I Survived 100 Days as an ELECTRIC ALLIGATOR in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned in as a baby electric alligator I was in a swamp Fortress and was watching as zombie piglens were killing off my fellow electric alligators hey what's the big deal rapidly the sky darkened into a storm above us and lightning struck down revealing the lightning witch I'm looking for the five electrics and I have information that tells me it's here so hand it over before things get yes just then my parents jumped into intervene they were trying to save me bronzo run away we'll hold her off I had no choice but to run and hide so I wouldn't get caught five electric relics what is she talking about the lightning witch was Furious that I got away and paralyzed my parents with a huge electric blast no piglet Army capture them I wanted to scream but it was safer if I didn't we have a lot of searching to do I need a favor Alex as she stormed away I knew I had to follow her if I wanted to save my parents on day two the storm went away and I continued to follow them eventually I found myself at a massive swamp Castle there were zombie piglands everywhere how could I possibly get through them as I was looking around I noticed that my parents were in a courtyard right in front of the lightning witch electric alligators you're so annoying from now the lightning which shot out a powerful spell that turned both of my parents into zombie alligators this time I couldn't help crying out no the lightning witch noticed me there's the one that's escaped bring him to me now that they were under her command my parents dashed at me with the intent to kill I had to escape I was too weak and small to do anything but run as I exited the swamp Castle my parents were hot on my tail on day three I was running as fast as I could but my parents were quickly catching up I tried to weave in and out of the nearby trees to lose them but nothing I did was working think bronzo think just in time I noticed a cave and squeezed in before my mom could bite a chunk out of me I was trapped in there there was no way out as I was catching my breath the cave entryway exploded revealing both of my parents wait it's me your son please they were on the verge of attacking me when a rock Golem appeared out of nowhere save me it launched a line of stalactites at my parents stalling them follow me little electric alligator he led me away and once we made it to a lush cave area the creature introduced himself as Sheldon I'm glad to see one electric alligator survived the Witch Attack I've been spying on the lightning witch for a while now and I witnessed your city fall I have to save my parents you're not strong enough to fight her yet you can't even defeat your piglet Army if you want to defeat her you have to collect all five electric relics of Minecraft yeah each one will make you more powerful in unique ways but unfortunately I only know where one is located where do I begin on day four Sheldon led me through the cave until we came across a huge open mine shaft there in the middle of the room was one of the electric relics sitting on a pedestal it's right there let's grab it I rushed forward towards the Relic and Sheldon cried out after me not yet it was too late as I grabbed the Relic the area began to shake violently crawling from the walls dozens of spiders emerged surrounding me this looked hopeless there was no way I was getting out of here without warning the sacred Crystal absorbed into me transforming me into an adult electric alligator I feel so strong as soon as I transformed the spiders took their opportunity to attack they began biting me and as I bit back I realized I was imbued with a powerful thunderbite with my new Thunder ability I was able to bring down the spiders one by one this new power is awesome as I defeated the last one I even had a few Hearts to spare I knew you could do it your parents were the only ones who can properly utilize the electric Relic and now you can too with the relics we can finally end the lightning witch's reign of terror together we made to leave the mine shaft but before we got too far we were interrupted by a rumbling noise we both looked up to see pieces of gravel falling we tried to run as fast as we could but we were covered by tons of gravel and dirt causing us to black out on days five and six I slowly woke up in the middle of a crater whoa what happened I noticed my hearts were still really low did that earthquake almost kill us I sensed another earthquake on the way we have to shelter ourselves I found an abandoned house nearby so I collected enough materials from the house to make myself some stone tools and inside one of the chests was a little bit of iron I used it to make myself an iron sword this is a great start with my new tools I built myself and Sheldon an earthquake-proof home with a super stabilized base I also built a watchtower so that I can look out for any oncoming foes just as I finished I felt the ground shake again but this time nothing happened to me or the base you built it just in time I really realized that I was still hungry so I ventured out to go hunting luckily there were cows nearby