I Survived 100 Days as a PSYCHIC SNAKE in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned in as a baby psychic snake in my Colony all of us were worshiping our great leader the Mythic Hydra suddenly a portal ripped open in the Mythic Hydra himself stormed the village with his army go forward another psychics the hydra's men terrorized my Village killing my people left and right they showed no mercy and everyone ran in horror as the tragic events unfolded around us why is our leader attacking us I need to find my mom and dad isolated to the chaos as I look desperately for any sides of my family I felt hope as I spotted my mom stepping forwards towards the great Mythic Hydra himself please oh great one why doing this you're not worth my breath the Tyrant unleash his ultimate power onto my mom killing her instantly Bob no just then the Hydra turned towards me commanding his goons to hunt us down kill them all on day two I was being pursued by the Mythic hydra's Army of elite soldiers I quickly spotted an Overworld portal and made a break for it to escape the horde I made it to the other side Landing in a pool of water but they were gaining on me quickly they followed me through the portal and continue to hunt me down I couldn't match their speed this isn't fair I don't even have legs seeking for any help I could I fled into a village of kobolds and cried out for help please you have to help me the Mythic Hydra is attacking my home then you must be our enemy him to my horror the entire Village turned on me and began to attack they were too loyal to the Mythic Hydra to believe I was innocent the whole village surrounded me like a pack of wolves I couldn't defend myself I had to run to evade their attacks I'd rather The Village Slytherin between trees hiding behind bushes trying to dodge their arrows and swords they started to gain ground on me and I knew soon that I was gonna run out of places to go I snapped in them with my fangs but it wasn't enough to stop them I was doomed no listen to me I climbed to a safe spot but the kobolds completely surrounded me there's nowhere to run suddenly an immense power came over me in a magical Circle enveloped the area the village of kobolds all stopped their Onslaught and stood completely still hello the Mythic hydras men caught up and stormed the village but to my surprise one of the kobolds turned towards them defend they charge any clashed with the Hydra forces on day three The Village had come to my defense I didn't understand how or why until suddenly it clicked did I just mind control them cool while the Army was Tangled to battle I took my chance to get out of there unfortunately for me out of nowhere I was teleported to another location what's going on a Mythic being appeared before me you fell right into my trap oh yeah I use my ability once again trying to entangle the monster in my mind control however it seemed to have no effect on the magical being you're the combine games won't work on me they charge their power and attacked the wolf at night left towards me bringing down his massive sword on top of my head I nearly thought the other way until the huge amount of debris kicked up this guy wasn't just mentally strong he was physically strong too he jumped up sliding the air with his sword and sending razor sharp projectiles in my direction I ran away as much as I could seeing that this was a fight I could not win and the Knight knew it too because as he did let up his assault for even a single moment if I wanted to stand a chance against his mind I would have to become stronger I was clearly no match for this wolf Knight's immense strength so I tried to run away but the my horror the magician could do to teleport in front of me you can never Escape me die on days four and five I was about to be slain when my dad teleported behind him on hand my son using these incredible psychic abilities he attacked the foe in my defense behind the Mythic hydra's archives we will reunite there before I could ask him anything I was teleported away with his powers I reappeared inside of a spooky environment the place was dark and Eerie why did my dad bring me here out of nowhere a mega wolf launching me from the brush with the intent to eat me I slurred away from the Predator as fast as I could but they were so Swift and they seemed to be lurking around every corner the wolf managed to land a hit on me leaving me with low health I can't hang on much longer as that was about to lose hope I spotted a mysterious building in the distance I ran as fast as I could for it and fled inside for cover unfortunately for me the old building floor was too weak for my snake body and collapsed causing me to fall into the unknown on days five through seven I landed inside of a room blind with bookshelves and mysterious spells from all over the land are these the archives my dad wanted me to find finally I heard footsteps approaching and took cover just as some guards walked inside this place is crawling with baddies I have to be quiet I slithered from jump to shelf trying my best to stay concealed and covered from the incoming guards they looked strong and if I blew my cover it would mean big trouble for me as I stealth I spotted an interesting looking artifact on the ground what's this just then one of the guards spotted me I found the psychic snake kill him in a moment of panic I pointed the artifact at the guard causing it to blast powerful magic in his Direction whoa I could Channel my psychic powers into this thing the guard died but it was too late reinforcements came swarming in after me I ready my new weapon and at least all the magic I could onto the horde of enemies I managed to take some of them down but there were too many for me to fight alone I blasted a clear path and continued running deeper into the archives there I found a top secret room being guarded by someone outside you're mine now I casted my ability onto him and I took control of the Goon sending him after the incoming guard said