I SURVIVED NIGHTMARE MODE! (Richie's Plank Experience)

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huh I'm scared to do this video welcome back to Ritchie's plank experience this game is horrifying you literally walk across a plank on top of a skyscraper in VR and if you have a fear of heights I you can't play them luckily I don't so I'll play it for you so the last time I play this I thought I did everything in the game but you guys actually let me know in the comments that there's something called a nightmare mode I did not know about this nightmare mode I don't know what is in this nightmare mode but I do know how to access it and I'm gonna show you how but first I'm gonna warm back up to this game and I don't think I'm ready okay so here we are in the beautiful city of Ritchie's blink experience is that what the name of the city actually is alright so here's the elevator let's go in the elevator I'm gonna click blink this game's already scary just being in the elevator because you can see through this crack right here and you can see how high up you're going and it's not great okay oh yeah whoa hello I forgot I put the plane right here there's a way to customize your plank you can change the height of it tink the length this is what I did so I got I guess I'll just crawl across it oh my gosh still don't like it I still do not like this okay this is as far as I'm going should I just jump so just jump off I don't want to but I feel like I need to warm up my brain to this game dude I'm taller than the birds right now okay let's let's do it vertigo or whatever this is called I don't like this I do not like this I'm alive I'm alive when things turned white that means you did good I don't think I was life how do you what is this okay there's a way to customize your plank and I don't remember how oh here we go it's in the menu plate setup reset to default okay I'm gonna do that you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna make this the smallest plank of all nope never might that's as small as it goes oh no you go smaller there's not really a point to that because then you're just kind of stuck in the elevator I'll make it that long that's a good length should I make it go to the side for no reason I'll do that perfect safe is it safe save dangit oh you hit the trigger smart alright let's try that again I wanna I'm not gonna fall I'm not to fall I just want to walk across the plank once more you know I really like this elevator music it's great very relaxing for what you're about to do in this game you know all right open up you ever do this you ever do this at Walmart it makes it feel like you have the force okay here it is I thought I made it go that way this is scary this is scary and I don't like it I'm gonna lay on the great out what I hit what is this says on microphone well I'm facing the microphone why don't you guys tell me I was hitting a microphone all right I'm gonna lay on the ground see how scary this actually is oh yeah oh I'm looking over I am looking over oh I don't like it okay getting back up oh you know it's a good idea getting a plank in real life laying it on my floor and walking across the real plank while doing it in the videogame you know what I'm saying that me neato there's a hot-air balloon what is that there's a statue up there and I don't know what it is but I want to know what it is okay well it's immersed and successful I didn't fall okay let's go to the ground floor shall we and though I close the elevator on my face okay nightmare mode I'm not ready for this so you see this thing that says do not touch I'm gonna touch it you can take it off I didn't know that I actually didn't even see this the first time I played the game but apparently this is how you access a nightmare mode I've been hit a car no not super did not okay so apparently this gets insanely scary so if you don't like scary things this is your warning cuz it's about to get all horror movie up in here you know what I'm saying so here we go I don't want to oh my gosh spiders immediately ah right on the stuff dude can't you can't poke dude no no do not hate this I hate this if you guys heat spiders I wouldn't I wouldn't watch right now bring it on bring it on buddy you want a piece of meat is he he's gonna attack me isn't it he really is dude I'm warning you can I close the element where's the where's the button bow soup oh why did you guys recommend nightmare mode I don't like this I know I keep saying that but it's because it's true oh man well at least why is our phone I was gonna say at least it's sunny outside okay let's walk across this yo G that's the scariest part of the game all right dude I don't want to just stop it he's thinking crow how many are there how many crows is it about to do it again I'll punch it I won't punch the crib what happens if I just like fun and happens if I just don't answer it okay I'll answer it fine hello Oh No there's a guy laughing there's a guy laughing and I am falling dude stop that you know okay oh this is great this is exactly what I want our where am I a dentist office oh that's creepy that's really creepy and I hate that noise dude bring it come on tough guy Oh wet smacking at your hands stop oh oh it's everywhere where my face is stop it what happened yeah I'm gonna break your arm breaking your arm it makes it I