I Survived 100 DAYS as GODZILLA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day 1 I spawned in as Godzilla! “Haha! Check me out, I am…. So  tiny! Look I only have 5 hearts!” I was so surprised, I almost didn’t  notice a scientist sneaking up behind me! “I’ve got you now!” The scientist started throwing  nets at me, barely missing! “Ah who is this guy? I’ve got to get out of here!” The scientist continued to chase me,  throwing nets. Up ahead I could see a   small hole, so I hurried and jumped  inside, landing in a small cave. “He’s too big to fit, I should be safe in here.” Just then, I heard a rattling sound, and  there was a rattlesnake looking right at me! “Oh no!” I jumped back out of the hole,  right next to the scientist. “There you are, ya little lizard!” I ran off as he kept throwing  his nets. I was running out   of places to hide! That’s when I had an idea. “Hope you don’t like getting wet…  and I hope I know how to swim!” I dove into the ocean and was happy to find  that not only could I swim, but I could swim   extremely fast! It looked like the scientist  wasn’t interested in diving in after me. “I’ll get you!!!” What a start to the day- who was that  guy? Why would he want me? Maybe he   was just trying to capture all the  animals. I decided to ask a nearby   fish if he knew anything. As I was swimming,  I realized I could breathe underwater too! “Hey did you see that guy  back there? What’s his deal?” The fish didn’t respond, and started  attacking me- it was a barracuda! “Hey stop it! I don’t want  to hurt you but I will!” The barracuda didn’t say anything and kept  attacking- I guess he didn’t know how to talk. “Well, let’s see what these claws can do!” I swiped him with my claws and saw that I packed  a punch! It only took a few hits to take him down. “I was strong enough to get out of that  fight, but he was just a little fish. I   don’t know if my claws will help  me out of something much bigger.” I was feeling tired after such an eventful  day, so I made my way back to the shore and   looked for a place to rest. Hopefully I  wouldn’t run into that scientist again,   but just in case, I needed to  start getting prepared to fight.  On Day 2 I woke up and crawled  out from under the tree. “Today’s the day I get set to fight back!” If I was going to survive, I needed a safe   place to live. I didn’t know where  that scientist was operating from,   so I didn’t feel safe building a base on  land. I decided my best bet was in the water. “Before I can get building,  I need the tools to do it!” I immediately got punching some trees so  that I could get some wood. With the wood   I made a crafting table and fashioned  a pickaxe. Then I mined out some stone,   and used the stone to make a set of stone  tools- a pickaxe, ax, shovel, and sword. With my new tools I started gathering  the materials I would need. Building a   base out in the water was going  to be an interesting challenge,   but I think the final build  is going to be really cool. While I was gathering some supplies in the  forest, I saw a boar off in the distance. “I don’t think that barracuda could talk,  but maybe this boar can help me out.” I made my way over to him. “Hey buddy, have you seen a  scientist roaming around?” The boar took one look at me, and charged! “Come on, I’m just trying to  figure out what’s going on!” This guy was hitting pretty hard,   and I took quite a bit of damage! It’s a  good thing I had just made myself a sword. “I’m sorry for bothering you,  but now you’re just being rude!” I used my sword and took him down. “Alright, looks like I’m the only talking  animal out here- let’s get back to work.” I managed to gather a bunch of other materials,  and even came across an old boat! There were   lots of materials to grab, so I got as much  as I could so my vision could come to life. I headed in the water, and found  a good spot to build my base on   the sea floor. Using the materials  I had gathered, I built a platform   and started putting everything I would  need together. It was going to be hard   for the scientist to find me down here!  I was able to make some good progress,   but I’d need to go find more materials tomorrow. On Day 3 I needed to get some more supplies,   so I headed over to a nearby mountain. I made  my way up to the top of the mountain and saw   some watermelon! I went ahead and harvested  them, when suddenly I heard a strange noise. “Huh? Where did that come from? I’m not  letting someone sneak up on me again!” I looked from side to side but didn’t see  anything. Maybe it was just the wind…? “What’s that!” I looked up just in time to see a  giant bird swoop down and pick me up! “Hey let me go! What’s the big idea?!” She didn’t seem like she was trying to  hurt me, but where could she be taking   me? After a moment I could see something  huge in the distance- it was a giant nest! “Uh oh… I must be food for their babies!!” Moments later the bird dropped me into the  nest, and luckily the babies hadn’t hatched   yet. But I could hear something moving  inside the eggs. I had to get out of here! “Hey you!” Who was that?? I turned and saw  a little squirrel standing there. “Hey, you can talk! I was starting to think  I was the only animal here that could.” “Yeah, yeah I can talk, but you hear that? These   eggs are starting to crack and  we’ve got to get out of here!”  “You’re a squirrel, can’t  you just climb out of here?” “The nest is made of mud - I  can’t get a good grip! If you   can dig us out with your claws though,  I have a way to get us to the ground.” The eggs started to make  even more cracking sounds,   we had to hurry! I swung my claws and managed  to break through the wall of the nest! “Oof that is a long way down!! I  hope you know what you’re doing!” The squirrel tossed me an umbrella  Suddenly there was a big crack,   and we heard some baby birds  starting to tweet. “Jump!!” The squirrel and I jumped off the nest,  and slowly floated down to the ground. “Whew, that was a close call, I’ve  been having a lot of those lately.” “Don’t tell me, did you run  into that scientist too?” “Yeah! What’s that guy’s problem?” “He’s been trying to round up all of the  talking animals. All I know is anyone   he captures is never seen again… He must be  experimenting on them, or something worse…” I could tell the squirrel must have lost  some good friends to this scientist,   but I didn’t want to pressure her. “Well we can find a way to stop him! Come on,   you can live at my base with  me, we should be safe there.”  