defend me as he bought them off I made my way through the door he was protecting and locked myself on the other side on days eight and nine I made it into the top secret room and found a mysterious Tome waiting inside something about it drew me in closer what's that I touched the artifact causing my psyche powers to awaken and send me into a flashback the Mythic hydra's rule is so great that it spans over the entire world however Legend says that one day a psychic snake will overthrow his kingdom if the Mythic Hydra wishes to keep his kingdom then he must ensure the psychic snake never fulfills this prophecy I snap back to reality now knowing more than I did before is this why the Mythic Hydra attacked our people suddenly the guards barge into the room they had overpowered my mind controlled minion and were ready to finish me off they charged with their magic at the ready but just before I thought I was gonna be killed my dad teleported in front of me dad step away from my boy on days 10 through 11 my dad was defending me from the onslaught of guards I hesitated joining in the fight to avoid getting in my dad's way he was showing with the psychic snakes were really made of but I soon realized he was getting overwhelmed although I was only a baby I tried to help him out using my artifact and fangs I joined the onslaught with my dad using my psychic swipe to keep a wide gap between my opponents and I unfortunately keeping my distance from them only benefited my enemies allowing them to shoot their powerful spells towards me my dad was able to use his magic psychic powers to suck in a group of them bringing them closer to strike with his psychic blade ability killing off a chunk of the herd I used the new scroll that I found to channel my psychic powers and blast the hordes of evil Librarians taking them out in bunches unfortunately the more guards we defeated the more get running to the room to stop us from escaping with the knowledge that I acquired from this ancient Library I was determined to make it out of this alive although we are able to overpower most of them more and more guards continue to flood the room at this rate my dad and I were gonna be overwhelmed I looked around for a way out into my luck spotted a passageway on top of one of the bookshelves Dad up there my dad teleported us both out of The Fray and onto the top of the Shelf but we escaped to the narrow passage it wasn't long however until we heard the sound of rattling bones I turned around and realized we were being pursued by a pack of flaming skull monsters run my dad and I moved as fast as we could to escape the incoming threat but they were Relentless the creatures wouldn't stop tailing us just in the nick of time I spotted an exit and the two of us jumped down into the darkness Below on days 12-14 we landed in a strange room where the wolf-like Beast appeared before us looks like I got two snakes at once it's my lucky day the creature charged forward and my dad engaged him in combat the wolf Knight started wiping in my dad with a sharp sword my dad retaliated with the psychic plate of his own but it didn't seem to have any effect on his opponent the wolf spun in the air and struck my dad with a powerful charged sword attack the dealt immense damage the two were going back and forth blow for blow suddenly the night begins summoning magic around him charging his power for his next attack the wolf was growing stronger by the minute but my father wasn't gonna go down without a fight with blinding speed my dad charged through the Wolf unleashing the full force of his psychic energy just like before neither side was giving in they both demonstrated their incredible magical power trying to overcome each other with their strength meanwhile I supported my dad from the sidelines using my psychic abilities to deal a bit of extra damage to my shock The Brute turned his attention towards me and began charging a powerful magic attack no my dad intercepted the attack taking the lethal blow in my stead son you must stop the Mythic Hydra complete the prophecy and make him pay for the suffering he brought our people dead my dad succumbed to his wounds and died the feeling of Despair overcame me and my psychic power spiraled out of control my eyes called bright red and fury and my body began to transform I levitated off the ground and my tail grew longer my fangs were sharpened and my snakehood grew wider I was now an adult psychic snake with five more hearts and new abilities you'll pay for this I flew in and Unleashed my new Strength onto the animal the wolf Knight left into the air dodging my attacks and retaliating with his own shadowy's wipes I struck the night with my magic sounding Circle dropping down sighting Spears landing on my enemy he then sliced his sword in the ground with full force sending a wave of Magic Stone through the floor the death of my dad fueled me to fight with everything I had I push past his Relentless strength and continued with a barrage of psychic strikes with one final blow the wolf piece fell on my mind but the bitter taste of loss still remained the Mythic Hydra will pay for this suddenly the room began to tremble it was ready to collapse all around me I had to escape so I used my new teleportation powers to vanish unsure of where they would take me on days 15 through 17 I reappeared in the kobold village where the residents were already being interrogated by the Mythic hydra's forces oh no I gotta hide I quickly took cover and listened in on their conversation please just let us go we are loyal followers of the Mythic Hydra let's see how long you are then and Over All the Mythic Hydra demands it oh no you don't I couldn't let them take those poor people's food so I immediately intervened and attacked the Mythic forces they were none too pleased to see me the Mythic forces immediately turned their attention from the kobolds over to me I met their approach with psychic slashes and psionic projectiles the width of my attacks allowed