and I used my electric bike to gather some meat and I did a pretty good job at it this ability is awesome I wonder if each electric Relic will grant me new powers I then went back to rest with Sheldon at the base but after some time we both heard a loud propeller sound we looked outside to see a massive Airship that landed behind my base what could that be on Days Seven through eight I climbed up my Watchtower to get a peek at what was on the Airship I saw a skeleton king talking to none other than the lightning witch I need you to patrol the sky Skeleton King yes my lady you can trust me in my crew to do just fine good then hold on to this elder scroll do not let anything get a hold of this if they do they will gain enough power to use all five electric relics and use it to undo all my work dude I will keep this close to me at all times and look out for an electric alligator he's a slippery one and Escapes Me and my pet alligators pets those are my parents if I get that scroll I'll be able to reverse the curse and turn them back to regular electric alligators I was about to hop onto the ship but I heard Sheldon being attacked by a horde of possessed Knights I had a choice of jumping onto the ship or saving Sheldon in a split second I chose Sheldon I got your back man Sheldon and I used our abilities to fight back against the armored Knights and ultimately we were able to beat them after I noticed the Airship was flying away I have to get on that ship and get the Elder Scroll on days nine through ten I continued to follow the Airship it took a little bit but I was able to catch up and sneak on real convenient that they left this rope ladder down I was trying to go about it stealthily but as I turned a corner I ran into a bunch of possessed nights how did you get in here uh I was just looking for the bathroom eat my dust there was too many to fight so I ran fortunately I was a lot faster than them and was able to outrun them but as I got on Deck there were more fine no choice take this I launched some attacks to get the closest possessed Knights away from me gotta get out of here once I had enough distance from them I jumped off the side of the Airship and into a body of water below I definitely need to become stronger before trying that out again luckily that body of water was below the ship or I'd be a goner as I was climbing over some hills thinking about my next step a goat appeared out of nowhere and started ramming me hey what's that for leave me alone go away I don't want you here I didn't fight back much since I wasn't particularly hungry and didn't want to kill this guy you can go at this all day but it's not going to do anything ah fine what do you want huh here to steal my Prime grazing spot I'm no plant eater and I'm looking for for a relic the goat seemed to hint they knew where the Relic could be but they weren't super confident I may know where your Relic is hidden I have done a lot of traveling in my life great can you take me to the electric but I'll only help you if you help me first okay deal I followed the goat to help him out I felt confident that he would know where my next electric Relic would be I followed the goat on days 11 through 13. eventually we made it to a really muddy area I saw some other goats a sheep and a ram getting attacked and killed by some ghouls this is my home it's been overrun by these flesh-eating monsters help me save my family you got it attack we barged into the battle I used my electric power and my iron sword to fight off the brainless foes unfortunately I couldn't save everyone but I did manage to save the majority of them eventually with enough grit I was able to defeat all of them and most importantly I saved the goat's family thanks so much I don't know what I would do if you never ran into me the name's Oscar by the way I was glad to have helped save Oscar's friends but I really needed to know where the next electric Relic was so you think you can help me find something that depends on what you're looking for like I mentioned I've been around I'm looking for an electric Relic ever heard of it actually I have and I do know where one might be follow me I Then followed Oscar to the second electric Relic I continued following Oscar from Days 14 to 17 into a massive graveyard that seemed to stretch for Miles whoa what is this place Oscar this is where all the creatures come to rest but I heard there's an electric Relic around here somewhere maybe it's best if we split up we can cover more ground that way good idea watch out for the Guardians watch out for what I was sure he said guardians but Oscar was already gone there was no choice but to continue to search this spooky graveyard I needed that Relic while looking I stumbled on a chest filled with iron armor I think I'm gonna need this armor more than the dead person here as I picked up the armor I got a chill down my spine and I felt a large presence appear behind me it was a huge Undead grave Guardian Finders Keepers but I need it the Grave Guardian began smashing a huge blocking chain around hitting me and creating huge craters in the ground not an alligator I tried using my electric bite attack on him