On days 4-5 the squirrel and I had made it  to the beach closest to my base. That’s when   I realized she wasn’t going to be able to  live underwater with me, but I had an idea. “By the way, what’s your name?” “My friends called me Sandy!” “Sandy it is! Could you give me a hand collecting   some sand? I know just the  thing to build for you!” Sandy and I spent some time gathering sand for me  to use in the build. With all the sand collected,   I loaded it into the furnace and  started smelting it into glass. “Just because she’s a squirrel, doesn’t  mean she can’t live under the ocean!” With the glass complete, I go to work on building  her a house. My idea was to use the glass to   create a dome on the sea floor, that could then  be filled with air for her to breathe. That way,   she could live safely underwater, but still  feel like she was living freely above ground.   It was tricky working under water, but  in the end I was able to get it to work! “I think Sandy is going to love it!” After telling Sandy I was done with her base,   I hopped into the water and was  suddenly attacked by a colossal squid! “Oh no Zozo!! Let me help!” “It’s okay, I don’t want you to get  trapped underwater, I can take this guy!” The squid was crazy strong! He hit hard,   which was scary because I only had 5  hearts! I needed to do something, and fast! “This is gonna hurt!” I aimed for squid’s eye and landed a blow with my  sword. That did the trick and he was destroyed! “Nice going Zozo! What‘s that?” I took a closer look and saw  the giant squid had dropped   something- this must have been trapped in  his stomach. I went over and picked it up. “Oh awesome, it’s a pile of sand!  If I throw this at an enemy,   it will cause them to have temporary blindness.” “You know, this attack got me thinking, we need   something to scare people and animals  away from our base… I’ve got an idea,   but I need to check some things first  to see if it will work. Stay tuned.”  On days 6-8 I was on the beach when  I was starting to feel really hungry. “Esh, it’s been a while since I got something  to eat. I need to work on a food source.” I decided that since my favorite food  was meat, my best bet was to round up   some different animals and keep them up  on the shore. I set up a few different   pens so I could keep all of the animals  I was going to collect in one place. With the pens set up, I made my way across  the land and managed to find some sheep,   some chicken, some pigs, and some cows. I  led them all back toward the pens, and got   all of them locked up in their pens. As I was  finishing up, I heard something in the distance. “What’s that sound??” I looked toward the source of the sound. A  couple of deer came running out of the trees. “You need to run! He’s coming! He’s coming!” “You guys are talking animals!  It must be the scientist!” A moment later, I saw what was coming-  it was the scientist, but he was in a   giant net firing machine! As the deer ran, he  managed to capture them with a couple of leads! “Oh no, I’ve got to help!” I grabbed my pile of sand. Maybe this could help  me. As I got closer to the scientist, he saw me. “You again! You’re the one I want most of all!” He turned and started shooting at  me! I tried throwing some sand at   him as I made my way into the  trees to try and throw him off. “Hey! Where did you go!” The scientist drove through  the trees looking for me,   but couldn’t see me hiding behind  the tree. He seemed to be giving up. “Well, at least I can capture you two!!” He was going to leave with  the deer, I had to stop him! I pulled out my pile of sand,  then jumped next to the scientist. “You didn’t see this one coming!” I threw the sand, and got him right in the eyes! “Ahhh what did you do?!?! I can’t see a thing!!!” The scientist kept trying to throw nets at  me, but couldn’t hit me. But in his rage,   the deer had broken free! He was  still too strong for me to fight,   so I hurried and ran toward my base,  as the deer escaped into the forest. “The scientist got way too close to my  base! I better hide out for the night.” On days 9-11 I returned back to my base to  talk to Sandy. I told her everything that   had happened with the scientist, and  that I had barely managed to escape. “It’s okay Zozo, we’ll find a way  to beat him and save everyone!” “I don’t know, I just feel like he’s  so much stronger than us, and he keeps   making new upgraded weapons- weapons we  couldn’t even beat in the first place!” “If we don’t have hope, what do  we have? Giving up isn’t going to   solve the problem, so we have to keep fighting.” “I suppose you’re right- by the way,  what was your idea for scaring enemies   away from our base? That seems like  just the thing we need right now.” “Oh yeah! I had just finished gathering everything  I needed for the first part. Come give me a hand!” Sandy and I headed out and got to work. Sandy  said that she had spent the day getting supplies,   and using the supplies we’d be able  to build a huge, terrifying statue!   She wanted it to be a surprise though, so  she didn’t tell me what we were building,   just where I needed to put the blocks. After  a while, we had finished the first part! “This is looking great.. I  think? Can you tell what it is?” After a lot of building, Sandy and I were  feeling pretty hungry, so Sandy suggested we   build a farm. We got working on it right away.  