I Survived 100 DAYS as a WARDEN NINJA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day 1, I spawned in as an awesome Warden Ninja,  right in the middle of my Warden Ninja hideout! But there were no other Warden Ninjas around. In  fact, the whole place was full of Dread Ghouls! While several of them were standing at attention  , one of them was standing back and giving orders. “Destroy everything, my dark warriors. We are   under orders to eliminate every  last Warden Ninja we can find!” I didn’t understand why this was happening,  but I wasn’t going to take it lying down. “Who’s giving you these orders,  you cowardly Dread Ghoul!?” That’s when I heard booming footsteps behind me. I  turned and saw a huge, dark figure approaching me.   I was only a tiny Warden Ninja, and I didn’t  have any weapons yet, so he terrified me. “I gave the orders.   I am Shogun Skull, the ruler of this land. And  all who defy me will be destroyed! Including you!” Shogun Skull pulled out a huge Katana.  He looked like he meant business.  I needed to activate my special  power: Ultimate stealth! I practically turned invisible,   immediately causing Shogun Skull and  his Dread Ghouls to lose my trace. “Where did he go!?” “He’s using his Ninja abilities to run away like a   coward. No matter. We’ll find  and destroy him another day.” As much as I was ashamed to admit it, all I  could do was run. I got out of there and ran   out into the Allium Fields, looking  for some food to satisfy my hunger. I managed to find some baked potatoes, but they  were being guarded by a band of three Brigands. “Excuse me, Brigands, would you be able to give  me one of your baked potatoes? I’m really hungry.” “Would love to, man, love to, but  here’s the thing, they’re all mine,   and I want them all, so that’s gonna be a no.” The Brigands attacked me, even though I was  unarmed, and I needed to fight back. Luckily,   my unarmed attacks actually did a lot of  damage, and soon, I defeated all three of them! “That must be my Ninja martial arts training  kicking in! There’s hope for me yet!” On day 2, after eating some of those  baked potatoes and storing the rest,   I left the Allium Fields for the Ebony Woods,  looking for the right place to build a base. “The Ebony Woods are dark and mysterious,  perfect for a secretive Warden Ninja!” I used my martial arts powers to start  punching down a tree, and gathered up the   resources to make myself a crafting bench  and used it to create a wooden pickaxe. Then, I mined into the ground for some stone,   to make my first set of stone tools,  and a basic stone Katana of my own. “Now we’re cooking with gas!” I used my new tools to clear a tree and  start building a new, secretive Ninja Base. I did some mining underground because  I wanted the base to be secret,   so most of it would need to be under the surface. “It’s a good start. I’ll do more later,  but first, I need to figure out what’s   going on around here, and why Shogun Skull  is putting a hit on Warden Ninja heads!” I went exploring around the  Ebony Forest, looking for clues,   until I found another gang of Dread Ghouls  that Shogun Skull had sent after me. “Big mistake, guys. This time, I’m armed!” I pulled out my stone Katana and made  short work of the Dread Ghoul gang,   leaving only one remaining. “Tell me everything I need  to know about Shogun Skull!” “You fool! Even me talking about  him seals my doom. You should know,   you were a key part of his---” BOOM! The last Dread Ghoul exploded. It must have  been Shogun Skull’s doing. He really was powerful. “But what was he trying to say!?  I’m a key part of what!? Better   keep watching if you want to find out with me!” On day 3, I continued searching around the Ebony   Forest. I needed some kind of lead, some kind of  vital clue, before I could progress any further. That’s when I happened upon a small  hut in the middle of the woods,   where a strange man was just sitting around. “Hi! I’m Zozo, who are you?” “I’m a Nomad.” “Oh yeah? What does that mean?” “It means I used to wander around a lot,  but since I got old and settled down,   I don’t do much traveling these days.  What brings you to the Ebony Woods, Zozo?” He gave me some Mushroom Stew,  and I sat down to talk to him. “Well, I’m a Warden Ninja and I used to  live in a big Warden Ninja hideout with   others like me. But then Shogun Skull attacked,  and now I think I might be the only one left.” “That doesn’t surprise me. You know, things were  once more peaceful across the land. There were   dangerous creatures around and sometimes  a fight would happen, sure, but overall,   we lived in harmony. Until one day, all of the  leaders across the land suddenly disappeared,   and Shogun Skull rose up, taking on everything  and everyone. He’s the uncontested ruler now.” “But… We can’t just let that  happen. What should we do, Nomad?” “It won’t be easy, but your quest is simple,  Zozo: You’re going to destroy Shogun Skull.”  