I Tried Goku's Diet from Dragon Ball Super

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i'm gonna attempt to eat and train like goku today but to do that i need to know exactly how much he eats let's do a little bit of research now according to the dragon ball wikipedia fandom goku actually is about five foot seven but he does range between that and five foot nine so we're gonna say he's five foot eight he's not really that tall in addition to that most of the stats come back saying he's around 137 pounds honestly is he really drawn like he's 137 pounds 137 pounds at that height is basically bruce lee and this is what bruce lee looks like in his prime so what i'm going to say is because he's a saiyan we're going to bring him up to 145 pounds just to give him a little more bulk we now need to come up with the macros we need for this that's actually pretty simple this is a macro calculator this all we're going to need to do is add in his age which is about 30. he was about that i think he was 35 at the end of the cell saga or maybe the buu saga we're gonna say he's five foot eight and he's 145 pounds we're gonna give him the most active possible extra active very intense physical exercise we're gonna say he actually wants to gain a bit of weight this way as you train you get a little heavier a little stronger you account for the extra muscle this is how much we need to eat today 200 grams of protein 437 grams of carbs 93 grams of fat i'm really hoping i can eat all of this but not only am i going to try to eat all of this i gotta train like goku too so i threw on my ghee stepped out into the sun found snake way and began practicing my ladder sprints oh i lost my headphone i did end up finding my headphone and i got back to it and then i lost my headphone again this is a reoccurring theme isn't it i threw my headphones back in one more time and i proceeded to finish up my sprints trying my best to not lose those headphones because it gives you plus 10 horsepower oh god oh i hate running cardio is necessary to become super saiyan not gonna lie i only did eight ladders and i feel like i'm gonna die so i finished it up with a little bit of walking back to the house where i was greeted by gandalf so we're finally back at the lab but imagine this is what you see while you're walking around the neighborhood kind of terrifying maybe but now for breakfast i'm gonna be making a 12 egg rice i'm going to wash myself off first because i feel gross for a mess of olm rice you need a massive pan into this massive pan i'm adding in one half a diced onion 2 diced carrots 4 ounces of costco chicken because i have it 2 cloves of crushed garlic and saute it over a nice medium-high heat this is already looking like a lot you think it looks like a lot now wait until you add in 350 grams worth of rice this pan is very full that sounds like a personal problem so make sure you do toss this up completely oh god that's heavy this is gonna be a challenge challenge accepted now make sure you do hit this with a splash of soy sauce getting it all over your cutting board as well i also like ketchup in my own rice i love ketchup in it i don't have to elaborate ketchup is amazing in omri so it has a nice tart tanginess to it stir this all together make sure that ketchup is fully immersed in your rice i want to show you something this is a traditional om rice mold see the problem i have a very large bowl that we're gonna place all of this om rice into before i start the omelette i gotta do one of these so this way this is ready to go we're gonna should have moved that hoots that came out pretty nice we're just gonna leave this on here now we got a giant mound of rice top off that rice i have five whole eggs mixed with five egg whites for more protein this might not even tornado i'm having a really hard time trying to turn this into a tornado omelette so instead i'm just making sure that i am trying to get this egg cooked perfectly so this way we can top it onto our rice i'm okay with where it's at little pinch of salt right on top i have my omelette ready i have my rice ready it is time it's so heavy it doesn't want to like go in one piece [Music] that is so satisfying this is beautiful i'm happy come on that was fun as much fun as i had i made sure i topped this off with green onions to finish it look at this freaking monster can you see the height on this omrice i'm curious as to how much this weighs so this weighs almost three pounds two pounds and 15 ounces look at can we get that it's three pounds okay let's cut it open so you guys can see what this looks like oh my god it's so freaking thick you can literally cut this like cake i'm just gonna remove all of this so you can see what i'm eating and getting into do you see this bite that's not even a bite that's a whole pie of om rice let's tuck in shall we oh that's delicious according to my fitness pal this breakfast comes out to 1174 calories there's all of the macros right there 135 grams of carbs 29 grams of fat 81 grams of protein this is literally half of my normal daily intake it's just all the flavors are everything that i want little tangy from the ketchup yep i'm definitely trying my best here to get through this massive breakfast and it is a tremendous amount of food i'm only halfway through i'm already feeling it remember some of the green onions will help the green onions did not help that's so much here's something to think about this has just as many carbohydrates as about three cans of coca-cola three 12-ounce cans of coca-cola while i worked my way through this ganolf did join me in full support and or tried to eat my omelette are you enough you can't have this it's not good for you there's so many onions in it i'm pretty sure gandalf could finish this i've been staring at this last portion of home rice for about 10 minutes i don't think i can finish this that's one dish i just couldn't finish okay time for the next workout i decided to walk to the gym which is about a mile each way just to make sure that my breakfast didn't come up during this workout so i walked all the way to the gym and i realized i don't have my access card hopefully they let me in that would be super sweet i did stop off over at dutch brothers to get a cold beer with cream because this is my pre-workout and i was able to get into the gym okay time to get to work and there's my crotch now the benefit of eating like goku for a day is i'm loaded with carbohydrates for this workout i hit my chest i hit my back i hit the booty and i hit the booty twice after that booty exercise it's time to walk back home the lifting session workout number two is officially over now we're gonna head back to the lab and i have a very fun lunch planned and hopefully i can keep it down because i'm still very very full and i feel a little bit sick after the walk back home i'm almost at 12 000 steps the next meal is what i like to call goku black noodles in a large saute pan with just a touch of oil i'm adding in seven ounces of thinly cut steak i'm topping this off with about three tablespoons worth of whole peanuts give this a nice stir and then i'm adding in a nice hefty splash of dark soy sauce a splash of mirin a splash of black vinegar followed by a splash of rice wine vinegar all the vinegars are going to cut through the fat of