FASTEST Way To Learn Cloud Engineering and ACTUALLY Get a Job

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Cloud industry is exploding an $832 billion Market by 2025 and companies are desperate for cloud Engineers throwing six figure salaries at anyone with the right skills and the determination here is the cold hard truth 99% of people trying to break in this field are wasting their time they're stuck in a cycle of endless tutorials useless certifications and strategies that simply do not work in 2024 I've been in tech for over a decade and I've built multi-million dollar solutions for Fortune 500s launch my own cloud security business and help complete beginners land their dreamcloud jobs through my education company today I'm going to reveal the fastest most effective path to learn Cloud engineering and actually get hired this isn't Theory this isn't some feel-good pep talk this is the exact process that's helped people go from zero knowledge to Landing Cloud jobs in a matter of months and not years but let me be clear this isn't for the tire kickers or the daydreamers if you're looking for an easy ride then click away right now this is for the 1% who are ready to put in the work who are hungry for Rapid success who want to shortcut years of struggle if that's you if you're ready to Fast Track your way into one of the most lucrative Tech Fields out there then pay very close attention because in the next few minutes I'm going to hand you the blueprint to Leap Frog the competition and land a cloud engineering job faster than you ever thought was possible the clock is ticking your competitors are out there already and it's time to leave them in the dust now before we get started check out my weekly Cloud newsletter where I share free resources tutorials boot camps and so much more helping you make your Cloud move now you might be wondering why Cloud engineering why not software development data science or any other Tech field well let me break it down for you firstly the demand for cloud engineering is absolutely insane we're not talking about a slight increase here we're witnessing an explosion every single day more companies are migrating to the cloud from startups the fortune 500s they're all scrambling to find Qualified Cloud engineers and guess what there's simply not enough V to go around in fact every single day there's over 300 Cloud jobs being added to the US El this shortage translates directly into your pocket Cloud Engineers aren't just well paid they're amongst the highest paid Professionals in the tech industry the entry level positions start at $80,000 to $100,000 and if you have a few years experience you're looking at $150,000 $200,000 and even $250,000 for senior rolles and that's not even counting bonuses stock options and all those other perks like free food but it's not just about the money the career growth potential in Cloud engineering is unmatched in just a few years you could go from Junior Cloud engineer to a cloud architect designing multi-million doll projects or you could leverage your skills to start your own cloud consultancy like I did and here is the best part Cloud engineering just never gets boring new Services new technologies new challenges every single day you're not just maintaining systems you're building the future of technology because one day you might be architecting a scalable solution for a startup the next you are securing sensitive data for a government agency because the cloud is the backbone of modern technology it Powers everything from the apps on your phone to the AI systems shaping our world and as a cloud engineer you're not just riding the wave of the future you're actually helping to create it so ask yourself do you want to be stuck in a deadend job watching the tech Revolution pass you by or do you want to be at the Forefront with companies fighting to hire you with a skill set that will be in demand for years to come if you're ready to seize this opportunity to position yourself at The Cutting Edge of tech then Cloud engineering is your ticket and I'm going to show you how to punch that ticket faster than you ever thought was possible so let's talk about the paths to becoming a cloud engineer well the traditional route is a four years degree internships entry level jobs and slowly climbing the ladder it's it's far but it's slow we're talking years before you can even touch Cloud Technologies in the real world for clients but times have changed the industry moves too fast for that old school approach and that's where my accelerated learning method comes in it's not about replacing foundational knowledge it's about streamlining the process we cut the fluff focus on what matters and get your job ready in months now the first step is to master the fundamentals no negotiation here you need a rock solid foundation in five key areas networking operating system databases virtualization and programming let's start with networking this is how the cloud briefs Master TCP IP addresses DNS and low balancing without this you're going to be a little bit lost and then we have operating system especially Linux know how to navigate manage and troubleshoot on this OS then you want to learn about databases SQL and nosql understand data structures querying and management because data is the new oil and you need to know how to handle it and let's not forget virtualization this is the backbone of cloud computing learn about hypervisors containers and how to create and manage virtual machines finally let's talk about programming with python or typescript because you want to pick one and you want to get good at it you don't need to be a fully-fledged software engineer but you need to speak the language of Automation and then you want to just practice practice because practice is a non-negotiable set up a home lab build a virtual Network and deploy databases create and deploy VMS because the more you break and fix the faster you will learn because remember in Cloud engineering theoretical knowledge is just the beginning it's your practical skills that will set you apart so dive in get your hands dirty and do it with some urgency now speaking of fundamentals and building on the cloud this video is sponsored by digital ocean the cloud platform that kickstarted my own cloud journey and here is why it's perfect for beginners firstly it's Simplicity digital ocean user interface makes learning cloud Concepts a breeze it's also affordable because it's got predictable pricing which means you