I SURVIVED $50 VS $500,000 Vacation!

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one of us is gonna have fifty dollars to survive in hawaii while the rest of us are gonna live the most luxurious vacation we've ever experienced with a budget exceeding five hundred thousand dollars how do you expect someone to survive about fifty dollars i don't know but uh i hope it's you no why so i told the squad that we're going to hawaii but i didn't tell them exactly what i had planned they're going to be pissed yeah they might not want to go let's go all right so are you guys ready for hawaii well there's one catch what one of us will be randomly selected to have to live off 50 dollars in hawaii what why not you know what no i'm not taking the chances bro i'm out of here knowing my luck my luck is actually guys come on it makes the odds way slimmer it looked like most of my friends were not on board but there were still a few that wanted to test their luck all right so behind us we have four mystery signs one of them has the fifty dollars and the other ones have the five hundred thousand dollars all right well who wants to go first what ladies first i'm thinking this one i don't know why please please oh yes getting a little nervous i think i'm gonna go with this one right here something about this one's just screaming at me oh no we have a 50 50 chance oh okay i'm going through okay my heart's telling me this one i'm nervous second one i'm actually i can't join you guys 500 000. i'm not going so too bad so we packed our bags headed straight for the airport and it was time to get this trip started all right so we just got off the plane and we have a private driver to take us to the hotel as well as anywhere we want to go on the island here's your fifty dollars have fun are you being serious this doesn't seem like a show here you go fine have fun bye lexi where are you guys gonna go we're going to our hotel bye lexie do you guys kind of feel bad for lexi it's hard to feel bad when we're literally going to the nicest hotel in hawaii that's right yeah it is i already forgot she was here okay so we're checking in right now we have a private butler here thank you so much uh what a way to start the vacation yeah cheers what do you think lexi's doing right now i don't know you know what i don't really care what lexi's doing all right so we just got onto our floor so apparently each suite occupies the entire floor all right here we go hello oh my gosh [Music] it looks like a house wait yo guys check this out no way there's a cotton candy machine are you kidding me they just have cotton candy ready for us it's so good oh my god this is the kitchen area crap a snow cone machine we have everything no way is it good it's really good look how big this fridge is it doesn't end it's there's a joke wait what there's an elevator inside of our room what is going on right now are we still in our room okay i call this one i guess this is crazy this is the shower oh this is a sauna no way there's a sauna in this room bro i'm lost right now i don't even know where i am there's another bedroom and this is the third bedroom yeah oh my gosh look at the view you have of the ocean oh my gosh yo this is gorgeous we literally have a beachfront view and the water is crystal blue it doesn't get much better this is literally paradise there's no way what there's no way what what i have never been in a hotel room with its own hot tub before so are we inviting i mean well you can't so true are we inviting girls over there what you know it i literally still can't believe there's a cotton candy machine in our room this is my third one yes hi mr rivera yeah i'm with the butler services here at the espacio hotel may i step in oh my god totally how many butlers are there because we just saw another one like five minutes ago so we have a whole team here at the hotel at your service what gets better and better each room occupies a whole floor you also have a rooftop pool whoa we are definitely inviting girls over and and your girlfriend yeah what let's get some dinner what are you hungry for i mean i would love some sushi yeah could you make that happen in an instant i'd like to hear that okay what about like some hula girls automatic okay how ridiculous this place is thirty thousand dollars at night ridiculous holy [ __ ] it's not worth it we get to rub it in lexi's face oh yeah where is lexie we are here at lexi's location i cannot believe lexie's actually staying here yeah it looks more like a prison all right so we're gonna go inside and check it out i don't know if i want to go back to our hotel she's used to staying at like five star resorts definitely a one star okay so i think this is it we just thought we'd pop in and say hi well hi let me give you a tour oh how's it going lexi here we have the kitchen area okay how much money did you actually spend on this place all of it what are you gonna eat i don't know you're saying that you spent your entire fifty dollar budget i did this was the cheapest thing i could get and i'm living with 200 what you know them i've seen one of them what oh my god this is what they considered fully stocked oh my god what is that i