From day 4 to day 5, I still had more  questions about how the world got this   way. I just didn’t understand how one  person could take over the whole world. “Well, Zozo, you must understand that the Shogun  didn’t just win by sheer brute strength. In his   Shogun’s Palace to the East, he made some  valuable alliances with different groups. First, he made an alliance with the  Dread Ghoul army. Promising all the   land and food they could want if  they helped him rise to power. Then, he made a deal with the Bandit  Warlord, the leader of the Brigands.   They could loot and pillage as they pleased  as long as they helped him crush his enemies. Dread Ghouls and Brigands started attacking  any village or settlement they could find,   crushing the opposition to Shogun Skull’s rule.   But the leaders? Nobody really knows  how Shogun Skull got rid of them. He hired some other mysterious group to do his  dirty work for him, but who they are has always   remained a secret. In other words, to defeat  Shogun Skull, there are a lot of other enemies   you’ll need to fight your way through first.” From day 6 to day 8, I thanked the Nomad   for all the information he gave me and  decided to set off and return to my base. It was getting dark, and I knew that  all the mobs would be coming out soon. But on the way back to my base. I saw  an innocent Pink Pixie cornered by a   vicious feral Squall Golem, I needed to intervene! “It’s Ninja time!” Pulling out my stone katana, I ran in and fought  the Squall Golem. He was much bigger and tougher   than your average Dread Ghoul, but in the end,  my stone blade and ninja training won out. The Squall Golem was defeated, and the Pink  Pixie was grateful for me saving her life. “That was so heroic! Thank you!  I majorly owe you for this one!” “It’s no biggie. I’m Zozo, the  Warden Ninja! Who are you?” “I’m Polly the Pink Pixie! And is there  any way I can help you with your quest?” “How about you come stay at my base for a  while, and we figure something out together?” “That sounds like a good idea!” So Polly and I returned to my base.  I continued mining underground and  created a cool room for her to stay in. “I’m pretty pleased with this!” “Good! Now… I’m on a quest to defeat Shogun   Skull. Do you have any idea what  might be a good place to start?” “Well, Shogun Skull is one of the  greatest warriors in the world.   You’re gonna need to train really hard  if you want to get good enough to fight   him directly. Maybe you should seek out  some kind of Ninja Master to train you!” “That’s an amazing idea, Polly!” And so I had my next step: Seeking  out a Ninja Master to train me! And if you wanna find out what  happens next, keep watching   until the end! Some big surprises are coming! From day 9 to day 10, I went to an underground   cavern with my stone pickaxe to mine some iron  for my next set of weapons, armor, and tools. I managed to gather up some Iron Ore, when a huge  Hydra suddenly appeared in the cavern with me. There was no way I’d ever be able to  fight such a powerful monster directly,   so I activated my Ultimate Stealth  and sneaked away to the exit. “Sometimes, the best way to  fight is to not fight at all!” From day 11 to day 12, I took the Iron back   to my base. I created a furnace  and smelted it into Iron Ingots which I then used to make iron armor,  some iron tools, and an iron katana. And with all my fancy new gear and weapons,   me and Polly the Pink Pixie decided to journey  out to a nearby Bayou to look for more clues. After some exploring, we  stopped for a minute to talk. “So, Polly, what do you know  about Shogun Skull? I’m trying   to collect all the information I can -  I think it might help me in my quest.” “Well, in addition to his Dread Ghoul  and Brigand armies, I know he has an   elite group - Three warriors, spread out  across the land, who help enforce his will.” “Three elite warriors? Sounds like  I better take care of them before   I take on Shogun Skull himself.  