I Survived 100 Days in the ADVENTUREZ Mod in Minecraft

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I like dragons I like Minecraft but you know what I like more I like dragons in Minecraft we already have those though but but no I want dragons I can tame I want cooler dragons I want other mobs that ruin every plan of mine I want an adventure we spending 100 cycles of Night and Day in adventure z a mod pack that adds multiple new mobs and new bosses to fight as well as a diverse world to explore and so much more so grab yourself a snack and a nice hot beverage for these winter nights and enjoy this one 100 Day movie here we go all right hello world what that is an interesting start is this just a huge pumpkin let me let me take that welcome to the world um there's coal and there's already lapis I will need the lapis actually so here's the thing my goal in these 100 days is to secure a dragon for my own obviously beat the dragon not not my dragon beat beat beat the Ender Dragon but you know you know what I mean as well as get the best armor in this mod which is Dragon plated armor it is simply on the agenda actually let's get some Flint right away and we're going to try to go to the nether as fast as possible pretty much give me some Flint bro please PR you please it's like it's like you hate me the game hates me there it is oh is that iron let's go and investigate shall we oh there's a drown I don't know what this is I'm I'm going to assume this is not craftable it is craftable into stone okay well I stand corrected let we get a 20 piece Chicken McNugget boom right so now coal time this is a problem can I get two oh I'm risking it I'm risking it I don't want to take damage right now O Okay is lapis like Stone tool worthy it is is let's go please be more than one that's a shame that's really sad actually give me your fish come here there's more iron down there but I don't think I can actually get that so I'm going to refrain from doing such things let's actually check the map and see what's up okay that's not the right button there it is uh I'm going to go here because that is a nether portal hold on oh sheep I see sheep this is freaking ideal I'm use my freaking wood pickaxe on you right now yeah oh yeah iron yes come why is it just one piece man why is there like pieces of wood falling on my face I can't see anything but I'm going to need this definitely if I can actually get to the nether through this portal again hoping it's a portal then I am looking oh it is a definitely a portal I see it give me like a good portal that's not too ruined it's not great and there's a pumpkin on the chest give me the obsidian two obsidian that's all you give me two obsidian that's not even enough to man it's not enough for nothing oh this is pathetic this is a pathetic portal what is this we actually kind of have to get off this island because this is not optimal at all we might just have to take a nap right here on the beach for the first day I have nothing to fight these things with here's the plan take a little nap what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually make a boat and we're going to sail off into the distance to try to find some land there's more sugar cane oh my God why is there just giant pumpkins literally everywhere and there's leather for the taking he didn't drop any leather give me this give me this o hello now this is mainland let's head on over and see if we can find anything good I know these are fruits so let me see what this is hold on what is this an apricot that's nice beautiful now one mob I really do need to run into pretty much well not need to but would like to run into obviously when I'm geared though is an orc because I will need orc skin a bit later on is that a brown Pig huh yep yep yep o hello ooh this is very good to have just free bone meal what is hold on on you just got to be careful but what is that oh my goodness you know I have to go there holy what is what is that what is this is this an animal no no it's not there's a lot going on right now so let me figure this out huh it's just gold what the dude is this a regular occurrence what is that that is a building hold on now it's very likely that there's bad guys in there so I do kind of have to be prepared why is a tumble weed in the water this this makes no sense that just makes no sense it doesn't particularly look like a very friendly building am I risking it or am I sleeping through the night I'm probably sleeping let's go on adventure huh how about that I'm kind of ner there's multiple buildings there actually I'm a bit nervous but it could possibly just be a v what the hell is that iguana huh oh that is definitely not of it those are definitely just ghosts I saw that's 100 they're going through the walls I don't know about this guys um I don't think I'm geared enough but I will mark it on my mini map danger house is it looks a bit out of out of my uh my comfort zone here I kind of need this Enderman so we're just going to yep yep yep yep just give me your eyes no ow that did a lot of damage okay I see another unfinished nether portal though that does sound enticing how's this worse how's this actually worse than the other one jeez and one okay well I did get some interesting stuff very nice oh gold block hello I'll be taking you okay but I'm not okay oh Yep this is kind of exactly what I was looking for so I'll be sure to investigate some good ores that I can find now before I do that actually let me quickly craft a shield is very much so necessary okay now we're heading into a bit more of a dangerous situation and I see visitors already waiting for me unfortunately and okay and they spawn just because of me you know what I'm just going to have to get some high ground on these guys I do need Diamonds though it sounds like the zombies are like close when I know they're not and that freaks me out yeah come here ow wait there's a lot of stuff going on here here we go y'all fight fight it out I'm busy why do you hurt me simply I kind of just want to get a full set of iron armor and just head deeper into the cave to get some diamonds just as soon as possible plus I'm going to start running out of food very quickly which I don't particularly like who wins let's see damn they just don't miss oh my goodness oh one of them lost I'll keep the gold leggings though because that is protection three and that's not bad at all dude I'm busy all right boom perfect now here's a great thing if we run out of wood down here I simply need to find dirt plant the sapling and grow a tree it really is that beautiful appetite well sounds important what is appetite used for for Farming that sounds lame all right sir give me like yep I need more of that [Music] though I mean am I just not like the best player ever like that's definitely not what I meant to do give me your freaking string okay spiders are impossible to hit binging binging nice oh I see I see diamonds I see diamonds I see diamonds I think I really hope that's diamonds it is okay if if it's just one Diamond I actually will be a bit upset well surely just give me more than one I guess I have to go deeper that is the sky I just don't like the fact that I found one diamond oh that is definitely an interesting find they're busy with each other take care of this guy ow man what the hell is a glow stick that's cool not what I need I'll take the bread though that I just have too much stuff in my inventory this is insane leave the boots take the bread saddle