unfortunately it didn't seem as effective on him as it was on smaller things if I didn't want to become alligator paced my only option was to run away on days 18 to 21 I kept running away from the grave Guardian eventually I spotted a tomb in the distance maybe that's where I was meant to go I dashed inside whoa this place is awesome I never seen a tomb this big before I was so excited that I almost forgot I was still being chased oops better keep going in the center of the Tomb I saw the second electric Relic sitting on a pedestal finally there you are I absorbed its power and to my surprise my iron sword transformed in my hands turning it into an electron sword check this baby out unfortunately I got a little too loud in my experiment and the grave Guardian overheard me he burst through the wall breaking it open with an explosion I was trapped in the Tomb I had to fight him for sure this time now I had my electron sword though which seemed to be doing the trick it looked like it was really hurting him skeletons help me he held up a wand and within two pillars of light skeleton minions appeared they started to attack me while he summoned more then the grave Guardian turned and ran away good riddance I got rid of the remaining skeletons and escaped to the graveyard on days 22 to 25 I exited the graveyard waiting for me was Oscar and his wife and two children there you are Oscar thanks for showing me the way to the Relic it's powered me up a bunch no problem we're kind of left without a home now since schools won't stop spawning there oh that's right wait I know just the place for you to move to follow me I took Oscar and his family back to my base there I built him a big house with lots of mud hey and places to jump on thanks man this house is better than our original home it's perfect for goats like us you got it after that I checked back in with Sheldon so the Airship has landed again and you need to get on it before it takes off again you're right I'll be on my way then just as I exited my base I was met with an awful sight not so fast it was my zombie parents they attacked me I needed to defend myself but I also didn't want to hurt them please please it's me your son suddenly Oscar appeared and pulled a lever dropping a cage on them trapping them go I'll watch them until you get back thanks buddy hey I'll be back please take care of my parents while I'm gone I got back to the Airship just in time during days 26 to 29 it was just about ready to take off I have to make it on that ship or my parents will be gone for good I was looking for a place to get on board and luckily the Skeleton King's crewmates left another ladder hanging off the side of the Airship so I climbed it without getting spotted I snuck around the ship and finally found my way to the captain's main cabin and there inside was the Skeleton King looking at the Elder Scroll I can't believe the lightning which left me with this scroll I could use it myself you gained immense power no I shouldn't she'll swipe me in my arm age of bits the Skeleton King then left his Captain's Quarters and I hid so he couldn't see me now I had a chance to grab the Elder Scroll for myself I snuck up to the table and just as I was about to grab the scroll the captain returned into the main cabin suddenly I was swarmed with tons of guards I tried to fight back with my power but they had strength in numbers and eventually I was caught one of the knights even threw a potion at me no let me go I then felt very weak and passed out on days 30 to 33 I woke up in a new area of the Airship still feeling dizzy from passing out why does my head feel funny wait the scroll I felt terrible I was so close to getting that scroll now all my hard work was for nothing I wonder where that scroll is now you mean this screw yeah that's the one please I beg you not to use it I could do whatever I want this girl belongs to me in a lightning witch and you'll never have it you have no idea the power it holds I will use it use it destroy you in anyone that comes in comes it looked like all hope was lost for me that was and we heard a loud crash and a sudden halt in the movement of the ship what was that it turns out that the Airship had crashed in the desert right onto a sand dune what is the big idea the Skeleton King then left to investigate and I was all alone still badly hurt while I was laying there in pain a familiar friend appeared we gotta get out of here what happened I crashed the ship what how by taking control of the bridge and steer him down but that doesn't matter we gotta go Sheldon then broke my cage and we started to leave the ship wait I still needed to get the scroll from the Skeleton King we can get it another time we gotta go before we get captured again you're right we continue to run through the ship to get out but there were night minions everywhere we had to fight through a few of them and out speed the rest eventually making it out of the ship running right behind you I continued running through the desert from Days 34 to 37. I did not want to be captured by the Skeleton King and Knight Army it's so hot I could really use a body of water to cool down but there's nothing in sight