I Tested Europe's WORST Rated Airlines

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would you ever fly on Europe's worst Airline because according to Google and hundreds of people telling me Ryanair and wizard are tied to be the worst Airlines in all of Europe people complained about canceled flights hidden hidden and even went as far to say that everything about them was awful so I decided to fly over 6 000 kilometers across the world where I landed in Lisbon Portugal because I needed to see how bad these Airlines could actually be someone like my normal videos where I only review one Airline today I'm going to be reviewing two and putting them head to head against each other both whiz air and Ryanair are considered to be the two worst Airlines in all of Europe and on top of that they're both budget Airlines so it makes sense to put them Head to Head now the first time I ever flew Ryanair the check-in process was a complete disaster but last night when I was doing it I was actually quite surprised after getting the check and email I was brought to this page overviewing my trip but for the next step in the check-in process after that the Ryanair up sales Shenanigans began with them trying to sell me Insurance extra baggage and even the option to buy fast track security but I wasn't gonna fall for this so I ended up skipping it and completing the check-in process but that's when I noticed this air so at least this time I was able to check in but because I'm a non-european resident I have to apparently show my documents or something like that and on top of that I couldn't even get my boarding pass either so we're gonna have to go to the desk and talk to them right now and I thought I'd be flying under the nicer terminal one but it turns out at Lisbon airport there's a terminal too where all of the budget airlines fly out of and the only way to get there is by bus so I ended up wandering around until eventually I found where I needed to be and got on board now normally you'd think terminals are next to one another but this was over a kilometer away meaning even if I wanted to walk it would be a hike but eventually I made it to terminal 2. now this was definitely way smaller and less nice than the other terminal but now that we're here it's time to get my boarding pass and see what the documentation error was all about hi there how are you good morning uh it's I said I needed to confirm documents because I'm a non-eu citizen for my flight yeah it wouldn't let me get my boarding pass either because of that no problem desk over there over there okay thank you well that was surprisingly easy I thought they were actually going to weigh my carry-on but they didn't because I think it's slightly over the 10 kilogram limit and I think the fee would have been like 40 euros or something crazy and just in case you've never flown Ryanair or a Budget Airline they will charge you for any additional baggage and if you're even slightly overweight or oversized they will Target you as I'll show you in just a bit before getting on my Ryanair flight but apparently now I have to go to another desk to get it properly stamped for my documentation so we're gonna do that and it looks like it's that one right there Hi oh thank you all right that went surprisingly smooth so now let's make our way through security head to the gate and hopefully we can find a lounge and thankfully I was through security in literally two minutes it's crazy to see the differences between European security and North American Security it feels so much more chill here and even going through the scanners you don't even have to take your laptop out which is definitely new for me but I'm not complaining but now that we're in the terminal let's go try and find a lounge hopefully get food and then we just have to wait for the flight because that is the most important part because last time it was kind of sketchy and that's because last year when I was reviewing Ryanair they had given me a gate on my boarding pass that turned out to be the wrong one and after realizing I had to Sprint across the airport and I almost missed my flight because they never updated me on the change so hopefully it doesn't happen again this time anyways after making my way through the duty free I arrived in the main waiting area which was extremely busy even though this terminal had a few stores to check out there was no Lounge so I had the choice between McDonald's and a cafe so I opted for a sandwich that was pretty good but soon after it was time to head to the gate and even though we were over an hour until departure Ryanair gave the alert it was now time to start boarding alright so they moved us to the this terminal here and there is literally no seating besides like these tiny little ones over here so it looks like we're standing for the next hour while we wait this terminal is pretty bad luckily we are still on time and the gate hasn't changed which is great because last time I flew Ryanair they changed the gate last minute without telling anyone which made me almost miss my flight anyways while we were here before the flight I thought that now would be a great time to read you guys some of the reviews that companies and people have said about Ryanair just in case you have no idea who they are right off the bat you have articles about how Ryanair was named the worst short haul airline with 75 percent of people saying they'd avoid flying on it but what's even worse is that allegedly they had been accused of giving bonuses to staff who catch people with oversized or overweight baggage this seems to carry over into customer reviews as well with people saying it was the worst flying experience they've had because of hidden fees and multiple people have even went as far to say that they are the biggest thieves among European airlines calling them a scam and how everything about them is awful and on top of that they can still easily slap me with a fee for my carry-on bag at the gate so fingers crossed that doesn't happen to us and remember this is only the first flight because as soon as we land we're going to be flying whiz air to see which is actually Europe's worst Airline I don't know why I do these videos I am slightly terrified now at this point I notice more and more people starting to queue even though it hadn't moved in 20 minutes and as