good thing to have name tag also decent thing to have I mean ask and you shall receive right please give me two please give me two please give me two right now like right now give me two like right now you're such a little meanie pants I don't even want to go that's definitely diamonds y that is I'll be taking that and that my friends is all I needed kind of want to find okay more diamonds I guess exactly what I want to find I hate one Diamond veins man why am I going deeper I was just about to head back up what what are the chances of of this happening a bucket hello there I think this means it's time to leave but thank you oh and there's more than one zombie spawner save close this is actually not what I wanted ow actually you know what it is what I wanted I'm getting out of here why why why was he angry at me I'm getting out of here right now give me this water ow this oh this is so bad oh this is so bad oh this is so bad oh this is so bad oh this is so bad oh this is so bad this is so bad this is so bad I'm eating the golden apple I don't care I saw more diamonds I did but I'm not there's just no way there's absolutely no way come on let's go let's go oh isn't that ideal look at that I mean this is just perfect I'm going to take a nap before I head on in I have to plant some sugar canane steak I'll take the steak with me before we head on in I want to get a bunch of food boom I'm actually lowkey scared of the nether I don't know what to expect in there all right Let's uh let's go this is just not a good spot to spawn this is the best spot to spawn what what is the chance of that this is insane Where Art Thou Blaze or chest I would also like to see what is oh my goodness that is not a placee what the the hell is that okay and you can't hit them like that great lovely what there it is where he just Why is there lava up there that's [Music] fantastic this is kind of abysmal I hope this thing drops blaz rods this is not necessary [Music] bro it's it's like dude dude can't come here what did you drop did you even drop anything sir hello sir no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I just want your blaze rods that's all he blaze rods and I'm leaving I is at four that's not [Music] enough I kind of want one more just to make sure I have enough I don't want want more of you to Spa stop spawning okay I'm done now I need eyes ofender means I need to find piglins I have this now all I need is to trade with some piglins now I didn't I was a bit too scared to continue I was like what if they kill me you know what I mean I kind of wish I had more gold this is probably not the most optimal food I can have here is there anything else I'd rather have not sure guess I'll head on over back to the the nether am I scared of course not I was already here I've been here I've been doing this hey mister I don't want to know what that is I feel like I have to shoot it and it just exploded this little guy's just going to steal my stuff but that guy is going to trade with me hello hello sir come down here thought ender pearl S but okay you're making a bit too much noise sir come on guys let's share some ender pearls no no no I meant ender pearls I did say ender pearls this is not ender pearls guys why is why does it have to be nighttime when I'm coming out of here gold is the word of the day am I really going to have to go down here I don't want to go down here again last time was not fun going to ignore everyone take my gold and leave is that an Enderman that is an Enderman I kind of wait I need that good job buddy give me your Pearl man thank you finally I got a pearl the one time I need gold I can't find it that's just how it goes everything's so echoey it's insane all right keep it time do I have any wood I do not I don't have any wood and we simply do that by doing this this this this this this this this this very nice oh and I don't even have an axe I do have an axe I lied what is wrong with me I mean tree chopping mods are just I mean they're just beautiful we can even make an i Ender Isn't that cool boom boom now we wait this is taking a bit too long never mind I don't care enough to have a blast furnace I don't even know how you make smooth Stone how do you make smooth Stone you smell Stone what makes just no sense that makes no sense and I will not stand for this watch this watch this watch this watch this boom boom oh yeah I'm him look at how faster how much faster that is jeez isn't that beautiful I can make an enchanting table is that what I want to make hold on let me think yeah Smite or sharpness sharpness It Is AO big Lins I'm coming back how are you my fine friends yes yes yes yes yes give me the good stuff the pearls I need the pearls nope that's not pearls none of none of that where are you going what did you give me onions man crying obsidian you're lame pearls nope pearls no pearls pearls give me pearls what did you just give me soul speed that's actually kind of nice I'll take that where's the Ender Pearls at bro where are you going bro not a single Pearl not a like not a single Pearl okay where are the chests no no no no no sir there's two things I can do get like a stupid amount of gold or find an Enderman biome right but like how would I go about doing that it goes boom boom boom boom o feather falling too though yes oh and protection one isn't that just lovely let's see what this does does this do anything actually what huh I've traded all my gold and gained pretty much nothing oh am I going to that that's how you get ender eyes hold up hello hello sir what the that's how you do it you accidentally look at an Enderman oh I get shivers down my spine every time I hear that freaking sound I mean that's I guess that's how you do it I might take a little boat trip over that direction though I think it's about that time there's just a tree in the water hello what is this that I find is this a new area an area of opportunity multiple opportunities maybe potentially like a multitude of opportunities I see a village oh I see Village I see a village I see a village if I can find the Alchemy dude and boat him over to my place put a name tag on him that is the plate I just need iron I need iron here okay all right this is the plan not you sir I don't need you you're not the Alchemy man hello sir I will um I hope you can't reach me from there thank you I do like having this though hello I'll take one of these thank you I need the sugar cane then I need to find the townhouse with the Alchemy guy I need to put the Alchemy guy in a boat and then bring him back back to my place which is a quite a bit away there no Alchemy guy here I I still have to steal either one or two villagers from here thank you okay one of you going to have to get in the boat not both of you though no this is exactly what I meant by not both of you man like you guys are not listening get in the boat I I'm going to freak out why are there so many of you exit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come here come here come here here no dude dude dude stop stop stop you're mine now that's it yeah have fortnite we about to get down 10 kills of the more right now just wiped out tomato town please tell me I can go around oh oh this is going to be painful this is this might be painful how you doing back there you doing all right oh he lost his job let's go oh there's just no way this connects right there just no way it connects wait this looks promising this actually looks kind of promising oh that didn't take