Europe's BEST vs WORST Airline

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what if I told you Europe's worst Airline was better than the best well according to google LT hanza and Ryan a were voted the best and worst airlines in the entire continent but is this actually true or a complete lie so up first today we're going to be flying lift hanza which is supposed to be the better Airline and I've only ever flown them once in my life before so it's going to be super interesting to see what they're like today and so far last night when I was doing the online checkin experience we got off to a pretty smooth start after getting the check and email I was brought to the main lift hanza site before being able to select my seats agree into having nothing dangerous and then I was all checked in and ready to go now there's one huge problem I discovered this morning so I'm going to tell you guys about that in just a bit but before I do that I think it's time we head inside the terminal to grab our boarding pass today I was going to be flying out of copenhagen's Terminal 2 and making my way into the airport it was time to use one of the kiosks after selecting my Airline and typing in my booking reference I had to once again confirm that I had nothing dangerous before being able to print out my boarding passes all right so luckily I was able to print off my boarding passes without any issues but this is where the problem comes in so today I'm flying from Copenhagen Denmark to Naples in Italy and I thought it was only supposed to be one flight but it turns out there's two so the first flight is Copenhagen to Munich then Munich to Napoli and the problem with that is that Luft hanza scheduled me on a 30 minute layover first of all I didn't even know a 30-minute layover was possible because it is so extremely short and on top of that if there are any delays whatsoever and I miss my second flight that means Luft hanza is going to have to put me on a flight tomorrow morning because the flight that they put me on is the last flight of the day that means I can't have any delays and once I actually get to Munich I have to be one of the first people off the plane and hopefully they'll hold it from me or there's going to be someone there to get me to the next flight and trust me later in this video I could have never imagined what was about to happen to me but before we get there I had to head upstairs and make my way through airport security all right well Copenhagen security went super smooth I didn't get double inspected and it was also super quick so we're going to have to add a point to the tally and I also love just traveling in Europe because I never get double inspected but anyways now that we're done all that it's time for us to go find a lounge and apparently there are two of them in this airport for us to check out so let's go do that right now and see how good they are and thankfully the lounges today weren't hard to find and up first was The carlburg Aviator Lounge making my way inside there was a ton of room to relax and socialize or to sit and eat a meal so now what was the food situation like well there was a variety of different salads and pastas an arrangement of different lunch meats crackers cheese and breads along with a ton of different dips and spreads but one thing for sure is there was a ton of alcohol including carlburg beer on top different juices Coffee and Wine but I just grabbed a water and something light which was pretty good but now it was time for the second lounge called Aspire making my way upstairs I found it super funny that ice cream and burgers weren't allowed inside but regardless once I entered this place it was massive having tons of areas to sit overlooking the Concourse down below but how was the feel food well similar to the first Lounge there was a ton of different types of cheese lunch meats dips toppings oils snacks rice cakes breads coffee machines wines and juices but I just got a tiny plate before having to leave for my flight so overall I'd have to say that both lounges I went to were actually pretty solid the first one was definitely a little bit smaller than the second but in my opinion it had some better food but at both places the staff were super friendly so overall I'd give the Aspire a seven and the other one an eight but anyways there's now only 10 minutes until my first flight is supposed to board to so I thought I'd take this time to tell you guys a little bit more about lift hanza just in case you've never flown them before and have no idea what to expect right off the bat Sky tracks is given them a certified fourstar rating and when it comes to Trip Advisor they're rated three and a half stars with numerous Awards displayed with the majority of reviews being really good but there are some terrible ones too on one hand people say things like they have the worst customer service ever that the leg room isn't great that they damage bags and overall that they are a nightmare but on the other hand people Rave about the super nice ground staff excellent trips and that they'll only ever travel on L hanza so obviously even though it's considered a really good Airline the reviews from people are super mixed apparently they're super bad with baggage sometimes with the layovers it's a disaster but anyways I think it's time we head to our gate because one boarding is supposed to be soon and two I need to let them know about my layover that's only 30 minutes that way they could hopefully have someone there waiting for me or potentially hold the plane because I really don't want to miss my flight to Italy and don't