soon as I got in the line the Ryanair staff began inspecting baggage and charging people if it exceeded limits hello is that all you see yeah perfect thank you now I understand it's their jobs but it honestly felt quite predatory and on top of that they wouldn't even help elderly people put their luggage into the bag Sizer hi there thank you today I was gonna be flying on one of ryanair's many 737 800s and it was my first time ever experiencing split boarding so I just stayed in the first line which turns out to be a massive mistake I was seated near the back of the plane but I didn't realize this and I wish there was someone outside helping direct people because after climbing on board the chaos began the vast majority of passengers had also made the same mistake boarding at the wrong area which caused plenty of congestion but anyways after a few more traffic jams I finally made my way to my temporary seat right off the bat you can see just how cracked and worn the seats on this Ryanair flight were and on top of that they were still dirty from the flight before and after an initial Comfort test they seemed pretty comparable to other budget Airlines now OnePlus was that each seat did come with armrests that went up and down but unfortunately there was no padded headrest besides the bare minimum making our way to the overhead there was genuinely a lot of space for bags but turning our 10 mentioned back to the seats you can see just how messy it was I am honestly confident there was no cleaning done between flights based on how things looked now being only five foot eight there was basically no legroom whatsoever so if you're taller than me I definitely suggest paying for the additional leg room as for the rest of the seat there was some slight wear and tear and even though there was a decently sized tray table it didn't pull out whatsoever now just before taking off someone had asked me to switch seats with their wife so I happily did so and moved to the very back of the plane and soon after getting there we began leaving the gate today I'd be taking a two and a half hour flight from Lisbon to London Stansted and before I knew it we were on the runway and making our way into the sky foreign I noticed a QR code on the back of the headrest to access the menu which turned out to be quite useless because it then directed you to downloading their app and since we were flying this wasn't possible and despite this eventually the flight attendants came around to sell food and drinks which I passed on now I don't know if this was dirt or the bathroom leaking but since I was already beside them I decided to do a loo review overall the bathroom was pretty basic with decent Headroom but was left in a disgusting state from previous passengers which wasn't great to see after making my way back to my seat it was at this point when I realized how uncomfortable the seats actually were because my back was now extremely sore but luckily it was a short flight above my seat I was happy to find a working reading lamp and air conditioning and just when we started making our descent I noticed a commotion in the middle of the plane with all of the flight attendants and it turns out that someone was having a panic attack but luckily we would soon be landed now I had the person in the window seat film this for me but they forgot to do the landing which was Pro probably due to the fact it was one of the roughest I have ever experienced [Music] but anyways now that I was done with the first flight on Ryanair it was now time for our second flight on Wiz air so we can truly see which is the worst airline in all of Europe so after taking a train from Central London to Luton Airport it was now time for the flight so I didn't actually know this but Luton is apparently the United Kingdom's worst airport and apparently was there is tied with Ryanair to be the worst Airlines in all of Europe so right now we're kind of getting a double whammy but now let's head inside and check in for this second flight so we could really see which airline is truly the worst in Europe now I'll be honest I was able to check in last night and compared to Ryanair I felt like this website was way better not only did it look better but it was also way easier to navigate and I also felt like they made it a lot easier to skip additional purchases which was nice to see but now it was time to head to the Wiz air desk so they can finally print off my boarding pass well I think I'm priority so hopefully we're in the right line here good morning I wasn't able to print off my boarding pass last night so I was wondering if you'd be able to help me with that no I'm just gonna bring it as a carry-on okay because in the system you covered yeah I saw that too I wasn't sure why but I think I'm just gonna bring it as a carry-on thank you departures are just over there right perfect thank you so much all right well that was surprisingly smooth based on some of the reviews I was reading I was expecting that to be way more busy and way more complicated but somehow that wasn't the case so I guess now we're gonna head to departures go through security and then it's going to be time for the flight but what I didn't realize was that Luton would soon live up to its reputation as a questionable airport while the streak of being randomly selected at airports continues it's kind of weird that I've been to three airports on this trip and my liquids have been completely okay but then for some reason at this airport they decide nope you can't have some of them so half of my liquids are now gone which sucks because I have to rebuy them and on top of that security wasn't busy at all and it took half an hour for no reason but anyways I'm like Lisbon this airport actually has a lounge so we're gonna go check it out and see what it has in store for us and remember right after the lounge we'll be flying whiz air but after my first flight I needed at least some sort of reward before going on to the next horribly rated Airline walking into the lounge I was greeted to a massive bar and tons of food to choose from there were snacks fruits juices hash rounds and much more with tons of seating areas to go along with it before getting seated I looked around and noticed there was a nice little work area and something called snooze pods where you could come and come for your