long at all welcome to your new home hope you enjoy your stay [Music] brewing stand time you how you make those again I need a blaze rod oh just just just wait in the boat man just wait in the boat I'll be back I'll be back why did I make them all into freaking blaze powder hi hi guys how you doing hope you're doing well there's just three skeletons he you're being [Applause] annoying I there's skeletons here why am I lagging where where are the blazes like please give me a blaze there was a blaze spawner up here now oh hello have arrows oh my god oh why why why why why why why am I how many of you are there there's another one okay that's it I'm out of here don't need this I got my Blaze Rod one Blaze Rod I got one blaze rod from that are you joking yes hello unemployed villager hello give me the gun AB go yes sir take it take it sir I don't I don't really have more emeralds and I don't think I have that many things nope should have probably picked the a different trade um I think you been a Mason for long enough I don't think you need that job yeah but the FL the Fletcher is what you need to baser I love Fletchers I really do they're my favorite people oh yes deforestation my friends this fetcher is all mine I know you like trading and you're all out okay that's fine that's fair it's fair 22 emeralds I'll take it I will have to bring that Fletcher over to my house though this is going back and forth really isn't optimal like at all so I have some trades for you my friend oh that's it oh yes you've restocked how good you haven't restocked that however I don't even have three gold to give you I'm that poor also I need a waist can you craft waist stones the would the so I can if I had a ender pearl which I don't that a there a lot of sticks yep all this just to get some ender pearls man it's quite insane it really is come here and you're in you and me buddy we're going on a trip a very long trip you don't you just don't know it yet every once in a while there Comes A Time In in a man's life where he has to take a Long Boat Journey this is your Long Boat Journey except it's going to lead to pretty much enslavement but you know that's okay these two are going to have to share a nice little home y'all will have a great life together promise you do I need three beds is that what it is oh I forgot your table I forgot your Fletching table no oh let me sleepy oh is your child is there a child is there a child have a child child things come on child there's a child thank you so much for that you're you're so appreciated for that you mad lad oh three ender pearls this is amazing we got five why is it 50 sticks are you crazy 50 sticks froze out of his mind oh this should definitely be enough to get to the portal and open it needed to keep one of those ender pearls for something else but I didn't and that something else is this right here did you anyone restock no not yet restock do it do it now you're not restocking and that is pissing me oh hello what the what did I just do I just what what what is that get out bed what is that what what did I just do you're not restocking you're not you're not getting any sleep until you restock sir what is the what did I do here what did I make you five more seconds 5 4 3 2 what no rest talk that's it done done come on cling [Music] time you're trading your soul I don't care and you give me this need some obsidian a thing but no I do not do I yes I need one wow a whole one obsidian Z zo zo Z and zuie very nice I just think that it might be time to go find what we're looking for all right let's see it is actually that way we're pretty much going to go to that Village if it just ends up being right here in this water I will be freaking out but like in a good way I mean I have pearls to spare I can make as much as I want it really don't matter I'm kind of Rich you know say it's wait it's actually not far is it actually going to be down in no way way what it actually is okay you're annoying okay hold on did it just go down I think it just went down give me some bricks bro please please give me some breaks show me the bricks nice I spy some gold I like the library it's a great place get everything I need actually I'm going to put my waist Stone down right here all right so I figured you know what I'm taking all these bookshelves and I will enchant a crazy and I mean crazy but let's head back to fidazzo what a weird name hey guys how you doing get out my bed let's get a nice bow don't get me wrong it's good but it's not like like crazy good wait I do need the Ender ice for the portal though how does one find the Portal is a whole different problem H loser there it is [Music] hello okay there's a bit too many of these okay this is a bit annoying oh my uh this is it here we go oh we're in let's get it started huh how about it okay I'm very bad at this okay how do you do this okay this is impossible don't hit me I think that's it I think that's actually it can I hit him hello yo I can't I can't a single shot I could never speedrun all right stop bro stop please please stop moving if I run out of arrows I will be so how do I not hit him once stop swirling you little [Music] loser oh yeah you think you're so mighty you think you're so cool Get Wrecked wait he just gave me elytra what he was supposed to drop some dragon scales but I don't see any oh there it is how many five give me this now the fun begins and what we're going to do with this dragon egg is is we are going to grow it yeah oh no what did I just do wait where' he go oh there it is I keep I keep doing this I like keep messing stuff up I don't know how these dragon scales I will be using to get myself a full set of dragon armor now I need a bunch I need four netherite ingots which means I need 16 ancient debris it's not going to be an easy task it's quite a lot so this guy should hatch sometime soon which is going to be very cool now the thing is for that I do need to get some meat which means I need to go hunting pretty much also I'd like to make some Rockets I don't have a lot but I have some have 12 I don't know where I would find any but this is a good place to start looking hello animal how are you today I don't need the wool I guess just give me your meat problem is this I need a dragon saddle which means I need three orc skin I'm not quite sure where Orcs spawn and I don't know how strong they are probably stronger than my iron armor can handle so I assume I would need to get a bit more geared also it's very cool in this mod that you can wear the elytra and a chust PL at the same time you get all the protection and flight so many pigs so now I have pretty much all the meat I could get there it is knock back two sharpness 4 okay efficiency for vein now that is kind of nice I really want Infinity actually on one of these bows Infinity yes now all I need is just to combine the two I still need iron for that so really it's all down to just mining now all right I guess we're all geared up and ready to go mining am I actually ready am I ready I don't know I really don't know oh hello tree thank you for growing at this time I can't I can't switch back it holds it by the side that is so cool after I did a little bit of research though I think we're in trouble because this this thing right here is not going to spawn me a dragon unless I defeat two more bosses and that is more than zero so from the research that I did do those two bosses are going to be quite a bit stronger than what I'm used to so b a bing a boom