I Survived 1000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

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I recently passed 1 000 days in my Minecraft hardcore world where I've been building some awesome projects such as a cave base a fully automatic storage system an epic never portal mob Farms crop farms a custom never a wood factory plus I've done tons of terraforming and so much more so sit back and enjoy this epic 1000 day Journey with me this is Minecraft 1.19 hardcore and this is the start of a brand new series where I challenge myself to survive Hardcore Minecraft building an epic world full of Mega farms and crazy builds so that the journey begin but first if you enjoy a series like this then why not join the gang And subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any future videos it's free and you can always unsubscribe later on if you wish so I started this world like any other Minecraft world by punching a tree and [Music] now I just need a bed and a furnace and I should control our hunger levels for now at least that's gonna probably be a long journey so first things first we need resources let's make a chess boat and on with the journey is that a bamboo forest perfect we'll need some scaffolding for later on oh a sunken ship what loot do we have excellent we have Moss and we might as well take the lot I'm not sure what we use it for but the helmets might come in handy this is a pretty nice little village I'm not really bothered about doing it too much but hopefully they have some crops carrots seeds potatoes oh just one more can we find some beetroot yes that's perfect we now have one of each you know what I'm greedy so I'm just gonna take the lot sorry villagers but you guys have plenty okay okay I feel bad so I'm just gonna replant some seeds for you guys there we go that's fair see I'm a nice guy we're gonna need tons of wheat for the new packed mud blocks so sorry guys but I'm taking these [Music] well I've traveled about a thousand blocks and not seen anything yet so uh I guess we'll just keep going two thousand blocks and still nothing finally just over 3 000 blocks layer and we have a mangrove swamp definitely gonna grab some goodies from here [Music] okay time to set our base because I really don't have any room left for any resources for the star base I want to go with something a little bit different like a base inside a mountain with some kind of cave you see I've got some ideas for the new 1.9 in blocks but it doesn't seem like we have many mountains around here so this could take a while oh I spoke too soon now this is probably going to need a lot of work but I definitely think we could do something special with this we also have this kind of moat around this little island here so this would be a great spot to set up to the side we have this big cave which I gotta admit scares the life out of me so we definitely need to go light this up first so I guess we should get that done man hardcore just makes me so nervous when I'm in caves and I bet there are a ton of mobs come on we got this uh let's just go for it go for it okay I think it's time to make use of some of our iron and get ourselves all tooled up okay I feel a little better but I still feel pretty vulnerable right now so let's just keep running and just ignore those mobs for now come on we got this oh this is a little different we have an exposed skeleton spoiler right on the open side of the cave okay well let's just be quick and get these chests loot before creeper comes along woohoo let's go I think I've covered all the dark spots for now so hopefully this cave should be safe fish I guess now we're safe it's time to get some mining done oh gosh I forgot how slow this early game grind is [Applause] after all that mining is finally done we get ourselves some armor let's get ourselves some leggings chest plate some iron boots and a helmet and now it's time to suit up and make ourselves look pretty now I gotta say I feel like I Can Take On the World on the other hand taking on these mangrove trees is a mission on itself I mean it's taken me like two hours to chop down about eight trees that's crazy The Mangrove Roots really don't help us here because they make the tree float in the air which really kind of slows us down before I start building I'm gonna need to clear some of this Stone out of the way also some of the area around the entrance here around this edge here I just want to build a little bit of a kind of sloping Cliff kind of with a little bit of a walkway leading up on the side let's make a start by removing these pillars [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so far this video has taken me well over a week to record an edit so if you're still watching then why not subscribe all jokes aside I must admit this has been a real fun start so far but we still have a ton of texturing and detailing work to do but so far it's looking pretty good the little cliff on the edge here is going to be perfect for what I have planned inside the cave things shaping up great we still have some texturing to do but the layout is coming together perfectly we are still waiting for some of the grass to grow over the dirt but overall it's looking pretty good the slope here Blends in perfectly with the cave and it's going to be a great lead up to our base the lower area down here is going to be our crafting area up here will be more of the main base probably just nicely decorated with some beds to sleep in and the first floor will probably be just up another block but so far it's looking pretty good now before we start building a base we're definitely going to need a few more resources starting with wheat for the new packed mud block this is going to take way too long to grow so this might take a while or maybe not I think I have a better idea villagers have hay bales right so I say we rub as many villages as we can find [Music] so I'm pretty sure that will be plenty for now at least until our wheat grows if we place down some dirt here then we can use our water bowl to turn them into mud although this will take a while it's not the fastest to mine either now we just combine it with wheat to make packed mud which can also be used to make mud bricks it's certainly not the fastest process so hopefully we can find out a way to automate this at some point now it's time for the part I've been waiting for building the actual base this is gonna be fun foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh I'm not gonna lie I am loving this style and the way this sits in a little Cliff these new blocks just look so nice and they're so good to build with I'm not sure what we'll do with this little area at the side here but I like the way it kind of sticks out kind of like a bit of a lookout window to the side take a look from the inside is even better I love the way this is shaping up but this tree still needs a little bit of work I think other than that I think it's looking pretty good the grass is still not fully grown on the side here but as you can see it is slowly getting there I love the colors of the build and I've kept the roofs all pretty low but try to add a few of them just to really add some details the little area over the side here is empty at the moment but like I said this is going to be the lookout area so we'll do something with this a bit later on the error down here will be a kind of crafting area for workstations and maybe some storage of some sort down below is the area that I've been working from let me know in the comments what should we do with this area maybe we can come up with some kind of fun build that we can put in there the main living area is looking pretty cozy at the moment with this little fire and sofa in the corner but we do still have quite a lot of detail work to add in here and it's probably best that we add in a few temporary torches just for safety I'm not sure what to put in the side here maybe a few workstations and some barrels of some sort the top floor is going to be the bedrooms now I do still have a lot of detail work to put in place but overall I'm really loving the layout and the way that things are shapes up before we start on the interior there's a few things we're going to need we're going to start by crafting our first diamond pickaxe we are going to need some obsidian so let's see if we can find some lava this should work let's play some more water there perfect I hate mining obsidian it just takes so long ah we'll also need some sugarcane paper bookshelves and of course an enchantment table let's also grab some barrels crafting table cartography table and a smithing table [Music] some iron blocks so we can craft an anvil I think I want to use this room mostly for storage so let's add some barrels we'll also play some across the black ball back upstairs we will add our enchantment area so using our bookshelves and an enchantment table this gives us level 30 and we have a fortune free I'm gonna grab that now as that will come in handy later on when we're mining add some barrels crafting table and an anvil back downstairs we are going to add some furnaces smokers and blast furnaces and we'll also put them on the other side as well let's make a work table with cartography table Smith and table and some upside down stairs we'll add a crafting table lectern Stone car and some finishing details oh yeah I'm happy with that upstairs We'll add some trap doors around the stairs a few trap doors to cover up the open side of the stairs then some for safety up here let's play some wool [Music] a couple of beds and some trap doors here foreign these and add some bookshelves we'll play some here another shelf up here okay so far this is looking great and if we head on to the inside of this room it's also looking pretty good we have everything we need for now so some storage to get started with and overall I just think this room is looking pretty good upstairs is looking pretty nice too I've added some Greenery around the enchantment area but I still need to add some pictures and flower pots and just decorations for those little finishing touches the bedroom upstairs is still pretty much the same but it does need some flower pots and finishing touches which I will add a little bit later on anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know in the comments what you want to see in next episode and I'll catch you in the next one today we are back in our Minecraft hardcore World well last episode we built an epic starter base that sat on a cliff inside a cave now the goal for this series is to build the ultimate hardcore world and today I have four goals that I have to complete goal number one craft a full set of diamond tools and armor goal number two turn our Skelly spawner into an XP and Bone form goal number three get a couple of villagers that we can breed for some projects that we have planned later on and finally goal number four is to build an epic never pool and I think you guys are gonna enjoy this one but first if you enjoy a series like this then why not join the gang And subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any future videos it's free and you can always unsubscribe later on if you wish so let's not hang around we have a lot of work to do and first things first we need diamonds find a diamonds in game is pretty easy but early game mining with deep slate oh it's pretty slow