we must keep moving the Skeleton King's mates could be coming this way as we sit here just then when all hope seemed lost a desert native showed up it was a camel and they told us to follow them hurry take us to safety Sheldon and I did not hesitate to follow and shortly enough we made it into a beautiful Oasis desert city there was tons of greenery and water all around the first thing I did was jump into a pool of water I feel great again thanks so much uh what's your name oh the names po what brings you guys out to the desert we didn't have a choice we were being chased by the Skeleton King ooh the Skeleton King has been terrorizing our home for years Sanctuary here as Poe and I were speaking I noticed Sheldon was walking away for a moment ways the village is gonna have a feast tonight if you wish to join us I know you're hungry and thirsty huh sure we'd love to give me a moment I then walked off to Sheldon hey Sheldon buddy you all right something about this place feels off you're just hungry we're gonna have a feast soon look alive on days 38 to 41 the whole village gathered around a big fire pit for the feast Sheldon and I were at the front of the crowd wow good view huh such generosity in these troubled times give them a cheer everyone began cheering and clapping oh thanks what are we generous for though tonight we will dine on electric alligator wait what get that alligator at his command all of the Oasis settlers began attacking us I knew something was off together we battled the settlers as well as we could the numbers were overwhelming though and I knew we had to leave we ran away from the Oasis leaving the settlers in the dust they weren't going to be dying on alligators anytime soon in the distance we spotted a pyramid and decided to travel there I wonder what's inside I'll wait outside and you know if something happens I entered the grand pyramid on days 42-45 making sure to keep an eye out for any threats there in the center was the third electric Relic I can't believe it's actually here just then the lightning witch teleported in New Year electric alligator you what are you doing here how did you find me I don't need to focus on all of them I heard details all you need to know is that I'll be taking a break the lightning which towards the Relic but just before she was able to grab it Sheldon busted in and distracted her hey old hag come and get some of this Golem action there you call me an old hag I'll Crush you while the lightning witch was distracted I quickly absorbed the third electric Relic and gained a wand with an electric sword throw ability along with 10 more Hearts this is the coolest ability I've gotten yet while I was celebrating the witch was furious with Sheldon and she had enough of his distraction she Unleashed a super lightning ability and struck Sheldon down killing him no how could you do this I decided to use my power of the third Relic on the lightning witch but I was very sloppy with how I used it I needed more practice with it yeah how to use the power I will the ground began to shake and Rumble uncontrollably the lightning witch had summoned a volcano from the ground and it spewed molten rocks all over I had no other option but to run and avoid the large rocks of lava falling onto me this place is crazy I gotta go on days 46 to 49 I went back to my base hey Oscar I have good news and bad news good news is I got a new power bad news is Sheldon he's gone and the lightning witch has some really strong abilities no that's terrible I have bad news too your parents escaped the cage the Skeleton King helped them this just keeps getting worse and worse where did they go he went just east of here I don't think he should be too far away yet I dashed in the direction Oscar pointed me it didn't take long before I caught up with the Skeleton King who was just strolling along like there was nothing wrong Skeleton King where are my parents oh you sold them back to lightning witch I've had it with you I left at the skeleton they Unleashed their wither skulls against me giving me the Wither effect but I didn't back down I used my new lightning projectile to pierce his rib cage and my sword to shock him how do you like my new powers how about this the Skeleton King used his giant hammer to lift the ground up beneath me and send me up into the air it did tons of damage but I wasn't gonna give up that easily I hit him with one strong electric blow and it sent him running away yeah you better run your numbskull I figured I should go check on the lightning which is base on days 50 to 53 to find my parents as I approached I felt a bit uneasy I better be careful there were a lot of guards here last time I snuck into her swamp Castle as quickly as possible it was tough because there were tons of zombie piglens still roaming around one even passed right in front of me and I had to stay perfectly still here what does Jeffy even know I'm super observant luckily the pigland was completely oblivious I managed to get in successfully and was surprised to see the witch talking to the Grave Guardian with my parents locked up behind them what should we do should we do next word Hazard the Skeleton King has