y all have some more bread make another child I do need a oh I need one of these guys in here so I need you to children please there you go all right I need iron for an anvil and I need diamonds for a full set of this stuff oh and also once we get that armor we're going to go over to the danger houses get to collecting stuff what did I just do oh right vein Miner oh boy I need a secondary pickaxe so the further illustrate what I'm dealing with here is um pretty much I have to go back to the end again to get some end rods I need some crying obsidian some regular obsidian and why is everything water I think I'm going to head over to this cave potentially okay oh I do like the vein Miner oh my this is nice oh why did I just do that dude I did this in the last video as well I just whatever wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up it's a bit too much going on here right now I'm going to have to hold off okay guys y'all are being really [Music] annoying okay yep we're going to have to we're going to have to leave we're going to have to leave we're going to have to leave okay Jesus that was almost terrible and diamonds hello exactly what I'm looking for Not You creeper one diamond oh my that how do I not see those diamonds I'll be taking this thank you very much not a lot three diamonds but oh wow that looks that looks cool this is freaky God of course time to explore oh my what I just un cover what well damn you know what I didn't actually do I didn't make a fortune pick an interesting find for sure what the hell just a pocket of a bunch of ores hello diamonds name tag let's go I have to think about potentially leaving on the other hand I don't have enough diamonds yet that's diamond right there what are you going to do oh I don't know where the other one went give me two that's good this is peculiar but I see a diamond one really we actually might have enough diamonds well isn't that just lovely hello please be three oh my God it's actually three how do I get out of here let me just think about this and we're out Unbreaking three that's nice Thorns no protection four no feather falling [Music] though oh that's good let's see the importance of these enchantments I think feather falling is the most important two levels that's fine then I think bow is what I need next sword can have fire aspect boom and you might be saying oh it's time to fight the thing no no it's not are you crazy and then the next question also becomes where can I get more bones you can see these bone structures here should have made some more Rockets didn't think about it Vin Miner dude I love Vin Miner holy you know what I think I think it's time to go head on over to the those danger houses these dudes are about to have to give me literally all their sticks I heard you're offering sticks I mean emeralds if they offer me more sticks I mean I'll take the the time the helmet as well you [Music] know make a child now yes just it's it's that time you don't hate me you going to hit me no nice elect turn this is freaky sticks really you offer me sticks y'all must be having a great time out here dude how is this so useless I was like oh the loot I'm going to have here there's literally nothing and I thought this is something scary and dangerous and that there's loot loot in here I'll take the Le turn though don't mind me at least we have Unbreaking two I mean it's better than nothing now if you think I remember where I have to go you would be wrong then you make this then this B Bing and you crawl [Music] in and then you spawn in the middle of freaking nowhere but there's a ship literally right there what the hell is that I do like having a ship literally right in front of me thank you thank that curse of Vanishing fire protection Frost Walker saddle I'm going to need more end rods what the freak is that that's that looks freaky give me those end rods I don't know how many end rods I actually need what the brick going on stop stop this is annoying okay they're not stopping dude dude no I'm flying higher why you guys are super annoying okay that's it you're dying and so are you dude where are these coming from what the this is insane stop stop okay don't stop then that's going to be a you problem sir not a me problem and is teleported you're annoying and you're outside now get me down Ming too much thing too anything to too many things too too much too much going on let me just let me just hide okay let me just hide I'm heading out hello guys you miss me all right so after doing a little bit of research I found out that I need 25 obsidian nine crying obsidian which I don't have any of eight end rods and that dragon egg so where does one get those now if my suspicion is correct the vein Miner should do crazy things here wait blue was all of it blue obsidian no yeah my elytra is getting close this where I started the game wasn't this a full circle moment all right let me get some of this why is it all blue why is it all blue obsidian you know what I think I have to actually do find a Bastion I don't want to go back to the nether I really don't so I need 10 more regular obsidian and seven more crying obsidian see these things I don't know what they are but they scare me oh it's definitely a Bastion well this is about to be super fun guys how does one get in what where's the huh where's the main Bastion bro where is the main thing with the chests there's nothing here what huh M yep yep give me crying obsidian right now okay that's obsidian not crying obsidian but you got the spirit I think I'm going to keep trading with this guy until he gives me what I need honestly when you need them to give you crying obsidian of course they're not going to do it when you don't need them to give you any crying obsidian they're going to do it crying obsidian more I need more please nope that's gravel oh yes three more crying obsidian sir you don't give me I need for 50 man of course he left give me crying obsidian right now give me the wrong stuff [Music] bud I'm I'm goated I don't know what to say I'm goated I'm I'm so good warts no no crying obsidian come on sorry not sorry and you break you bro three more crying obsidian which means I need to venture out and find more portals there's bound to be portals out here right oh a portal please have a chest that has a bunch of crying obsidian in it please please please wait this is a regular portal oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness one crying obsidian no there's nothing here this I like who oh my God I'm missing one I'm actually missing one oh a village do you have crying obsidian hey dude hi guys how you doing thank you for the waist Stone it has the regular it has the regular oh my goodness I've never been this happy if you burn no no no no chances are being taken right now hold up give me the crying obsidian now well I guess I guess we're ready to fight the eye huh right so turns out wrong Dimension I need to go to the end and build this I'm going to put this thing here so I need a 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 boom I don't know if I'm ready for it oh it's happening have I done something wrong no I have not there it is is it birthing itself what's going on oh my good [Music] God why is it healing BR stop healing is it confused by the [Music] blocks well this is interesting shooting end pears at [Music] me stop healing stop healing is it splitting in half is it is it is just is it the biggest weakness just blocks is that what it [Music] is I