the good thing is last episode we Enchanted our diamond pickaxe with Fortune free so that should make the process a little bit quicker foreign our first diamonds of the episode Let's test out Fortune free give us nine diamonds which is a great start but we need a lot more so I guess back to the Grind [Music] it's been a little over an hour and a half and we now have one stack of diamonds so it's time to make some good use of them let's start by crafting a chest plate some leggings boots and a helmet we'll also craft a sword an ax a shovel and another pickaxe just in case take a look at me now hey looking pretty good even if I do say so myself so before I start the skeleton XP farm I'm gonna need some Soul Sand for making the elevator drop shoot that means we need to go to the nether first so let's build a frame for our new pool I want a pool to really stand out so it's gotta be pretty big which means we're gonna need more obsidian oh this pie just takes so long [Music] okay I'm pretty sure that should do the trick the pool is gonna be pretty big and I've worked out a really cool design which I think should fit perfectly into this area [Music] okay that looks pretty good now have floats off the arrow so that the pigment can't jump out and walk around our base there we go now let's jump straight in okay so not the best spot but at least we are not in a battle so it could be worse so I'm not gonna do too much exploring for the moment all I really need is a bit of Soul Sand some Netherrack and maybe a bit of Blackstone if I can find some never cause is a great source of XP so don't mind if I grab some while I'm here oh my God that made me jump now return to the sender in your face ghost okay we have soul Sands now I only need one piece but I'm just gonna grab a stack for now oh Blackstone this will come in handy so let me just grab a few okay I'm not gonna lie I'm starting to get a little nervous hearing all these ghosts so I think it's time to head back home now back home let's do some enchanting we definitely need some better enchantments and I'm gonna start with the pickaxe as we use that the most Fortune free with a question mark but will that give us more No it didn't okay let's grab this and remove that okay efficiency four that's not bad oh and we got our Breaking Free perfect let's combine them so that we can have Fortune free as well let's craft another pickaxe and let's see what we get ugh not much let's enchant the shovel instead we'll go for efficiency two and that gives us Unbreaking one as well that's cool we'll do some more enchanting in a bit but for now we definitely need some more XP now it's time to get the XP Skelly Farm in place before we start we're gonna need to clear a 9x9 area so let's make some space so that we've got something to work with [Music] [Music] now before we do anything else we probably want to close this in with some walls so that we know what area we've got to work with [Music] now I have made a little stream that will transport the skellies up this 22 block elevator and then push them over and dropped them down this Little Chute here once they fall down they should be a one-hit kill now before we finish off the farm I want to add some packed ice into the Stream So that skellies move a little bit faster and don't block up the system that is gonna mean two things low XP and silk touch let's quickly see what our next enchantment is and hopefully it might be silk touch no not yet maybe if we enchant this ax okay that gave us efficiency too let's try again let's enchant it with efficiency one and remove it okay let's try again yes that gives us silk touch perfect now I need 30 levels so let's go to the Nether and mine some more corpses that's actually a pretty quick way to gather some good XP [Music] thank you and we can put that in there and now we have silk touch I'm sure I saw an ice biome over this way somewhere oh wow check this out for a mangrove swamp aha we have frogs they look so Derpy okay I'm gonna have to come back later with some slime so I can get some tadpoles I'm sure the ice bottom was not this far away come on there has to be something nearby surely haha found it okay let's grab plenty and make sure we take down those coordinates so that it's easier to get back next time foreign we're finally back from around about 3 000 blocks Journey so at least we can finally finish off that farm now let's add the pack ties just across here and that should allow the skellies to slide straight into the elevator now we just need to add a few Finishing Touches [Music] foreign [Music] these and there we go it's working seems to be running pretty quick too okay now I've got two pickaxe with the same enchantments but we could combine them I guess for efficiency five there we go awesome oof that you used a lot more XP than I expected my bad for not paying attention I guess still not to worry we can easily get our bag with our Skelly Farm okay levels are back up and it took me about an hour or so and we now have 37 levels so that's all good before I do a resource run I think I'm gonna attempt to bring back two villagers from one of the local villages this one will probably be our best bet because it's on top of the mountain all being well we can use a boat and bring them all the way down to our base well this guy jumped straight in so I guess he's eager to go so let's see how this goes it's a little slow but I think this should work okay about halfway now and so far so good what the I didn't look at you why are you attacking me look at you now you're stuck in a boat and there's nothing you can do never ever mess of a guy and his villager in a boat okay back on track and almost at base and back in the boat there we go now just need to find a safe place for our new friend there we go all snug in a corner although it seems like they lose their legs in boats how weird okay on to villager number two so don't miss me buddy I won't be long okay I'm just gonna fill in this hole you know just to be safe just to be careful you know certainly didn't lose uh lose the Villager down here or anything so villager number two I'm just gonna call him villager number three you know just because because it sounds better you know nothing nothing happened it's cool okay I hope this is safe phew man that kind of put my stomach in my mouth that's it come on buddy in the boat and there we go perfect little family all snuggled into the corner next up we need some resources and we have a rather long list so uh let's do this I guess [Music] okay this shovel is just way too slow you know what it's time for an upgrade okay two efficiency four shovels make efficiency five perfect that should speed things up a little bit there we go look at that I'm like these guys can hurt me while I'm in the boat okay maybe they can a little but not by much eat my sword Pillager [Music] now we need some root dirt which hopefully shouldn't be too tough to find aha there we go that was pretty quick [Music] next I need to gather a bunch of stone and decide Cobblestone and tough so maybe we should see if we can get a mend in villager so that we can get our first mending book [Music] hi [Music] jeez that took forever and certainly not the best price so I guess I'm just gonna have to get a bit ripped off thanks villager and there we go our first mendin book but seriously just you wait till later 38 emeralds who Do You Think You Are okay away from that pesky villager let's put that on our pickaxe and now we have some pretty Goods enchantments on it while we're here let's just repair our shovel I'll get another mending book soon to go on there but for now we're just gonna repair it now on to the last few resources which we can gather at Diamond level oh and we have a few more diamonds Don't Mind If I Do [Music] so I finally have tons of resources and now I want to make a start on a bit of building I've made a bit of a slopes outline for the Clifton is going to be on the opposite side I want this to be very similar to our other Cliff so e section we're going to bring it down at the top and we're going to bring it down by about two blocks we'll take it a block back and then bring it down by about four blocks for the bottom section we're just going to go a block back and then just bring it down to the ground then we can add some details to make it look more realistic but before we start building these clips we're gonna have to clear some of the stone here to make room to build foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my pickaxe is in pretty bad shape at the moment so let's get him repaired now that we have Mendon there we go Gotta Love mending that's looking pretty good then we should now have plenty of space to work with I will probably still be doing a bit of terraforming down here but so far this gives us a nice space to work from okay now I'm ready to get building so I think we're gonna make a start with these cliffs [Music] thank you [Music] so the base of the cliffs are all in place now but we do still need to add the overhanging edges but I think before I do that I want to make a change to the pathways you see the caves are looking pretty gray so adding in some dirt Pathways will certainly add a little bit of a better color and more contrast just to make things stand out a bit better thank you [Music] foreign [Music] to come together the additional Cliff here has really brought in so much detail into the cave and the bridges really helped bring it all together making everything feel more connected but there's still a few details I want to add doing this has certainly gave me a much better idea of how I want this cave to look and I think it's gonna be epic but before we do any more work I think I want to quickly do an hour mining session as we're getting pretty low on iron and coal if you want to gather iron or cold then this is probably the quickest way you can do it first find yourself a Stony Peaks or Stone Mountain of some sort preferably one is high up in the world ideally above y level 200 but anything above y level 150 should do the trick you see the trick here is that the oils will be visible on the surface and the higher up you go the more Ores you'll see this means that all we need to do is gather rather than wasting time digging through Stone and searching for materials let's see how much we can gather on this mountain in just one hour [Music] thank you [Music] oh my gosh that was an insane mining session just over an hour and I have gathered this much iron this much coal and one stack of emeralds now we are well stocked on suppliers so it's time to get that never portal in place which I think is gonna be epic so let's get to work [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign pretty sick I love it I still have a lot of work to do and tons of texturing as I want to bring the Moss up into the ceiling area to create a bit of an overgrown feeling but so far I am loving it behind the Deadpool I want to do something really cool maybe a big area that looks like the never so do you feel like you're actually looking into the never from the Overworld but let me know in the comments what do you guys think I should build behind there because I want to do something that's going to be really cool so let me know your ideas around a cave I want to make loads of tunnels that leads to farms and stuff this can be made from logs and planks and maybe some