me to hit more than one at a time and even the odds the biggest Hydra of them all had impressive Powers infused with some sort of dark magic like the kind that killed my father I had to be extra careful or I would share his fate the smaller hydras wanted to circle around me and attacked from a blind spot but my flexible snake body hardly allowed that the Mythic hydras warriors were super tough but eventually I was able to overpower them enough to force them out of town and stay out I reclaimed the food they'd already taken and tried to return it to the people of the town is everyone okay I've got your food just then the village Elder stepped forward what are you doing fool you disobeyed the order of a great leader but he was stealing your food that doesn't matter we never questioned the Mythic Hydra leave it once but before I could defend myself the whole bill is charging me in a fit of rage on days 18 through 20 I was under attack by the members of The Village I didn't want to hurt them so I did my best to evade their attacks come on I'm on your side but the villagers wouldn't listen because they had no way of fighting back without harming them they were able to back me into a corner knowing my life was at stake I had no choice but to use my psychic powers to take control of them causing all the villagers to stop their Onslaught obey Max huh it's much easier to get people on my side with psychic powers well sounding way possible surprisingly the Elder snapped out of my mind control yo Fiend I attempted to use my psychic powers on him again but he looked away before our eyes could meet we all pray for this the Elder took off into the distance leaving the village not wanting him alerting more of the Mythic hydra's forces I gave Chase on days 21-23 I was chasing after the Elder I followed him until he reached a small Outpost I saw him stop and speak with one of the Mythic hydra's larger guards I tried to hide but they spotted me that's the psychic snake get him the guard attacked me with all of his strength and he was the toughest foe yet the dragon got in close Biting Down onto me with his massive set of Jaws I retreated back putting some distance between the Foe and I before unleashing a bombardment of psychic abilities onto the enemy The Brew retaliated with attacks of his own hurling gloves have accidentally that ate through my hearts swirling guts of when this slice through the air and emitting an ear piercing Roar that was sent flying right at me I attempted to eat some food to regain my lost Health but the enemy was right on my tail I knew I needed to shake him so I began teleporting around the foe preventing him from getting close while I blasted him from afar with my psychic powers but even still the Mythic hydra's goon was proving to be too strong there was no no way I was gonna win this fight on my own so I called upon my mind controlled forces to help me fight with the help of my kobold Army the battle began once more and I was able to re-enter the prey with a restored sense of vigor the dragon attempted to bite Roar and her last hit him I met but he couldn't manage to cut through their numbers while the enemy was busy dealing with my forces I seized the opportunity to release a barrage of psychic attacks onto the Beast catching him by surprise and dealing massive damage the foe is growing desperate creating a massive explosion that sent both him and the kobolds flying as the ground disintegrated beneath them still the enemy wasn't able to take us all on at once and his health was getting dangerously low thanks to the help of my unwilling Army I was able to take the guard down backup is already on the way wow before the Elder could run away again I teleported in front of him and used my mind control powers on him he immediately fell into a deep trance I'll use my powers to build my own resistance the Mythic Hydra is going down just as the reinforcements arrived on the scene I heard a massive explosion in the distance I left my Army to fight off the goons while I went to check out the source of the explosion on days 24-26 I arrived at the source of the explosion and saw the Mythic hydra's forces they were blasted through a giant Cavern in search of me the loud noise made the inhabitants of the Cave Run in fear and many of the creatures were dying in the explosions those guys is a Relentless I have to stop them I teleported in front of the goons if it's me you want then come and get me the Mythic hydra's forces did just that charging towards me ready to attack but this time instead of fighting back I just teleported away playing a game of keep away using my teleportation Powers you're too slow you can't catch me hold still in a fit of rage the minions blasted another block of TNT revealing a cave of lava suddenly an angered Beast jumped out from the cavern and began ravaging the Mythic hydra's goons killing all of them apparently the Beast bloodlust wasn't fulfilled it took off rampaging through the forest wanting to protect the creatures residing there I gave Chase blasting it with my powers that got the B's attention as it turned to me and attacked on days 27-29 I was locked in combat with the powerful cave Beast the Beast charged me is I shot out a few Shadow balls out in defense I dodged the side and snapped at him with my snake bite before being smacked by his tail it sent me flying I flew back shooting more psychic blasts as I gained some distance the Beast left to me crashing down and sending chunks of the earth hurtling in every direction it was a massive hit and I took a lot of damage I tried to get more distance between me and it when static electricity started to appear all around me I was lifted into the air unable to move was suddenly lightning Came Crashing Down on Me freed from his power I began throwing pieces of the world back at him desperate to defend myself it did little to slow him down I teleported away as I saw more static electricity for me around me but I was struck by lightning as soon as I