hav taken a single piece of damage right now is is this the boss that I was fearing wow oh wait a second there's more of them what the hell is that do these not go away okay it's half Health well that was something now what the hell is that that was the boss okay I mean sure sure thing let's deal with this void portal I think I got to go and uh fight the actual Big Boss oh my hello how you doing you all right oh you're you're not happy you're definitely not happy about me oh my wait that hurts hold on I got one I need to eat this this is [Music] freaky you suck you suck boom easy you suck you suck the way I could just do this right is to have them shoot at me what are you doing I got one just have to keep doing circles no you missed you suck you're going to have to aim there you go this Tak so long this is stupid why is it raining too ow I did it I did it I did it I did it okay okay okay the goal is to not get close to them because I do know they explode what the what was [Music] that I'm glad I have feather falling I'll be real I'm like sweating by the way I'm like actually sweating I didn't get it I did got I did get one am I so bad I got it [Music] though what oh I did ni dude let me eat the bread actually a bit too many of you hold on let me take care of [Music] this [Music] oh no he spawning the things oh God why is it spinning what just happened ow why is it spinning bro yep that hurt don't have the golden apples anymore this is bad wa he spawn more dude I've been running around the circles for like minute like a minute it's been like a actual minute stop oh bro like this is insane I just need to keep running in circles and do this all over again how there so many of these bro like surely they've hit all the crystals possible all right one more Crystal guys come [Music] on one more this this Crystal J J losers wrecked you suck I still have to kill all of them Source Stone what is this shoot [Music] what respiration I got my dragon egg back leaf eater sore Stone sounds fun what is this who wait that is dope um question H how do I how do I get back figured it out what the hell what am I doing here am I Under Ice am I going to die where why am I 3,000 M away from home am I even going to make it with these Rockets I'm fully sweating from that fight by the way that is that is not okay I'm like fully sweating now we should see some sort of particles I have fame maybe this is it maybe I just have to sit on it I can't leave here until I see those part oh it's hatching yes all right well next up is finding an orc and for that I need to go to a plains biome right off the bad guys with this I don't know how much damage it does what do you mean face through blocks oh my I just have to find an orc well hopefully a few of them cuz I need three orc skins and three orc skins doesn't sound like something one orc would drop therefore I probably need a few and Orcs Orcs sounds like um sounds like he can do do some damage so should probably avoid getting in close contact with them but the planes here should be the perfect spot to find them there's one problem with Orcs they look a lot like the leaves around them it's might be a bit more complicated than I thought you tell me there's not a single Orc in here here's the deal I had to come back I there's just no way cuz it turns out the my fame is running out which means if this can take up to 10 minutes IRL time to hatch I need to be back here the entire time so I'm not fighting that thing ever again so I don't know do I just wait here ch ch ch Chop Chop chopping away Boris come on Boris iwait your arrival Boris like it's it's been pretty much 10 minutes hey buddy [Music] hey hey there you go look at this little guy I just need Orcs oh this is epic this is epic I'm in his mouth okay that's a bit weird you just chill out wait wait wait wait wait wait where's my where's my tag where's my tag Boris it's Boris all right Boris I'm going to be back I will go look for Orcs just for you my friend I've been looking for like oh wait look going on my screen oh my God oh my goodness goodness oh what oh they're they're kind of weak don't even do that much [Music] damage I got one one orc skin is not three oh look there's one oh he gave me the thing wait there's oh oh my God there's more there's more holy crap dude where did he come from that's scary please give me an orc skin what the oh Jesus where' you come from oh why are you here why are you here why are you here why are you in a hole why are you in a hole get out of the hole weirdos weirdos weirdos I bet there's freak more dude n this is insane i' I have seven I have seven holy moly holy guacamole it's time to make a saddle what's up Boris how you doing you doing all right doing all right buddy I can finally make you a freaking saddle my guy I have us chicken spawn Bo nope didn't work I don't know what stage you're at right now probably not saddle stage so I'm going to put this away but that is epic dude just got huge wait you're actually kind of big oh s give me the lead give [Music] me all right buddy please tell me this means I can fly now oh my God this is epic what my goodness I don't need an elytra I just don't need it now I need to make a base oh okay turns out that happens I was trying to descend just sit down boom Boris oh this is amazing I slain I slay your father that's probably not a good thing okay you stay up here let me figure this out I need to expand a little bit to accommodate for my giant dragon you you are a hassle forus like I love you but you are just a bit much all right you guys are probably like oh I can take sticks again I would love some sticks I want to buy that I want to buy the pickaxe trust me I do if you don't give me stick trades right now I will literally feed you to Boris that's what I thought that's what I freaking thought give me that see the thing is I'm going to go M for netherite and I have my pickaxes right hopefully that should be enough I have an idea what if I vein mine 16 levels but it's Unbreaking three I have to do it I think it's time to go to the another oh my lightra is going to break I need a mending book what the hell is that you a baby Wither Skeleton oh what the the hell is that uhoh what is that why is he spawning things that freaked me out did you drop anything gold you gra Blackstone and gold nuggets oh smite wa Smite 4 let's go find a biome that I like oh surely there's a spot where there isn't lava here [Music] man I don't know a that's a lot of lava hello hello there oh very nice I have to be very careful I do not want to lose this pick this is like a TNT explosion every time I dig come on buddy give me some there you go oh look at this I have six oh hello thank you for joining me I have two netherite ingots worth hello Boris now check this out oh [Music] yeah no some might not know but this is dragon scale after this I might have to go back and uh make make me a Enderman Farm oh hello still valid oh my hello I'm a bit too high actually just as I say that I find exactly what I'm looking for did I where did I forget my Anvil not having vein Miner is insanely lame I call this the gigadrill method okay I kind of haven't found a single piece v m really is just the best thing ever because without it I can't find a single thing it's insane I feel like a dwarf you know what I mean DIY Diggy and I miss the O cast uh beam bomb boom but wait there's more bing bing bing bong I have a lot of armor now I'm almost fully dragoned out 35 levels what yeah I need to make