Who are these three warriors?” “There’s the Gold Creeper, a walking weapon of  mass destruction that people always fear is gonna   blow up. Then there’s the Fire Elemental, a  powerful being with mastery over flame. And   finally, there’s the Crimson Wizard, a crafty and  intelligent sorcerer who has mastered the mystic.” “Wow. Sounds like I’ve got my  work cut out for me, then!” Before I could ask any more questions, a bunch  of Monster Mushrooms attacked us. Even with my   iron katana, it wasn’t easy to take them  down - These mushrooms meant business. But when I did take them down,  I transformed into a bigger,   stronger Warden Ninja, with twenty hearts! “Wow, this is awesome! Better stick  around to see what I transform into next!” “That’s rad, Zozo! But hey,   maybe next time we should go somewhere a  little drier. This Bayou is just gross.”  From day 13 to day 15, Polly  and I returned to my base. I decided to spruce it up a little,  adding some plants and other   decorative improvements. And actually  decided to make myself a proper room. “Just because it’s a secret underground base  doesn’t mean it has to be drab and dreary!” That’s when I remembered  what Polly had said to me: “Maybe next time we should go somewhere at/t  little drier. This Bayou is just gross.” And it hit me: What could be  drier than the Mojave Desert!   Maybe I’d have some luck finding something there. After taking some time to rest,  I went out to the Mojave Desert. It was just as dry and hot as I expected,  but there didn’t seem to be much going on. That’s when I was attacked by the Desert Lord,   the ruler of the desert! Because  he was on his own home turf,   he was even faster and stronger than a Ninja, and  it was too late for me to use Ultimate Stealth! I broke away from the fight and stood back, but  the Desert Lord still seemed ready to battle. “You are a trespasser on this  land! This is my desert, and I   will never let you or the diabolical  Shogun Skull you serve claim it!” “Wait! There’s been a misunderstanding! I don’t  work for Shogun Skull, I want to defeat him!” “Oh… I’m sorry. I just assumed you  were working for the Dread Shogun.” “But why?” “Didn’t all the Warden  Ninjas use to work for him?” My mind was blown: It all made sense now! The  mysterious third group who worked with the Shogun   Skull, it must have been the Warden Ninjas!  But… Why was he trying to destroy them now? “Desert Lord, you’ve given me a lot to think  over. Would you like to come back to my base,   and we can work together to defeat Shogun Skull?” “While I hate to leave my desert, my true home,   for now it seems working together is the most  sensible choice. Let’s go, Warden Ninja.” “The name’s Zozo. Follow me!”  From day 16 to day 19, I returned to my base with  the Desert Lord. I mined a new underground room   for him, complete with a bed, and even a few  sand blocks, just to help him feel at home. “It’s not exactly the desert, but  thank you, Zozo, this will do.” Seeing as how exploring had helped me discover  plenty of interesting new things so far,   I decided to continue visiting new  locations so I left my base once more. I went out to the Prairie  next, to see what I could find. That’s where I ran into a Camel. “Hey, Mr. Camel. I’m Zozo. Is there  anything I can help you with?” “The name’s Joe, and as a matter of  fact, there is. For the longest time,   I’ve wanted to build a nice beach house  on the rainbow beach. But it’s infested   by Wraiths now. If you could help me clean out  those wraiths so I can build my beach house,   I’ll give you a weapon I’ve been holding onto  for a while. Something you might find useful.” “That sounds like a good deal to me, Joe!” From day 20 to day 22, I journeyed out to   the Rainbow Beach to complete  my mission for Joe the Camel. It was a really beautiful place, I could  see why he wanted a beach house out here! When I ran into the group of Wraiths he told  me about, I drew my katana and charged in,   slicing and dicing in a way that would make any  Warden Ninja proud! Soon, they were all defeated. “I’m getting the hang of this whole Ninja thing!” Then, I saw something quickly moving  towards me, and noticed it was the Gold   Creeper - One of the elite Shogun Skull  warriors that Polly had told me about! “Oh no, I gotta bounce!” I didn’t have any long-range weapons, so  all I could do was run for my life as the   Gold Creeper chased me. If it exploded  while I was too close, I was doomed! But it kept chasing, getting  closer, and closer, and closer… It started to get too close for comfort ,  so I jumped forward into some nearby water,   hoping that it would at least  provide some protection. BOOM! The Gold Creeper exploded. It was  the biggest explosion I’d ever seen,   taking a huge chunk out of the beach around me. But I’d survived, I’d completed  Joe the Camel’s quest,   and I’d defeated one of Shogun  Skull’s three elite warriors! “I’d call this a successful day!” From day 23 to day 26, I returned to the prairie   and met with Joe the Camel again. He was pleased  to find out I’d gotten rid of the wraiths, and   less pleased to find out that the Golden Creeper  had blown a big hole into the Rainbow Beach. “Still, a deal’s a deal, kid, and  you held up your end. You can take   this set of throwing axes I  have - Since you’re a Ninja,   you’ll probably benefit from some thrown weapons.  