forget that after LT hanza I still need to fly ryion air which is the worst airline in Europe and I have a feeling they are going to be a miserable experience excuse me once I land in Munich I have a 30-minute layover is there any way of like letting the ground crew know there is it a separate ticket uh it's the same booking okay then the not they'll know okay perfect thank you so much so apparently since it is the same booking they're supposed to be aware that I only have a 30-minute layover so let's see what happens because I have had friends in the exact same situation before missed their 30-minute layover on lift hanza and then they basically told told them to f off so hopefully that doesn't happen to me and I guess there was only one way to find out how this would all play out since it was now finally time to begin boarding and I was not prepared for what was soon to come now the flight attendant that greeted me was going to be an important character in just a few minutes but before then I made my way through the cabin to my seat in row 15 checking things out the first thing that I noticed was that on this aircraft there was no inflight entertainment which was to be expected for a short flight like this but how about the seat Well the butt cushion was super soft but when it came to the back and headrest they were way stiffer with basically no padding whatsoever but at least the leg room was actually pretty decent all right so some initial thoughts so far the suit itself is super thin like when I mean thin there is basically no fabric whatsoever the cushion I'm sitting on isn't too bad that's actually pretty comfortable but it's more the back padding that doesn't really have that much and as for the layover situation I'm only in row 15 so I might actually be able to get off the plane pretty quickly but in the meantime we still have a lot more that we need to explore make my way underneath the seat there was a ton of room for storing any bags and on top of that things were super clean as well checking out the armrest I was happy to see that this seat was able to recline with a really good amount of pitch which pissed off the German guy behind me since he ended up kicking my seat back uppr right so it looks like I won't be relaxing on this flight anyways making my way to the overhead I was happy to find the working reading lamp and air conditioning along with the upper bag storage being able to fit a ton of stuff inside now where I was seated luckily I had one and 1 half Windows which was a nice but checking the time it turned out we were actually starting to run pretty late but soon enough we began pushing back from the gate and hopefully I won't end up missing my connection like I mentioned earlier for today's First Flight I'm going to be flying about an hour and a half from Copenhagen to Munich and soon after getting to the runway it was time for takeoff now that I was in the air I decided to check out the seat some more starting with the inflight Wi-Fi in order to connect all I had to do was select the network and follow the prompts but unfortunately only 30 minutes of texting were free and if you wanted anything else you needed to pay up to €1 in order to stream for the entire flight moving on to the seat pouch it came with a waist bag safety pamphlet with all the usual things shopping magazine and also the menu for the flight inside there were various meals available for purchase including a ton of different types of snacks including a bunch of drinks which was perfect timing since the crew had began their inflight service so the next thing I did was get my trade table out which was is super decent size before getting my complimentary water bottle so now that I'm a little bit over halfway through the flight I thought I'd share my thoughts so far so right off the bat when it comes to the seating it's definitely not great but it's also not terrible like I was saying earlier the butt cushion is pretty good but the back rest is super solid but luckily since the flight's only about an hour and a half it's not terrible now one thing about Luft honza that is super good is they are very very Speedy the boarding process was incredibly quick as soon as we were all fully boarded we pushed back from the gate right away and then as soon as we we got in the air the inflight service started right away as well but now there's still about 30 minutes left in the flight and a few other things that I need to check out and then we're going to be landing in Munich and remember we only have a 30 minute layover so there's a very high possibility we might miss that flight so stick around because who knows what's about to happen and at this point I needed to use the bathroom so I think it's time to see what that's like making my way inside it was actually a really decent size with everything you would come to expect including a lot of Headroom but my favorite part was the AC on the wall to blast me while doing the business but anyways after finishing up in the bathroom I made my way back to my seat just in time to see the flight attendant from boarding serving everybody chocolate so obviously I needed to get some but then something unexpected ended up happening all right so the craziest thing just happened so the guy that was handing out all the chocolates was one of the nicest flight attendants I have ever met in my entire life because I had such a short layover I decided to ask him if 30 minutes was enough time in Munich and then he offered to move me up to business class just to make sure that I'd be one of the first people off the flight I have never been on an