I had collected the animals for a food source,   but since Sandy was a squirrel she didn’t eat  meat. By the time we had finished building,   Sandy’s hunger was getting dangerously low. “Hurry and plant the crops,   I don’t think I should risk moving too  much- my hunger bar is getting too low!” “Oh no, I only got enough  plants to lure the animals   into their pens… I’ll go get some for you!” “It’s okay, but please hurry!” On days 12-13 I was exploring the   land looking for seeds, when  I came across a small farm! “A garden! This will have just what  Sandy needs. But who lives here?” Next to the garden was a small hut, so I  went to knock on the door. I’m sure they   wouldn’t mind if I took just a little  bit of their crops. But to my surprise,   the door opened, and a scientist  was standing in the door! “Oh no, another scientist!  I gotta get out of here!” I turned to run when the  scientist called out to me. “Woah there, hang on little  fella, I’m not going to hurt you!” I stopped running and turned  cautiously toward her. “How do I know you’re not going to hurt me?” “I guess you don’t, but I can tell by  your face that you really need these   crops. Come on in and let’s talk, I think I  can actually be of more help than you think.” She was right, Sandy’s hunger  levels were too low for me to   risk wasting time looking for another  food source. I headed inside the hut. “So you have something that can help me?” “I do- information. I think it’s important that   you understand who that scientist  is, that way you can defeat him.” “Alright, I’m listening. Who is this guy?” “The scientist used to be a co-worker of mine.  We spent years working on potions and inventions   that would improve the lives of the animals  around us. In our studies we had discovered   some animals possessed special abilities.  Most of the time it was that they could talk,   but every so often, one would come along that was  capable of even greater power. One day though,   his wife disappeared, sending him into a  spiral. He was on a path I couldn’t follow   so I ran away. The scientist blamed the  animals for what had happened to his wife,   and became obsessed with harvesting them and  using their power to build a super weapon,   one that will give him ultimate control  over everyone. Any animals he extracts power   from die in the process. He is powerful  for sure, but one of the rare animals,   one that possesses extraordinary abilities can  stop him. Zozo, you are one of those animals!” “Me!? I don’t have any special abilities! I can  hardly win any fights, and the last time I met up   with the scientist, I barely made it out alive.  There’s no way you could be right about that.” “I know it Zozo, I do. You might not see it now,  but I’m sure one day you will. I’m standing by   and am ready to help how I can. Hang on to this  radio and give me a call if you ever need help”. I picked up the radio. Then she  led me outside to the garden. “And here you can take some  peanuts from my garden.” I harvested some plants and peanuts, then  left to head back to the base- special   powers? Maybe she knew something I didn’t,  but right now it just didn’t make any sense.  From days 14 to 15 I was making my way  back to the base when I heard a familiar,   but terrifying sound above me. I looked  up and couldn’t believe what I was seeing! “Oh no, it’s that bird again, and this  time it has some of it’s babies with it!” I didn’t want to be their breakfast before,  and I didn’t want to now! I still had a little   bit of sand leftover from my fight with the  scientist- maybe it could help me win here. “Come and get it!” With a screech, the big bird swooped  down to try and grab me. This time I   jumped to the side, and managed  to hit it with what was left in   my pile of sand! It made a horrible  screech and landed not too far away. “Here, I’ve got some breakfast for ya!” I took my sword and quickly started to  attack the bird. Since it was on the ground,   it had no chance and I was able to  knock it out. That was one down,   but I still had to deal with the  kids. And now I was all out of sand! “Come on down kids, I’ve  got some leftovers for you!” The baby birds shrieked and dove down as well.  They weren’t nearly as strong or clever as the   big bird, and so one by one, they flew straight  into my swinging blade, taking them down for good. “Flying is overrated, swimming is the way to go!” Suddenly, I felt energy beginning  to course through my veins,   and I evolved into a bigger Godzilla! “Check it out, I even have 10 hearts!” I was feeling much stronger than before, and  found out that my roar could hurt enemies.   My tail had become a weapon of its own too! On days 16-19, I made it back to the base,   and was grateful to see that Sandy was  still alive. I gave her something to eat,   and then headed into the farm to plant the  seeds so that she’d have a renewable source   of food as well. Just as I was finishing  up, Sandy came running into the room! “Zozo come quick, I need your help!” Sandy led me to another part of the base, where  she had started mining down into the earth. “While you were planting the farm, I went  ahead and started working on a mine. I had   mined into a cave system where there was  some iron, but something attacked me! I   didn’t get a good look at what it was, but I  was wondering if you could go check it out?” “Sure thing Sandy, I’ll see what I can find.” I headed down into the tunnel and soon  emerged in the cave. I could see the   iron Sandy had mentioned, and walked over to  it, just then, a group of Drowned attacked! “Oof, these guys! This is a good chance  to put my new abilities to the test!” I quickly swung my tail and knocked  them away from me. With them backed off,   I then hit them with my roar  attack, which hurt them from afar. “Oh sorry, were you guys going somewhere?” I then hopped in with my sword and started  slashing away. I continued to use my new   abilities in combination with my sword,  and was able to defeat them in no time! “Well, with those guys out of the  way, I might as well grab this iron!” I took out my pick and mined all of the iron  I could find. With all of the iron collected,   I made my way back up to my base, where I  smelted down all of the iron, then used it   to make a full set of iron armor and tools. On days 20-22 I was woken up by the sound of   a crackle on my radio. I tuned the  frequency to get a clearer sound. “Zozo, do you copy? Zozo, do you read me?” “Hey yes, I’m here- what’s going on?” “The mad scientist