run away from the electric alligator they say he was totally rattled oh what a coward I can't believe I hired him to protect the Elder Scroll you are now in charge of finding that pesky electric alligator and I want him dead or alive I don't care which oh no I don't like the sound of that yes ma'am anything else I could do for you prepare to enter the end to get me the force electrical Relic I need to get at least what before I lose all five to that awful alligator right away my leash the end that's the void home to the Enderman and the Ender Dragon the fourth electric Relic is there then I need to beat her to it and after I can come back for my parents I rushed out of the swamp Castle before I could be spotted and wondered how I would make it to the end uh I don't know where to even start I contemplated for a bit thinking about how anyone goes there and how the Enderman might get back and forth that's it I'll get my answers from an Enderman when one spawns in tonight with my new plans decided I waited for night to fall from Days 54 to 57 I staked out all night and finally saw an Enderman all by themselves I ran up to it and asked how to get to the end so is it like a secret portal to get there or the Enderman didn't say a word instead they poofed away before coming back and attacking I used my shocking power to try to burn it to the ground but it kept teleporting away before I could get a shot in stop moving so fast and fight me the Enderman kept being elusive but finally I got a few good shots on them and they stop fighting me hey what are you doing you'll put up a good fight did I respect that so I'll tell you what you want to know I just want to know how to get to the end first you must find the Fortress keeper he has a portal that leads directly to the end and where am I supposed to find this said keeper why did this not simply find them you have to get brought to him and lucky for you I'm going to give you a one-way ticket to him take this ender pearl it's not like others this one will bring you where you wish thanks a lot Enderman it's just Elliot actually I began wishing in my head to be at the Fortress keeper then I threw the ender pearl and within an instant I was actually there in front of me was a giant fire castle and the Fortress keeper themselves guarding whatever was inside hello Almighty Fortress keeper I let me guess to tell Elliot to stop sending creatures here wow you're good at reading minds but yes can you help me you will need to collect eyes of the Ender to open up the end portal that's gonna be a lot of Enderman farming I don't have enough time for that I need to stop the lightning witch now Watcher they will drop multiple Eyes of Ender if defeated great where can I find them in the dark Forest then I'll be back in a hurry bye I'm afraid that'll be the last time I see that electric alligator I went back to the Dark Forest on days 58 to 61 looking for the night watcher I searched and searched but I couldn't seem to find a single living creature hello does anything live here just then a little squirrel thing slowly walked up to me I wouldn't be so loud squirrel then scurried away without any other word yeah that little squirrel didn't help me at all I then continued moving through the woods wait what is that I saw a large familiar figure charging straight towards me it was the grave Guardian he attacked me without hesitation and summoned more skeletons way more this time I made quick work of the skeletons using my electric power and my strategic movements then I focused all my energy onto the grave Guardian himself by the lightning which to stop you you're funny if you think you're gonna stop me I need to save my parents I did not let up using everything I had against the rotten Giant and finally with a shocking blow to his body he fell and was knocked out finally I got this guy off my back but where is that dang night watcher I didn't have time for the grave Guardian so I left him there and continued my search through day 62-65 while I started off feeling determined to find the creature the longer I searched the less sure I was eventually I stopped walking and was too frustrated to continue where the heck is this thing ah I give up I'll just find another way to get Eyes of Ender just then I felt something watching me it felt really close so I looked behind me to find ah what the heck is that it was a floating squid-like thing with an Eye of Ender as its head wait that must be him I see you've been looking for me all this looking is usually my job search your business I'm here to Take Your Eyes of Ender so you've chosen death very well the Watcher and I began to battle he was able to shake me from a distance I started getting teleported randomly and would get violently shaken to disorient me hitting it up close was difficult since it had more time to wart me around so I tried using long distance attacks they were more helpful but I was still getting moved around like crazy stop teleporting me just give me the eyes or fight me properly why do that I have this talent for a reason whatever I'll just kill you then he was a pain to fight and he even started throwing dirt and gravel at me I was