get no shocking bills when your free credits run out their documentation is also a gold mine for Learners and it's how they became the developers cloud and unlike the big platforms you don't need certifications to get started I actually remember it very well signing up to digital ocean and playing around with their droplet service which is basically their virtual machines I was immediately hooked digital ocean isn't just for devs anymore they're growing fast with startups and small businesses all while keeping things simple want to accelerate your Cloud Learning then you need to join the digital ocean deploy event on July 9th 2024 it's a virtual conference packed with expert talks case studies and networking opportunities you'll see firsthand how businesses are using digital ocean to build and scale rapidly with over 600,000 customers in 190 countries digital ocean is very serious about creating a great developer experience now go check out the link in my bio to register for the digital ocean deploy event on July 9th now let's get back to the blueprint for cloud engineering success so you've committed to mastering the fundamentals now it's time for a crucial step that most people Overlook building your online presence start documenting your journey right now today and not when you are an expert but as you're learning why well because it does two powerful things firstly it holds you accountable when you share your progress publicly you're more likely to stick with it it's like having thousands of accountability Partners next it builds your personal brand by the time your job ready you'll have a portfolio of your growth that sets you apart from every other candidate create a Hub account and start pushing your practice projects write LinkedIn post about what you're learning share your victories your struggles and your aha moments remember companies aren't just hiring your skills they are hiring you show them who you are and how you think now let's move on to choosing your Cloud platform and getting hands-on experience because it's time to pick your Battlefield AWS Azure or Google Cloud these are the big three but here is the thing for landing your first job it doesn't doesn't really matter which one that you choose what matters is that you go deep on one because AWS has the largest market share so to me that makes the most sense for beginners as there'll be more opportunities but just pick the one that excites you the most and commit but don't just read about it get your hands dirty and here is what you need to do you want to start by setting up a free tier account in fact all Cloud platforms offer you this start with the basics spin up a virtual machine set up some networks create databases then you need to challenge yourself build a highly available web application set up a cicd pipeline or create a serverless application break things then you want to fix them and that's where the real learning happens when you're putting yourself through challenges document every step share your projects ask questions in communities because the cloud Community is incredibly supportive so you want to use it remember Theory without practice is useless in this field every you spend building is worth 5 hours of just reading your goal is to become so familiar with your chosen platform that you can solve real problems with it because to be honest that is what employers are looking for not certifications not degrees but practical applicable skills to pick your platform roll up your sleeves and start building and let me repeat nothing matters more to you and your Cloud skills than building real Hands-On projects now a quick word on certifications because they're not the be all and end all but they are going to give you an edge and here is my advice about them start with Cloud agnostic certifications like the CompTIA Cloud Plus or the ccsp they give you a solid foundation across all platforms then for your chosen cloud provider begin with the foundational sir for AWS that's the certified Cloud practitioner for Azure is the AZ 900 for Google cloud is the associate Cloud engineer finally you don't want to se Chase one or two strategic certifications combined with your Hands-On projects is more than enough to land your first job along with everything else that I mentioned of course remember certifications complement your skills they do not replace them employers value practical experience over a wall of certifications and let's talk about employers and Landing that job because here's the truth companies are desperate for cloud Engineers but they're looking for problem solvers not certificate collectors and when you're applying you want to showcase your projects you want to explain the challenges that you faced and how you overcame them that's what sets you apart but let's be real this journey isn't easy you'll face challenges such as impostor syndrome and remember everyone starts somewhere your documented Journey proves how far you've come you will come up against information overload to stay focused and also you want to stick to your chosen path and your plan platform and finally don't get burnt out because this is a marathon and not Sprint so take breaks but never ever quit and applying for jobs takes dedication and consistency and my students inside my cloud engineer Academy are applying for jobs daily and they're securing interviews are big Tech with the likes of AWS now the key to overcoming these challenges is community you want to surround yourself with likeminded people who push you forward remember the Cloud industry is booming and it waits for absolutely no one the time is to start now commit to your learning build in public and take action and take advantage of events like digital ocean deploy to accelerate your growth which is linked in the video description now as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Tech With Soleyman
Views: 19,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become a cloud engineer, become a cloud engineer, what is a cloud engineer, cloud engineer roles and responsibilities, cloud computing, cloud engineering, how to become a cloud engineer in 2022, how to become a cloud engineer in 2023, how to learn cloud computing, cloud engineer, steps to become a cloud engineer, cloud engineer salary, path to learn cloud computing, how to become a cloud engineer with no experience, what does a cloud engineer do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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