Perfect for those stealthy kinds of attacks!” “Wow, these will be so useful! Thanks, Joe!” “Don’t mention it. If you need me, I’ll  be off constructing my beach house!” With that quest taken care of, I decided to  continue exploring the world. I reached the   scenic Red Oak Forest, where I ran into a gang  of Mossy Skeletons working for Shogun Skull. “You’re in some real trouble  now. No bones about it!” “That was an awful pun! Eat axe!” I tried out one of my new  throwing axes on the first   of the Mossy Skeletons, defeating him instantly. Then I pulled out my Iron  Katana to deal with the rest. It didn’t take long for me to defeat them, all  except one, who I needed some information from. “Tell me what Shogun Skull is planning!” “Ha! You’re deluding yourself if  you think you can beat him. He just   sent out the Armored Vindicator. If that  thing gets you, you’re doomed! DOOMED!” With a strike of my katana, I finished him off. That gave me enough XP to  level up, getting bigger,   jumping up to thirty hearts, and getting  access to my Warden Sonic Boom ability. “This will be useful for helping me take on that  Armored Vindicator guy, if I ever even see him!”  From day 27 to day 31, I started making my way  back to my base through the Ebony Forest. I was   feeling pretty good about all my recent victories,  and the new abilities and weapons I’d gained. “I’m actually feeling pretty  unstoppable right now!” And that’s exactly when the Armored Vindicator  hopped out and attacked me. He was just as   big and scary as the Mossy Skeleton had  implied, and he was wielding a menacing axe. “Your journey is at an end,  Warden Ninja. If you give up now,   I can promise it’ll be relatively painless.” “I’ll never give up. I’m willing  to fight you to the bitter end!” “Good. I was hoping you’d say that.” The Armored Vindicator attacked once  more. Every hit he gave me was shockingly   damaging. Even with all my upgrades, I  couldn’t beat him at my current strength. Instead, I turned and ran back towards  my base, narrowly managing to outrun and   lose the Armored Vindicator. That  would be a battle for another day. When I reached my base, the Desert Lord and Polly  the Pink Pixie seemed impressed with my new size. “Looks like that training is really  paying off, Zozo. You’re looking swole!” “It’s true! You’re so much bigger  and stronger than you used to be!” “And since you’re here, I’ve also got  something that I think you’ll like. My   research suggests that if you go to the  Rose Fields and seek out the Sergeant,   he may be able to give you some information  that will help you with your quest.” “Wow! That’s amazing news!” “Just be careful out there. I’ve heard that the   Sergeant isn’t exactly the  friendliest guy out there.” With that in mind, I left my base and  headed in the direction of the Rose Fields.  From day 32 to day 35, following the Desert Lord’s  instructions, I went out to the Rose Fields. There, I saw the Sergeant, sitting  down and meditating among the roses.   I didn’t expect it’d be that easy to find him! I approached the Sergeant and called out to him. “Excuse me, Mr. Sergeant.  I’ve been told you have some   interesting information. Could we talk about it?” But the Sergeant didn’t seem like he wanted  to talk. Instead, he got up, ran towards me,   and started fighting me with his fists. I  didn’t even have time to reason with him,   all I could do was fight back  against his onslaught of punches. After I survived for long enough, the  Sergeant relaxed. He’d had his fun. “Nice skills, kid. Sorry, what can I say, I like  a good fight. What information did you want?” “I’ve been told you know a lot about  Shogun Skull. I’m trying to defeat him.” “Ah, Shogun Skull. I fought against his  army back in the day. I was involved in   a lot of those battles - What is  it you want to know about him?” “I want to know what the Warden  Ninjas had to do with his rise   to power. And I want to know why  he wants us all destroyed now.” “That much is simple. As part of Shogun Skull’s  takeover plans, he needed to destroy the leaders   and guardians of the free people to demoralize  them and break their spirits. While his armies   fought their armies, he needed an elite group  of assassins to take out the high value targets. That’s where the Warden Ninjas came in. They’re  excellent assassins, and with their stealth   skills, they could sneak in and get the job  done. And they did their job, very, very well. But once their job was done and Shogun Skull was  in power, he knew that if the Warden Ninjas could   help him into power, they might also be able to  topple his throne. So, he sent out his armies of   Dread Ghouls and Brigands to destroy every Warden  Ninja. You, kid, are probably the last one left.”  