overgrown areas with leaves and stuff just to kind of make you feel as if you're walking through some tree roots or something like that most of these tunnels will lead to other areas of our base we'll have like Farms or storage areas trading halls and so forth I will be adding one of these tunnel areas here that's going to lead to the Skelly Farm to make it look a little bit nicer and we're gonna have some tunnels leading elsewhere as well now I didn't actually realize it but we are on day 178 so I probably spent more time Gathering materials than building but we're well stocked for some big projects so what do you want to see in next episode let me know in the comments and I'll catch you in the next one we are already over 200 days into this hardcore world and things are starting to become a little bit of a challenge but it's not because of the insane amount of resources we've been Gathering all the crazy amounts of building because we are forever running out of food and I'm starting to feel a little bit Gilly every time I have to explore the local fields to find my favorite takeout So today we're gonna be building an insane crop Farm that's going to be producing a masses of food plus it's gonna come in handy for trading with villagers so it's a win-win for sure but before I even start out I have a mega job that I need to tackle and that is making some space and we are gonna need a lot of it so I'm probably going to be spending the next few days in real life mining because I don't have a beacon oh this is gonna be painful [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] space here this is the result of three days of work and I'm not talking about Minecraft days here plus I haven't even started Gathering materials for building yet so we got a lot of work to do anyway now that's finally done we can finally start making some progress but first of all we're gonna need a few more supplies actually we're gonna need a lot more supplies so it's probably a good idea to get a few more men in books so that we can save on our tools at least okay that's one menden book let's trade some paper and two books that should do for now I'll put those on my ax and the shovel perfect now we just need to get some XP to repair our tools so I'm off to the Skelly Farm [Music] foreign to gather up those supplies I'm gonna need a crazy amount of spruce and dark oak wood for this build so it looks like we're gonna have to take down a few of these forests [Music] I know we're making a food farm but I'm already getting low so you might want to close your ears and put your fingers in your eyes while I place my order or the other way around [Music] the farm is gonna need a lot of glass so let's grab some while I'm here as the nearest Desert is several thousand blocks away I'm Alex Delay from all that mining I just realized I don't even have a bow yet so I guess of all these boats from our Skully Farm I'm sure we could probably combine a few to make something half decent okay that's pretty good actually we have Infinity so we don't need to worry about stock of arrows not that I'm worried about arrows I mean we've got a pretty good stock from our Skelly farm so my plan for the crop Farm here is pretty huge I want to have a big circle which have all the Farms going around the edge and then a smaller Circle in the middle which is going to have a wheat farm but it's going to be stacked on top of each other to make this a little easier I'm gonna go ahead and get all of the foundation in place first that way it gives us a better overview and we can see a bit more about the size and where everything's going to be laid out [Music] foreign ly got the basic Foundation all in place here and as you can see the little curve sections here have two sections so there's going to be two Farms on each one of these little curves and then the one inner Center here is also going to have two but it's going to be on two levels so one but a lot below and one above so 10 farms in total the wall streams are simply divided up with water and then slabs with some packed ice underneath which will allow the items to flow straight across and all the way around to the system if we go ahead and just go ahead and just drop some Redstone in here we can see it gets shot out here they simply flow down and around the system so that means each Farmer's gonna need two villagers so we are going to have to start breeding our own villagers but in here we're going to place a bed and a composter and then we'll be growing some crops and the other villager is going to be stuck on this Hopper here we'll be blocking him in with our Minecart so that will keep them in there and should keep the Farms running pretty smooth but we're gonna have to do some breeding and a lot more building so I think it's time we get back to work before we do anything else we're gonna need a lot more villagers so let's get breeding wow that was super quick we already have our first baby villager I guess I should leave these guys and give them a bit of privacy for now while if it's just a busy breeding there's still a bit more work on our crop farms mainly getting in some of those crops and some of the Farmland all ready for them to go inside it's a good thing we have a Skelly Farm because bone meal is going to come in handy here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay we are gonna need a couple more things so let me quickly repair my seal touch pickaxe and then we can head to the Never I'm gonna need a lot more glowstone so that we can keep our farms in it and avoid any of those nasty mobs from spawning oops no no I didn't mean to do that seriously can't you guys fight fair what happened to one-on-one [Music] okay now we need to be extra careful because I've got no idea if the rest of these guys are going to be angry of me I think there should be plenty of close time to keep us going for now but next up we're gonna need a bunch of Hoppers so I think it's about time we get ourselves an iron from this area just at the back of the Farms here should work plus we can AFK here for both the iron and for the food farm so it's kind of a double win so let's start by making some room [Music] thank you foreign [Music] the area just get the layout for everything all in place will be connected to our crop Farm storage a little bit later on but for now we're just going to set it up to go in these chests here okay that's the basic killing area in place we will be coming back to add the lava later on but I'll do that once our villagers are all safely in place I'm using packed tires for the spawning platforms and the waterways to keep the Iron Golems moving along a little bit easier I think that's everything laid out so now I just need some name tags for our zombies as they need to go in place first we can trade with our librarian to get name tags but first we need to get him to Master Level so let's get trading and there we go we have a name tags now it's time to see if we can find some zombies come on Dave you have to check this out buddy I've got the perfect little trap for you just follow me in here and if you place that there well there we go he's ours and don't forget to place a name tag now I just need to do that two more times that's zombie number two and zombie number three and now for the fun part add in the villagers I'm gonna try and convince them by breaking and moving a composter hopefully this will go smoothly come on buddy just follow me just a little further there we go villager number one now we just got eight more to go so yeah this might take a while foreign villager number nine all in place I think that's everything in place now so let's add our glass and of course the lava bucket and we can add in our waterways using ice okay looks like everything is working so we can just AFK here for plenty of iron now so hopefully this should be good now I think it's about time that we finish up this farming area thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] cars into each villager farm there we go and again we've now got to move a bunch of villagers into the farm so again I'm gonna go with the composters as this seems to do the trick let's do this one at a time [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] that's all of them in place now and surprisingly again that was very smooth okay this area is looking great and we still have some extra room for some additional Farms we can add later on but for now we've got to add some finishing touches so that we can make this place look beautiful thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're gonna work on the storage system next but so far I think this is looking pretty sick Skelly Farm area is so much better and maybe a few more details here and there but overall I'm really happy with the look The farming area itself has turned out way better than I expected and I'm loving that feel as though you're kind of inside some huge tree roots what do you guys think let me know in the comments now the storage system is going to be at the back here but it's going to sit down a few more blocks so it's going to be on a lower level so you'll have a little stairway going down to it so first of all we need to clear a bit of the area so let's make some room so we can get this in place [Music] now the storage will be repeated in sections so let's start off with the first one first we'll put in some pillars and then some stairs for details I'm gonna use barrels for storage so that we can minimize on lag and then we just add a few Finishing Touches and there we go that's looking pretty good let's go ahead and repeat down all the sections all the way around the room [Music] without connected this girl Redstone setup which is going to be pretty simple we'll start by adding Hoppers to the back of the barrels behind the top Hopper we want to place our blocks like this and then we can extend these ones add our repeaters here and then connect the rest of the blocks across we'll place in our comparators and the Redstone Dust place redstone torches underneath Hopper's going into the comparators then we can run Hoppers just around the top edge of the room and of course we just repeat this all the way around foreign [Music] with the restaurant all in place now we just got to add the final part of the system and then finish off the detail for the ceiling of the storage room [Music] thank you to set up the auto storage we're going to first rename some dirt then we're going to add them to The Hoppers in these four slots with a stack of the items you want to sort it should stop at 41. for now we will saw weak beetroot potatoes and carrots and for now I'm just going to section all of the other sections off with our dirt we will also add an area for our iron and our poppies from our iron farm too and there we go we finally have it all set up now as you can see in the center of storage room here you can actually see the items going up through the glass here this is going up into the storage system and I just thought this was a really nice little detail and a little feature for inside the storage room just something I like to do which I haven't done for a long time but is a cool little feature now overall guys this place is looking amazing I absolutely love everything that we've done in today's episode I'm really happy with the way things are shaping up and I've got some great ideas for next episode where