getting fed up but I finally managed to knock him down for good with one last shot a ton of Eyes of Ender dropped where he once had been and I grabbed them ha I bet that guard will be surprised to see I survived I brought the Eyes of Ender back to the Fortress keeper and he was shocked to see me I'm impressed you actually managed to kill that thing well then better take these he gave me enough diamonds to make some armor before explaining you'll need some protection before going down it's pretty dangerous in I'll craft some right away I went ahead and crafted the armor and put it on before following the guard inside he led me down a tunnel until we reached a stronghold when we arrived we found a bunch of mobs inside that started attacking oh quick we must fight back I helped the Fortress keeper fight off the Mobs with my electricity while he used a strong fire attack we finished them off pretty quick but he kept occasionally running into more as we traveled through the tunnel eventually we made it to our destination uh good we're finally here we were now in a small room with a deactivated portal inside the Fortress keeper went up and placed the pearls on their spots opening the portal you go good luck thank you for all the help I'll see you later I braced myself and hopped into the portal to the end I entered the end from Days 66 to 70 and right in front of me was none other than the Ender Dragon wait please don't kill me relax my hair is going to do such a dude however for me I know you're looking for the electric products and I happen to know where the fourth one is and if you don't help me I'll eat you okay fair enough where can I find this Ender Beast that is the part I don't have the answer to you'll have to see them by yourself seek them so this is like the night watcher not quite the other weeks won't be hiding from you they will be in plain sight my only advice is don't underestimated use my portal here to get to the other side I'm sure you'll run into them sooner or later gotcha I'll be back with proof that it's dead I walked into the end Dragon's portal and made it to another location within the end let's see Echo Echo nope no Echo here now where would an Ender Beast be just then a little end creature overheard me talking out loud so I approached it and they said they knew where the Ender Beast could be take me to them nope what do you mean nope you just said you knew where they were I do so take me only if you help me out I want some chorus fruit but there is some virus that has taken over the fruit Forest okay fine then you take me to the Ender Beast you follow me I followed the odd creature to A Chorus fruit forest and there were dangerous looking monsters everywhere I've never seen anything like them see they are hogging all the chorus fruit and I can't get any I'll take care of it I charged into the forest and again fighting the infection they seem to not like my electric powers so I knew it was working they would chase me and there were so many of them it was hard to get a hit in but they didn't do much damage I didn't see why the little Ender guy was so scared I guess they just didn't have any protection eventually I killed all of the monsters and gathered some chorus fruit for the the little end creature here you go little guy all the fruit you could eat mmm so yummy okay now show me to the Ender Beast if you want to die sure I followed the end creature and arrived at an open area with a large cave mouth good luck I'm out of here from the cave I heard a rumbling Roar that shook the entire place the Ender Beast then burst out from the Shadows heading directly towards me he started shooting me with Ender arrows right away I used my electric ability but it didn't seem to do much damage to the Beast it continued to fire arrows at me as I tried my best to Dodge I can't give up not like this I'm so close when I thought it was all over for me I gained a new ability in my lightning wand which allowed me to continuously charge lightning onto the Beast it was actually working and finally shocked the Ender Beast into a crisp it dropped a powerful bowstring which I picked up as proof of me slaying the Beast I did it now I can get that fourth electric Relic I returned to the Ender Dragon on day 75 to 78 but there was trouble the Ender Dragon was fighting the lightning witch I dashed in and tried to help but it was no use the lightning witch pushed me away with her lightning ability all I could do was watch as the witch struck the Ender Dragon down no stop hurting her it's time for me to capture that Relic it's been a cooperation and a freak the witch vanished in an instant I ran up to the Ender Dragon to see if there was still time for me I'm dying before I go you must know the fourth round is in the ad City there's a way to get there before the witch take it for the path you'll know it when you see it wait what about you you can't die trust me the Ender Dragon passed away but right where her body was laid an egg I covered it with some wool to keep it warm I proceeded to find the PATH on days 79 to 82 I followed the path until I reached a large end City castle some shulkers regarding the castle as soon as they