flight buying food on the upcoming flight I decided to load up and overall the food was absolutely delicious anyways while we're waiting in the lounge here I thought that now would be a great time to read you guys some of the reviews about what is air just in case you have no idea who they are right off the bat wizard is considered to be the UK's worst short haul airline with numerous Outlets labeling it England and Europe's worst Airline things only get worse with the customer reviews though because whiz air has more terrible reviews than any other category combined people complained of not getting refunds after canceled flights calling them shady and the worst airline in history were One customer proceeded to write an essay about how they would never fly with whiz air again so now you can understand why I am slightly concerned to be flying them just like I was with Ryanair and it's definitely going to be interesting to see which of the two airlines are actually the worst because between you and me they both seem pretty terrible anyways overall I'd have to give that Lounge a solid 7 out of 10 but the gate for my flight just kind of popped up on the board and it turns out it was on the other side of the airport so we're going to make our way there to finally see what Wiz air is actually like now at this point I was starting to realize how Luton ended up getting its reputation because of how small and insanely busy it was hiking my way through the airport I eventually made it to the other side and spotted the flight that I would soon be on normally people would have to line up in a massive queue but somehow I booked priority by accident so I was happy to skip the line ahead of everyone else hi there thank you thank you so much now I'll be honest priority boarding did literally nothing because everyone was herded into this tiny area past the boarding gate where we had to wait until everyone slowly funneled their way through the doors ahead but now it was time to finally see what Wiz air was like similar to Ryanair there was a split boarding process with nobody on the ground directing passengers but luckily this time I double checked to make sure I was actually in the front of the plane and this was a smile of fear because I had no idea what to expect after entering the plane I was greeted by two lovely flight attendants before making my way through the aircraft to my seat right off the bat comparing the two Airlines you can see that the Wiz air seats were much newer and appeared to have more padding compared to Ryanair after an initial Comfort test it was hard to determine if they were actually better or not so we would have to wait and see right off the bat compared to Ryanair these seats and Floors were much cleaner even in areas that are normally a mess now one thing that I will say is that similar to Ryanair the leg room on this flight was horror horrible and being 5 8 I think I had only an inch of extra space and I'm pretty sure there was actually more room on my previous flight making my way to the overhead I found the lamp and air conditioning which was thankfully working and in terms of bag storage similar to Ryanair there was actually a pretty decent amount but anyways since this plate boarded so quickly soon enough we began pushing back from our gate and started making our way towards the red one for today's flight I'd be flying an hour and 55 minutes from London to Prague and soon after taxing to the runway we were making our way into the sky [Music] foreign I decided to investigate the seats some more where I noticed the pouch was a pretty mediocre size having things like the safety menu and magazine which was absolutely destroyed and on top of that the garbage bag was stuck to it and I don't even want to know how that happened similar to Ryanair these seats didn't recline and the tray table on the flight was half the size as the ones on Ryanair but at least this one pulled out now the seat did have some basic wear and tear similar to Ryanair but this was honestly common on any Airline so it wasn't that big of a deal but one thing that I did notice was the hanger on the side of the seats which was definitely a nice touch now this might just be me but I also appreciate the fact that the headrest was empty instead of having an advertisement that I would need to look at the entire time but now that we were over halfway through the flight it was time for the bathroom review obviously keeping in mind it's a different aircraft this bathroom was pretty comparable to Ryanair in terms of the basics but one thing I will say is that it was much cleaner even after a few passengers had already used it now if after making my way back to my seat I noticed the flight attendants completing their rounds on food and drinks which I decided to skip because similar to Ryanair nothing was included and since this flight was just under two hours after finishing up the plane began making its descent into Prague for landing which was way better than the landing I had on Ryanair earlier so now one big question remains is wiz or Ryanair Europe's worst Airline well right off the bat the check-in process has to go to Wiz and before even boarding the flight they weren't nearly as predatory as Ryanair who went up to almost every passenger to see if they could charge them extra in terms of the flights themselves I would also say that whiz air was much better with more comfortable seats and a much better Landing because I still can't get over how rough ryanairs was now remember these were only two flights I got extremely lucky with no delays and this is not how every play is gonna be but this time around I have to say that Ryanair is definitely the worst airline in Europe anyways if you enjoyed this video watch this one next where I flew North America's worst Airlines
Channel: Eric Struk
Views: 1,264,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryanair, RyanAir Landing, Wizz Air, World's Worst Airline, Ryanair Worst Airline, Ryanair Tiktok, Ryanair Bad Airline, Worst Airline, Erik Struk, Eric Struk, Budget airline, Aviation, Budget Travel, Flights, Flying, Ryanair Review, Eric Struk Review, Wizzair Review, Ryanair VS Wizzair, Travel, Budget flight, Cheap flights, Cheap Airline
Id: 1MMsx4cVfWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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