airline before that offered service that amazing so right now I am chilling in row three of business class meaning I'm going to be one of the first people off the plane Luft hanza customer service and the flight attendance get a solid 10 out of 10 and while we're in this business class we may as well review it too now since this is a short commuter flight I'm going to use the term business class lightly because it's really just more leg room and less people which is why I was able to get an entire road to myself but regardless I really appreciated it and guess what I ended up asking at the perfect time because soon after getting there we started our descent into Munich and before I knew it we were coming in for landing and now for the Moment of Truth to finally see if I actually make my connection or not thank you so much byebye you're welcome have a good one so after getting in the terminal I checked the board only to realize that my gate was right beside the one I was currently at meaning I was going to to be able to make the flight which ended up being identical to the first one so now it's time we fly the worst rated Airline Ryan Air to see how it compares to LT hanza and to see which is actually better so overall the first flight on lift hanza went extremely well but now it's time for our second flight which is on ryion a also considered to be the worst airline in all of Europe and so far last night when I was doing the online check-in experience we got off to a pretty interesting start so after getting the checking email I was brought to the main site and after skipping through all of the additional things that Ryan Air to get you to buy I was able to complete the checkin process so now for anyone who doesn't already know you basically need to check in online otherwise you're paying a 55 fee for checking in at the airport but now there is one big problem and that's because this carry-on is 16 kg in weight and according to Ryan aire's website they only allow 10 kg as your maximum limit so there is a very solid chance they're not going to let me on the flight with this carry-on and they're going to make me pay extra for a checked bag which would probably cost me an extra 60 to70 so hopefully that doesn't end up happening and when I tell you they're serious about bag size and weight you'll see what I mean in just a bit but since I already had my boarding pass it was time to make my way through security and into the main terminal all right so I was able to get through security super quick and without any issues and on top of that I did not get double inspected so we're going to have to add a point to the tally there but now that we're all through security it's time for us to go and try and find a lounge I have no idea if there's actually one in this airport since it's super small and most of the airlines here are only budget Lin but we'll see what we can find and luckily after walking around for a bit I managed to find one called The Pearl inside there was plenty of room for seating doing work or even smoking but how about the food for this there was fresh fruits a ton of different cheeses and lunch meats various types of veggies breaded chicken pasta and tons of Breads and pastries so I got myself a bite to eat and overall it was half decent so now there's only about 15 minutes until my flight is supposed to board so I thought I'd take this time to tell you guys a little bit more about Ryan a just in case you've never flown them before or have no idea what they are B off the bat they were ranked the worst Airline 6 years in a row with 75% of people saying they' avoid flying them since they are the worst Airline for hidden fees but despite this there's still a three star Airline on Trip Adviser with a bunch of mixed reviews people called ryion a a disgraceful company with unqualified customer service bombarded by upselling and they even went as far to say that they would rather walk and as for the positive reviews people say they're good for a Budget Airline that they're cheap and great and overall it seems that you get what you pay for so overall the reviews are pretty terrible pretty much the only good thing about them is they're supposed to be cheap but once I tell you guys about how much I spent on both of these flights later in the video you're going to be shocked and as for the bad things they charge you for pretty much everything most of the time they're not on time and overall there are a lots of negatives but now I think it's time we finally head to our gate so we can see how bad they are compared to Europe's best airline and hopefully they don't make me pay extra for my bag and I'm slightly terrified about that and luckily after making it downstairs I didn't have to look very hard for my gate I was able to find the gate and luckily there is no scale so hopefully we're going to be okay but normally what rer will do is they will eyeball every single person in the line and if your bag looks slightly oversized they'll make you put it in the bag Sizer and I think mine is also oversized too so that probably won't go very well fingers crossed and let's see what happens and for context this is the bag Sizer they use and if it doesn't fit they charge you a ton of money so let's see what happens hello so what I already put it in okay thank thank you yes FY thank you so they didn't check the weight of my bag and they didn't check the size of it it definitely exceeds all the limits I'm supposed to be allowed and the only problem I had is they didn't recognize any of my Canadian IDs but now it's finally time to see what the rhion air flight is going