From day 36 to day 39, I returned to  my base. Knowing that I was public   enemy number one for Shogun Skull made me realize   I could really do with some better  armor, so I asked Polly for ideas. “I think the Shogun has a base in a tropical  rainforest where you might be able to find some   diamonds. Diamond armor and a diamond  katana would be a huge help for you!” “Excellent idea, Polly, I’ll go there now!” I didn’t waste any time getting to the Tropical   Rainforest and beginning my  search for the enemy base. On the way there, I ran into an Air  Elemental that lives in the forest. “Excuse me, kind sir, I have a quest I need help   with. Some nasty Dead Worms have invaded  my beautiful rainforest. If you see them,   do me a kindness and perform a  little pest control, would you?” “Of course! I’ll definitely get rid  of those Dead Worms if I see them!” I kept searching until I struck gold. Well,  not actual gold - I found the enemy base,   guarded by a pair of Dread Ghouls, and  it was time to fight my way inside!  From day 40 to day 43, the fight  began - First with the Dread Ghouls. That was an extremely quick battle  - I pulled out my throwing axes and   threw one at each of them,  defeating them instantly. Then, I ran into the base, ready  for the real fight to begin! And it would definitely be a real fight,   because the Armored Vindicator  was in there, waiting for me. “Finally, I can finish what I started and  destroy you, Zozo. At least this time,   you won’t run away like a sad  little coward, like you did before!” “No, this time, I really am going  to fight you with all I’ve got!” The Armored Vindicator charged at me,  I unleashed the Sonic Boom, stunning   him. While he was stunned, I finished  him off with my powerful Ninja swing. “I told you I’d beat you, Armored  Vindicator. I’m a Warden Ninja of my word.” With him gone, I searched around  the room until I found a chest.   Just like Polly the Pink Pixie had  told me, there were diamonds inside. “Looks like my armor and  weapons are about to level up!”  From day 44 to day 49, I crafted my  diamonds into a powerful diamond katana   and even had some diamonds leftover  to make a full set of diamond armor “I’d hate to have to go  against me using this bad boy!” After that, I left the base with  my new diamond katana in hand,   looking forward to finding something to use it on. And as luck would have it, I happened  upon a small gang of vicious Dead Worms. “Hey! The Air Elemental told me to  get rid of these! Time to kill two   worms with one sword… Okay, a few more than two.” With my diamond katana, I defeated all  the Dead Worms with ease and destroyed the   infestation. Not even the Shogun himself  could deny I was stronger than ever now!  From day 50 to day 53, as I traveled  further through the tropical rainforest,   I came upon a cave that I sensed an  unusual amount of power coming out of. “This must have something to do with Shogun  Skull. I should go investigate, just in case.” But when I was about to enter the cave,  a magical Gine came floating out of it. “Halt, traveler! You are approaching the cave  of the Fire Elemental. If you wish to enter,   then you need to answer my riddle.” I remembered that the Fire Elemental was  the second of the Elite Warriors working   for Shogun Skull. I needed to answer the  riddle, get in there, and defeat him. “Okay, what’s your riddle?” “I belong to you, but your friends  use me more often. What am I?” It was a challenging one. What do you think? Do  you know the answer to the riddle? If you do,   let me know down in the comments to help me out! “Hmmm. Can you repeat the riddle?” “I belong to you, but your friends  use me more often. What am I?” “That’s tough… Hmmm… Wait, I’ve got  it! Your my name! It belongs to me,   but my friends use it more  often when they talk to me!” “Correct. You may pass through.” I entered the cave, and saw the  Fire Elemental waiting for me.   