that beef and just make this super delicious i'm finishing it with a hefty portion of soba noodles making sure that the soba is fully tossed at all that sauce and then finishing it with just a nice handful of fresh green onions after tossing everything together i played it onto whatever plate that i had laying around making sure that it was piled as high as possible so it looks super impressive when you hold it up because this looks amazing where's my water gandalf ganolf don't touch that i gotta get my water gandalf watching you don't touch it you can sit you can sit you can join me this looks pretty appetizing even with how rich it also looks from all that beef so we're going to jump into this here's my mouth is actually salivating right now [Music] mm-hmm that's really good it has this like beautiful richness from that beef it's kind of coated the noodles because i really didn't use much oil at all and the vinegars actually kind of make you want to keep eating oh rubber it's good this entire lunch so far comes out to 740 calories 80 grams of carbs 26 grams of fat and about 50 grams with the protein i'm gonna try to tackle this and just see how it goes this is way more manageable to finish i only have a little bit left we're gonna finish lunch last scoop oh that was good yes but now it's time for workout number three let's go upstairs this time so unfortunately there are no karate dojos near me so this is the next best thing that is weighted vest with box vr oh i'm gonna regret this and while i get absolutely decimated by whatever this is going to be i want to say thank you today's sponsor rose city comic-con rose city comic con takes place november oh my god i can't even think rose city comic-con takes place september 9th through september 11th and the best part is that i'm going to be there as a guest and i'm going to have a panel this year as well as a booth where you can come by and say hi get something signed pick up some exclusive chef pk merch i can't wait to see you guys at rose city comic con this year at the oregon convention center here in portland make sure you guys click the link down below to pick up your tickets i can't wait to see every single one of you there in cosplay no cosplay birthday suits not birthday suits you will probably get escorted out oh everything hurts from earlier though this vest is really hurting right now holy crap i can barely move i feel like i died a little bit on that we're gonna go back down the lab and start making dinner which is gonna take a few hours uh maybe i'll wash up a little bit i feel disgusting dinner time is gonna be some dinosaur meat or in this case some pork spare ribs this is an incredibly easy recipe and for these pork spare ribs i'm leaning on campfire farms which is a local farm out here where i pick up most of my meats all you really need to do is separate the meat from the bone so this way it's really easy to work with sprinkle just a little bit of salt on this and this is ready and then this is where you come in yes you no not you the one's sitting next to you most of you probably are just in bed are you on the toilet watching this this is where you can take your favorite barbecue sauce and just just lather it up i'm just using bochons because i want that flavor it literally is this easy just pick your favorite sauce lather up those ribs and make sure they're completely coated place them onto the pan so this way they cook really evenly making sure they don't overlap too much seal it with aluminum foil really tightly and then bake it in the oven at 300 degrees fahrenheit for three hours if you want to make like triple that batch go for it it's super easy that's yup now we gotta wait i'm gonna go shower now these ribs were in the oven for about three hours i have a few other things here that i plated up let's plate up this feast we need rice 350 grams of rice 300 grams of yogurt with a bit of honey to hopefully change up some flavors 500 grams worth of fruit this is pineapple and watermelon gonna run out of room here kimchi because my gut biome is going to be horrible along with some pickled beets and cabbage because my gut biome is gonna be horrible i also have the breakfast that i had left over we're gonna try to finish this finish the fight like master chief this is a ridiculous amount of food now i had calculated that i get just about six of these they're so glistening right now i have to leave some for rachel so she gets the rest of this this is a stupid amount of food goku my man how how do you do this seriously originally i was going to have the fruit and the yogurt separately but together this comes out to carrot three about 450 calories yep actually it comes out to more because i'm trying to eat the leftover breakfast dana if you want to sit i got you a chair buddy danielle if you want to sit come on good boy where do we start we start with this pork rib oh my god no girl not your invite salty savory a little sweet fatty oh my god that's amazing a little bit cabbage yeah palette cleanser i feel like i'm at a buffet i'm going to clear some of this oh i'm going i'm going for another one oh my god look at that get this with some of the rice oh so good and it was three ingredients pork ribs salt and boccons yes there's a lot of ingredients bajans i understand that but you can use whatever barbecue sauce you want and do the same method and it's gonna be amazing this is also 1400 calories i really need water that's what i need i'm gonna try to tackle all of this i ended up taking the pork spare ribs and just putting it all into my rice way easier to eat like this and it kind of breaks up the monotonous of the rice you know because we've had rice a lot today yeah now if you can't eat kimchi can you got home crunchy having pickles is such a game changer i was feeling so good going into this dinner [Music] i'm gonna try to finish breakfast but now i just have no it sounded so good earlier i have no desire to eat this right now i want to make matt stoney an entire dragon ball z or one piece feast and see if he can take it down that's what i want to do matt if you ever watch this video just hit me up i would absolutely make you dinner a little bit of yogurt and some fruit nope good yogurt good pineapple good honey [Music] i thought 3 500 calories wouldn't be an issue so when i go to do all my for the next one i need help who should i call on to help me with all might he is a monster we need two of me and or someone else who's way better at this than i am my dms are open could i become goku for a day no but i sure did try he's a character that helped me really reassess my fitness goals in life when i was younger why am i holding the spoon like this doesn't matter and i want to share that story with you next week when i talk about how anime really did save my life my name is chef pk and remember keep playing with your food
Channel: CHEFPK
Views: 2,318,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon ball z, dragon ball super, goku diet, goku training, 24 hours, eating like goku, 24 hour challenge, dragon ball, chefpk, chefpk Goku diet, I Tried The Goku Diet for 24 hours!, Japanese food, Japanese eating, Anime Food, Anime Food In Real Life
Id: SbGnP8iOg0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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