I think it's time Williams drop Logan Sargeant...

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace Logan Sergeant finished his home Grand Prix the Miami Grand Prix in the wall this isn't the first time but it could be the last I think I've given Logan more patience and benefit of Doubt than most acknowledging his good underlying pace and just waiting for that time where he pieces it all together well I'm still waiting and to be honest now feels like the first time that I would say that if I was in charge at Williams I would probably be relinquishing Logan of his role it pays to say but I think I've given up on Logan Sergeant has James vs too though and will they swap him out mid-season could Antonelli really debut for them at just 17 years of age and what about all their other options well my name's Tomo let's talk about it at the end of the day Kevin Magnuson was given the penalty for his and Logan's contact in Miami that resulted in the American race being cut short the Dane was deemed mostly at four I'm not sure I agree for me it was naive of Logan to not expect kmeg to be there to go for that Gap around the outside when Logan had to take a shallower entry into turn one to defend against Magnuson you're always going to get a cut back there and a driver L magnuson's going to go for the Gap a gap that was there and look he was significantly alongside can you deem it holy alongside it's very gray area it's very very much on the cus Pence wire I wouldn't have given K Mega penalty but I wouldn't have given Sergeant one either I would have said race an incident for me that is now eight times he hasn't finished a race in his formula one career not including Australia by the way the race where he had to withdraw from because of Alex which makes 8 in 27 Grand Prix for Logan Sergeant that's almost a oneir dnf rate Australia 23 he punted deze on the restart Canada 23 he had an oil leak hungry 23 dropped it on his own zanol 23 he had a Hydraulics failure and shun it because of Japan 23 he harpooned Val and broke his and Val's car Qatar 23 he couldn't carry on in the conditions Mexico 23 is fuel pump fouled right at the end and finally Miami 24 contact with Magnuson it's not all been him the car has had its fair share of reliability issues granted but also these numbers neglect to inform of all the incidents he's had in practice and in qualifying Japan fp1 this year zanol qual last year and even last year's Singapore race where he hit the wall calls a safety car but got away with it with a front Wing swap Logan's time in F1 has been messy but I tell you what won't be messy your website if you build it with today's video sponsor Squarespace what a segue that's right Squarespace have been long-term supporters of this Channel and I'm here to tell you all about them I've been supporting them I've been using Squarespace for many a year long preda in this YouTube channel recently they introduced Squarespace blueprint yet another tool to make it an absolute Dole to build your very own beautiful online home be that a 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point he still done a pretty impressive job it's easy to make sweeping generalized judgments on drivers especially those who are young and inexperienced right you know you're only as good as your last race but I try and give benefited doubt where I can CU on top of that there is the actual real hidden Pace that Logan has actually shown and I say hidden because it's very easy to miss because it's not the big lights the big numbers that pop up in qualifying right cuz well unfortunately the reality is when those big opportunities come to lay those big lap times especially in qualifying more often than not Logan lets himself down however there has been so many periods where Logan has kept consistent speed relative to Alex a driver that's held in very high esteem by most people I mean look at this weekend in Miami for example okay courtesy of F1 Tempo with the numbers shout out once again after their first pit stops Logan and Alex were both on the hard Tire on lap 14 Alex was 2.3 seconds ahead of Logan by lap 22 just before the VSC the Gap was down to 1.7 they were very much matching each other blow for blow Logan slightly chipping away at Alex's Advantage up until that point yes it's only eight laps okay and there's so much Nuance but that is indicative of a driver who can keep it clean and can stay Pace wise race Pace wise you know Sunday is when the points are won and lost pretty close to Alex I think it's this kind of data that resulted in Logan keeping his seat at the end of 2023 plus the fact he's American okay of course right that goes down well with the overlords at derton I'm sure but the thing is even with all that he still ended up in the war that's kind of the problem like yes okay km mag was seen to be holy to blame I think Logan could should have done more as well I think it's a RAC inent I don't agree with the ruling I think self-preservation man in that moment like it's just not good enough km mag's been driving wild as of late and you can certainly make a very compelling argument that he doesn't deserved to be an F1 anymore right now we know HBO's leaving H I think maybe ban and someone else I'm not sure if K's that guy but that's a conversation for another day you know what they say about luck right it's a result of preparation meeting opportunity and I think Lando banked some some luck he's not had for a while now right to get that win in Miami the safety card came out at the right moment he saw the opportunity he was prepared to take it and comfortably won the race in the end Logan on the other hand can be seen as you know he's been on his fair share of of bad luck receiving end of some bad luck but does it does it work both ways perhaps he's not as prepared as he should be perhaps his Pace isn't there to capitalize when those opportunities present themselves because everyone gets opportunities Alex has taken many an opportunity in a Williams hence why you know particularly last year he's not had a great start to this season granted but but last year he was held in such high regard because whenever those opportuni presented themselves he was almost always there to capitalize like Logan never is yes Logan out qualified Alex for the first time in 27 attempts this weekend in Miami but it's only because Alex bottled his lap Alex was last Logan was 19th look perhaps if Williams were a fully fledged junior team they could take more of a chance on Logan going forward you know alfat took a chance on on Yuki soda Red Bull could afford to to give him that seat and let him be a bit rubbish at the start and a bit crash happy and a bit too emotional now now is's in his fourth year Yuki I'm saying like I think he's one of the most informed drivers in formid one right now for sure the fact is Williams aren't they couldn't be further from fenza in terms of their financial support and you know what they need from their drivers valam fry made some difficult changes and decisions over the winter break in the chase of you know short-term pain long-term gain and it's resulted in some pretty embarrassing moments for him you know you can't run a second car in Australia cuz you ain't got a spare sh and look they weren't the only team without spare chassis but at the end of the day what happened happened you play that game and they got burned but if Williams can lay the ground work now right even though the performances might Wan a bit and