that Enderman thing I need to few things on the agenda one sheep is there iron in there there literally isn't oh my God what the hell is that I think this should have some iron isn't this just a crazy place there's a tree growing in the cave huh you might be wondering well why did you need iron in the first place it's simple really I needed shears where did you come from also sheep kind of need these sheep snip just realized there's enough of these guys to spawn Golems now so is that a good thing I don't know now I have to go a certain amount in a certain direction from a certain spot not sure how far I have to go okay after further examination I have not enough leaves and I also don't know what I'm doing Boris this this is going to be a big project Boris it turns out I severely underestimated how many leaves and other blocks I really need what have I done what am I doing man like what am I what am I actually doing so you can see my failed attempt right here and this this is going to take a while that we're pretty much here all right this should be good um so now I forgot bing bing bong bing bing bonging bing binging binging Bing Bing nice 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 bit of a bad spot to be guys um could you possibly go somewhere else okay and you're pushing each other off now well you know what that also works for me just don't look into their eyes move your ass no not okay wow that's a lot of you right there okay hope yall are doing [Music] great Okay g I get a g mini G no I yeah I I get I get your I get your point I get your point I I do get it I I do I I do get I do get your [Music] point Jesus Christ I'm going to need sweeping [Music] Edge okay I crashed my game oh I crashed my game again it seems as though I'm going to keep crashing my game because of this me get some more books no no no which way was it was this way no it was not that is I literally just came from this way guessing here there it is my bookshelves oh chests oh look at that back to the portal wait nope I'm lost again hold on boom and then these go boom boom boom boom boom bo boom boom lapis man how does one just forget lapis like that how how does that happen it really just is annoying when you forget things it really is all right got our lapis got the sword and that gave me sweeping Edge instantly how beautiful if I can just combine the two this is pissing me off how could it keep crashing like this man this is not that effective did this dude get bigger 342 seconds okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to place this wayist Stone in the end [Music] yes it works oh my god it works 42 levels you think I can't oh this is going to take me a while so all I need to do is get mending on this which will actually be cheaper than repairing it I will Mend my broken soul with this villager that grows up in a about two 2ish minutes this is going to take forever this literally always takes forever get out of bed bro you're not done for the day in fact you're not going to be sleeping until this happens shoot that is that is actually kind of good but no I can feel mending I can feel it in my bones I can feel my bones mening if you tell me that I don't have a single book here I will fre I will literally freak out no I will actually freak out I will actually freak out where'd you go Hallelujah did I just did I just buy bookshelves whatever I got The Mending book I don't care anymore 33 Okay bet that I can do that'll happen that'll happen don't worry about it mending time to go back to the nether baby isn't that just amazing like instantly finding exactly what you're looking for hello Beauty I think that's it I think that's all we need to here that's not true I need netherite pickaxe doing this with any other pickaxe is absurdly annoying hello Beauty my go simply to not break this freaking [Music] thing what is that dude doing in here there we go but I'm not done of course I need oh one of these bad boys so take this take this now I have my goodness from the scales of the Beast look at all these losers looking at me yeah you'll never be this off to Y fell hey guys right pickaxe yeah but wait but wait there's more Dragon pickaxe yeah that is so cool actually what going to need some more Unbreaking you know why is this guy here so I can't I can hit him with arrows here we go two three hello my precious I have five here and I have one at home so I need two more and that's three is that it are we done wait oh was that two that was two nice I might consider making a house soon cuz these boys need somewhere to live and me I need a house and I I think it's going to be in the water you might ask me why why would it be in the water well because I can but that means I need a lot of sand and that's all she wrote all right boom we've got a lot of sand now let's head over to where I think think I want this base to be yeah here works okay I haven't done a build like this in so very long that I kind of don't even know what I'm doing kind of want to make the whole thing glass so I think I'm just going to fill the whole thing out actually all right we're all out pretty [Music] much I took only one heart from that fall that's [Music] insane oh no well that not good where's the zombie I need to give you guys a potion of weakness huh okay chill out guys what happened to the Golems man where's my golden apples I need fermented spider eye and gunpowder need mushrooms oh I definitely have no mushrooms man that's why you're get your ass back there sir you need to go back thank you what is this mushroom is this a different Brown mushroom they are real angry in there I mean at least they're going to give me good prices now right this is not a side quest I was looking for you know how do I do this what up gang hope you're all doing well you're about to experience something crazy time go back to what I was doing well some of them healed I have a bad feeling I have a bad feeling that one of them got healed or a few of them got healed early and some of them didn't and the ones who didn't just made the other ones zombies again oh I'm going to be pissed who why I need to try to split them this is stupid leave me alone how do I get out of here can you piss off guys this is annoying and now they're free I just I can't be bothered I can't be [Music] bothered I can't be bothered I can't I actually cannot be bothered I can't be bothered literally whatever bro so annoying that is so stupid now they're just chilling there and to think I healed them too and then they it's just too much to think about right now I'm going to cry all I have to do is make a lot of glass they're still down there how do I get him up oh hello some of you are still alive does a boat just float up when you put it down I can somehow float them up to the top no I literally let them Escape man what I could do is potentially use Soul Sand to get these guys to float up to the top now let's see if that actually works hold on come here buddy come here [Music] buddy it does work I need I need to get him in a boat push him in [Music] there come on I know you're hurting me you're being a and he's in the boat he's going to die stop get out of the boat I make a big shade right if this somehow works I'll be thrilled so now I need to get a bunch of Soul Sand bunch of boats bunch of freaking boats boats okay that's fine no but he's going to kill them wait wa wait wait wait hold on stop killing them right now how did you get here how did you do that come here okay you sir