is heading  your way! You’re in danger!” “Oh, it’s okay! My whole base is underwater,  he’s not going to be able to reach me here.” “You don’t understand, he built a mech  suit that will let him access your base,   you need to get out of there now!” I hurried out of my base and swam up to the  surface. I couldn’t risk him getting into   the base and hurting Sandy! I made my way to  the beach, maybe I could cut him off here. Just then, I saw the scientist  approaching. The old woman was right,   he was in an aquatic mech suit. “I’m stronger now, I think I can take him!” Soon, the scientist was before me. “Oh ho ho someone has been eating their  veggies!! You’re even more valuable to me now!” “This has to stop! You’re  killing innocent animals!” “Oh boo hoo! You don’t even know what  you are. You have a power inside of you   just waiting to burst out, and I’m gonna get it!” The scientist revved his suit and fired a  laser at me! I ran into the water to get   some space between us. Before he could  get me again though, I let out a roar,   which hurt him! I jumped closer and hit  him with my tail, which seemed to put a   dent in his machine! He didn’t stay scared  for long though, and kept fighting back. “What is this power? Ooooohohohoho  you’re even stronger than you look!” He kept firing his laser beam at  me, which really hurt! I had more   health and armor than before, but  I was taking some serious damage! “You can’t win Zozo, you’re mine!!” I rose up and swung with all my might,   which caused his suit to start smoking.  I swung again and again- I was winning! “Ah, where is this strength  coming from! I can’t lose!” Before I could deliver the final  blow, the scientist hit a button,   ejecting him from his suit and  launching him into the air. “This isn’t over!!!” The scientist was gone, for now. But  if there was one thing I did learn,   it’s that the scientist isn’t invincible.  Next time we meet up, I’ll be ready.  On days 23-25 Sandy came and found me  in my room. She suggested that we go   search the wreckage of the scientist’s  machine- maybe we’d find something? We headed up to the surface and took a  look at where the scientist’s machine   had been destroyed, it looked like  there was something in the wreckage! “What’s this?” I picked it up and saw it was a stack of javelins! “Oh interesting, this will give me  the chance to do some ranged attacks!” I kept looking and saw there  was a notebook as well. “I wonder what’s inside?” I picked it up and opened it up. “‘If you are liking the video so far, please  like and subscribe! And leave a comment on   what adventure you think we should go on  next.’ Huh, I don’t know what that means.”  On Days 26-29, Sandy and I headed back to the base   to get some work done on the statue.  I was pretty exhausted from the fight,   so we thought this would be a good activity  to take our minds off the conflict. “It was coming along pretty well… I  think- can you tell what it is yet?” We stopped working as Sandy explained to me  that we were going to need some Amber blocks   and warped stems to get more work done.  She suggested I head to a nearby island,   as she heard I might be able to find some there. “I’m on it!” I leapt into the water and started swimming off in   the direction Sandy mentioned. In my bigger  form, swimming was much faster than before! As I approached the island, I  noticed something was already   here. I reached the shore and saw  it was infested with green snakes! “If you guys don’t mind, I’m just gonna  squeeze by and grab what I need, thanks” I made my way over to the block I  needed and started mining them out.   I was able to grab a bunch of them, when  I was suddenly attacked by the snakes! “Ahh guys I just need a little bit” These guys weren’t talkers though,   and they started biting and  snapping at me with their fangs! “Hey that hurts, knock it off!” I smacked some of them away, and then  used some of the new javelins I had   just gotten to keep them at a distance. By  this combo, I managed to take them all out. “Alrighty, back to business.” I had gotten all of the blocks I needed, so  I jumped back into the water to head home.  On days 30-35, I was heading back to my base,  when I was suddenly attacked by a shark! “Woah, get out of here you maneater!” The shark had a POWERFUL bite,   and it was doing a lot of damage. He  didn’t know who he was messing with. “Let’s see how you like this!” As the shark lined up to charge me, I pulled out   my javelins and speared him. Turns out  he didn’t like it at all. He was hurt,   but lined up to charge at me again. Suddenly,  he turned and swam off in the other direction. “Yeah that’s what I thought! You better run.” I turned to keep swimming,   but saw what made the shark swim off-  there was a HUGE whale right behind me! “Ooooo boy. Please don’t eat me!!” “Eat you? You don’t look very good to eat.” “Oh, you talk! In that case, nice to meet you!” “Likewise! Say, I’ve been watching you fight,  you’re one brave guy. Do you think you could   help me? This evil scientist captured my  baby, and I need someone to rescue her!” “Oh yeah, I’m well acquainted with this scientist,   do you know where she’s being held?  I’ll do anything to stop that guy!” “There is a holding pen not too far  from here. I would go there myself,   but my lack of arms stops me from breaking through  anything. It’s actually pretty inconvenient.” “Don’t you worry- I’ll get  there as fast as I can!” On days 36-40 I made my way to the  holding pen. After a bit of swimming,   I could see the enclosure. “This must be it! I snuck in a little closer and could  see that the holding pen was attached   to what looked like a small base. There  were several guards on the outside. “Well I’d like to avoid a direct  confrontation if possible,   let me see if I can get in  contact with the baby whale.” I hopped back into the water and swam over to  the pen. I could see the baby whale inside! “Hey there little one, your  dad sent me to rescue you.” “I’m so happy to see you! I don’t  know how much time I have. There   used to be a lot more animals in here with me,   but one by one they were taken away and  haven’t come back. We’re the only ones left.” “Okay, hang on for as long as you can.  