was more like a cookie with the Flair there's no trickery this really good it is really good actually the icing the cookie yeah the choice of cookies yeah I actually haven't tried the red velvet I'm just by itself you see like your mom's reverse one is like way better yeah that's easily the worst one yeah if I were to do it again which I never under any circumstances will even if there was a fire I would just do the reverse chocolate and then the regular chocolate chip then just do every other very good look cool I think it would look really cool maybe just you know unlike what Chris is saying maybe we should have done like a small okay like maybe don't you know aim for the sky and just you know expect us to get this big tall cake honestly it's on me it's on you well ramen everyone for watching for subscribing now we're gonna eat some ramen thanks for watching check out these videos go check out the ramen video that's right we did a noodle one should go watch that thank you so much meaning my ramen that I'm watching be a star ramen oh man well the new rows are homemade but the stock is homemade
Channel: RachhLovesLife
Views: 552,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachhloveslife, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, making it big, alvin, giant cookie, giant cake, giant food, i tried making, funny, fail, cooking fail, funny cooking, julien solomita, testing tasty, testing tasty cookies, cookie recipe, giant cookie cake, food challenge, how to cook, giant food challenge, cooking, buzzfeed alvin, how to make, making giant food, baking
Id: QoRLnv9qoIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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