we're going to be adding a lot more builds into the cave and also doing a bit of work on the outside of the caves so let me know in the comments what do you want to see me build in next episode and what are your ideas for what we have so far are you liking it or do you think we should do some other stuff have you got some cool ideas yourself let me know in the comments and I'll catch you in the next one it's been 340 days since I started this hardcore world and I've gathered tons of resources built some awesome Cliffs made some more mag farms and finish our starter house but today I have something different planned you see I know those creepers are out there lurking around every corner just waiting to catch me off guard so today it's time we level up our game I mean this is a hardcore World After All which means we only have one left so we could easily lose everything at any moment so it's time we get some safety measures in place now I'm thinking a raid farm would be perfect for unlimited totems and emeralds plus upgrading to fully Enchanted never right tools and armor would definitely help us on the path to becoming overpowered so what are we waiting for let's do it I guess we should head to the neighbor first as I want to get the never right mining out of the way I mean it's not like I have a mind enough already right so I think we need to get down to around y level 15 to get the most never right so hopefully that speeds up the Gathering time I've done my fair share of mining but not never right mine in so here goes nothing well that was quicker than I expected our first piece of never right okay I've been mining for about an hour and a half and it's starting to get a little bit boring I mean I've only found 12 ancient debris so far so I think it's time we mix it up a bit I never really play with TNT but that's gotta be a lot more fun than mining like this so we need some Gunpowder and I mean a lot of gunpowder so I think the best way to do this is by building a mob farm then we can have all the gunpowder we dream of plus we can get the other mob drops too now I will need a few things for this build but I'm pretty sure I already have most of the resources ready to build this now the farm is Best Built above deep Waters so the gnome mobs can spawn around it which improves the drop rates I think building it here should be perfect as we're not too far from our base and before we get started this is not my design it is a nembom farm so I'll leave a link in the description but it's probably the best mob farm out there so let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's just add our soul campfires to The Killing chamber and our water buckets for the mob collection area with that all in place it's time to get in the platforms now we're going to be putting in about 10 platforms with slabs and it's going to be a two and a half block gap between them all so good thing I'm not afraid of heights [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] place and working like a charm so I guess we should test it out and do an AFK session for a couple of hours to see how many drops we get okay it's been a little over two hours so let's see what we have oh my gosh look how much gunpowder we've got just over one double chest that is crazy just look at these drops well that's way more than I was expecting excellent well I'm almost ready to blow the never apart but first we're gonna need to craft some TNT that means we're first gonna need some sand and now we can craft some TNT three and a half stacks should do for now I think okay time to make a mess let's go [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Ty of ancient debris for now so I think it's time we head home so if we add these to the 12 that we got earlier that leaves us with a 47 which is plenty but before I go adding that to our armor and tools I think we should work on some enchantments I'm gonna focus on Chapman's on getting trades with our villagers as I think they'll be more beneficial for future trades if I'm gonna make a raid Farm I will need a good sword so we're gonna probably need sweeping Edge free gluten-free and sharpness 5. for armor we need some protection three or four Unbreaking free and maybe some efficiency five for a couple of our tools as well so I guess it's time to get Trading [Music] [Music] Lewin 3 for 15 emeralds awesome I'll take it [Music] sharpness 5 for 28 emeralds I guess that will do [Music] foreign 62 ouch dude I guess I'm just gonna go over there because this is taking so long [Music] oh I'm breaking free for 13. that's pretty good definitely taking that oh my God finally Protection free it's not perfect but I think we can combine two books for protection four yes we can so that will do we'll put that on our chest plate and Unbreaking free now before we start the raid Farm I'm first gonna need a good sword so we're gonna need to add a few enchantments to this first let's start with sweeping Edge free I'm also gonna need gluten-free sharpness five and mendin but looks like I need a few more levels [Music] [Music] now we can add mendin let's quickly repair our sword ah much better now before I can enchant the rest of my gear I'm gonna need lots of emeralds and for security plenty of totems so let's get building this overpowered arrayed farm this Farm will actually be perfect just next to our mob farm so while we're using our read form we can also be getting mob drops at the same time so it's a win-win now I have done some testing and this Farm is pretty insane it's designed by enxo4 so I'll link the tutorial below the video anyway enough talk let's build it foreign [Music] foreign [Music] have to farm all in place but first we need a villager and he's gonna just sit in this little box down here and the Raiders are gonna spawn on the platform up there but we'll do test him once our village is all in place luckily there's a village not too far from here I think it was over this way a little bit aha there we go now we just need a villager hey come back here haha got you now now I just need to head towards the water it's not the fastest form of travel by any means but it works and we are there woohoo now we just need to give this fella a new home there you go buddy now we almost have everything we need except for one thing and that is bad Omen so it's time to head over to a villager Outpost admittedly this is a little bit further away than I would have liked and we do need to be careful because there are a couple of villages on the way back to the farm so we're gonna have to make sure we don't get too close to them because the last thing we want to do is set off a raid at the Village okay it did take me about five minutes to get here but that will be a bit quicker once we get our wings but for now we need to find a captain [Music] wow let's see what they have in here oh the goat's horn nice geez these guys are so dumb come on send me out your captains I need bad omen or is it mad Omen I'm not sure anymore oh I see that's how it is well I guess I just have to take you out one by one haha you're all alone now okay let's get back to our raid Farm foursome radian hopefully this works well okay here we are and there's the raid Mia so this jump up the bubble column I hear a horn so that's a good thing let's flick the lever and simply take them down [Music] well that was super easy let's see what we got okay some items are still filtering Through The Hoppers for the item sorters but we do have plenty of emeralds and totems and we do have bad Omen again from our raid so let's jump down start another one and repeat the cycle okay I've done a few raids now and already we have loads so let's take some of the tomes and some of the emeralds back to base time to make use of those emeralds and buy plenty of books to enchant our gear okay so first it looks like we're gonna need some books grab our lever and some sugarcane craft that into paper and now we can make some books let's grab some protection free books I'll also take plenty of Unbreaking free we'll definitely need a few mending books and for now I'll take one efficiency five book okay let's get some enchanting done let's start by combining protection books so that we can get protection 4. we'll put Mendon on our chest plate on our leggings we'll put protection 4 Unbreaking free and mended and on our boots and helmet we only have enough XP for mending so I guess we should head back to our raid farm so that we can get some more XP foreign [Music] [Music] okay that should be enough to finish up our enchanting for now foreign most of the enchantments that I need on my tools and armor so I think it's time to upgrade them to never right let's upgrade our chest plate leggings boots and helmet cover me in debris achievement unlocked and now for our tools let's upgrade the sword our Fortune pickaxe shovel ax and finally I'll still touch pickaxe look who's looking rather shiny now all we need now is just a couple of bodyguards okay now it wouldn't be a blue Nerd video without some kind of building so it's time we make this cave look pretty and make it feel a little bit more like home [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] way better than I expected I love this little Lake here with the kind of Little Shack at the back probably a good place for a storage system or maybe a villager trading Hall what do you guys think let me know in the comments now the cave is starting to feel much more alive and much more detailed and certainly feels more like a place that I would want to live now I am also working on a castle design which I think is going to be awesome and it's going to be on top of the mountain now I've still got a bit more planning in the creative test well to come up with a few more ideas but so far I think I have a cool idea in place but still gotta get some more of the details ironed out before we can build it but I think it's gonna be awesome now I was thinking about building something somewhere below the base somewhere deep into the caves and something this may be a bit of a magical area maybe something that kind of explains a bit of a history or a story behind what we've been building you know kind of making up a bit of lore along the way I've never done man of world before but I think it might be a cool idea just adding you know still small things here and there just to create a bit of a backstory so if you guys have some ideas let me know in the comments below and I'll catch you guys in the next one last episode I became overpowered by again fully Enchanted never armor and building a raid farm for unlimited totems but you know what is not overpowered the outside of my base yeah I mean it kind of hurts just to look here to be honest in fact this entire Mountain needs some work so today I will be completely transforming this place into something epic so be sure to stick around because you won't recognize it when I'm done now I have been so focused on building the ultimate hardcore world that I kind of forgot about facing the dragon and it's like day 450 so I think it's about time that we show her who's boss around here plus I really need some wings because I'm kind of getting a little bit tired of running everywhere so I guess the first thing we need to do is get some eyes of vendors so let's head into the never because I'm definitely gonna need some blade rods I'm pretty sure there was another Fortress