saw me they started to throw spinning orbs at me that made me levitate whoa the ground is too far away the effect wore off and I plummeted to the ground luckily I had a water bucket on hand and was able to break my fall with an awesome clutch now that I knew what to expect I got to a position that would take me where I wanted and let the shulkers hit me I levitated all the way up the pillar of the castle and made it to the top alright now let's get this Relic finally it was there in my sight I was about to walk up to it when the Brave Guardian from earlier showed up he stood between me and The Relic I've been following you I want to get revenge for what you did at that tomb bring it on the grave Guardian summoned some skeleton minions I expertly dodged and began pummeling the minions with some electric attacks they died easily but he kept summoning more why would you get up already I need to save my parents nothing will stop me from doing that the grave Guardian swung his flail around he hit me hard a few times and things weren't looking good I needed to do something this is over not if I have anything to say about it I ran past the grave Guardian to The Relic and grabbed it as soon as I touched it I absorbed its power with the energy of the fourth Relic I transformed into a large monster alligator I now walked on two legs and had ten more Hearts I turned back to the Grave Guardian full of new Vitality now this is over with one final attack I knocked out the grave guardian and that's that don't follow me again now with no enemies inside I walked off to go find the last electric Relic during days 83 to 86 I left the end portal and got into the fire Castle when I was there I saw the Oasis Chief who was fighting The Fortress keeper hey get off of him you bottomless pit I jumped into the fight to help the Fortress keeper against the Oasis chief he had size blinding attacks and packed a good punch but as we were fighting the chief stopped and realized something hey you're the one I was looking for I like you more you have more meat on your bones you wouldn't like how I taste I'm pretty chewy chewy yet tasty I bet Hamilton out of nowhere a horde of camels came rushing out and surrounded me and the Fortress keeper what I thought you were all vegetarians not anymore we've had a taste for blood as the camel surrounded us the Oasis Chief managed to isolate the Fortress keeper and he killed him that that's not good I have to run I made my way through the crowd and made my Great Escape I had run so far that on days 87 through 90 I made it to some mountains unfortunately the carnivore camels were still not far behind oh you can't run and forever I tried to escape but the Mountainside was too tall to climb up I was now cornered by a bunch of the camels I guess it's finally a dinner time not if I have anything to say about it Poe tried to bite me and I shocked him the other camels started to join the fight and I was severely outnumbered I used each of my powers to try to deter them but I was running low on health and stamina excellent work Boys The Oasis Chief had caught up and was now watching the fight just give in bronzo and quickly before the rain comes don't want to have our beast in bad weather unluckily for the chief clouds appeared above and it began to rain I kept pushing on when I suddenly got hit by lightning the lightning triggered something inside me and my abilities received an upgrade I now had the ability to summon a storm of electric sword I started using it right away on the camels take this you humps for brains I finally defeated the camels and turned my attention to the Oasis Chief not so tough without your goons are you forget them shut up and let me have my Feast he was stubborn but my new storm ability was no match for him he did his best to confuse me and wouldn't give up his resolve wasn't enough to save him for my strength and new power the chief was taken down with a final shot he dropped a book upon his death that held the location to the last electric Relic wait I recognize these the last one is my birthplace sure enough the coordinates matched that of the electric alligator's former home on days 91-93 I went back to my birthplace as I was approaching I saw the lightning witch leaving she's everywhere I then walked into my birthplace and I found it in ruins everything I was familiar with was destroyed how am I supposed to steal the Relic from the witch now I kept searching around the village in hopes of finding any clues but did not encounter anything until I came across a zombie piglin seeing him just remind me of what happened to my Village and my parents and made me really upset I got ready to kill it when it stopped me stop please don't hurt me why should I you took everything from me I don't want to fight I just want to be a regular penguin again I didn't ask for this then help me get the fifth electric Relic from the witch where did she go tell me she said she was going back to HQ something about giving The Relic to the gray Guardian to protect it fine but I need your help to get to the witch's base I can guide you but once we meet the guardian I'm out of there okay let's do it I followed the