reappear there just wasn't any escaping that attack I took to the skies switching to a dive bombing attack but I just wasn't doing enough damage no matter how hard I fought this creature was like nothing I'd faced so far I didn't stand a chance looks like I had to do this the hard way I walk guys with a monster and tried to take over their mind but suddenly a narga kuga swooped in and broke my focus you're not getting control of this Beast I'm taking you to the Mythic Contra oh yeah take this I attempted to mind control the narga but it didn't work what Boom the Mythic Hydro protected me with the spell you can't control my mind the nagakuga attacked me without my mind control Powers the two of us won an equal playing field and it was neck and neck it's our battle rate John the Beast impeded around us during all the chaos the nagakuga dropped an explosive on the ground causing the floor to crumble beneath our feet we plummeted into the depths of the mines on days 30-32 I landed in a giant glittering cave with the hydra's Goon your little Rebellion is going to be stopped out here commence once more he slammed his spiked tail into me devastating my health he was just too strong even just one more hit would end me desperate to item to the skies to avoid the slugfest and let loose of the barrage of psychic power he snapped at me and I flew past using my die bomb attack as I dodged he ran to catch up to me and I took the opportunity to throw some Crystal blocks at him Landing my mark he shook off the attack however and lunging me again I flew away a beating him I began to line myself up for another dive bomb attack after launching a few more psyche classes hopping him up I went in but he managed to slam his mighty Spike tail into me sending me flying across the room quickly it became evident that the narga kuga was much stronger than me I needed to find another way to win just then the ground began to shake I looked up and saw the Beast was still rampaging up from where we fell I had to Fight Fire with Fire focusing all my attention on the monster I teleported it into the cavern with the two of us unfortunately the Beast said it sights on me the creature charged towards me I braced myself come under my control as I uttered those words my eyes lit up on days 33-35 the Beast kept charging at me and I was worried my psychic powers would fail me just before it could reach me to impale me on its tusks it froze in its tracks it had successfully been mind controlled that's right you fight for me now go the Beast immediately followed my command and turned around lunging at the monster with the beast on my side I was strong enough to fight alongside it in an epic Monster Brawl both monsters met each other teeth and pincer snatching in a frenzy each believing they were the more powerful creature the Beast unleashes lighting attack Thunder echoing through the cave narga kuga reacted angrily slamming his massive Spike Tail as the Beast charged in I shot a few psychy Flats at him before he Unleashed an aerial Dodge then counter him with a spinning tail slam doing some serious damage to the Beast recovering quickly the Beast slipped into the air slamming down on the earth and causing ice and Crystal chunks to erupt forward and go flying peppering nagakuga with debris knowing nagakuga was near death I'd Die bombed in and went all out unleashing all my powers in one last attempt to finish him off with our powers combined we were able to take down the mutated minion nice work Buddy suddenly I began to feel a strange sensation inside my body I was transforming my body grew even longer and my fangs and fins became bigger I also gained 10 hearts in a new psychic chain power now I'm even stronger than before and I've got a new member to my Rebellion awesome just then the bees turned away from me and ran off in a frenzy hey wait I order you to stop the Beast was refusing to listen even while under my influence something was wrong huh I'm getting to the bottom of this on days 36-38 I followed after the Beast until he led me to a massive factory that was crawling with the Mythic hydra's men they had a massive radio tower there and the signal coming from it was somehow attracting all of my mind-controlled minions like flies that Tower is distracting my goons I gotta shut it down since I didn't have any backup I decided to make this a stealth Mission I gotta be careful or I'll get caught I slowly teleported from cover to cover attempting to infiltrate the factory at one point I nearly got spotted by one of the Mythic goons but I quickly used my teleportation to appear behind him and took care of him before he could alert anyone yikes I need to be more careful just then a big robot dropped out right in front of me Intruder detected I had to think fast I tried to mind control it but it wasn't working on its synthetic mind oh no it's a robot so it has no into control the alarms began going off and I quickly ran inside into the Factory's long hauls as I did more robots started swarming in after me my God get out of here on days 39-41 I was being pursued by the pack of robots as part of the factory security measures a door closed down in my path trapping me between it and the pack of robots thinking fast I teleported myself on the other side of the wall that won't hold them for long I kept moving and found a central control room that managed the tower that was attracting my minions I'm shutting this down but before I could stop it another robot dropped out in front of me eliminate suddenly the robot attacked the foe Unleashed a gigantic mechanically powered punch as I recoiled Rockets erupted from the adversary shoulders cascading through the air with a stream of smoke with lightning fast reflexes I dodged the enemy's attacks before harnessing my newfound psychic chain power despite my efforts the robot closed in stomping with immense force and delivering bone-shattering punches forcing me into a hasty Retreat we engage in a Relentless exchange of abilities