pretty close to our pool aha there we go now I just need to find a safe way across okay well I guess I'm just gonna have to make my own pathway just a few more blocks and there we go we made it and another advancement off the list too okay finding some Blazers around this should be easy enough a blaze spawner even better foreign Ty plus any extras will come in handy for brewing potions so let's head back home next up I need a broom station so that we can get a cleric villager anyone want a job how about you my friend oh this guy trades zombie flesh which is super handy because I have tons of that at our mob farm this Farm is so awesome look at all these drops okay let's grab as much as we can for now now if I can just get him to an expert level then we can get some ender pearl trades apparently he's an expert now so let's take some of those ender pearls I'm gonna call this guy Rick because he's a cleric get it oh what am I doing to myself that was a terrible joke anyway moving on let's craft some blaze powder and now we can make some Eyes of Ender okay that means I also have the materials for an Ender Chest now so uh let's make one I'll grab these golden carrots and apples and maybe a few more golden apples just in case I don't think I'll need them but best to be safe okay so which way is the end portal aha that way it is hopefully it's not too far away fingers crossed okay looks like we're still on track [Music] okay now it's going the other way so we must be close aha there we go it's down there okay I think I'm getting close now aha stone bricks there we go now let's find the Portal it's probably a good idea to be safe and light the way okay I found the library but I'm gonna come back later for the bookshelves okay I think I found it let's get rid of that and to be safe I'm gonna get rid of the lava I don't want to burn my butt on the way through the portal let's place our as a vendor and see what's on the other side I guess [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes and she's down you know I used to always struggle with a dragonfly but I think the more you do it the easier it gets because there's definitely less of a challenge to beat her now anyway let's grab the dragon egg and for now we're gonna quickly head back home so that I can clear my inventory oh man man looks like I forgot to set my spawn point well looks like I have a 3 000 block Journey on foot fun times eh well at least I memorized my base coordinates so it could be worse after a long-haul Journey we are finally back home and I've cleared my inventory so I guess it's time for some end raiding for my own safety I made a Stairway up to the pool as we can't be too careful okay well let's do this whoa my gosh now this is definitely an odd spawn point um I best be careful getting down here okay let's find an NC well that was pretty easy this is our first NC but it doesn't look like it has an end ship but I'm pretty sure it does have some shulkers so let's grab some blocks and slowly pillow over the void man my stomach sinks every time I do this now it's time to loot the sea [Music] not bad but I really need an end chip so that I can get the Electra ah this one will do and it's definitely got a ship [Music] foreign [Music] and we are across to the end ship let's get rid of you and I'll take the Brewers stand thank you no no you're not gonna oh seriously well done you go anyway and finally we have the Allied chart excellent time for that good old leap of faith this is gonna make things so much easier I think that's enough loot for now so let's head back home first thing I'm gonna do is enchant our Electra let's add some mending and of course on Breaking Free now I just need to craft some shulker boxes now before I start building it will be helpful if we had a respiration free so I do have some villagers without jobs so let's get some more trades oh protection four don't mind if I do yes respiration free perfect oh forever Fallen Ford that's gonna be perfect for while I'm building still touch well that's definitely gonna come in handy so let's grab that too so let's put feather folding on our boots respiration on our helmet and still touch on our X now I just need a few more bits before I can start building thank you foreign [Music] oh boy that took me way longer than I expected but I think I have everything I need now to finally make a start on transforming this mountain so let's get to work [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] okay I got a little bit carried away with how big I wanted this to be but so far I think it's actually shaping up pretty good I mean it's really transformed the entire look of this place already and we haven't even started with the mounting I think I'm gonna extend this Cliff around this edge here so that we can add another building up on this Cliff at some point will be a village so we're gonna need to make our way up to it but I still got terraform some of the land around it as well now there's still loads of work to do so well let's get back to it foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so I think I've got most of the terraforming on this side that I'm mounting all in place I've extended that Cliff across the edge there so that we've got room for another building and we now have a walkway leading up here which will later on be a village of some sort now there are still tons of words to do on this side of the mountain at some point I will be building a huge castle somewhere around here but to do that I'm gonna need to dig away several layers off the top of this mountain which is gonna take me an insane amount of time so to speed this up I think it's about time that we get that Beacon so that is gonna mean taking on the weather so that means we're gonna have to head back to the nether because we need free wither skulls ah this should be fun [Music] the man you guys are so annoying [Music] now we finally have a free wither heads so you know what happens next right well that's good because I don't so I guess we just placed down our free heads and uh hope for the best I guess we start with a bow on okay it's down to half Health let's start with our sword yes we did it now I'm not gonna lie that was nowhere near as tough as I remember being but there has been a while anyway we have our never star so now all we need to do is craft a beacon haha there we go okay let's place our full power Beacon up here so let's just add our iron blocks and we will add haste too okay I started digging off the top of the mountain and I kind of realized that there is way more to dig away up there than I thought so I think I'm gonna save that for a bit later but our Beacon will definitely come in handy as we still have loads of terraforming to do down here so I guess it's time we get back to transforming this mountain foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this episode has taken an insane amount of work so far but I gotta say I'm really glad the terraforming is out of the way now because that was a huge job so next I want to upgrade my style house and just add another billion over the side here but before we get back to work let's have a quick look at our stats wow I've mined pretty much 90 000 stone blocks that's crazy and well you can see just how much stuff we've been Gathering there's a lot of resources here so there has obviously been an insane amount of resource gathering for this series so far I think I spent more time Gathering resources than anything else but I'm really happy with the way things began okay let's get back to work on those final details foreign [Music] foreign [Music] wow I cannot tell you guys how much I love the way that this is shaped up it has turned out so much better than I expected and I just love the feel to the place now it feels like a completely different place now I'm not gonna lie I have spent the last three weeks working morning till night on this episode alone so if you did enjoy it then why not subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any future videos and as always a like is much appreciated now let's take a wander around and have a look at what I've done first of all you can see I have changed my starter house and just kind of made it so that if it's better into the cliff it's not a huge change but it's enough to make a difference and just to make it feel a little bit nicer I've also completely done up the interior so it looks much better now and we have way more room I absolutely love this little Bridge down here I think it looks really cool but I am struggling to come up with ideas for what to go on the little island I'm not sure what's going to fit on there properly so if you guys have any ideas let me know in the comment comments what you think I should build on there now the outside of the cave has been completely terraformed and I've textured all the walls and I'm not gonna lie it took me so long to do but my gosh was it worth it in the long run I have also added a nice little house just down to the side here we've also got this little waterfall and pond and just generally a lot of details just to make the area look nice on the other side here is mostly decorative with a pond and lots of foliage and trees all over the place just to bring the area to life if we continue around that leads us to a walkway which leads up onto the cliff that we built earlier again there is going to be a village of samsaw up here at some point I'm not really sure of the style just yet so that will come a little bit later on but for now I think this area is looking really cool and I just like the way that everything is laid out it's all organized and ready to go now we'll of course be building a huge castle very soon on top of the mountain and in order to access it you will have to come through the cave across the bridge around the cliff and along our new walkway which will go all the way up to our Castle once it's all in place of course as always I hope you guys have enjoyed the video and I'll catch you in the next one this is my never pool and this is the actual never but I can't see anything for it so today I'm gonna change that by building my own custom lever right behind it so dear looks like we're actually looking through to the actual never all in Hardcore Minecraft so this is probably going to be my most insane build yet and as you know insane Bills take crazy amounts of resources so I'm definitely gonna need some more shulker boxes finding NCS is so much easier now that we have the elytra here we go time for some Shogun in foreign that would be great like seriously these guys hate me awesome a great view up here nice that's another one off the list well getting shot by these shulkers does have its perks I guess okay that took me several hours but I should be able to craft enough shulkers now Gathering never on Warped Tour is so slow unless you have a good Enchanted hoe of course my grubby old Diamond hoe is looking a little worse for wear so let's give it an upgrade let's add Unbreaking free and mending together let's try adding gluten-free as well okay 9xp that's not too bad we lose looting but that's fine I guess looks like I'm down to my last two never right ingots well only one now let's also grab an efficiency four book now I'm gonna need some XP and down goes the Ray captain and off to the raid form for that XP probably a good idea to top up the gunpowder while we're here