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all right boys I literally saw this girl just like hiding all the way up here and she's walking this exit man what even is inside here I need to wait for my other girlly member to come back here we're going to have the biggest fruit collection ever I mean you kind of mess up by having like the ladder this way bro I can literally just go up here and I got yourself like this magma fruit and I still can't believe like she hasn't caught me yet um what was that noise did someone break in oh my God no I got myself caught this is a bad idea boys what are you even doing in my small base do you even know who you're messing with all right listen you can have it back but just let me go um no you walked into Spirit clad territory and you know what that means right no I don't bro this girl seems a little bit too crazy follow me and do what I say or else you will die okay it seems like this girl just went straight to like the Box through dealer here and I'm pretty sure she wants me to roll myself like a fruit here and I got myself a smoke rot really you disrespecting our client with this trash everyone that gave us trash got themselves killed okay then what do you want me to do because I'm not going to give you guys anything are I guess we'll test you out but I still don't like seeing your ugly face now for some reason we're all the way over here by like the volcano area and she's literally all the way over here with like another girl bro what's even happening hey girl hey Queen who is this this is the guy that broke into our small base you know what he tried doing he tried stealing our magma for but lucky for us he gave it back okay then why is he still alive I was going to fight him but I know that you're stronger ha well you're right about that and that's why I want you to One V one him for a fight try to take him out before the boss FES out oh my God bro she's literally spamming I'm not sure if I like this idea she's draining my HP with like a bunch of like Spirit fruits all right girl you're literally about to grab your booty cheeks completely clapped just like that and oh my God I went through her body just like nothing dang boy you beat her yeah he's strong and I like it wiky face what are we going to do now do I have to fight you this time honestly I think you should join our CL what Lena you're crazy why you even giving him the idea to join our GL listen AA don't be stupid he's stronger than both of us yeah but he's a thief and you know what I'm going to do Lena I'm going to go tell the bosson what you just did and I don't even care about introducing him he's not going to like this and she just zoomed out of here car please don't lie to him and wait for me shoot the boss is going to kill me I don't have a fruit to give to him we got to get what F I mean I'm not even sure if she's able to use her rle so let's teleport her straight to the Jungle ASAP now let's see what this girl is going to be getting herself and she got herself like a rocket FR that is complete garbage what am I going to do now this isn't good enough yeah I don't know about that one because I don't even know any good fruit and wait what's that in the distance it's like a freaking free Diamond fruit who even dropped this here this will probably make your balls feel pretty good bro yeah that will do do you want to come to The Hideout with me you can't enter it though so you have to stay outside and wait for me I mean I'm fine with that but I don't want any problems so all right perfect follow me so she took me to like a little dog area and what is this tiny little boat bro this is probably going to take us like 20 years to get to like this location on this tiny little dingy boat man I didn't expect her to be this poor and I think this is the island since I see like a giant boat here and she says that we're here I'm going to go warm up the boss for you so don't come in until I say so hey Lena what took you so long bro she's here oh well I was getting you these fruits and she just went ahead and dropped like the rocket into the diamond fruits and he's not looking too happy about it either what is this trash it's so funny L you should probably live in a dumpster here you go boss this is a slight upgrade compared to her and it's magma fruit and a smoke fruit oh damn this is quite the upgrade you got some catching up to do oh I forgot to tell you boss what is it AA someone broke into one of our bases and tried dealing our fruit and you know what happened next tell me well I told L to get rid of this guy and he tried making him join our clan what you really think this is acceptable listen he's super strong are you dumb he tried robbing us and you think your solution is letting him join our clan yeah idiot be smarter than that how about you meet him and you can test him out yourself wait hold on Boss what does this girl mean like hold on and oh my God I got like a bunch of NPCs attacking me right here oh look what we got here my creature trapped to him can I help you boss he's a guy that tried robbing us and don't even let this girl defend him she's crazy and you're here to come spy no he's not spying atonement to wait outside you're not making your case any better you don't invite strangers to our Clen well I guess he has to test out his skills you have to be fighting both of my girls and let's see how strong you are I mean if you seriously want me to fight both of your girls I got you let me go ahead and just equip my spirit fruit now these guys are just like spamming a bunch of like powers on me and oh my God this is not looking too good for me all right boys we got to go ahead bam like our spare powers like this I managed to clap like everyone here and their boss is extremely low I can't believe it my girls barely