PLANE CRASH PART 2. Getting my Kitfox airplane back to the airport. skip to 2:43 to continue

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kitfox airplane Looks like its my turn Plane died on take off kitfox crash You can fly it out need a new propeller two blad propeller holes in the kitfox wing crashed an airplane and a drone crash drone to find this drone I got it Yeah I did actually Yeah I got it oh I mean it's not my night actually looks, okay So both of the items are crash look decently, okay ryan plane tape you get out of here You go around them Go to the left he's going to the right he's going over there joel airplane ride New prop We're gonna let her run up for a while what happened was I got a vapor lock pretty much Percent you want that freakin Okay don't be following love with that Problem keep it that way Good alright well do what happened Oh yeah baby You got the out I'm gonna go we hit the river there's no other place any work Behind you Prayer must have worked I guess what I did I obviously got a new prop nice whirlwind prop 75 inch whirlwind upgraded from the 72 So it was a vapor lock my first video I talked about what a vapor lock is pretty much the heat from the engine heats up the fuel lines and causes a vapor lock and the fuel lines prevents fuel from entering the carbs This is the old pump that I had on there during the incident they actually had an ad on this ad stands for I have no idea The new one puts out a little more pressure is this nice silver one expensive bugger anyways what happens is the fuel comes in from here There's a fuel pump and then pushes it into the carbs I also added a return line so what happens is it can recirculate that is known for preventing vapor locks also having the return lines, so so far Haven't had any issues I put about 10 more hours on this thing since then. I've been in certain scenarios but I've been doing long run ups to make sure that I clear that vapor lock if there is one but I haven't noticed anything so you know what if you have one of these on your Rotex take it off and put the new one on definitely recommend it and Yeah hope you guys like this video if you do make sure you hit that like hit the subscribe And we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Jonas Marcinko
Views: 632,625
Rating: 4.8411045 out of 5
Keywords: plane crash, kitfox airpane, airplane crash, crash, power loss, aircraft crash, emergency landing, bush flying crash, engine out, aviation, airplane, student pilot, experimental crash, pilot, STOL airplane, STOL aircraft, Kitfox, kitfox crash, flying, aircraft, bush plane, new pilot, learning to fly, instructor, Vapor Lock, solo, solo crash, first flight, taking off crash, power loss on takeoff, casualties, FAA, learn to fly, is flying safe, how to fix a plane, big tire airplane
Id: zPvA3Ymmqig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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