now let's add that efficiency 4 so that we can get efficiency five and upgrade to never right serious dedication nice let's quickly grab some food and now I'm ready for some grinding [Music] [Music] hey I told you to behave fine you asked for it okay I think that should be enough for all the Crimson materials but it looks like these are the last of my Rockets So I guess I should really make a small temporary farm for sugarcane I have plans for building a much better version later I mean I'm gonna be needing a lot of paper I will definitely be building something more automatic a bit later on but for now this should give us enough paper to get on with and another Pillager Captain down and off to the raid bomb again to repair our tools there we go good as new let's head back to the never for a few more materials so for this build I'm gonna need a ton of resources meaning I'm gonna need blocks from all the biomes including the Warped Forest the Crimson Forest the soul Valley basildower and even the pig Lim bastions and the Never Fortress itself as well so it took me a few days to gather everything okay I think that's most of the never materials gathered I'm pretty sure I should have plenty to build with now I think the only other block I need now is deep slate oh I forgot how slow mining this stuff is actually what if I take this Beacon and I'll place it down here there we go that should speed things up yeah not that much actually oh well this is the fastest I can go so let's go on with it [Music] oh boy I completely forgot that I need to dig the arrow out behind the portal man that's not gonna be fun like you guys know how much I love mining right actually before I do that I think I just want to make a few changes to the portal design just to make it stand out a little bit more [Music] [Music] okay okay I completely changed it but design wise it's only a small change and it looks so much better now okay I just repaired my tools yet again at a raid bomb honestly I've actually lost count how many times I've done that in this episode but I seriously must thank Mojang for mendin now it's time for that big hole uh yeah I heard myself I mean yeah moving on why do I always build these things underground you know I really should start building above ground it's a lot less work that way well at least I have a beacon man it looks like I'm mining so fast but I still feel like progress is so slow well a day and a half later several raid Farm pickaxe repairs and More Tears than I care to admit but it's finally done Anna have allowed full of walls that I think should work pretty nicely this is gonna be a custom never so I guess it only makes sense to use never rack right foreign [Music] finally that stone is all hidden wow there's still the floor but I'm good with that so I still need to add a few details to the walls a bit later but so far I think we've got a pretty good shape but now it is feeling kind of empty in here so let's start building similar terrain so that we have something to work from thank you well we still have lots of work to do but at least we have some shape now so my plan here is to build a custom Crimson Forest a warped Forest a cool entrance around the never pole and down there I want to add a kind of Soul Valley basil delta type biome thingy I don't know but it look cool when it's done so let's start working on that next [Music] my gosh that's a lot of torch spam I'll remove them once I get the hidden light in lava poles and lava streams all in place there is gonna be a lot of lava but I'm definitely gonna do that last okay there's still a long way to go but it's certainly shaping up I actually have this cool idea for a bridge and make it lead across to another Fortress at the back actually I think that will look pretty sick you know what let's do it foreign [Music] somehow I crafted all of my Blackstone into Blackstone bricks but I need polish Blackstone and I can't craft it back so I guess I'm gonna need to go get some more these ghosts bear appreciate all my work I mean they're not gonna see my build but they better appreciate it okay that should do so back to the never like the other never uh the one inside my base yeah [Music] foreign [Music] oh man this is looking pretty sick now I didn't want to over detail as I still want this to look like the actual never just with kind of a bit of an upgrade I must admit I really like this bridge design here is simple and I probably will make a few small changes but I think it's pretty good next I want to do something around the pool maybe something similar to what we have on the other side but we have materials from the actual never because this is the never I guess [Music] well that definitely adds some life and I love the way that these trees are shaped up I tried to make the Crimson one look more like trees and the Warped ones to look more like mushrooms but it still needs some more work maybe some mini mushrooms using some n Rods for lighting and then we can remove the Torches uh yeah that actually looks really nice but it still needs something else maybe a little bit of bone meal you are in the wrong place buddy get out of here perhaps a few Twisted Vines and a little bowmill and we can stop them ground with shares let's add a little bit more detail to these walls now that is more like it I definitely like the way this is starting to look maybe we can add some red mushrooms for the Crimson side let's play some bone Mill and maybe some hanging Vines will make this place feel more never-ish I guess oh yeah this place is looking nice now Ah that's where my scaffolding went oh what about a couple of prison cells hanging from the ceiling oh yeah this is really starting to look awesome now next I want to add some details down here netherwall should definitely help bring in a bit of color and while that's growing let's finish up some of the details man I love The Vibes you can't walk in through here it's so cool you can actually get a much better view of the prison cells from here what the really those Endermen are a pain in the butt so the battle Soul Valley type biome is all in place now and I gotta say it's looking pretty good this side I made some kind of bone structure hidden into the dirt it's not over detailed but I think it works I plan on filling this bottom area here with lava so using these little pools here should help me avoid burning my butt fingers crossed but no promises now for the painful part which is going to be filling up and placing the lava buckets I have about 60 buckets but this is still gonna take a while foreign [Music] oh my gosh I thought I was dead there for sure oh not sure how I survived but I did oh let's not make a habit of doing that man this is taking forever but we are about two-thirds of the way done geez so far I've used 611 lava buckets wow I wonder how many it will take in total including all the lava streams foreign [Music] ly I think this is the last one what a huge project this has been these biomes are looking absolutely awesome I think it definitely feels like the never just with a little bit of an upgrade as I didn't want to transform it too much foreign [Music] [Music] foreign does look like we are actually looking through to the actual never now which I think looks really really cool the only question now is how can we make use of this Fortress hmm recently I've been taking on some huge projects in this Minecraft hardcore world and it's been super fun well that is until this happened okay where is almost brucewood come on I'm sure I must have left the M1 of these did I put it in here maybe in here ah seriously this is getting ridiculous now yeah things are starting to get a little bit unorganized around here so today it's time we get ourselves organized with a fully automatic storage system with an awesome Axolotl aquarium in the center all in Hardcore Minecraft but before we get started less than a cool review watching are actually subscribe to my channel so if you do enjoy my content then why not subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any future content okay so today is gonna be another crazy build so before we get started let's see if we can find a good spot for building ah this should be perfect but I think building the village up here would look awesome so maybe building this one under the cliff would be best that way we can still build an awesome little village above it so that is gonna mean a lot of digging again so begin down and time for some terraforming and digging let's do this [Music] so I'm about halfway through the mining at the moment and I think it's time for a little break plus I don't think my tools can take much more so it's probably a good idea that we repair them oh wow it's not often that we find a Pillager Captain straight away sorry buddy but I need bad Omen okay tools prepared so back to mining [Music] you know the mining process really doesn't bother me but my tools just burned down so fast when I mine in with a beacon I mean I've already repaired my tools like six or seven times now but I guess that means I'm working hard at least that's what I'm telling myself okay well that's the easy part done now I need to try and clear some of my shoulder boxes yeah and of course another hole means another chess monster geez I'm gonna have a lot of mess to clean up so the automatic storage system is gonna have three sections on each floor each section will hold around 42 items and we have two floors so that's just over 250 items plus we can expand this as much as we want later on so I guess I really should get to Gathering those materials for a change of color I really want to try out some terracol for the walls so I guess the first thing we need is a Mesa no Mesa yet but we do need some Acacia so this Savannah is good as any trust me it's gonna look awesome when it's done [Music] foreign okay that should be enough and I'm out of rockets good thing I always carry spares in my under chest I mean I'm like 4 000 blocks away from my base so yeah that would have been a fun journey I am so far away from home right now there must be a Mesa around here somewhere aha finally gosh that took like 30 minutes to find let's just gather everything all the Terracotta colors [Music] foreign [Music] oh wow I can't remember the last time I looted one of these yeah still not worth it let's just rub all this Sandstone instead who needs a temple anyway we always need sand for glass so let's stock up what could I build with red sand I'm gonna just take some anyway oh wow this Mesa is way bigger I must remember to take down his coordinate so that I can come back later ah red circle too now you're just spoiling me okay let's just smell some gloss as I'm gonna need some of that later and now I need a ton of a redstone and not just for the red Dusty stuff but I need repeaters comparators and Redstone torches and to top it off I need about five stacks of each so that's a lot more Redstone than my brain can calculate using a beacon has to be the fastest way to gather this I mean there's less redstone on this level but I combine super fast it has to be quicker than mining through deep slate surely okay if I'm real unlucky or this is just a bad spot for Redstone like four Stacks in about an hour and a half and I'm using my fortune pickaxe maybe deep cave mining will be better this is more like it [Applause] [Music] so much iron down here I mean I