He sent a few fire blasts my way,  which I was luckily able to dodge. I fired a Sonic Boom at the fire elemental,  then ran in with my diamond katana. With a few quick, decisive swipes,  the Fire Elemental was destroyed.   Two of Shogun Skull’s three warriors were  destroyed, and I was ready to level up. I got bigger, stronger, and my hearts grew  to 40. I’d also developed Ninja Speed,   making me faster than ever before! “I’m on the path to becoming a true Ninja!  I bet the Shogun is quivering in his boots!”  From day 54 to day 57, I was using  my new Ninja speed to zip through   the forest. My powers were growing, but I  needed some kind of way to hone my skills. “Why can’t I find the Ninja Master Mentor? I’ve  searched everywhere and I still can’t find him…   Unless… I’ve already found  him and didn’t even know!” That’s when it hit me. It was right  under my nose from the very beginning:   The Nomad in his little hut in the Ebony Forest,   the Nomad who’d known a suspicious amount  about what was going on in the world! “I need to go back to the Nomad right now!” So I sped right back to the  Small Hut in the forest,   only to see the Nomad outside  again, waiting for me. “I wondered when you’d be back, Zozo. Glad  you’ve finally figured it all out. So,   are you ready to begin your training?”  From day 58 to day 62, the Nomad Master began his  training. He said there would be three lessons. The first would be cutting down trees to practice  my sword swings, and to help me with focus. “If you can slice through a tree, then  no enemy should pose a challenge to you.” Next, he made me practice sword fighting  with him. He was a tough opponent,   but I could feel myself getting  better as the sparring went on. And for the third lesson, he released  a giant Mummy Scorpion, and got it to   chase me around until I finally built up the  courage to defeat it with my diamond katana. Afterwards. I returned to the Nomad Masters hut. “You have done well, Zozo, and proven  you are worthy. I’ll teach you my special   technique - Ultimate Slash, much stronger  than a regular slash. Use it wisely.” “Thank you, Master, I will use it with honor.” From day 63 to day 66, I returned to my base,   only to see it under attack by  a gang of Dread Ghouls straight   from the Shogun’s Palace. “Hey! Get away from my base!” I pulled out my Diamond Katana and ran in, taking  them out with my Ninja Speed and Ultimate Slashes. It didn’t take long for me to defeat them all,  and that’s when the Desert Lord ran up to me, “Zozo! We need your help! Some  of those Dread Ghouls kidnapped   Polly the Pink Pixie, we need to get her back!” “Oh no! Where did they take her?” “Out into the Ebony Forest! You  need to get after them quickly!” “Don’t worry, Desert Lord, I’m on it!” From day 67 to day 70, I used my Ninja Speed   to run back through the Ebony Forest, looking  for the Dread Ghouls that kidnapped Polly. It didn’t take long for me to find them. “Don’t worry, Polly, I’m coming to save you!” Thanks to all my training, these  Dread Ghouls weren’t a challenge for   me. I slashed through them with my diamond  katana, until only me and Polly remained. “That was amazing, Zozo, thank you! You saved  my life from all of those Dread Ghouls.” “I’m so sorry for ever letting you  get kidnapped in the first place,   Polly. Let’s go back to the base!” We returned to the base, and I decided  that after all this, I needed to put   in an extra line of defense - Building a  defensive wall around the base’s entrance. “Better safe than sorry, I can’t risk another  attack while I’m away like that again.”  From day 71 to day 74, I  wasn’t sure where to go next. I knew that I needed to defeat the Crimson Wizard  before I could take on Shogun Skull himself,   but I wasn’t sure where to find him. So instead,  I decided to go back to one of the deadliest   enemies I’d left behind before. -  With my new skills and my diamond katana,   I returned to the underground cavern  where I’d faced the Hydra before. As soon as I entered the cave, I  blasted him with a powerful sonic   boom - Momentarily stunning him.  And ran in with my Ninja Speed,   hitting him with Ultimate Slash again and again,  faster than he could even regenerate from it. Thankfully for both of us, the Hydra tapped out  and agreed to tell me anything I wanted to know. “You’re looking for the Crimson  Wizard, right? No worries,   I know exactly where he is. You just  need to go to the Weeping Witch Forest.   He’s guarded by some Brigands. Just go  after him and leave me alone, please!” I left the Hydra to his own devices and  ran off. I had a Crimson Wizard to defeat!  