don't even want to know i don't think oh that's not put it back you were not eating that is that your leftovers lexi no that came with the place i'm going to do you a favor so this is my room this literally looks like a jail cell don't slip on the banana peel oh wait what the why is there a banana peel in the middle of your room it came with the house oh my god you got a tv that's pretty good well we have like 10 tv oh and we have a hot tub on our balcony you guys can leave okay yeah we want to anyway all right we'll see you later lexi we have a yacht to catch oh so do i oh no you're not coming like see you guys i'm gonna go on the wait we have a limo taking us to the yacht bro what that's like a ten minute drive do we need that i don't even know oh yo i feel like we've been in so many limos on this trip it's just like normal now yeah i think we're here wow that was right that was like five minutes oh my gosh oh my god wow there's three of us do you see how big we are why do we need this welcome oh of course yeah oh my gosh thank you the cold towers are nice holy [ __ ] it's literally three of us why do we have such a big boat no this is crazy there's like a downstairs area there's a bedroom in here dude look at this kitchen there's a living room there's another bedroom we should have invited more of our friends let's make a toast okay let's do it a toast to lexy this yacht was ten thousand dollars an hour to rent and uh it's worth every penny right yes all right it's time to show lexi how much fun we're having [Music] okay wait what oh my god [Music] how is good at everything [Music] what do you guys think we should do after i forgot to mention i actually have a masseuse coming in like 10 minutes oh since when it's included in the room you guys didn't read the brochure wait what yeah she's coming like 10 minutes did you schedule us one no i didn't know you wanted one my feet need a massage okay well i don't think anyone wants to help with that you think he even knows we're here how are you feeling dom i've never been more relaxed in my life yo brett brett once is here lexi's here there's no way let's see this is where you guys are staying what is that it's a cotton candy machine where is my room you don't have a room lexie lexie what are you doing no you actually hey lexie lexie what do you know you can't stay here no i've been homeless for three days where are your shoes lexi i had to sell them to get more money all right so boys minus lexi the hotel has scheduled us a private sushi chef on the rooftop of our hotel no way and also we have hula girls coming yes yes the crazy thing is all this is included in our stay sushi chef hula dancer hot and candy shaved ice it doesn't stop it gets better and better i get roommates i get my purse stolen you got your purse stolen um no but some of the stuff from my suitcase is gone and i'm very suspicious of one of my roommates you could probably find your own sushi if you went and tried you know you know what i will so you're gonna go fishing lexi yeah good luck catching your own fish should we be concerned i don't think [Music] oh my god yes this is literally so crazy i love this a dream come true oh my gosh oh the other one there's a sushi chef over here oh my god that's amazing perfect thank you it feels weird that it's just like the three of us this is definitely the best vacation i've ever been on i mean it was half a million dollars [Music] he's going in all right so right now we're at the beach we're looking for lexi there's no way she's fishing bro it's lexie are you kidding me lexi i've been here for over an hour and i haven't caught anything i don't think you're gonna catch anything with the waves like this lexi i think it's time to give up i think it's time that you hand over some money while lexi continue to fish for some food it was time for us to get some rest all right so we just woke up and look what they had prepared for us in the dining room oh my gosh they literally got us everything even avocado toast that's dom's favorite that is my favorite this is the life right boys i don't want to leave yeah me neither they're gonna have to drag us out of here seriously we should probably see how lexi's vacation is yeah let's do it yeah i'm sure she's having just as good of a time i'm sure she is oh my gosh she looks so mad i'm like nervous she's gonna kill us hey lexie don't talk to me how was your trip i want to go home it's funny because we were actually saying we don't want to go home we have to stay for a little bit longer oh i'm sure i wouldn't want to go home either if i had a 500 thousand dollar vacation i'm surprised i'm alive this video gets 500 000 likes then i get the expensive vacation and brent gets the cheap one yes i'm down there a thousand likes 300 000 likes all right guys well brent really doesn't want to do this please like the video i want to see this happen yeah thanks guys for watching and we'll see you guys next week adios amigos [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 16,429,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ulfk94438aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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