I noticed there were a lot of guards out   there and I don’t want to risk fighting all of  them. Do you know if there’s another way in?” “I think there might be a water duct  you can break into that leads into the   enclosure. If you dig into the side of  the hill on the east side of the base,   you should hit it.. Or was it the  north side… I can’t remember.” “It’s okay! I’m sure I can figure it out.  I will start digging and see you soon!”  From days 41-43 I worked on  digging my tunnel through the base. “I feel like this is going  great! I’ve got to be getting   close. I think she was saying I need  to start digging up right about now.” I changed direction and started heading up. This  was kind of a nice change to not be attacked head   on- I felt like a proper secret agent! Suddenly, I  burst through the surface, and a guard dropped in! “Uh oh, looks like I’m not  a very good secret agent!” I finished off the guard and then jumped out  of my hole. I was right in the middle of the   main base! The guards swarmed in and started  to attack! There were more guys in here than   I thought. They had caught me off guard, and  were really starting to take down my health! “Agh, there’s too many of them…” But I still had my special moves! I   let out a roar and was able to hurt some of the  bad guys. I quickly started swinging my tail and   hitting back. One by one I was starting to  take them out! There were so many of them,   but I was a one monster wrecking machine!  Maybe I do make a better action star than   secret agent. Eventually I was able to gain  the upper hand, and the entire base was clear. In one of the rooms I saw a control  panel with a couple of switches on   it. I went ahead and flipped them-  this must be controlling the gate! “Alright, let’s go save those animals!” I made my way out of the main base  and headed toward the holding tank.   I went around to the exit to make  sure the whale got out safely. “Go on and be free my friend!” Just then, the big whale dad from before came  swimming up, as his daughter swam over to him. “Thank you Zozo!! I was afraid  I would never see my daughter   again. If you are ever in need of help, I  will do everything I can to be there for you.”  On days 44-49 I arrived back at my base.  I had nearly forgotten I had collected   materials for my statue, so Sandy and I got  right to work on building the next part. “I think I’m starting to see what  it’s supposed to be. What about you?” Next I got to work building some guard towers  above my base . If my run-ins with the scientist   thus far had taught me anything, it was  that I needed to be prepared for any kind   of attack. Once the towers were complete, I  decided to give it a test. That night I lured   some mobs into the area, and led them right  into my trap! My defenses worked perfectly! “The scientist is going to be in for a nasty  surprise if he tries to break in here!”  On days 50-53 I woke up to the sound of a crackle   on the radio. It was another warning  call that the scientist was coming! “Again! Good thing we laid those traps- he’s  not going to be able to get in this time!” I swam to the top of the  base to get a better look,   and saw it wasn’t just the scientist attacking  this time. He was standing in a helicopter,   with a squadron of robot sharks in the water!! “I might not be able to swim in, but my  elite shark squad can! Alpha team, attack!” The sharks immediately jumped into  action- they were headed right for   the base! I braced myself for a  fight. The first few sharks got   caught in the crossfire of my guard  towers, which quickly took them out! “Nice! Those worked perfectly!” The next few sharks were much luckier  though, and I was going to have to take   them myself. The sharks were putting up a  good fight, but they were no match for my   claws and sword. I also used my roar and  spin attack, cutting through them bit by   bit. With all of my attacks, I was able to  rip through them, and quickly took them out. “Ha! This guy must be running out of ideas.” Suddenly, I heard an explosion, and  saw some other robot sharks had blown   a hole in Sandy’s dome! A shark swam  in and tied her up, pulling her away! “Zozo, help!!” They were taking Sandy! In my  anger my blood started to boil,   and I could feel a rush of energy!  Suddenly, I grew in size and leveled up! The scientist had soon  gotten his hands on the rope,   and pulled Sandy into the helicopter.  I started making my way toward them,   but the scientist took out a rocket  launcher, blowing up one of my towers! “Say goodbye to your little friend!” The scientist fired up his engine, and flew  off with Sandy. I was so mad! There were a   couple robot sharks nearby, and in my rage  I opened my mouth and shot out a stream of   fire!! This must be one of my new abilities.  The fire destroyed them almost immediately. “I’ve got to get Sandy back!” On days 54-57, I was in the depths   of despair! First things first though, I started  to make repairs to the base. I couldn’t believe   I didn’t protect Sandy from the scientist. She  trusted me and I let her down. And I had no idea   where the scientist’s main base was. Then  I had an idea. I headed over to tyy radio. “Hey are you there? Sandy was captured by  the scientist and I really need your help.” “Zozo, I was just about   to contact you. We have something to discuss  but I think it’s best done in person.” “I’ll be there soon!” I departed my base and headed to the  old woman’s house. When I arrived,   she was waiting for me outside. “Zozo, thank you for coming.” “Of course, what’s going on?” “I lied to you earlier, the scientist’s  wife didn’t die… I’m his wife.” “What! Why didn’t you say so before?” “I was afraid the truth would be too much for  you, and make you refuse to work with me.” “So why are you telling me now? How can  I know anything you’ve told me is true?” “Everything else I have told you is true,   but there is more to the story. My husband was  a brilliant man, but we were under pressure   to deliver our findings by a corrupt mayor  of the nearby city. We were his prisoners,   and the experience turned my husband to madness.  