i tested Poundland products for 24 hours

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I don't think garlic's pattern honestly for two pounds two pounds this cost me two pounds oh it's so strong whoa does this look like a cool like home cinema setup that was incredibly underwhelming next hello you sexy humans this is me subtly reminding you that the best merch in the world is now available as totally did not make me say this check the merch link in the description you're welcome how will I today I am bringing back an old school has video have you been on this channel for a while you'll remember this series I did on Tom land a few years ago I can't remember it I don't watch my videos but because I think everything I do is really cringe but I remember enjoying filming that series a lot and I kind of wanted to bring it back again for this video so in this video I will be testing Palomar products for 24 hours but those of you don't know power land is the store that sells a huge variety of things and majority of them cost only one now I cannot stress to you how cheap that is this is me testing power products for 24 hours let's do this let's go oh bit aggressive isn't it just I'm just gonna check the tap you away there are two products that I'm really interested to try out the based on being I visited shampoo but this is a shampoo and conditioner it's two-in-one baby and if there's one thing I am its lazy I picked this one because it looks fancy like I'm a big fan I am such a sucker for packaging like this could be awful this could absolutely strip all the nutrients for my head let's hope it isn't please this just shows how I have no idea about products if I saw this in someone's bathroom I would assume that it's a really fancy product I wouldn't think that it's gone up our shop it's got argan oil in it argan oil is really good to be here so I thought maybe that's me plane at sea okay another thing I just that is ohm it doesn't break very easily that was that was a test I passed oh I didn't even explain I currently have cast oil on my hair so we're gonna test this product by seeing how well it takes out the customer here the second product I'm gonna try is the Epsom salt it would be good to have less muscle pain I wonder why I have muscle pain probably is because of our bad posture and the fact that I'm a host up like this now this one I'll be honest with you I got this because I actually need this is just to wipe the shower stuff outdoors these are bad I've used these before they're not the best but when you're desperate like if I look at this stay on my look about actually does it that close after you dope I'm Way too insecure for that oh yeah like those are stores we can go and have like herbal medicinal treatments oh it smells really fake up to me smells kind of plastic so panty this is gonna fix all my muscle P it's a very strong smell I don't know if I want this next to my body it has such a strong smell I don't know if that's normal is that well you could have dispelled like this is what I normally use and then this is what I'm gonna use kind of slightly different it's fine I think I don't have to be more careful because this is a bit more basic [Music] another thing I did is I bought a brush but how are you supposed to brush your hair whilst it's still wet so like just if you come out of the shower got this one because it reminds me of the Little Mermaid hmm okay don't not during a pandemic I don't you know what this is a solid it feels really good quality as well it doesn't feel cheap kind of looks cheap but it doesn't feel cheap I was thoroughly impressed by the products to be honest the shampoo I mean I mean my hair does look shiny the razor did its job actually wasn't about I'm the epsom salts - I feel relaxed I am quite relaxed why not walking like like a widow if you've been watching my videos recently you'll know I am very into skincare than rolling I haven't lit cheese spent hundreds of pounds on skin care products you know what I ain't even mad about it at the end day it must Kentucky I say that with a gentle always the more I've been researching and educate myself on skin key the more I'm really cautious about trying different skincare product on my face I feel like I've worked really hard to get to a point where see this is what happens when you eat a bun to take away for a week my skin was doing so well and then I decided to eat takeaways for a whole week and my skin punished me for it oh I'm pretty sure this has fragrance in it and if you watch skincare tunnels like Hiram you know that you should stay away from fragrance such a scam me hi there welcome to my skincare routine where I just have one product because that's all I can find in the shop of all the things that I really struggled to find it was skincare products I don't know if that's a sign oh it's so strong okay I could smell the perfume that smell so strong so strong you could smell cookie from my world a lychee smells like I've got a bottle of you and just wait up Oliver are they okay say hi to my new skin it's kind of bread why do I look red personally I wouldn't use his product so I can't really recommend it because got fragrance in it and we do not stand fragrance in this household but I was gonna see if you have a budget that's maybe just good but then I don't know feel like there might be better products they can get on a budget honestly my head does feel really good I bought a hair table and this is what it looks like you just like that okay so I've done that I wrapped her all around and then what do I do I bring it up Oh like really