once more the enemy Feud fiery Rockets while I responded with a barrage of psychic blasts suddenly the folk grasped me within his metal grip and launched me away I seize the opportunity to take through the skies bombarding the robot with my psychic attacks from above as we continued to Duke it out my health began to diminish after a brief respite to Eden recuperate I re-entered the prey teleporting to avoid his colossal fists as I Unleashed devastating close range attacks although the battle was close I managed to emerge Victorious the robot died leaving behind a map labeled secret civilization secret civilization what's the Mythic Hydra hiding from me I destroyed the control panel and used my psychic powers to summon the Beast the monster broke down the wall allowing me to escape outside only to find even more guards waiting for me I commanded my man to attack them on my behalf as I stood up to look for the secret civilization on days 42-44 I followed the map into mythical territory where the trees and grass were purple I continued until I reached the grand Tower where I discovered a giant statue standing in my way huh what's going on here I spotted a sign that it's some kind of riddle written on it to get inside you must clear your mind's eye huh looks like I need to use my psychic powers to get inside I use my powers to tap into my mind's eye and I was instantly transported into a vision I was in some kind of mysterious dream realm whoa hello I spotted a pathway and started heading down it looking for answers suddenly I was attacked by a huge dark monster emerging from the ground [Music] the freak of nature crawled menacingly and slowly towards me extending a long slender arm before pulling the rest of his body forward despite my fear I mustered the courage to attack with a mighty strike of his hand the foe ground slammed down so hard the specs of dirt kicked up into the air additionally he swiped at me with his frightening claws barely missing my elongated body this horrifying Beast was unlike anything I had faced so far I was losing oh taking down the Mythic Hydra I know my resolve I landed a powerful attack on it and he was defeated I had overcome my fear I triumphantly continued on down the pathway until my vision faded and I woke up when I came to the Statue had opened up to reveal a hidden stairway well here goes nothing with renewed confidence in myself I ventured inside on days 45-47 I followed the staircase and discovered a hidden mythical civilization of stonelets once they spotted me they all started running around in a frenzy oh no they just found us found us they all Converge on me inserted attack ing wildly what did I do want to hurt them so instead of fighting back I tried finding a way to group them all together I rounded them all up in an enclosed pan and locked them inside so they would stop attacking me okay now who are you and why are you attacking me the Mythic Hydra told us our power was too great to fall into your evil hands he's trying to protect us from you he doesn't care about you guys he's just trying to save his own hide no matter what I said they just wouldn't listen they broke out of their confines and kept attacking me well I guess we're doing this the hard way before they could hurt me too bad I use my psychic powers to mind control the whole village at least now I've got more members for my Rebellion suddenly the ground Shook and I heard an evil cackle the Mythic Hydra appeared before me on days 48-50 I was face to face with a Mythic Hydra himself that little Rebellion if yours is bound to crumble them it's only held together by your psychic abilities that doesn't matter they will help me overthrow your kingdom you don't you know the first person about being a leader says you you've done nothing but oppress your people I'd bring everyone from your claws fueled by rage I lunge the Mythic Hydra attacking him I unleash my psychic chain ability onto the enemy but the dragon counter with a shower of Crystal projectiles erupting from the ground shattering through my chains in a burst of speed the Hydra charge of me it's multiple head snapping hungrily in my direction I took to the skies yet still I couldn't elude the Relentless reign of Crystal Shards that pierced into my scaly exterior my health began to dwindle dangerously low so I retreated for sustenance with my energy restored I struck back with a volley of psychoplasts but the Hydra refused to relent closing in once more with unmatched speed crystals struck down from above forcing me closer to the bee snapping Jaws I was left vulnerable in the Mythic Hydra seized this opportunity unleashing a devastating purple laser upon me no matter how hard I fought I just couldn't beat him he was insanely powerful is that the best you've got go my Army I set my forces at him but I was struggling to maintain control of my Army and use my Powers at the same time oh I can't keep this up ask the Mythic Hydro unleash an insanely powerful attack I had no choice but to teleport away in a panic on days 51-53 I reappeared in an old Monument for the psychic snakes I knew that if I wanted to fight and control my Army at the same time I would need to increase my mental fortitude huh what would my ancestors do suddenly my eyes lit up and I was sent into a vision another psychic snake was standing before me and he looked old and wise who are you I am your ancestor a psychic snake of times long past you cannot unlock your full power because you have a mental block if you wish to strengthen your mind you must overcome it how do I do that explore the realm in your mind if you fail you will die I had so many other questions but the Elder snake disappeared before I could ask them huh okay I think I know what I need to do I was suddenly overwhelmed with vertigo and passed out waking up in my dream world I went in to investigate my surroundings but I was amplished by a group of my inner demons they were terrified and I didn't know what to do other than run for my life on