zombie pigland soldier into the witch's base during days 94 to 96. We snuck around looking for the fifth Relic we went into the dungeons hoping it would be there wow I didn't know all this was down here finally with some more searching we found it but my good old friend the grave Guardian was there blocking my path yet again let's do this again there's still time to change your side and join me grave Guardian summoned his skeleton minions and attacked me I retaliated with my electric powers he seemed stronger though and I knew if I wanted to win this I would have to pull the same trick from last time I moved around the guardian and I absorbed the last electric Relic growing in strength and gained an electric power similar to the lightning witch I then used it to blast the grave Guardian finishing him once and for all I feel ready to tackle the lightning witch down right when I thought all threats were terminated the Skeleton King surprised me and he was with my parents I had no choice but to defend myself against my own parents they used their poisonous gloop to smother me I try not to hurt them too badly but I retaliated with my electric power I have to leave I don't want to kill my parents I'm so close to saving you guys with that I ran away leaving the Skeleton King and my parents alone on days 97 to 98 I went back to my base obvious obviously Oscar had been busy all his old friends were there there were sheep goats Rams and many other creatures he had really built up an awesome Community hey everyone I have a plan to finally kill the lightning witch and save my parents but I need your help with one more thing what is it I need you all to like the video for more epic content comment down below what your favorite electric ability was And subscribe so you never miss another bronzo video let's all do it right now guys let's support our good friend bronzo here thanks guys I'll be on my way then bye everyone on day 99 I figured I still needed the Elder Scroll in order to reverse the curse on my parents but where on Earth could that Skeleton King be hiding I thought for a moment about each of the places a lost soul might go I realized there was one place I hadn't checked yet the graveyard that's gotta be where he's hiding I went back to the graveyard to check sure enough the Skeleton King was there Skeleton King I'm gonna need that Elder Scroll now that's not gonna happen well not the less to live for lightning which finally we've been replaced my ship was destroyed in my crew decided me this goes all I have left you're gonna have to kill me for it ah aren't you already dead well uh you'll have to make me Double Dead for it fine I will we charged each other and started bashing one another the skeleton used his hammer to smash then summon skeleton guards to help him out each time the Skeleton King hit me with his hammer he was surrounded by an aura that let him shoot deadly skulls I immediately called on lightning sabers that rained down from above on his minions killing some I was able to defeat all of his minions before I turned back to him I was even stronger than the king remembered and it wasn't long before I managed to wear him down I hit him hard with my lightning bolts and he gave in he waited patiently for me to finish him and was confused when I stopped attacking no I don't think I will what why not because I have a better idea why don't you join me and once the witch is dealt with I can help you find a new reason to live why really don't do that as a matter of fact yes what do you think I think you'll need this more than I do the skeleton handed over the scroll I now had what I needed to help my family yes thank you it's finally time to save my parents and end that wicked witch on day 100 I headed to the lightning witch's base sure enough she was there in the courtyard next to the walls stood lots of zombie piglens my parents were also there locked up in a cage it's over lightning witch I have all five relics and the Elder Scroll I'm here to finally defeat you starting with this I cast spell aiming it at my parents when it hit them they were transformed back into electric alligators mom dad you're normal again bronzo you saved us but we're still trapped out meaningless it doesn't matter when you have trouble power you never know it unless you've seen it something bigger than an army stand down I want you all to witness the death of the last electric alligator she left forward crackling with blue electricity that she directed my way that does nothing to me anymore with the combined powers of all the relics it hardly tickled I lunged at her with some thunderbites and electric surges of power sending her reeling back why won't you die I worked too hard to give up here I knew I was close she shot a few more attacks at me well I got ready for my final one I then blasted her with epic electricity the lightning which then quickly I ran over to my parents and released them from the cage they were finally freezer foreign
Channel: Bronzo
Views: 982,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -v578DKLqg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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