to be like and unfortunately some people didn't get as lucky as me where this guy got caught with an oversized bag so he tried to take the wheels off and ended up just paying the60 Euro fee but now that that's over with it was time to board the bus Which took me to the plane for today's flight time for the ryion a flight unlike the lift hanza flight from earlier here we did dual boarding and making my way through the iconic rhiona a cabin eventually I made it to my seat which came with a tiny amount of overhead space for bags right off the bat the first thing I did was the Comfort test and it's safe to see that this is the stiffest seat I have ever sat in and it was way worse than the flight from earlier making my way under the seat it was incredibly dirty with tons of things left from the flight prior which is the complete opposite of Luft hanza which was super clean but guess what to make matters worse it turns out that this seat was used as a place for crayons with Crums and scratches everywhere worst of all was someone's snot rag left in the ceiling so some initial thoughts this seat probably one of the worst I've ever been in one it is extremely uncomfortable two it do not reclin whatsoever and three there's basically a plastic bar on the headrest so if you put your head back there's no cushion it's just straight plastic and pretty much the only good side to this seat is there's actually some decent leg room but that's because there's no poach to put things in whatsoever but we are still on the ground so it's going to be interesting to see what the rest of the flight is going to be like and trust me some of the stuff later is even worse but before we get there I decided to check out the leg room which was half decent since there was no pouch for storage and thankfully when I was checking out the air conditioning and lamp both worked too which was a plus but anyway soon enough the plane was fully boarded and by some miracle right on time we began pushing back from the gate and headed towards the runway for the second Flight of the day I was going to be flying an hour from Naples Italy to Barcelona Spain and soon after getting to the runway it was time for takeoff now that I was in the AA I decided to look around the seat some more starting with the window which was literally falling apart so that is slightly concerning now unlike lianza which actually had a menu all there is on ryion Aire is this thing unless you have the app pre-downloaded but even then literally everything costs money and that includes snacks drinks and even water so don't expect anything complimentary but anyway soon enough the crew began coming around for the inflate service which I wasn't going to get but now would be a good time to at least check out the trade table which turned out to be a pretty decent size but its pullout game was non-existent unlike lift hanza which was strong and I almost forgot to mention that by this point my back was also destroyed too all right so now that I'm a little bit more than halfway through the play I thought I'd share my thoughts on it so far but right off the bat the seat is terrible like I said earlier it is extremely uncomfortable the headrest is literally a plastic bar and overall it is so much worse than L hanza now I will say the lza seat wasn't much better but at least it was a little bit more comfortable now when it comes to the inflate service on Ryan Air it is way worse than the one on left tanza on the flight earlier they give out free water they gave out chocolate and it was pretty good but on this flight you have to pay for literally everything including water now I know a lot of people in the comments are going to say well Eric Ryan a is a Budget Airline and LT hanza is a normal Airline and they're also probably going to say that I paid way less for this flight in comparison to LT hanza but once I tell you after this flight how much I paid you will be shocked and pretty much the only good thing about Ryan a so far is that it will get you from point A to point B but unfortunately more often than not it's probably going to be delayed considering my back was killing me I thought that now would be a good time to go and check out the bathroom remember earlier when the LT hanza one was spacious and wellmaintained well this bathroom was pretty much the same size too with similar Headroom but it was definitely way Messier so I decided to head back to my seat since soon we'd be landing and at this point you're probably wondering how much I actually paid for each of these flights since I've been teasing long enough well for the lionza flight I paid $182 Canadian while on Ryan Air I paid $216 and it's safe to say that Lanza was way better but anyways soon enough it was time to begin our descent into Barcelona before finally coming in for landing and if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe and watch this video next where I flew America's best versus worst Airline
Channel: Eric Struk
Views: 301,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: America's Best Airline, America's Worst Airline, Eric Struk, Budget airline, Luxury airline, Travel, Airline review, aviation review, Eric Struk Airline, Erik Struck, Worst Airline, Best Airline, Travel Review, Best Vs Worst, Best Vs Worst Airline, Airbus, Boeing, Amex Credit Card, Airport Lounge, Lounge Review, Ryanair, Lufthansa, Ryanair Fail, Ryanair Bad, Europe's Best Airline, Europe's Worst Airline, Europe's Best Vs Worst Airline, Ryanair Worst Airline, Lufthansa flight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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