But I believe there is still good in him.” “So what are you suggesting?” “I know you must hate him, but please don’t hurt  him. I think he can come back to the light.” “No promises, but I’ll see what I can do.  Rescuing Sandy is my number one priority.” She thanked me and told me the location  of the scientist’s base. It wasn’t going   to be easy to infiltrate, so I needed  to head back to my base to prepare.  On days 58-62, I returned back to my base and  headed into the mine. I was still using subpar   gear, and was hoping to find some diamonds.  I was still sad about Sandy being gone,   but I needed to stay focused. After a  bit of exploring, I soon saw diamonds! “Just what I was looking for!” I mined all the diamonds I needed,  but as I went further into the cave,   there was some lava blocking my path.  Just then I heard a roar behind me,   and saw a black bear had me  cornered! But I wasn’t worried. “Impressive, but I can roar too!” I opened my mouth and fired my fire breath at  him! He didn’t like that at all, and attacked! “I can go claw to claw with you no problem!” The bear swiped at me as I  fought back. He was strong,   but he didn’t know what he was getting  himself into. We exchanged blows as I   shot him with my fire breath. After  a bit, I took him out with ease. With my pockets full of diamonds, I headed back  up into the base and got to work crafting. In   no time I had crafted myself a full  diamond armor set, and equipped it. “I’d like to see anyone try to pierce this armor!” On days 63-66 I got back to work on the statue.   Sandy wasn’t around to tell me what we were  building, but I felt like I had a good idea   of where we were going with it. I would have  loved to finish it, but it didn’t feel right   to do it without Sandy. I decided to leave  a little bit so we could finish it together. “I’m all ready to go, but before I do,  I’m told there’s a red sub button you   can press. The more subs we have in  our navy, the stronger we’ll be!”  On days 67-70, I left my base and traveled across  the land toward the scientist’s headquarters.   After a while, I saw some buildings  beginning to appear on the horizon. “That must be it! I had no idea  there was such a large city nearby.” As I got closer to the base, I saw it was well  protected, with guards positioned all over the   outside of the base. It didn’t matter though, I  was angry, and no one was going to keep me out! “Sandy, I’m coming for ya!” I ran up to the guards and started to attack,   as the guards took aim and started to  fire! These guys were elite troops,   and I could feel the strength of their  shots. But so far my armor was holding up. “Where’s the scientist??” The guards didn’t seem interested in  my questions and kept attacking. I was   making my way through the guards using  every attack in my arsenal. The place   was starting to catch fire! But soon  enough, I cleared out all the guards. “Time to get in there and see what’s going on.” On days 71-74 I entered further into the base,   attacking more guards along the way. There  were a bunch of them stationed in the lobby,   but as much as they tried to take me down, they  stood no chance against my flurry of attacks!   Once they were all destroyed I entered the  next room, which was full of animals in cages! “Don’t worry guys, I’ll get you out!” I quickly attacked all of the guards  in the room. They really didn’t seem   to appreciate my fire breath! Soon enough  I had taken them out. I then headed over to   the wall and pressed a button, which  released them all from their cages! “Be free my friends!” Just then, I saw a bear had started attacking   another animal. That’s when I  noticed he was a robot bear! “Oh no!” I quickly ran over and started fighting  him, taking him out as quick as I could.   But there were some robot ducks that had  started attacking me too! How could the   scientist do this to the animals! I  managed to fight them all off too. “I’ve got to find Sandy, and quick!” I headed into another room, and saw  a few more animals in cages. I was   careful to check and be sure they weren’t  robots before breaking them out. I took   out some more guards, and then saw a  strange object floating over a block. “What could this be?” I stepped closer and picked it  up- it was a new whirlwind attack! “Oh cool, I can’t wait to test this out!” Just then, another group  of robot animals appeared,   but I was shocked by who was leading them. “Sandy! What have they done to you!” The group of animals attacked,  including Sandy! It was no use,   it wasn’t the Sandy I knew and loved, she  had been experimented on and turned into a   robot! I focused on fighting off the other  animals, but I couldn’t bring myself to   fight Sandy. I was able to take a few of them  out, but what was I going to do about Sandy?? “Sandy, it’s me!” I was so distracted trying to run  away, that I didn’t notice that   more guards had come into the room. They  immediately started to attack me! This   was a fight I couldn’t win. They cornered  me against the wall, then shot me with a   tranquilizer dart, putting me to sleep. On days 75-78 I woke up in a cage! “I’ve got to get out of here!” I looked for my pickaxe, but they must have taken   it from me! There was no way  for me to break myself out! “Heh heh heh, going somewhere? I made this cage   especially for you. You’ll  never be able to break out!” “You can do whatever you want, just let Sandy go!” As I said this, I noticed that  Sandy turned and looked at me. “Oooo do you feel sad for your  friend? Boo hoo. I’ll tell you what,   maybe I won’t destroy you, maybe I’ll  just turn you into a robot just like   her. Then you can play with your  little friend all day. Ha ha ha!!!” “You’re going to pay for this! It doesn’t matter  what you do, good always triumphs over evil!” As I said this, Sandy started to shake, and  her circuits started to make a crackling noise. “Zozo…” The scientist turned and looked at her. “What! She’s overpowering the mind control?!” Suddenly, Sandy jumped over to the cage release  and hit the button, freeing me