did anything well DH I got this fruit maxed out is that really meant to impress me can you just stop having like a big ego just let me join your clan and I'll make it stronger for you you better watch little boy and after you saying that you're banished from talking to my girls don't even come near me again bro this guy is so mad he's literally taking that little dingy bat and he's trying to run away all right you know what who cares about this I might as well just go teleport myself back to the Jungle really quickly and I actually see like one of the girls in a distance bro what's going on here I don't want to get too close or else I'll get in big trouble boys CHR I can't believe the boss wouldn't even listen to me why does this always happen to me you know what boys I'm probably going to go ahead and just like walk up to really quickly I know that I shouldn't be but I feel bad did you get kicked out of the clan or something no but they're threatening me toally told me that I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore all right how about this we can make our own Clan and I'll give you a permanent fruit if you go ahead and leave your clan what really I'll do anything Aaron has been abusing me yeah I can tell he seems really trash anyways and what if they come after us oh bro who cares that little guy can't even handle me or you in a 2v one fight and heard some walking a distance and oh my God it's literally the girl from earlier and she's running off uh-oh seems like your old friend was spying on us that stupid I know we should probably spy on them though I don't want her say anything bad to your boss oh I know where she went tell me where she's at oh well they're all the way up there at upper sky island so we should probably hurry up okay let me teleport me in this bad straight to Upper sky islands and I can literally see both of these guys inside boss we got some horrible news what is it now I swear to say just full of bad news oh trust me it is anyways L betrayed you wait how do you know of this well she was talking to the other guy and I was fying on them in the jungle they're creating a new Clan bro she's such a snitch yeah I don't know why she's snitching so much on him bro like keep your secrets hidden how are they this is a declaration of war we shall destroy this small Clan okay well before anything like that happens you still owe me a mythical fruit whatever here you go seriously I don't want this piece of crap well that's all you get now stop complaining I want you to get a little bit closer to to that red guy and scam him out of his best fruit I'm not going to lie your boss seems like an annoying we might as well just go straight to the second season instead of being around this guy what are we doing at the cafe well I was going to tell you that we should probably go grind a boss here since we're all alone well maybe I thought wrong because Eva is actually walking to the cafe guys I'm so sorry what do you want this time listen the boss is going crazy he's going to kill me and he's going to kill all of you I tried to tell you girl yeah but the real question is what does this guy want from for me he just told me if I don't give him a mythical fruit it's over well how do I know that you're not going to scam me I'll join your planet I won't leave your side and honestly W I believe her Eva is smart okay I still don't like this idea but fine we're going to be sitting on this table with her and she just plays down so many garbage fruits bro but fine I'll be a little bit nice enough and give her like a normal dough fruit and a try just went through boys well what a bunch of idiots you really have my back there Elena and thanks again since you made this a lot more easier what how could you do this after I trusted you oh shut up and stop yapping your voice is super annoying I'm going to go give this to the boss now so toles there is no way this girl just like straight up dip bro I can't believe that bits betrayed us I want revenge oh follow me let me go get myself like a transformation really quickly I'm about to take me and this girl straight to like the laboratory area your boy is going to go down here and press like this green button now we got like a cyborg race W no way now let's try to gain some levels on your spirit fruit bro because I can't let this girl be like weak and wait hold on bro these girls are like all the way over here bro what are these guys doing here I just can't wait to gain some massive levels with you and I'm still very disappointed in how you didn't get me anything good but hurry up and take this crap and she pulled out the Del fruit oh trust me I'll get you something and I still can't believe that you got me do I know I scamed that red idiot but I'll trade it to you later I'm not going to lie this is not looking too good for us boys they're spamming like a bunch of entities at like the boss bro we probably need to go in there and like switch our fruits in a second now let's go take their kill so they can go be like really really upset with us so let me go ahead and just Spam like my M1 ability as well and I'm dealing like a lot of damage with just like my spirit fruits like we're dealing over 20k now they're about to be taking my huge boss like that now the boss looks like he's super low at HP and we're about to kill him off like that boys and we got ourselves like 2 XP that was not that worth it what are you guys doing here we're leveling up du you shut up Traer I mean hey I already know that that AA wants some fruit so let me go ahead and go into my inventory really quickly and pull out this katsune fruit wait do wasn't your best fruit boss he has katun obviously not this guy has every fruit in the game why didn't you scam him out of it can I please hold it it's one of my