days 54-56 I was being chased by my inner demons through the dream worlds within my own mind I jumped through the strange realm I needed to find the blockage if I wanted to escape a lie eventually I stumbled across a dark cave seeking Refuge I fled inside just before the demons could follow me inside I blasted the entrance shut holding them off inside the cave I saw what appeared to be an evil looking Gore the blockage that to be it as I approached the core it transformed into a beast of Pure Evil have suddenly the monster attacked me the Beast propelled by its jetpacks closed the gap between us with alarming speed its chainsaw slashing towards me with deadly intent reacting swiftly I retaliated by summoning my psychic chains in turn the monster Unleashed a deafening Roar before launching a barrage of cannonballs in my direction as my health decreased I retreated to eat and regain some of my hearts as the foe came barreling towards me once more I realized I could not imagine strength in order to outmaneuver the enemy I harnessed my psychic abilities to teleport around the monster preventing it from predicting my actions from a safe distance I utilized my psyche Powers the hurl blocks of the creature and continue to lash at it with my psychic chains knowing I had to bring the battle to the end I moved in close definitely weeding around the Beast chainsaw attacks determined to deliver the final blow fortunately I was able to overcome the darkness and defeat the base I step back to reality and gain five Hearts as well as the power to conjure a deadly psychic storm now I'm strong enough to lead my forces time to raid that Mythic Hydra on days 57-59 I arrived at the Mythic hydra's Fortress with a mind-controlled army waiting there to greet me was a whole swarm of his Mythic minions attack man without hesitation my mind controlled Army charging to fight it out with the hydra's forces filled with determination our armies charge forward with great speed the two masses collided in the center of the battlefield and the fight began initially my men engaged in Fierce combat with the smaller foes as the larger foes joined the fight I swooped an overhead slashing them with my psychic powers from above the Battleground erupted in a chaotic Whirlwind of clashes and Roars my psychic Onslaught caught the enemy off guard causing him to falter and granting us the advantage but this was only temporary the enemy's forces were numerous and fierce even with my psychic powers the battle was neck and neck we fought long and hard but our two armies were evenly matched we couldn't overpower them just then the Mythic Hydra himself appeared my warnings for that you will pay the ultimate price Bring It On he charged after me and him and I were sent barely backwards on days 60-62 I was facing off with my greatest vote yet the Mythic Hydra himself I knew I couldn't take him on my own so I redirected my Army to try and overwhelm him with sheer numbers my Army waded to the water rushing to my Aid the Mythic Hydra barreled into my ranks knocking through them and pushing them aside like bowling pins with a snap of his massive Jaws the Hydra sunk his teeth into my forces with a ferocious crunch while my men fought the beast at close range I targeted him from afar but even with the advantage of numbers the dragon was slicing through them raining down a bombardment of crystals from above taking my Army out in mass as I retaliated with my lightning blast the foe effortlessly evaded my attack by digging underground as the monster emerged from the dirt I barrage the enemy with all the psychic powers in my Arsenal I even managed to cut one of the monster's heads clean off its neck how however this only enraged the Hydra further sending him into a fury and replenishing his fighting Spirit the Beast drove underground once more and when he re-emerged his head had been regenerated my forces swarmed him again but the foe unveiled the new ability a raven feeble made the shot out of his mom dazing and confusing my men leaving us temporarily defenseless just when I thought I was starting to get the edge on him the Mythic Hydra began to laugh what's so funny it's just so adorable that you think you could win he blasted me with a massive attack making me lose all Focus my whole Army suddenly stepped out of their trance what where are we that evil snake caused all of this wait no I can explain please without my influence the Beast went wild running rampant on the battlefield and killing everyone indiscriminately my own allies were turning on me and they quickly overwhelmed me I blacked out on days 63-66 I woke up in a prison cell controlled by the Mythic Hydra I've lost everything I'm a failure hey there Pals the name's Kip what are you in for I turned and saw that I had a cellmate it was a little Cactus I started a resistance but that backfired whoa that's so cool can I join you actually want to join I don't have to mind control you of course that guy's done so much evil it's time we take them down wait did you say mind control that was when I realized I could convince people to join my cause in other ways all right Kip you're in now how do we get out of here I've been working on a little something kid broke open a part of the cell and the two of us were able to escape we were sneaking around the prison looking for a way out when suddenly Kip accidentally stepped on my tail ouch unfortunately my cry alerted the guards Kip and I made a break for it on days 67 through 70 I was being pursued by the Mythic hydra's prison guards They Were Somehow immune to my mind control tricks and I couldn't stop them follow me I know away I followed Kip to a button when he pressed it it revealed a secret exit just when I thought we were home free the ground open up to reveal a pit of lava I was able to fly up saving myself and Kip landed on a platform he was stuck in the middle of the lava save yourself I'm willing to Die For A Cause no I can't I needed to think fast the cards were coming quick