you're you're going to you're going to stay here come on there you go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and okay Jesus okay we got two this is a bismal are one of you yes you're the guy you're the guy I need you're the guy for the job except there's a problem I don't need you in the same boat yeah you you do your thing are you the Fletcher you're not the Fletcher you're not a Fletcher either where's my Fletchers whatever I'll make a new one I just need one of you get in the boat get in theat yes and you honestly don't need your help a Fletcher yeah come here I need you Mr Fletcher your boat awaits you and goodbye in the boat in the boat in the boat why is the boat above you why is the boat above you well we did it you're not leaving this area ever in your life this is now a jail I don't care if you're wondering what my thought process is here by making this wall of glass uh there is none and now it should look very cool wait it actually looks very cool that looks cool let's make some quartz stuff this is bright but I like it now we need a few spirals polish Netherrack kind of looks nice Bing binging Bing I mean it's kind of cool maybe I'm just delusional do I continue it up potentially how far up do I have to continue this though that's actually starting to look like something that's pretty cool I'm got to make a platform on that needs to be a three I'm trying to get the middle here so this needs to be a three that needs to be be a three as well um some's not right so in theory if I fill this in with glass afterwards it should look like a core of some sorts right probably also going to stain the glass white cuz red and white is some somehow like the theme I'm going for here I might have messed up seems like I'm going to need a lot more more glass this is really not going to get me far I feel like I'm going to get like halfway Bing Bong would you freaking believe it I've done it dude get off get off bro this is insane get this guy's said annoying all right where do I find kelp all right I located kelp we are good it only took me like forever and then I have to destroy it all I think and then you destroy this block you put Soul Sand in there now in theory that should happen would you just look at that but the whole base will be underground that is for certain I think it's time I start Excavating cuz this is probably as far as it's going to go above ground after that it's all down stairs look at that that looks so clean what dude I but I have to make it all out of quartz though look at how clean this looks wow look at this sheesh there's one problem though I don't have enough quartz oh but that looks clean though yeah I need to go quartz hunting and you know what I need for that actually it's a fortune pickaxe that I need so I need to make this into a fortune pickaxe means I need lapis and I need to go lag out my game like a million times you know what that'll do with this this is good we like this we want more of this what is going on here just a ancient debris City well it's not fortune 3 right it's still not great it's better than no fortune huh how about that I it's really always an adventure coming down here how you doing up there boss I'm not sure what I'm going to make the floor out of or the rest of it I might use the yes I'm going to use the netherite polished netherite wait The Velvet floor is actually so cool what dude it's like a velvet cake Bro Look at that what oh we're going to have a new problem here it's called water I actually need to make it a 3X3 but then it looks off because of the entrance whatever these are going to be my main quarters though that I can assure you this is my base now now this is what we call a headquarters the Villager quarters definitely not going to be this cool oh it's off center why there we go like what like what do you mean Hello Boris how are you today new day new dawn or whatever they say how am I going to bring the villagers there that's my biggest concern right now and those are my trading quarters and the villagers are going to be right here let's just do this which in theory should allow me to get a boat down there I could use Soul Sand to pick the boat up a little bit okay so here's my genius idea so I use Soul Sand right here I'll lift the boat hopefully and then boat it down in get into the boat there we go oh wait it almost did it there we go now we go down it works well now I'm stuck yes yes oh where' the Le turn go it's down here now there you go oh where did it go oh where are you going now have to do that two more times it's quite the it really is quite the process I'll be honest oh I got you even closer look at that not again nope not happening where you going Fletch come get come get the come get come come Fletch bro what are you jumping for what are you so happy about oh don't even need you dude let's be real do I need you all of this is going away finally it's time to move base welcome to my new humble boat all it's missing is some light and everything else I need to make like 30 shulker boxes though oh my God the sort button is amazing oh dude nice let's begin the process shall we I don't want different colors for my chests you know what I have to do this welcome back guys hope you're enjoying your stay this looks much better that's all that's sorted nice oh my goodness my house it's coming aot now I have to fix up this place cuz it looks bad like I was never here except for the tree I'm finally removing home what a beautiful moment look at that is there a middle I think this is the middle my OCD can finally take a breather how you doing up here big guy look at us now look where we live think my goal should be to beat the Ender Dragon again so that I can get you know Dragon tools like a dragon axe shovel a dragon Bow Wow I might do that 1 2 3 four I need four more of the dragon scales also I can combine these two to make this however it takes off mending which not a big fan oh I hope I can Doo it I have another one just in case I can't where is my mending where's my Anvil what did I not have an anvil here oh there it is okay cool oh what the wait I must go dude wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my goodness what on Earth did I just make let's see it oh what I just made myself dragon wings all right but I'm not done I need to defeat the Ender Dragon again do I make another pickaxe what's my best pickaxe that I have efficiency for Yep this one bing I need gas G te I'll show you why with these gas tiers I'm simply no way do I not have enough man with these gas TI and Eyes of Ender I'm going to make myself crystals I need four of these crystals to spawn the dragon again I need to go and get some gas TI guess what can you guess can you guys guess how you do it do you know how you do it do you know how you do it yep you go to the nether unlocked and this one's called yig to the nether we go now obviously your question might be well how are you going to find gests I don't know we'll figure that out oh please have a tear please have a tear please have a can I get looting on my thing yes I got one I need so many more if I just wait long enough oh my God I was right I was freaking [Music] right come [Music] back please drop a gas here please please please please I don't see it no Ghasts are not this rare man how's finding Ghasts the problem they used to always be a thing back in the day oh what the is that how much health does it have oh that's it no don't take the gold oh I'm back at the portal oops I