I Took it All Off His Hands

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what were you kind of wanting for everything I guess so I got a message the other day from guy named Ryan and he said he watched my videos in that he and his wife are about to move so looking to purge a bunch of stuff he says they've got like old toys electronics just like household stuff and asked if I wanted to come take a look at the stuff I said yeah that sounds good and he told me where he lived that is just like a mile down the road for me it's crazy how close he is so I'm heading there now see what he's got cool man yeah I'll pull down yes awesome man you got a bunch of stuff yeah so you hunt yeah cool man cuz this is awesome oh man this is the old school dude yeah I didn't put a battery in it to see if this still works okay no biggie 94 yeah other toys are ones that I used to buy and sell okay I was into the toys so thanks man a little bit of everything never use I did take it out okay all right you know I'll just kind of is it everything over here - yeah oh man you got a bunch of stuff yeah the borrower's oh this is cool over here yeah still neat though I love Ninja Turtle stuff when I was a kid these are all weapons and stuff accessories that go with some of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles okay I think there's some Masters of the Universe stuff in here too awesome so I match them all nice man you're a little bit everything here yeah yeah some of them were when I was a kid someone would now this I don't are you familiar a master you know there's not a whole lot this one right here this will this will bring in a about 30 bucks no kidding if it had the chain on it it would have brought you in about 90 wow that's incredible bands are hard to find the poseable ones yeah most of them came they were just a solid figure couldn't move none of the arms or anything yeah poseable ones are the more sought-after that's cool dude I need to learn more about toys sports stuff on though really well but toys you know I'm still learning now he's from that one's from actually he's from what is it Thundercats okay so I think his name's ma-mutt if you look him up on ebay MA and then - mu TT huh he has actually I don't know if I still have the mummy that goes with them they were a set see em I did have them mommy I don't know where he went though but yeah that's what goes okay I don't have this okay but and then I don't know these are not but this is the OEM it was used one time I had a 20-18 Jeep Wrangler you know this is the freedom top bag they go on eBay you could probably make 50 bucks on it oh you back freedom top bag yeah so you put the top of the Jeep in here yeah there's a divider and a styrofoam thing at the bottom that keeps them all sturdy so they don't scratch out awesome am and then I don't know these here go for pretty good I never I was dumb and took the tag off him but they are limited edition they're from 2016 though the canvas I think the last one on ebay the last sold listing said 200 but he accepted the best all kidding on all the Oakley forums they were selling right around 180 175 used cheese man but with us maybe but I'm just trying to get everything out and then one yeah new house I want to get back into you know yeah and then collecting and stuff but I just don't have room to store everything yeah well I'll tell you what man like I appreciate you contacted me like even if there's stuff I can't like if this is everything you want to get rid of like I can do something with it you know and I mean put it at the flea market for a couple bucks or a garage sale and try the that way you know what I mean I don't just pick your best stuff and right you're stuck with the rest you know so yeah yeah and I don't know if you collect anything like those two things in the box there I know there's no cool real old this one's obviously a newer one mm-hmm for your bread box yeah it's an old favorite bombers hmm jiminee antique booth oh nice our whole thing we were gonna do was repurpose it yeah yeah that's cool man I think it's really neat man hockey pants holy cow did you play I know my brother did it Oh awesome when he went to Bowling Green man my wife runs Bowling Green they were really good hockey team yeah he must have been a good hockey player if you play football you okay nice but that's kind of what he went to school for and then he got a job down very cool yeah they take hockey really seriously up there yeah huh all right so these two boxes everything here I haven't done any math yet but I can do some math what kind of number did you have in mind yeah and then the last I checked this word good okay yeah I'm doing just some quick math in my head the way I usually do it is like all add up what I kind of think I can get for everything B I always kind of ballpark stuff like it's hard to know you know what I mean yeah it's pretty new nationally that's nice I haven't done a whole lot with these like film SLR you don't I mean I know it doesn't bring much I wish I knew more about cameras the best way to do this you're gonna do it to get the most out of it is I would separate it I would sell this I separate the flash separate and then you can either take this off and sell it and then sell that by itself that's how you would get yeah then the lens looks really nice actually yeah because a lot of people already have the camera but they're trying to complete their set right [Music] I've never seen and I kinda want to watch it kind of has the did you ever watch like oh yeah yeah it kind of has a feel like that that's cool man yeah it's him against two guys that's funny man [Music] everything kind of probably with the oakley's - I'm thinking I could probably sell if around five or six hundred is that number kind of sound right to you okay what were you kind of wonder for everything yeah yeah you know you got to put in the work to get everything listed and sold everything yeah um I would like $200 sound to you is that too low no you sure man that's fine that'll work well as long as you think it's a fair deal yeah I never wanna you know right screw somebody over or whatever it's always be honest you're doing a huge huge help is getting it out of here alright man and I do appreciate that you see under man right right now don't I like get back into it and I've never sold on even that's one thing I want to know you never have no I've always done like on for all my toys and stuff they have all the Facebook yeah yeah you know Ninja Turtles and MOTU and everything okay never done eBay always it's pretty simple but once you decide to get started pick me up man like you're so close so you guys pump over and I can walk you through stuff there's a little bit of a learning curve but it's not too bad the fees I think it were what really that will everybody I hear that quick eBay it's always the fees because they're really weird how they do it like they invoice you once a month and it's for everything you sold like the previous month so you'll be selling and everything's fine and I'll so no I got a $500 bill that's weird then like they don't lay it out for you but like I can kind of show you that's yeah I think you know I think that's what gets people off guard you know what I mean right be a man when you're ready to give it a go put me up well that went really well well he enjoyed meeting Ryan is really a nice guy and he said that he hasn't sold on eBay yet but he might be getting into it and I told him to give me a call when he does because where he's moving is even closer to me he's gonna be right across the street there's a little bit of a learning curve with eBay it's not too bad but I told my kind of walking through some stuff and get him started a little bit there was a fair amount of stuff in there that I probably you know wouldn't normally buy but part of the reason he's doing is to kind of get rid of stuff you know what I mean so I'm not doing him any favors if I'm just kind of cherry-picking the best stuff so I wanted to kind of you know get rid of everything that he wanted to get rid of and that way he didn't have to worry about it anymore and you know I'll just kind of you know make the money on the other stuff so usually what I do is like you know stuff that's maybe not worth a whole lot and I can't sell it on eBay I'll just set it aside for when I'm you know you're gonna set up the flea market or garage sale or something like that just kind of get rid of it like that I usually do that once or twice a year what's really cool is I wouldn't have met Ryan and I've been making YouTube videos you know kind of I putting myself out there and showing what I do has opened up a lot of doors for me you know I've made a lot of friends and you know had some good business transactions just for me too so sometimes if you put yourself out there you know you network a little bit they could open a lot of doors that's it for this video guys thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cincinnati Picker
Views: 253,916
Rating: 4.8510346 out of 5
Keywords: american pickers, cincinnati picker, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale finds, garage sale haul, garage sale tips, yard sale tips, yard sale haul, yard sale finds, ebay, amazon, reseller, how to sell on ebay, ebay seller, ebay selling, ebay haul
Id: TLlMWqeo2LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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