tight I think I have too big of a head for this because oh okay so I managed to lock it in that way so this is my hair turban as you can see I've done a great job with all the hair sticking out of the back update on the skin now they don't have time to really be one with my skin I will say my skin and she doesn't feel bad it's quite soft and like plump I like it well there's no irritation or anything like that while we wait for the turban to do its thing I am gonna put on so they smart no foot masks I'll be honest with you my feet aren't the best my feet that situation there is like really tough like you can grate cheese on that thing so maybe this will be the answer to all my foot dreams uses an anti inflammatory formula to do reduce there are Cosby reading if reading is not my strongest point oh look it's like little slippers how long do I put this on 20 minutes oh that's so cold oh my god this feels weird oh okay it's second I'll slipper there we go that's one thing oh wow that does feel weird okay we're gonna go sliding oh they don't come huh okay time to take these bad boys off and fail okay so that was incredibly underwhelming next now to test out the makeup they didn't have a lot of shades when it came to the foundation and there's no way for me to test or anything like that so I literally picked oh I just made a guess so I chose a shade olive from then I picked this up apparently this one palette has everything you could possibly need it has foundation contour bronzer blush and highlight Oh acne looks pretty decent you know so this is what the palette looks like please I don't actually wear foundation anyway especially the summertime I tend to avoid wearing foundation because I don't like them I don't like my face feed into heavier thick so we're just gonna blend it all it this is what my foundation looks like I don't think it looks our bad and I think it did a good job on much my skin tone which is wild because I literally guessed I am very impressed for the foundation is it the best foundation ever no but we weren't expecting it to be because it's from the pound shop but if you're someone who's on a budget and you're really desperate to wear foundation then this isn't a bad option the only time I ever bought makeup from the one pound shop is when I was a teenager and I had no idea about makeup and back then I was only buying makeup because I didn't like the way I looked and I desperately just wanted to do something to make a look better and I think I bought mascara from the pound shop over quality it was the worst thing and was definitely not good for me but I was just so desperate that I wanted something but that was a long time ago and the pawn shop has definitely improved since then now I don't think this is a bad option though the look that I'm gonna go for today is not looking dead oh okay okay a little goes a long way folks I'm definitely doing this wrong if it when people come for they do stuff like it oh this is just I already know this is gonna go really bad as I continue to put some more more views and when blending with a brush doesn't work use your baby hood I quite like the look of this color so I'm gonna put this on my cheeks oh this is not so bad so this is a finished makeup look it don't look too bad I honestly don't think that looks too bad I don't think our looks pattern honestly for two pounds I'm not mad about it you know we'll make two pounds this cost me two pounds for my lips I thought I'd be a bit braver and put some color in it okay so the finished makeup look people I must say I am massively impressed everything on my face cost three pounds three pounds I would never go for this color ever but uh I don't think it looks too bad on with it so this is a final look let me know your thoughts what you'd rate it out of 10 I'm pretty happy with it now we're gonna test out food I'll be honest with you there was a little heart of food options there was a lot of like snacks like biscuits crisps and chocolate the only thing I could find that was like a meal on its own was this so if you're not from the UK this is what we call a pot noodle it's like our version it's like the British version of instant noodles and this is like a really popular brand in the UK I don't know why because it's I'll be honest with you it's not my grace so let's cost me one pound I'm just for comparison right this right here this right here my favorite ramen noodle it's the samyang fire noodle one terms of price they both cost the same this is my all-time favorite food ever this one I don't know but we shall find out water is hot the reason why this is called a pot noodle is because you literally make it in the pot so it's like the dream for lazy people like me who don't like so inside you have a sachet and that's like the hot sauce mmm hot sauce but then the British version of a hot sauce is a very spicy your heart so I don't have high hopes for that but it's some flavor we're getting some flavor it literally looks like it doesn't even look like food right you just fill it with hot water up until the line now for my activity so I got this dress and it's lovely but I do want to kind of shorten it a bit so I bought sewing stuff I was really surprised but you can buy sewing stuff from Palmer I thought I was gonna have to spend a lot of money on sewing equipment or we shall test out how good this is but I'm not that fussy so I got literally so much rug - I've got like so much fund of sewing stuff and I'm gonna use all of this - hopefully so it do I know how to sew no but I mean how hard can be are those are very basic I'm