used to hate hearing the sound of them now I'd love to hear the sound of them might have to do some research on how to find them this is yay how do I get two more how do I get two more like how like I'm like I'm begging I'm literally begging right now what I heard it [Music] d I have to make sure he's above land stop moving said stop moving ow I see the XP where's where's the here where's the here don't tell me he dropped gunpowder oh my God I spotted another one bro please just give me what I want and you're in the perfect area you're still there's two there's two there's two shut up drop me a gas here oh there's these guys as well oh my God I have to deal with everything no way he dropped me a freaking gunpowder again man where's the other one let me take care of these dude okay you're pissing me off where'd you go just ow where did he just go this might be it please tell please just tell me you dropped something oh my God yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes it dropped too this Lally took 30 minutes or 40 minutes I don't even know I'm I wish to never do that again we have all four that we need good it's time once more this time might actually be easier actually not really because of the stupid island in the way it's probably going to cost me so many shots on him all right so simply boom boom [Music] boom there we go come on there we go good job just going to do this again and better this time you [Music] see maybe oh my that so much better look at Mig go why is he so fast why are you so fast man he does Serpentine in the forehead maybe what are you freaking circles around me for huh one thing's for certain I can't aim Mr swirly like bro can you stop doing [Music] circles so annoying oh there he goes [Music] GG's give me your dragoni please don't drop it on there five yes nice okay here we go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom look at my freaking to look at my sword dude that is epic pickaxe shovel bow sword I mean axe should we get the best enchantments for these things what do you think huh what do you think 1 2 3 4 five six actually don't have an anvil here hold on can I fix that e we don't got iron and you know what that means I have a brilliant idea I think we need to make somewhere you can go down into the mines you know what I mean oh oh my um do I want to be here right now all right yeah we we're going to make an entrance to this cave at least I have another brilliant idea actually it involves the nether again which I'm not really looking forward to I might actually have a decent idea see cuz what if I make my own Blaze spawner oh I see a diamond hello I should explore this boom lost 19 levels so I just need a little bit more all right I'm going back Ione of you really scare me I'll be real see how many we can get Jesus look at this hoorde nothing you can even you can't even get close to me it's the craziest thing right now I'm kind of looking for Diamonds though you might ask why why would you be looking for diamonds you already have anything you would ever want and you're right I do now where's Home ow ow got it took a couple tries but we did it all right so there's one thing I really want to try that I'm not sure actually works need to go back to the blaze spawner So in theory oh I did it I picked it up I'm carrying the spawner oh yes here we go look it's the place spawner wow question is where am I going to put put it going to place it right here for now hopefully it doesn't cause any problems oh it did okay hold on guess I need to make a room for it need to smell wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on why are you just spawning like that that's not cool I'm putting the blaze spawner somewhere else hold on you're going to be here for a sec okay I love the fact I could just carry a blaze spawner I want my own Blaze room you know what I mean and here I could actually make a zombie zombie room it's definitely not going to cause any problems I wonder if it needs a bigger area yeah now what I meant now I have to remake this here as [Music] well okay I mean it works now I need that zombie spawner what is it not even marked oh I unmarked it where's the big cave there it is wait there is a m shaft that I never really explored but I'm not seeing a zombie spawner like where would I have even gone you know if I see a cave spider spawner I might consider it but I think I broke one well hello there isn't this a great sight to see isn't this a great thing to see now how on Earth am I going to get up I need to find a water source put this thing down and then figure out a game plan that should do it ow how do you even hit me can you see how fast my Hunger is going down right now this is absurd what up Boris I'm bringing some spiders I hope you eat spiders cuz food go on spawn so this wasn't a waste of time what wait wait wait wait wait I hear a spider did he spawn in the water oh no the spider did not spawn where the spider should have spawned is there a spider I see where he spawned whatever man I hate this where here where did you spawn again are you in the ceiling this is stupid it sounds like he's in my head they're in the walls they're in the ceilings they're like right here somewhere oh God oh my God I found them oh my God this is [Music] insane this is why I don't like spiders man I just realized a I wasn't recording yeah this is what I did um I got another one of these spawn the big guy in I don't like that but there's two Blaze Spawners why did I not record why where's my sword looting now we're going back I'm going to need to see some wither skeletons right here right now spawn me the Wither boys now no what P what h hello there no skull give me your skulls give me your skulls and this is this is going to be a lot harder than I thought why are you here and why do you n n of you drop your heads that is annoying this is just like the gas thing man like none of you drop anything I want oh my God it is quite literally the last day of the 100 day challenge but I have done it this is what I got during my visit to the nether it took me way too long to do this you obviously know what we're about to do to end these 100 days off with I guess you could say a bang we are going to fight the Wither all right I mean here we go here goes nothing I guess he's charging up boom big explosion I mean who's ever really had trouble fighting the Wither like honestly I could just i l literally just tank him he does like nothing I've lost one and a half hearts that's it well I I guess um wasn't the most epic ending but we did it dude this has been quite the adventure and that is our 100 days of Adventure Z without further Ado I hope you guys enjoyed what you saw here today I hope to see you back once more make sure to subscribe by the way 2024 we're going for 100,000 of you hopefully we can make that happen also if you enjoy the video make sure to drop a like and I will be I'll be sure to um bring you some more epic content thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] out
Channel: MuffinatorMan
Views: 67,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, modded, minecraft modded, better minecraft, minecraft survival, 100 days in minecraft hardcore, I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft with More Bosses, Muffinatorman, muffin minecraft
Id: Wg5mqueECr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 5sec (6605 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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