huh I'll come back for you I promise with that I fled the prison narrowly escaping the guards I have to save him but I can't do it alone I returned to the village where I found the kobolds originally and when I arrived the place was in shambles whoa what happened here on days 71-74 I was investigating the remains of the village amongst the rubble I found a map of the location marked on it following the map I set off in search of answers I arrived at the spot marked on the map and found the villagers were being held captive the Mythic Hydra was forcing them to grow food for him I need to get in closer using my Powers I took control of a guard using him as a pawn I lured the others away with them gone I was able to get in close and speak to the kobolds amongst them was their Elder you what do you want I came to apologize I shouldn't have forced you into my Rebellion well you were right about the Mythic Hydra after the fight he enslaved my people you're still welcome to join my team but this time no mind control break us out of here and you've got yourself deal the Cobalts and I hurried out of there before the guards could see through my distraction time to save camp on days 75-77 I returned to the prison with my new allies but security was even more intense than before George my men stormed the prison and fought the guards allowing me to slip inside while the center is outside were preoccupied I ran down the stairs taking care of some guards before searching for my friend eventually I found him in a new cell in the center of the prison Max you came back for me of course let's break you out of here Max look out I turned around and saw a fiery monster charging at me I dodged the attack and retaliated with one of my own marking the start of our battle I unleash a series of psychic blasts in an attempt to hold the ravenous Beast back but it wasn't enough as its flaws flashing me relentlessly I teleported to a beta's attacks but it launched into the air Landing with a fiery slam as that was disoriented from The Recoil of its Landing the foe managed to move in close once more in retaliation I summoned beams of lightning down from the sky striking the Creature From Above and leaving it temporarily stunned I use the opportunity to heal before joining The Fray again our battle commends a close range with both of us hitting the other as hard as possible with no restraint as our duel raged on in close proximity I found myself struggling to overcome the Searing heat radiating from its body I think this fight might be too much for me to handle on days 78-80 I was in I was into my row when out of nowhere the Beast died mind control burst through the wall he rampaged through the area killing the fiery monster until he finally turned on me he was charging straight at me and I knew there was no reasoning with this Beast I'd use my psychic powers to get him back under my control once again onward Beast the Beast charge forward by my command smashing to the cell and freeing Camp phew thanks don't thank me thank him thank you the three of us started to leave the prison with suddenly the Beast stopped in his tracks and turned towards me what's up buddy you okay why aren't you listening to me just then a shadow Raptor stepped out of the Shadows psychic power so we have the boys in the lab whip us up a remote to control that thing the Beast is now under my control sitcom boy before I could do anything to stop him the Beast lungs straight at me on days 81 and 82 I was once again being attacked by the Beast I couldn't believe they had built the technology to bypass my Powers I tried my best to regain control of him but he wouldn't respond to me at all it was too dangerous we needed to run Kip and I hightailed it out of there but the Beast was right behind us as we turned a corner he lunged at us breaking down a wall and revealing a portal that I didn't hesitate to jump through we appeared on the other side at the secret civilization I used to control ah look out the Beast rampaged through their Village wreaking havoc all over the stonelets were running in all directions but they couldn't escape the chaos it was Mayhem I can't fight him with all these people around don't worry I'll Evacuate the place you take care of the monster all right thanks Kip hey big guy coming and get me on days 83 through 84 I was blurring the monster away from the village as it chased behind me after a while I didn't have the strength to run anymore just before it captured me with its jaws I teleported to safety behind it I then retaliated with my Powers but the monster refused to submit I need to regain control but how just then I realized I needed to find the shadow Raptor that was controlling him I flew up and focused thanks to my psychic powers life around me was highlighted using my ability I was able to locate the shadow Raptor and I swooped in to attack them as the distance between us closed the dino swiped at me with its razor sharp claws but attacking from afar proved to be just as perilous acid Unleashed a scorching fire breath it felt as if there was no escaping its Relentless Onslaught as the Raptor moved in close once more I summoned a storm of lightning that temporarily incapacitated it yet the creature proved to be relentless showing no signs of bringing its Onslaught to an end swelled with determination I summon my psychic swords their blades granting me the strength I needed to gain the upper hand against the ravenous monster with one last blow I was able to incapacitate the shadow Raptor claiming the controller and stopping the beast's Rampage what's so funny I won you fell right into my trap suddenly the controller exploded and I blacked out on days 85-86 I found myself in a black void with some kind of deity looming over me so good to see you who are you how do you know me like this [Music] I woke up to find myself in the secret stolen civilization where they were tending to my wounds oh good he's awake thank you for saving our city from the Beast of