from my cage! “You’re in for it now!!” “Ahhhh, oh no!!!” The scientist ran out of the room. Before I  chased after him though, I took a look at Sandy. “Go Zozo… the mind control is taking  back over… I don’t want to fight….” Without wasting another moment I  took off after the scientist. He   hadn’t gotten very far, as he had  just run into the other room. But   that’s because he managed to get  himself into a fancy mech suit! “Enough games!! I’m going to end this now!” The scientist attacked! His weapon  was way stronger than I was expecting,   but I was way stronger than even he knew! I hit  him with everything I had. I used my weapons,   swung my tail, and shot him with my fire breath. “So much strength… you would make me invincible!!” The scientist fought right back,  using every method he could to   make sure I really felt it. He  fired his weapons and was able   to move quickly around the room. At one  point, I was down to just a few hearts! “Time to say goodbye!” Just then, I noticed he was  standing next to some TNT. “Goodbye!” I shot my firebreath and hit the TNT,   which knocked him out of his suit!  He slumped down against the wall. “No… I must complete my mission!” Just then I noticed a control panel on the  other side of the room, labeled “Mind Control.” “This can free Sandy!” I hurried over to the switch and flipped it.  To my surprise, I heard a crackling sound,   and saw it was coming from the scientist.  He had been under mind control! “Zozo… thank you… I’m so sorry…” “Who did this to you?” “It was the mayor. He told me he would destroy my  wife if I didn’t keep working for him. I refused,   but he did this to me and forced me to  comply. I’m just glad she got away.” “It’s not too late, I can get you  a health potion or something!” “No, it is too late for me. I’m  allergic to potions. I know,   it’s really inconvenient. Tell my wife I’m sorry.” He put his head down and was gone. “I will tell her. I’m sorry things couldn’t   have been different. I’ll find the  evil mayor and make things right!” STOP On days 79-84,   I headed back to the other room to find  Sandy. I was on my way back when she found me! “Zozo! My mind has been freed! You  must have defeated the scientist!” I explained to Sandy everything that happened,   including that the scientist wasn’t really  the bad guy, it was the mayor this whole time! “Oh no! Well, let’s take a look around here. The   scientist was working on a weapon,  we better find it and destroy it!” Sandy and I took off, taking a look around the  base. I noticed that the base was empty now,   the guards must have been under mind control  too! As we walked into one of the rooms,   we saw a strange, glowing object,  floating on a platform. Sandy picked   it up and set it down in front of me  so I could take a closer look too. “It doesn’t look like a weapon,   but it definitely looks like something  powerful. What do you think Sandy?” But before Sandy could answer, a man  in a suit came strolling into the room,   stopping in front of the glowing  object. This had to be the mayor! “Ahh you two certainly tried, but I’m sorry to  tell you, you failed. That nerd had pretty much   finished the weapon, and there’s nothing  you losers can do about it. The people of   this city tried to kick me out of my job,  but I’ll show them who the top dog is!!” The mayor picked up the glowing weapon. There was  a blinding bright light, and as the light faded,   we could see he had turned into a mecha  Godzilla! He was as big as a building! “Ha ha ha!! Good luck stopping me now!!” The mayor turned and headed toward the  city, breaking everything in his path!   Suddenly he began shooting lasers out of  his eyes, as he smashed the buildings. “This is what happens to those who dare  oppose me! You citizens can cower in your   buildings all you want! I will find you, and  I will destroy this entire city! Muhahahaha!” “Come on Sandy, let’s get out of here,  he’s way too strong! He’ll crush us!”  On days 85-89, Sandy and I arrived back at  our base. It was good to have her back home,   but I was still feeling like a failure. “I feel like I can’t do anything  right. I couldn’t save the scientist,   and the mayor got his hands on the weapon.  Now thousands of people are going to die!” “You can’t be so hard on yourself Zozo,   the fight isn’t over. It’s not much but  these should help. I stole it from the lab.” Sandy tossed out a few bars of netherite. “Thanks Sandy, I can max out my  gear with this! And you know what,   now that you're back, we should finish  our statue. It only feels right.” I made a quick stop at an anvil, and used  it to upgrade all of my gear to netherite.   It made me feel a little bit better  knowing I would be fully protected. I then met Sandy out at the statue, and we got  to work finishing it up. Doing so was making   me come out of my slump. I still didn’t know how  we could defeat the mayor, but my confidence was   increasing. There was just one more thing I had  to do. But before that, we finished the statue! “So what do you think? Did you guess what it was?   No sailor is going to feel safe  coming near our base with this!” Next up, I headed off to the old woman’s  house. Unfortunately I only had the bad   news of her husband’s death to share  with her. She greeted me outside. “I can tell by your face you have bad news for  me… it’s okay, I’m sure you did your best.” “I think it’s important that you know  the truth. Your husband was forced to   do all of this work after being put  under mind control by the mayor. In   his final moments he was himself, and  wanted me to tell you he was sorry.” I could see there were tears in her eyes. “Thank you for coming and telling me. I should  have known that mayor was behind everything.” I explained to her the situation, and how  the mayor was currently on a rampage in   the city. The mention of that seemed to shock her. “He… he used it? While you have been gone I  have been researching why my husband was so   focused on capturing you. I couldn’t quite  figure it out, but I’m positive that the   weapon wouldn’t have been safe for someone  to use without your power added to it.” “Well, it certainly seemed to work just  fine. Regardless of any power I have,   he seems to be pretty strong himself.” Just then, she perked up with an idea. “You know, if there’s one thing I knew about  my husband, it’s that he was always incredibly   thorough in his work. He never completed  a project without having a backup!” “But Sandy and I searched all over the base  and didn’t see anything like what we found.” “Is there another lab somewhere out there?” Just then, I remembered! “The other pen where the baby whale was  being kept, there could be something there!”  