then fly 26 onwards right if they can get everything all their all their ducks in our own now they're not going to mind but unfortunately Logan's nearly man energy that's what I think of him as this potential is there it's so frustrating and he just never ever hooks it all up in a weekend this is why the Andre Kim Antonelli rumors just don't really sit well with me right cuz you know if you haven't seen special dispensation has been received in the FIA regarding Andrea Kim Antonelli right someone wants him in a seat before he turns 18 he's already got the super license points they could just wait until August till he turns 18 but someone's interested in getting him early it's not Mercedes cuz they're not quicking out Lewis midseason that's never happening it must be Williams that doesn't mean he is definitely who they're going for but it does mean that he's 100% an option that they are considering midseason but then if Williams are to replace Sergeant midseason well all the drivers on the grid who they've been linked to I don't see them leaving their teams early as well you know say an Aon or a botas right they're not going to leave Alpine or Saba respectively mid-season to go to Williams midseason then there's like all right what about dragovich or Lon or vesty maybe like their juniors who have proven done bits and are sitting on the sidelines but I don't see any of them names really shining out to me which then makes me think okay maybe it is actually Antonelli like if it's a mid-season swap I don't see anyone else realistically and sorry Muma fans but there's no way I'm sorry like he had his time in F1 he made too many mistakes that's not what Williams need right now cuz then Mercedes can make a decision on well maybe the stappen seems like a long shot or science botas could you know maybe stay at at saber if science doesn't go there and I think it makes sense for Mercedes like from toyo's point of view to stick you know Antonelli and the Williams I think is is the ideal situation give science a run next to George IIT you talked about that in my last video right maybe science out classes George and actually to was like sorry George mate but you've not done enough and actually it's antelli science long term who knows what I do know is that Antonelli can't be the right choice for Williams like surely right everything I've said about you know their precarious financial position the fact that they're building up the fact they've got a tricky car as well which I think he's catching out Logan is that the right shout for Antonelli who's still 17 and has bit been a bit spinny crash happy in F2 hasn't set that a light immediately just don't see how this makes any sense for Williams unless there is some serious financial compensation uh in the form of I don't know cheaper engines or whatever from Mercedes from Toto here's what James Val said himself guard in the anet rumors there was a rumor going around he'll be in the car for he won't be in the car for what we're doing at the moment is evaluating drivers for 26 and 25 when you go through a regulation change you really don't want to be changing drivers in 26 so you're looking for the right pairing for that period of time and there's no doubt he he's got huge skill to him but he was in a formula 4 car 20 months ago that that's where he is it's it's a very different proposition to most we've been talking to four or five drivers at the moment for that period of time and I'm I'm quite happy to sit back a little bit and wait I mean more so very interesting that he specified not for IMA but not never either it's quite clear from this interview that Logan Sergeant's back is against the wall absolutely I just feel like if Williams want to be taken seriously moving forward then them functioning as Mercedes junior team isn't that look for me the most suitable driver for Williams to replace Logan Sergeant would be V botas but that would not happen before the end of the season started his career at that team incredibly impressive at Williams at the start hence why he got the the Mercedes seat over Pascal verine I wasn't particularly impressed with VRI especially in the first year second year getting better seemed to get on top of that car more on top of Joe guu and this year he's been pretty consistently quicker than Joe you know he's got the experience he's a steady Pair of Hands he's worked with James vals in the past before so James knows what he's about to bring this team forward Al Bon botas would be a great lineup a great reliable yeah they're not crash happy drivers they're not known as being crash happy are they sure there's other options like okom would be cool but Alpine seem to be making steps forward they seem to be quicker than salba right now so maybe he stays sonoda would be exciting but I think actually for Williams maybe the liability of bass is probably worth more than that slight bit more speed I think Yuki has over valter Joe look I've already made the argument as to why commercially he makes so much sense for Audi but realistically like come on he he B has been slapping him up this season so far I don't think dropping Sergeant mid-season is a bad choice as long as the replacement is a serious and a appropriate one and do I think that's kimy Antonelli I don't think Andre kimy Anton I don't think he 17 year old doesn't matter who it is this is nothing personal against him at all but like that can't be the right choice for Williams not a team in their position no like all right fine if it was a to Roso and he was part of the Red Bull Academy give it a go Chuck him in the racing balls do it right but not Williams cuz I think the final chapter of the story and the final piece of the puzzle is perhaps someone actually behind the scenes perhaps a certain technical mind who's just become available yes of course Adrian Nei is leaving Red Bull after 18 years of service he's been in F1 since the what late to late to mid 80s and he did spend time at Williams 28 years ago at the end of 1996 was when he left he is the Mind behind the f W 14 probably the most iconic F1 car of all time certainly up there fw18 as well World Championship winning cars both of them does a reunion with Williams uh to help rebuild that team and get that team back to where it once was is that a more compelling offer to Adrian than Ferrari obviously Ferrari with Hamilton is always wanted to work with Hamilton but would he move to Marinello would he be happy with coming up with some kind of Frankenstein base in the UK to work is that best for Ferrari realistic ially like they seem to be on a good path right now with the technical leadership they have I'm not so sure actually um about that I the more I think about it the more I think actually Williams could be the place Nei ends up like he's not financially motivated anymore he's got all the cash he needs Adrian maybe that's the more exciting project for him what would you do if you were in charge of Williams right now let me know in the comments down below thank you again to squares space for sponsoring this video and everything I do much appreciated my name's Tom thanks again have a good t [Music]
Channel: Tommo
Views: 98,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tommo F1, Formula 1, Formula One, f1 youtube, f1 youtuber, formula 1 youtube, formula 1 youtuber, Tommo, F1 2023, Formula 1 2023, TommoF1, logan sargeant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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