From day 75 to day 78, I followed the advice given   to me by the Hydra and traveled all  the way to the Weeping Witch Forest. “A place like this is a perfect hideout for an  evil wizard, why didn’t I think of this sooner?” I continued to go further in until I fell down   a hill and found myself surrounded by  brigands, just like the Hydra told me. “You wandered right into our trap, Zozo! There’s  no way you’re ever going to escape us here!” “I don’t want to escape, Brigand. You and  your bosses are the ones I’ve come here for!” With my Ninja Speed and my diamond  katana, I zipped from Brigand to Brigand,   taking out each one in a single  strike. Once they were done,   all that was left to do was  hunt down the Crimson Wizard. But the last thing I expected was  for him to come to me, instead! The Crimson Wizard appeared right in front of me,   and fired an energy blast that took  out a number of my hearts. It was   clear that he was the strongest of the  Shogun Skull’s three elite warriors. “This is hardly even a challenge.  Why don’t you show me a good time,   Zozo? Have you come this far just to perish?” “How’s this for a good time?” While the Crimson Wizard was distracted  by his own gloating, I ran in and struck   him with my katana, hitting him so hard  and fast he was immediately destroyed. “Probably should have fully defeated  me before you started bragging,   Crimson Wizard. And this means that I’ve  defeated all three of the elite warriors!” And that clearly meant something, because   I leveled up into my strongest  form yet - with sixty hearts. “It’s time to finally defeat Shogun Skull!” From day 79 to day 84, I returned to my   base to give Polly the Pink Pixie  and the Desert Lord the good news. They looked amazed at my size and abilities. “This is incredible, Zozo!” “It’s amazing to see how far you’ve  come, Zozo. We’re so proud of you.” “Thanks, guys! I think I’m ready to defeat Shogun   Skull. Do you have any idea where  I can find the Shogun’s Palace?” “I can help you there, Zozo.  I went there once. It’s deep   in the Zelkova Forest, and I can lead you there.” “Thank you, Desert Lord, let’s go!” From day 85 to day 89, the Desert   Lord and I traveled to the far  east, into the Zelkova Forest. We stopped for a moment for one last discussion. “Desert Lord, it’ll be too  dangerous from here. I’ll go alone.” “Are you sure, Zozo? I  don’t want you to get hurt.” “It’s okay, I’ve been training for almost  100 days. I believe I can do this.” “Okay, Zozo. I wish you luck.” And with that, the Desert Lord  and I went our separate ways.  From day 90 to day 94, I traveled deeper into the  Zelkova Forest, searching for the Shogun’s Palace. “It’s gotta be around here somewhere.  Where could Shogun Skull be hiding?” “Right behind you!” I turned around just in time to  see Shogun Skull standing right   behind me. Before I could fight back,  he hit me, and everything went black. When I woke up again, I was in the  Badlands - Miles away from where I   was supposed to be - with Osiris  standing right in front of me. “You’re not who I wanted to fight,  but I guess you’ll have to do.” I still had my diamond katana, thankfully, and  used Ultimate Slash on Osiris. He wasn’t that hard   to defeat, but knowing how far I was behind on my  plans to defeat Shogun Skull now, I felt terrible. All I could do was make my way back  to my base and figure out a new plan. “This is gonna be a long week…” From day 95 to day 97, I continued  making my way back through the Badlands,   frustrated that Shogun Skull and his  minions had put me so far behind schedule. And speak of the devil, a gang of Dread  Ghouls emerged from behind some rocks. “It’s over, Zozo. We’re going to  be the ones to take you down!” “Better mobs have tried and failed.  I don’t fancy your chances.” I didn’t have much time to waste on these  guys, so I hit them with a sonic boom,   then finished the rest off  with the Diamond Katana, “Shogun Skull, your end is near!” On day 98, I returned to my base,   exhausted from all the setbacks that had slowed  me down and gotten in my way. I returned to   find Polly the Pink Pixie and the Desert Lord  waiting outside and looking equally sad for me. “I’m so sorry that all of this happened,   Zozo. You’ve been facing the impossible.  Perhaps we put too much pressure on you.” “Maybe the Desert Lord is right, Zozo. It  took a whole organization of Warden Ninjas   to deliver Shogun Skull into power.  