On days 90-94 I arrived at the pen where  the baby whale had been kept captive.   The base was completely empty now, except  it had been overrun by charged creepers! “Ahh stay away from me!” I managed to fight through the mobs,  and make my way into the base. Inside   the base there were some skeletons, and  they started firing their bows at me. “Get your empty heads out of here!” I managed to hit them with fire breath and  fight through them. As I searched the base,   I had to keep fighting my way through  the mobs. After I had destroyed them,   I noticed there was a switch  hiding behind one of the columns. “What does this do?” I flipped the switch, and a secret door opened up!  I got closer to see what was hanging on the wall. “There it is, a backup of the weapon!” I stepped forward and picked it up,  taking special care not to activate it. “I better hurry and get this back to my base.”  On days 95-96, I returned back to  my base, and met back up with Sandy. “Sandy, I found the backup of the weapon!  What do you think we should do with it?” “Oh wow, nice work! I think  it’s clear, don’t you?” “I agree, you should take it! You’ll be the  biggest squirrel the world has ever seen!” “While I’m sure everyone would want  to see that, you know it has to be   you. Everything you have done has led you to  this moment. You were made to save the city!” “Well, I can certainly try my best. I  wish we knew more about this though,   so many animals had to die for this to be made.” “And so many more animals and people will  die if the mayor isn’t stopped. They’d   want their sacrifice to be for someone  who will save others, not hurt them.” I nodded, Sandy always knew just what to say. “And here, I managed to catch  something that will help you.” Sandy tossed out several enchanted books! “These will be perfect, thanks Sandy!” I grabbed the books and headed over to the  anvil. By using all of the books, I was able   to give my weapons and armor some impressive  upgrades! I couldn’t have been more powered up.. “It’s time to end this!”  On days 97-98, Sandy and I swam  back up to the shore near our base. “This is it! The final  battle. If I don’t win here,   that’s it for me. If you’ve been  enjoying the journey so far,   let me know by giving me a like and a sub! I  promise to always fight my hardest to win!” With that said, Sandy and I jumped into the  water and headed in the direction of the city.   The mayor wasn’t going to see this coming. On day 99, we ran up to the outskirts of the   city. In the distance we could see the  mayor standing amongst the buildings. “So much destruction! I can see now that  the mayor has lost control of his own mind.” Seeing him like that scared me.. “Is that… going to happen to me too?” “Do you remember what happened when  you were fighting the scientist? The   power of our friendship pulled me out of the mind   control. This is the same tech. I  won’t let anything happen to you.” “I trust you Sandy! Let’s finish what we started.” I moved into the city and got as close as I could  get to the mayor without putting myself in danger. “Hey mayor! Why don’t you pick  on someone your own size?” The mayor turned to look at me. I pulled out  the secret weapon and activated it. There was   a flash of light and started to grow. It  felt strange, but I could feel the power   coursing through me. I couldn’t help but feel  like this was part of my destiny all along. “How is this possible? That  scientist, he betrayed me!” I waited for the madness to take over,   but nothing happened. Just then it clicked.  The scientist needed my power to stabilize   the mind of the weapon’s user. But since I  was the user, all it did was power me up. “Your reign of terror is over! The  people of this city deserve better!” The mayor and I charged at each other,  exchanging blows! The mayor was strong,   but with my new powers, I had never felt better! “You think this makes you special? You can’t  save anyone! You couldn’t save the scientist,   let alone an entire city!” His words hurt, but I knew the scientist  would have wanted me to stop this mayor. “If not for you, no one would need to be saved,   no one would have ever gotten hurt! The  scientist saw you for who you were- a fraud!” This just made the mayor even more mad,  and he unleashed a flurry of attacks,   which nearly took down all of my health! I had  to finish this. I took one big final breath,   and unleashed the most powerful  fire blast I had ever created! “Noooooooooooo!!!!!!” The mayor crumbled to the ground and  disappeared. I rushed back over to Sandy. “Zozo you did it! Let’s go home.” On day 100 we returned back to the   base. I was way too big to fit in the base,  but Sandy said she was going to keep living   there anyway. I had gotten used to living in  the water, so I swam back down into the sea.   If the people of the city ever needed me  again, they’d know just where to find me.
Channel: Zozo
Views: 15,220,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, i survived 100 days minecraft, minecraft, bronzo, maxcraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft hardcore, 100 days in minecraft, i survived 100 days, hardcore minecraft, 100 days minecraft, minecraft roleplay, minecraft zozo, zozo, 100 days full movie, surviving 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft modded, hardcore minecraft survival, godzilla, minecraft godzilla, godzilla 100 days, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft
Id: Rfv57Fpn7DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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