I Took Coursera Online Courses. Is It Worth It?

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technology is hard to understand I'm not talking about technology like Samsung phone or iPhone or your laptop I'm talking about technology when it comes to development hi it's Ben Kim a random college student who wants to become a millionaire before he turns 30 and I'm building a startup called dilemma dilemma is a Q&A social media app designed for sharing and solving dilemas and since it's an app there has to be a code to make that app but in today's video I'm not talking about that I learned how to code by myself I wanted to make this video because I thought it would be interesting as a student who never learned how to code properly or understand technology prop properly what if I take online courses from corsera and learn them properly so that's what I did now as a broke student I didn't want to spend 40 something per month but fortunately they provided 7-Day free trial and I took advantage of that so my plan was in the next 7 Days learn as much as I can such as coding data cloud service or any other things and ultimately after some research I decided to take two courses one react native from meta and two azour from Microsoft now that's just the basic idea of what I decided to learn but when I first went to corsera I was surprised because when you try to learn something it's not like you pick one course and learn from it because in corsera there's two things specialization and a course a course is literally an online course it has videos quizzes and so on that's what I believe that I would take when I enroll in corsera but it turned out in order for me to take a specific class such as react native I had to be enrolled in a specific specialization now specialization is basically a bundle of courses so if I wanted to to learn about react native I'm not learning just about react native I'm learning the entire base of react and react native and there are other courses I have to take now if I was just a normal user I would take time and go to course one and learn and watch the videos take quizzes and go to course two and do the same thing course three and voila I have a certificate like I would do that but I'm not a normal user I'm broke I don't want to spend money I want to learn the knowledge as fast as I can in in 7 days so what I did is I enrolled in a specialization and then I just took the specific course I wanted to learn so these are the specializations that I enrolled in meta react native specialization and give me a second Microsoft azour fundamentals a900 exam prep that's the name and I think there are other ways to learn azour because I wasn't planning to take an exam or anything but it seemed like this specialization or this program offered the most knowledge about ozor so I took it in the past 7 days I tried my best to take the most knowledge out of the courses and now I'm here the free trial ended I canceled my subscription thank you and sorry corsera and this is my opinion about is it worth it to take corsera courses if you solely want to learn specific topics and also is corsera worth it for those who want to start a startup so you can apply that knowledge to it so starting with the first one which is is corsera worth it if you want to learn something my answer is yes it is and sure some of you might be saying hey it's not really that worth it because you can always Google them like the internet has all the information you don't have to take the courses there and I agree the things that I've learned from the courses such as react native or aour is something that they have it in their own homepage like if I wanted to learn something about aour I can simply go to the Microsoft resour page and learn what they offer but there are some advantages when you take courses from corsera the thing is I just had to sit down and then listen to what the person was saying there's a lot of visual stuff that's going on to tell us exactly what it does so from my perspective I don't have to spend so much time on researching a specific knowledge that I want to consume but I can just sit down and this instructor would literally teach me almost all the fundamentals of what I need to know and also every two or three videos there are quizzes that I have to take and these quizzes are pretty simple if you really paid attention to the videos it would be pretty easy also you just need to get over 80% to pass the quiz so overall I would say it's helpful that you will learn properly on a specific topic if you take courses online for those who are in school it's basically like that but you know if you're in college there are courses that don't really teach you practical stuff well in corsera online courses it really summarizes straightforwardly what you need to know so not only do you save a lot of time you save energy and if you're using the free trial you save money as well now going to the next part is corsera worth it for those who want to start a startup and apply that knowledge to their startup and I have a mixed opinion on this for example like I said I never learned how to code properly and I learned how to code by myself using chat GPT and GitHub co-pilot right now I know the fundamental tools of coding I know react native I know node.js I know GitHub I knowour I know net Maui like I know the essential parts to develop an app so that actually just proves that you don't need to take courses to learn something or to build a startup and also like I said there are specializations that contain multiple courses and most of the time I felt like the courses don't really align well with what I want to learn to apply to my startup for example when I was learning about react native they had other courses and I just looked through the us and it seemed like they were talking more about the web framework and HTML CSS and more of the website based code and which I would say if you want to get a job in computer science or anything coding related yes you would probably need to know these things because there's react and react native but as a student who's majoring in Hospitality business and I don't care if I get a job in CS or not I don't really want to learn about HTML and CSS I want to learn how to code an app so in that sense when you take courses on corsera you need to make sure what you want to learn so you can save time on learning a specific topic so what I want to say is I don't think you need to feel obligated to take courses to learn properly to start a startup you can definitely learn this by yourself there's Chach BT Claud there's so many other AI services that will teach you how to code and it will actually teach you the Essential Knowledge you need to know to build that startup but I also have to say there's a lot of other things that I've learned because through the courses I've learned new things from the coding that I didn't know and it also expanded my understanding standing on that topic and this is important because when you're talking to chat or GitHub copilot you need to know what you want because if you don't understand coding and you just say hey build me this app and it gives you a code and it gives you an error you need to know what is causing the error or like How does the structure of the code work if not there's a high chance that you're going to struggle a lot so in a sense that building basic knowledge of coding and using this knowledge to chat PT and get up copil to build your startup I think it's worth it but also at the same time you can do this by yourself if you're really passionate and learning things by yourself and you don't want to take online courses or pay extra there's nothing wrong with learning by yourself I mean I did it it took me a year but I mean I did it I also want to say this is specifically from my perspective and I only took two courses react n from meta and the azour courses from Microsoft and like I said you can just use Chach or gial Pilot to say hey I want to build this app what framework should I use or what services in aour should I use and these AI will tell you oh you should use azur SQL database to store these data and then use blob storage to store images or videos and you should do Firebase authentication and put the Firebase uid in the SQL database see right now it might be confusing but it literally told you what you need to know straightforwardly you just save so much time that what you have to do next is actually learn what is a Zur SQL database what is blob storage how does this work and what is the structure of the code and there you have it now you understand the basic structure of how to code an app or a website or whatever coding related project and now you just have to learn how to code which you will also use chpt or GitHub co-pilot or other AI Services after I took courses from corsera it taught me that it has never been this easier to learn how to code even a student who's majoring in Hospitality business is coding full MVP of a social media app and 95% of the coding knowledge that I have is from Chacha PT and GitHub co-pilot so that's about it I hope this video was somewhat informative and if you guys have any questions please comment below otherwise I hope I see you guys again bye-bye
Channel: Ben Kim
Views: 365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneurship, business, investing, millionaire, startup, productivity
Id: sahc2qsOTp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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