actually do it's giving me a weird feeling like on my teeth oh I feel like I'm actually at the dentist right now okay no part of me was expecting it why did that happen oh my goodness dude I hate this I actually hate this I'm gonna I'm gonna fly a kite I'm actually going to fly a kite don't ask me why it's just to make make me happier I guess okay well like I got a I'm not doing that again I'm gonna paint something in the sky I got to get these negative feelings out of my brain sky brush who these VR is the horror games dude so I'm going to injure myself I'm really gonna injure myself one day all right well Tallyho ha ha I'm Iron Man I am Iron Man oh I'm learning stuff can you can you do how do you like space it apart I want to make a smiley face Wow yeah dude camera angle all right I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make a smiley face I'm gonna do like a very perfect circle like this just actually might work out if I don't think it's fine a face at least I make a good circle okay now going down oh this Abed circle this is a very bad Circle connect it connect it it has been connected now what that circle okay I'm just gonna do a white line since you can't do a transparent something and I'm gonna do a black eye oh no that was bad this is not going well this is not going well I am the opposite of Bob Ross I'm kind of the Iron Man Bob Ross though okay now going down and doing the smile dude nothing nothing is correct about this this is the this is the curve this is the smile okay let's go look at our creation the moment of truth that would well that was supposed to be a smiley face that's like if a one and a half year old went to Oh Charlies and scribbled on the menu that's what the smiley face would look like well that was a failure oh there's that crow that attack man kick its fanny if I ever get there in time it's that one it's that one right there dude I'm coming to get you I am coming to get you oh you thought you thought you had a chance dude it's faster it's faster than me it's official come back come back I gotta cut it I got cut off take this nothing happening oh there's the elevator I wonder if it'll let me fly to that statue how far away is that oh that's very far away how about this hot air balloon or is that just a painting in the distance like you can't actually fly to it that this will literally take 19 years and my arms already tired nope not happen well that's kind of scary alright back on the ground floor I wanna I want to I'm gonna fall on purpose but I want to do it laying facedown on the ground I feel like it would feel very strange I need to make this room like the most realistic VR room ever and like when I fall I need to turn on a bunch of fans to make it feel like I'm skydiving that would be legit what does I'm sure do oh nothing that's the answer okay alright laying on the ground falling off here we go oh yeah we're here we're here dude I don't like this okay stepping up to the side what am i touching I'm touching things on oh oh it feels weird it feels weird I don't like it I just make my face on the ground I have ascended I am here and alive and well okay it's official I think I've done everything you can do in the game unless there's like a second nightmare mode I'm sure there is or something but tell me in the comments if there's something else I'm missing cuz this game actually is really fun hopefully they like updated and there's more things to do like drive a bus that'd be cool but the video is not over I have something to show you that I'm very excited about so stay right there good job you stayed this is a this is a 100,000 subscriber plaque for this channel hitting a hundred thousand subscribers I don't know if you can read it all that's the angle that's the angle right there I am insanely stoked about this this channel grew way quicker than I thought it would and I'm stoked cuz this plaque looks way cooler than my other one this is the one I got in 2014 for my other channel this is an upgrade so YouTube good job but I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you guys for watching these videos I'm gonna keep putting them out keep playing games for you guys I have a ton of fun with this channel so thank you here's to a hundred thousand more okay I'm gonna cake not I'm not gonna kick butt that's it I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up hit the subscribe button click the notification bell to never miss an upload make videos four times a week on this channel three times a week on my other channel you can click the card right there to check it out it's fun it's it's it's great that's it I'm gonna not I'm gonna not put my dog's toy in my mouth love's think about it but not going okay [Music]
Channel: Sam Tabor Gaming
Views: 3,599,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: richies plank experience, richies plank experience nightmare mode, richies, plank, experience, sam tabor richies plank experience, i survived nightmare mode, nightmare, mode, nightmare mode, scary, spider, sam, sam tabor, sam tabor gaming, samtaborgaming, gaming, videogames, video games, videogame, video game, video, game, games, fun, funny, hilarious, lol, lmao, lmfao, rofl, tabor, samtaborskating
Id: 3va6X82e2yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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