Maybe it was just wishful thinking   to believe that one Warden Ninja  would be enough to overthrow him.” “Guys, we can’t afford to think like that. We  need hope if we were ever going to win this   thing. Shogun Skull is throwing everything at us,  and that’s because he’s scared - Because he knows,   deep down, that I can defeat him. So let’s  keep pushing, and prove that evil jerk right!” That seemed to pep them both back up. And if you  want to support our adventures, and see more,   be sure to hit like and subscribe, and ring  the bell so you never miss another Zozo video! “Zozo, if you believe it’s truly time  for the final battle, I’ll lead you   to the Shogun’s Palace again. Let’s bring his  reign of terror to an end, once and for all!” “That’s what I’m talking about! Lead the  way, Desert Lord! I’m ready to do this!”  On day 99, following the Desert  Lord through the Zelkova Forest,   I reached the Shogun’s  Palace where we bid farewell. Of course, Shogun Skull was never  going to just let me waltz in. The gates opened, and first, he sent  out a band of brigands to attack me. “We’ve been promised a real good  payday if we can destroy you, Zozo!” “That’s money you’ll never get to spend!” I ran in with my diamond katana, supported by my  now iron willpower. I’d never let these brigands   defeat me. I kept fighting until not a single  one of them was left, and only I was standing. “Who’s next, Shogun Skull? I can  take anyone you throw at me!” But the next group of mobs didn’t come  from the Palace. They snuck up behind me:   It was a gang of silent Assassins! They were much tougher than the Brigands, but  with my expert Diamond Katana skills, I was able   to still defeat them all. By this point, I was  getting tired, but I still had the will to fight. “Is that all you got, Shogun?” The gates opened again, and out stepped a  huge warrior. It was the Bandit Warlord,   the leader of the Brigands who’d helped the  Shogun rise to power all those years ago. “You owe me, Zozo. You’ve destroyed so many  of my brigands. Do you have any idea how much   effort it will take to replace them all? For that,  I’ve decided I’m going to destroy you myself!” “Not if I have anything to say about it!” I unleashed my sonic boom,  blasting the Bandit Warlord   right in the chest. But he tanked  it. He was completely unharmed. “Ha! Pathetic! That barely tickled! Do you really  think such a feeble attempt would really defeat   me, the mighty Bandit Chief, second only to  the Shogun himself? This is going to be fun!” Worried that this could be the end, I  pulled out one of my axes and threw it   directly at the Bandit Warlord. To my  surprise, it destroyed him instantly. “Oh. I guess he was just bragging. Huh.” With his guard force taken care of, all  that was left was to enter the Palace,   and battle the Shogun himself. On day 100, I entered the Shogun’s   Palace and found the man himself,  Shogun Skull, waiting for me, “Well done, Zozo. You’ve proven  yourself, and fought with honor.   For that, I will give you the privilege of  a warrior’s death. You deserve little else.” “All that bluster can’t disguise how  scared you are, Shogun Skull! I know   the truth - You never would have gotten  to where you are without people like me,   and what the Warden Ninja gives, the Warden Ninja  can take away - That’s the true way of the Ninja!” “How arrogant, Zozo. Do you really  believe you can take away… THIS?” Shogun Skull began to  transform into an even larger,   more dangerous version of himself,  the strongest I’d ever seen him. “No more talking, Zozo! It ends now!” “Well, at least we can agree on that!” The battle began. The two of us clashed  katanas - We seemed equally matched in   skill, but because of his dark magic,  Shogun Skull was bigger and stronger. For a moment, I was worried it was over for me…  When suddenly, my warrior spirit kicked back in,   and I found the will to fight again and I  also miraculously regained all of my health. I fought harder than I ever had before,  hitting Shogun Skull again and again and again,   until he was almost defeated. I’d never  seen him look so weak and helpless. I charged up all my strength,   and with a single blast of my sonic  boom, Shogun Skull was destroyed - And peace restored to the land once more. “I love a happy ending!”
Channel: Zozo
Views: 3,731,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft, minicraft, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days hardcore, bronzo, maxcraft, fozo, zozo, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, minecraft zozo, hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days, warden ninja, minecraft warden ninja, ninja warden, minecraft ninja
Id: 50zCmpepIYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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