have an iron farm but seriously I can't help myself and diamonds yeah like that's what I need right now oh look what I just found I really want to explore it but I'm not sure I've got the guts to be honest but it is so tempting I can't I'm just I'm not prepared right now okay maybe just a quick look oh my gosh did I just say sign off oh no I know what that means let's go quick quick quick damn I nearly killed myself flying into wolves yeah that was kind of stupid but I'm not gonna lie that was kind of scary seriously like what is wrong with the mobs in this game hey a lust cave well at least I don't have to tiptoe around here hopefully we can fire some axolotls in here so let's craft a few buckets just in case ah spool blossoms nice hang on I found a load of these a while back I wonder whatever happened to them I have no idea but I guess I should gather some up while I'm here did I just hear an axolotl yes I did awesome hey dude what's up uh why won't he go in the bucket haha gotcha that was weird okay I can hear another one but where is he aha there you are gotcha that's two tropical fish how where to spawn down here and gotcha if we can find some more then we can make some babies oh pretty pink one and you're mine let's quickly repair our bow there we go good as new I think we should have enough Redstone now so let's craft some Redstone torches [Music] comparators [Music] and finally repeaters [Music] thank you now I'm gonna need a ton of logs so that I can craft them into planks we can then craft them into chests and use the chest to craft Hoppers and I need about four e-stacks of Hoppers so yeah there's certainly more maps and my brain can handle [Music] [Music] foreign trees down for several hours now and I think that I finally have enough let's craft up all the chests first wow that wasn't even close to enough logs so um back to chopping trees I guess [Music] okay I'm pretty sure that I've got enough logs for all the chests now now I need to craft them into hoppers I mean I need 40 stacks of Hoppers and each Hopper uses five iron so that's about 200 stacks of iron ingots oh boy that's a lot it's gonna be close very close [Music] oh wow that was so close but we did have just enough iron for all of them now I just need a bunch of barrels and then we should be ready to start building I think I have everything I need now just other than Spruce and dark oak logs as I pretty much used all of them for crafting the chests and the barrels [Applause] okay finally is the fun part so time to start building so I did go ahead and make a little bit of a layout as you can see we have three sections for storage and there's two floors so that makes six sections in total each section is gonna hold about 42 items so that should be plenty of space for now but we can always extend it later if we need to this little hole in the center is going to be where the actual aquarium goes which I gotta say I think is going to be an awesome feature let's start with the storage system and we're going to start by laying out all of our barrels there's three Barrels in between each pillar and I'm gonna stack them about six High barrels are great because they cause zero lag just on the other hand can seriously impact your FPS plus if I'm honest I actually prefer the look of barrels [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let's add a little bit of light around the back here and place in all those Hoppers I'm gonna do both floors together so hopefully this will save a bit of time okay that's the first part all done that already took me a few hours and we're still a long way from done let's craft some Polish under sight for the Redstone area it has an outline so it just makes it easier to see the Redstone itself is pretty simple the block should be placed like this making sure the top blocks are in line with the top hoppers let's extend these blocks across place our appears then cover up the rest let's place the comparators and the Redstone Dust and don't forget to place the Redstone torches now I just need to repeat this behind every Hopper so this may take a while let's place a hopper into the comparator for the item filter and finally I just need to connect a hopper line around the entire system and of course connect both floors it's a good idea to place composters on top of the Hoppers this helps reduce any of the lag that they may calls okay and that's all of the Redstone in place now now for the item filter for this I'm just going to rename a bunch of dirt let's give it a very important name yep subscribe very important foreign [Music] into the last four slots of The Hoppers I need to add 41 items of the item that I want to sort into the first slot of each Hopper but I think I'm going to go ahead and organize that later as that's going to take a while before I do anything else I think I want to get the flooring in place okay let's try adding a dark oak border on each side best fill the rest with Spruce and then get some of the pillars in place just to see how it kind of looks thank you [Music] okay it's starting to shape up really nice now I did get a little carried away with the building and I wasn't sure about the orange at first but I think it works so now I need to repeat this around the entire storage room [Music] thank you well I've got to say that I think this is my favorite storage room design I've ever made the orange and Spruce just works so well together and I love having that kind of Dome shape to the center of the room now I do still need to organize all of the chests but like I said I'm going to do that a little bit later as that is going to take some time plus I still need to do the interior downstairs and build the Axolotl Aquarium I think it's gonna look so awesome when it's done okay I'm just too excited now let's do this [Music] foreign [Music] okay this looks really cool it's a different style but I'm really happy with it the next thing I want to do is get in the aquarium and I'll finish the ceiling once that's all in place I will be doing the stairway as well but let's do the aquarium first let's grab some sand I'll take the axle holes and the tropical fish I'm sure I have some Coral somewhere aha well actually it's not that much looks like I'm gonna need some more Coral I'm so sure there was a warm motion over this way aha here we go now let's grab plenty so we don't have to come back for a while at least so I'm pretty well stocked now but I'm not sure if axolol's despawn so to be safe let's get some name tags seven should be plenty for now and I think I'm gonna use some names from the comments of last episode hopefully we get to add them all so let's go with you rock Clovis Tess Tony Rick Grace Marie and drayma now for the aquarium let's add some pillars foreign of those large tanks made of just glass I think it just looks so much better when you add a few details so they don't look so plain now let's clear the bomb and we fill it in with some sand I kind of want like a little mountain thing in the middle yeah something like that should work it's gonna look so much better once we get all the Coral in place but I'm gonna need to fill in the glass and top it with water first the coral blocks should add a nice bit of life and some awesome vibrant colors now just some final details such as sea pickles bone meal and coral fans and finally let's add our axolotls I'm so excited for this so we have your Clovis and Tony let's see if we can breed some of you guys there's one and two is it gonna work yes we have a baby uh oops I guess I don't like fish or maybe they do sorry fish oh man this looks so awesome it's not too cramped either so they can swim around pretty easily I've also finished up the ceiling so it's looking pretty nice now so now that's done let's get the stairway in place it's gonna lead down here first I need to add some framework [Applause] and fill in the floor I think I'm just going to follow the same pattern with the spruce and dark oak okay that looks good let's add some more pillars and we fill in these walls man that just looks so much better let's copy the same design into the stairway first let's dig out the walls maybe add a pillar here foreign let's fill in the rest of the walls again I'm just going to bring that float floor the way down including the actual [Music] s now I want to do the same thing for the ceiling above the stairs but maybe make the edges a little bit lower so it kind of sticks out yeah something like that let's add some better lighting [Music] and get rid of these ones oh I need some more baked potatoes my belly's starting to Grumble there we go so I still need to organize which items to go and wear in the sewing system but overall I absolutely love this system design and now I've got so much room to store 250 items which we can always expand later on but that's gonna be plenty for now the Axolotl aquarium is such a cool feature I mean I just love it look at these guys I mean it really brings this room to life the only question remaining now is what do we build on the outside Gathering wood in Minecraft is so boring so today I'm gonna build a fully automatic wood factory that gathers tons of logs for me all in Hardcore Minecraft dude seriously like I've just pressed record download zombies are annoying but please subscribe now this tree farm is pretty awesome and to make it even better I'm gonna cover it with a brand new epic Factory building which turns out to be one of my favorite builds yet now I've already mined over 30 000 lows in this world so this bomb is Gonna Save Me so much time which means more time for building I think this will be the perfect spot for the factory but I'm gonna have to do something with the landscape I mean you guys know how much I love my terraforming right so yeah more terraforming and another big hole for the Farm building this is gonna be so much easier now that we have our automatic storage all organized and in place so let's place down our Beacon and let's add haste too okay time to get to work [Music] okay I think this will be big enough to fit our farm well I hope so at least just trust me I've got this fingers crossed with the cliff all in place now this area is looking awesome and definitely makes the landscape look more complete but we'll add a few more details a little bit later I think I probably have most of the resources for this Farm but there's definitely a few things I am gonna need actually that should be plenty of redstone yeah um definitely gonna need more slime let's go ahead and cover it out first I'm pretty sure there's a big swamp over this way aha here we go let's clear these trees to make some more room for the Slime to spawn [Music] okay night time is here [Music] and we have our first slam give me those slime balls okay okay from that one slime we got 24 slime balls man I need like 45 slime blocks so uh yeah this is gonna take a while [Music] aha go llamas I knew I kept those guys around for something oh night one was pretty intense but we got 62 slime balls not as much as I would have liked but it's a start I guess [Music] my gosh there's so many of you guys oh no no no oh quick quick uh oh my gosh oh my gosh that was so close jeez oh well I'm still here at least just about that was a little scary though not gonna lie okay just over two steps gives us 15 slime blocks not bad I guess but um we're gonna need a lot more [Music] okay finally 47 slime