dream item oh no why would I give you this item since you scammed me yeah you should have joined us when you had the chance shut up I regret it okay okay Eva we need to get you out of here we need to go straight to the Awakening room I don't want to go well too bad now both of them are just like running in the distance bro all right it seems like she's slowly trying to join our side which is good and you're right we should go ahead and follow them I don't think it's going to be that difficult since I can just put on Portal and I can just teleport me and her straight to like the raid room where they're at H look they're all the way over there oh my God you're back what do you guys want well I only brought L to do an Awakening with me yeah cuz he actually helps me level up unlike Aaron and sure you did and this was before after I said that I was going to come here and shut up up Lena no one asks her your opinion boss can you stop being mean can you just buy the raid chip already oh I will so what raid chip did you buy I'm just surprised that you can afford that you'll see once we get in there I mean okay buddy if you buy something that's really crappy everyone's just going to start laughing at you buddy and this looks like a horrible raid bro and I can already tell that he did like a freaking flame raid why would this guy like choose this one out of like any other fruit bro I'm not going to lie this is probably going to be like super easy to even clear off since I'm dealing like a crap load of damage and we managed to clear off like the first s and like it was absolutely nothing boys that was so easy spirit clim for the win yeah but you barely did anything Aaron I'm not going to lie I hate her but she's right for what you just sat there and just watch he but why are you being like this did you forget you never gave me that mythical fruit that I ever wanted of course I'm going to switch up on you give a girl just come on and just leave them already well I need more than just words to convince me to leave all right I know like the perfect thing to do boys I'm probably going to go straight to like the next Island Ace s now your boy is going to go in here and just like continue slicing and dicing all these NPCs bro I might as well just switch out of my bua fruit put on the big boy K now me just spamming like a bunch of powers and this guy try to like put everything up there bro what are you doing man really thinks he's carrying the whole team by himself what he ain't but hey that doesn't even matter since I just cleared off like the second island here oh is that katuna that you put on my dream fruits yeah I also ride him like that what I want to ride all right you know what follow me I'll make you a deal you really want a permanent mythical fruit right yeah I'll give you permanent katuna if you leave Aaron I'll do it I won't ever betray you all right let's see if this girls telling the truth let me go ahead and spend like 4,000 Robux on her oh my God and she instantly put on like the katune fruit look what I got you loser and you don't and his boss is not looking too happy yeah I know recky gives like the best fruit okay we probably need to go to like the next Island because it's not looking too good for us now your boy is going to go ahead and just like youing a transformation and oh my God boys like the amount of damage that I'm dealing is going pretty crazy and we're dealing over like 90k by ourselves all your boy got to do just clear up like the last group here that we got to kill and I can also go ahead and just use like my cyborg race Awakening and then use like my energy core and oh my God the amount of damage that I'm dealing is crazy how is like all these NPCs going to be able to handle me bro and that's how we clear off like the for Island Boys wo he looks like an electric God you guys can't even compete with this Spirit Army yeah no sorry Aaron you're so weak I'm going to go ride my new daddy oh my God why is she acting so sus boys I know this guy is super mad right now but let's go ahead and just zoom by to like the next Island we can also have like an electric jump with like katun and Bam like our abilities like this again now like the boss just spawned in and aa's probably going to die here if she's still on my back because it's not looking too good for her bro and it just looks like we're one shotting every single thing around us with like this race Awakening boys now's my time [Applause] [Applause] quickly and everyone's just getting comboed and now that I can't all right buddy if you want to play that game you're about to get yourself executed and he's still spamming like a bunch of abilities to kill one of the girls bro but he's not going to be surviving anytime soon and we managed to clap his cheeks with like a few different moves I'm not going to lie that was crazy and thanks for having my back yeah you better thank my man I will girl I'm giving him something in return wait she just teleported us straight to like the cafe what does she want sit down really quick um okay is she seriously giving me back my D fruit m in gravity bro how rich is this girl I might as well just give her one of my leopard fruits and a magma and she accepted the trade I was not expecting her to give me that much now you see how rich I can be how about you go ahead and date me over Elena what no you better date me okay I don't think I want to be dealing with you two girls bro I am out of here
Channel: Rektway
Views: 103,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, roblox blox fruits update, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, mammoth fruit, blox fruit update 20, kitsune fruit, trex fruit
Id: 4jLQH0uUh2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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