looking I'd like as long as you can't tell I think I'll be fine now I'm gonna sew for the rest of the evening whilst I have my pot noodle which I accompany for go back it's sturdy so we have a little taste test go on then oh very mushy this is truly Britain's finest right here yeah she doesn't taste not bad okay go on into is I have really low expectations it's above that so that's good does it taste good no if I was starving and there was nothing else in the house I would eat I choose not bad it's not bad it's really not about I don't hate it and in my book such a success oh it's very messy to eat but notice but the lip color is holding up now to do some so II I use the word sewing very lightly here I have no skills so am i doing this well we're doing this I couldn't let you picked up a board game or like a back with a ball I chose to do sewing okay hello do this I feel like I absolutely slandered this and now I'm trying to this my redemption okay so the more I have it the more I like it I don't know it's the monks it's still not as good as Robin come on now let's be said somewhat like this I didn't know I did this thing until people pointed out to me but apparently when it closed my eyes only one like one closer before the other I think I'm broken so that's interesting I'm gonna close it partly one closes before the other that's really weird I don't know what's going on they're home the point of this is um I'm actually enjoying it now Oh next product I'm gonna test is this I think multicolored light bulb so this is a lipo vigor and this is a size it should be there's a big difference oh maybe this one will work success oh shut up it actually worked as a rule it's like a disco in here oh you know they actually lightens up the roofer I really really like that you can get different cut oh I like them red you know what that is alive that's a real life let's change well that's a nice color whoa do those look that's a cool like home cinema setup if I just think put up a little bit I've got color blend thread so I'm gonna use a clear one and then hopefully that means you want me to see it when I'm sewing it all the way through though I have this clear string right and I have my glasses on but it's still too clear that I can't actually find the end of it how am I supposed to get a string out huh I have the string but I'm unable to open and get the string and it is very frustrating Oh what I did but seriously someone help me please guys did that sewing is really hard it takes ages and I can't be bothered with it I give up I give up first of all the string is to please I can't really see what I'm doing you know what I I don't want this enough to be honest I'm happy with it being long I'm gonna have to like undo my mistake so I'm gonna go to bed now and we shall resume this video tomorrow and is now tomorrow every time I make these cheap budget videos I realize how much I take for granted like in the UK it's so normal to get such a big variety of products but just one pound but every time I make these videos I get comments about like how crazy cheap the UK's in comparison to other countries and it's wild to me we really are quite lucky actually really enjoyed make this video and I don't even know why oh now to check out the hashtag it's might have for those of you don't know i've created the hashtag it's my task which is basically just a positive space for you guys to share anything you want you can post it on social media instagram twitter all you can do in the comment section below maybe i'll pick yours and put it in a video this is my instagram and twitter definitely go follow and check it out if you'd like to this week's hashtag it's my testicles ah bee the talent in this room is astronomical I am a 35 year old bald male why am I watching this basically this was in my glow up video where I do makeup so assuming that's why they said that and then you guys are spawn did with grow-ups have no age or gender all about personal growth we got a queen and it gets better it gets better you're on the good side of YouTube don't worry cuz you're extra they don't lie we all have a child in us I still very much think I have a child my favorite movies Peter Pan I do believe in fairies I do I do because everyone loves toys I don't think that's true but that made me happy keep feeding that ego my head is gonna huge I'm a 55 year old bald male it is not just about the makeup it is a positive vibe and the attitude of trying different things my heart like this red is just so positive and I'm obsessed with it and then the original car was edited saying tears after many likes and comments on my post I have to say your fans are very kind and welcoming you should be extremely proud I am I'm so proud I just I'm just very grateful for you guys and how supportive and kind you are you guys make me want to be better I just read that comment and it just made me really happy yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know if you want to see more of these kind of videos or what kind of videos you is even want to see feel free to share everyone on the hashtag it's fine towers and maybe I'll pick yours and that thank you so much for watching I hope you're doing well please know that you matter I love you lots and I shall see you guys next time like so what dude
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 654,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poundland, £1, money, cheap, budget, challenge, 24 hours, free, uk
Id: bXnEGaCo8SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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