blocks yep I think that will do the trick okay next on the list is honey blocks so first I'm gonna need some bees nests I think I have a couple back at base but hopefully we can find a few more on the way home aha I'll take that so to be able to take the honey safely I think we placed down some campfires and place the bees nest on top and if I'm right I think the bees need some flowers to gather the nectar and we all know that nectar makes honey and we have 1B seriously like one B out of three nests I'm so sure that I have more well I guess I'm gonna need more bees too can I convince this guy in here come on buddy ah never mind they both went in here so I'm pretty sure that's two more bees and another bee nest now we need to do is simply breed them there's one come on I know there is definitely at least three bees in there now ah there we go finally let's grab the honey and Be Our Guest another advancement awesome stuff okay on four balls makes one honey block ah seriously I need like 41 blocks man that's gonna take forever okay it's probably a good idea to start organizing all the Redstone items while we're waiting [Music] foreign [Music] now that we can get a honeycomb let's craft some beehives so that we can get more bees working I'm not really sure if there's a difference between the hives and the nests but hopefully that will speed up our honey production and we can breed more bees now so that should help too come on guys it's no time for a break back to work okay I think that's finally everything we need to build the farm including plenty of Honey blocks honestly it would have probably been quicker to build an automatic Honey Farm but I will still make one at some point but now I'm just going to remove the nest and we will use them at some point to build an automatic Honey Farm anyway we're finally ready to build so let's do this [Music] [Music] well that build was a little bit tricky but finally it is all in place the design is by ill mango and the tutorial is linked in the description if you want to check it out now I did get a little visit from one last little green guys you know the ones with no arms ones allowed to creep up behind you and blow things up yeah like he blew up the entire TNT jupa that's pretty much just an entire section just up here but hopefully fingers crossed it's all fixed now now rather than having a collection area for all of the logs I think I'm gonna just fill out all of the items into our storage system using water streams it just makes sense seems that our storage system is so close first I need to add the water down here ah there we go let's grab some packed ice and we should be able to make a stream all the way to the storage input signs are probably gonna work best here to separate the streams now I just need to cover the stream with gloss okay let's test it out the items fold down and all the way around perfect it's probably a good idea to repair my tools as they're getting pretty worn down now man these guys are just so stupid [Applause] foreign Now give me all of that XP [Music] while I'm here let's quickly grab a bunch of Bones from the mob farm okay that should do now we've repaired our tools let's quickly repair our bow let's just grab this one this one also gives us punch one and pretty much repairs our bow so that'll do the job and now we can turn the bones into bone Mill and place them in our tree farm okay first try it please tell me I got this right let's click the barrel and fingers crossed okay yes the CNC duper is working so uh let's give this thing a go okay I heard the farm running for around 20 minutes so let's see what we got oh about 15 stacks of birch seven stacks of Oak 12 stacks of spruce and five stacks of jungle logs so if we evened it out we're probably looking around a hundred stacks of logs per hour maybe more and we can go AFK so I can gather logs while I catch up on some much needed sleep oh I'm so excited this is gonna save me so much time now we need to come up with a nice battery design to cover it up I think I'll probably build it out of bricks but I want to add a lot of texture to make it feel really old so I'm definitely gonna need some bricks first so I have a fair amount of clay but I don't think it's gonna be enough and I only have a few clay balls wow that actually looks like a lot more when it's all stacked up my shovel has silk touch so I guess I'm gonna have to sell with a basic iron one for now man one iron shovel down already maybe we should enchant this one and I'm breaking free that's all actually I think I found a shovel when I was in radian aha I'm breaking free and efficiency four now that's more like it let's smell that all up and see how many bricks we can craft [Music] that made more bricks than I thought so it might be enough I think the best way to do this is by starting with the framework so that it gives me a bit of a better idea for the shape so let's get building [Music] foreign I think the shape looks pretty good for now it's hard to tell how it will look but um yeah just trust a process it's gonna be awesome let's quickly add some flooring to the entrance [Music] I will do the interior after but let's finish the building first I think the back wall will likely get damaged from the TNT explosions so let's protect it with a layer of obsidian but looks like I'm gonna need to go mine some first aha here we go let's put some water over The Lava and with our enchantments this shouldn't take too long [Music] so I'm pretty sure that the battle is the only one that needs to be protected hopefully the obsidian should do the trick next I just want to add a small area downstairs maybe like a log storage area and a way to access the farm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that gives us access to the farm AFK area now back to the actual building itself I think I'm just going to start by filling in all the walls of bricks for the moment laughs foreign [Music] still a lot of detail to add so just trust me first I'm gonna need some Moss blocks to create a kind of old worn down look just to go in patches I should only need a few Stacks not too much [Music] okay I think that should be plenty on the corners of the build I'm gonna add some Cobblestone walls I think they add a really nice kind of industrial look to the build now the texture in for the walls is going to be done in two parts first I want to cover the build with some granite and a few patches of polished Granite just to give the walls a bit of a worn down look that will give us this kind of effect the second part is just for some odd patches I'm gonna basically use Moss pull stir rooted dirt and mossy cobblestone to create this kind of overgrown look to the build I think it looks really nice but these will only be placed in a few patches died over the build so here goes nothing [Music] for the windows I'm gonna use some light gray stained glass panes as they look really nice in my texture pack I wish default Minecraft had some kind of glass panes like this but normal glasses good too so it's slowly starting to take shape now but it still needs a lot of work maybe add a few window Ledges with some deep State tiles [Music] and to make this build look more industrial I'm going to use stone brick slabs for the border of the roof the main part of the roof is going to be with the Deep State tiles so they should look good together [Music] the Border definitely needs a bit of texture so let's use some musty stone bricks and Cobblestone just to give it a bit more detail foreign [Music] a lot of texture to a build that really creates so much more life and really gives that realistic look to the build I mean I just love it I really do I think I want to use some of these patches in the roof as well but blend it with the Deep slate instead so let's grab our deep slate and finally get this roof all in place foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay now it is definitely starting to look like something I mean this is actually looking pretty cool I might need to add a little bit more texture but overall I think it's looking pretty good now I'm gonna need a few oxidized copper blocks or some small details but it just takes so long to oxidize I mean surely there's got to be a way to do this faster now the building does look awesome from this view but I actually have a cool idea let's grab some smooth quotes and I think these windows need to come down by just one block [Music] okay that actually already looks much better now we can add an L O G and S and now we have logs so we know where to go for our well logs I guess you know for a factory building this actually looks pretty awesome I'm not usually a fan of this style but I don't know I love this one so the outside is still looking a little plain and definitely needs a few final details plus we still have to do the interior but overall I think the build is looking great my gosh why is this copper taking so long to oxidize like I'm sure it should be doing a quicker than this I think I'm done with all the granite and Bricks for now so they can go back in this chest here which uh puts them straight back into our storage all nicely organized for us gotta love it now we need some foliage such as Acacia leaves azalea leaves white tulips and maybe some dandelions hey finally we have our first oxidized copper block my gosh that took forever okay time for my favorite part decoration man I just love adding some Greenery [Music] thank you thank you adding in all those flowers trees and bushes just makes this place feel so much more complete I did use a couple blocks to make these sort of pipe connections on the outside I don't know what they are but they kind of make it look more Industrial so now we need to work on the interior let's start by Framing out a big window that will sit just here [Music] we'll separate the stairs with a brick wall and I'll keep the ceiling basic with some Spruce planks for now let's fill in that big glass window and we can add a few more details around it do I have any shroom lights oh yeah perfect maybe place them up here put some light in and cover them with some fence for a bit of detail I'm Gonna Keep the ceiling pretty simple maybe some stairs Around The Edge Let's quickly craft some trapdoors and I'll Place those in the middle let's craft a few stairs and slabs and we can make a kind of crafting area here let's place a stone cutter a log and maybe a campfire on this side and if we put it out it should look like some chopped logs actually let's make the table a little wider maybe some barrels and a few lanterns downstairs we can play some logs and a few barrels just to make it look like the place is being used and maybe a little kind of display shelf up here showing you some of the items you can get a Saleh door trapdoor slab fence yeah that looks pretty cool and that's how I built an awesome wood factory with an AFK tree farm in Minecraft hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: BlueNerd
Views: 2,317,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluenerd, bluenerd minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft 1.19, minecraft 1.19 hardcore, 1000 days in minecraft, 1000 days minecraft movie, minecraft 100 days
Id: v3jZiIY8Uho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 6sec (8586 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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