course and I'm really sorry for mind controlling you guys it's all right I think we now all understand that our safety wasn't a priority for the Mythic Hydra do you think you'd be interested in joining my resistance again for sure suddenly the ground shook in the Mythic Hydra appeared on days 87 through 88 I used my powers to summon my new Army to fight the Mythic Hydra he didn't even Flinch in my Army calling his Massive Attack for the sky he flew down going into a fury my Army of stolens and kobolds did their best to fight back but it was a lost cause he's still too powerful I have to retreat with my Army I gave the order to retreat and covered my forces as they did I found a spot where I could temporarily take cover from the Mythic Hydra you are all dead the next time I see you run what you can that deity I saw in my vision talked about ultimate power where can I find the Psychic pools did you say psychic pool the Elder stepped forward and handed me the map you can find them yeah but be warned nobody has ever returned alive I'm willing to take the risk with that I took off flying towards the destination Once I arrived to the location on the map I looked into one of the pools suddenly the world around me shifted and changed color what the before I had any time to react another dream monster attacked me on days 89 through 90. I was battling another dream monster why was it here I tried my best but I was disoriented for my new surroundings and this new form launched psychic blasphemy stronger than my own I was no match for them I ran for my life barely managing to navigate through this foggy world what's happening where am I I spot an altar and took cover beside it just then the deity for my vision appeared before me [Music] if you wish to return home alive you must unlock your full power I'm willing to do anything [Music] I'm on it and so I continued on my way as I traveled my surroundings became more like the dream I once had I guess the dream world was actually the spirit realm all along I was suddenly halted in my tracks with a bunch of angry Spirits came out of the shadows and attacked me their numbers were unaccountable and I was still injured so I ran for dear life on days 91-92 I was fleeing from the angry Spirits Unfortunately they knew this realm better than me and they were waiting for me around every corner I tried focusing my psychic powers to blast them away it even managed to affect the incorporeal being but four just kept coming and I was starting to get overwhelmed this wasn't looking good for me suddenly my dad jumped into the parade to protect me the two of us lashed out the specters unleashing the full extent of our shared psychic abilities but even with our powers combined the ghouls proved to be formidable foes as our attacks passed right through their gatch's exterior the Phantoms were as tough as they were evasive curling balls of ectoplasmic ooze and slashing at us with their demonic claws luckily the bond between my father and I empowered my fighting Spirit allowing us to gain the upper hand vanquishing the shadowy spirits and sending the ventral race back to the realm of the undead from Wednesday came with that I was able to scare off the little Spirits I flew over to my dad after the battle dad does this mean I could talk to the dead in the spirit realm that's right I'm so glad to see you again son but our time to catch up was cut short as even where Spirits showed up the path of the mountain is just east of here but hurry the great spirit has already sensed to arrival and is hunting you down thanks for everything dad while my Dad held them off I headed out towards the mountain path on days 93 through 94 I found the path that my dad had told me about and I began following it I was starting to make good progress I could even see the mountain when suddenly I was teleported right back to the start hey who's doing that I looked around and spotted a mischievous little flame spirit that appeared in front of me winners get to leave forever with that the spear advantage using my psyche Powers I was able to sense the spirit's presence now I can see it hiding inside a Ravine and I approached it found you Spirit teleported me to the peak of the mountain where the psychic star I desired was waiting but before I could grab it the great spirit my dad warned me about blocked my path on days 95 and 96 I was confronted by the great spirit who dares to seek out my precious psychic star I do I need to unlock my full power only the world they might climb this prize prove to me you have what it takes suddenly the whale Spirit descended upon me this was gonna be a tough fight as the Behemoth descended upon me and leeches Mighty abilities its powers proved to be befitting of its gargantuan size the fog utilized psychic forces similar to my own but they were even more powerful including attacks I was not yet strong enough to learn at its command sharpened High School Spears rained down from above piercing through my scales they were crazy strong almost as strong as the Mythic Hydra as my health waned I attempted to retreat taking to the skies above but the enemy was as agile as it was large Taking Flight as well and giving Chase it even called upon its Spirit forces summoning a phantom that materialized out of thin air as the two of us circled around the Mountain's Crest the whale was unrelenting in its psychic Onslaught just as I thought I'd seen all the bow and offer it unveiled its most powerful ability Conjuring flaming meteors that hurled into me in a ball of fire shooting down from above Brute Force wasn't gonna cut it this time if I wanted to win this I needed to try something else I wasn't going to be able to do this about myself but if I had help I knew I could do it dad mom please I need your help my parents suddenly appeared to my location ready to help me stay away from my son on days 97-98 I was charging into battle against the great spirit with the help of my new allies the whale attempted all of its old tricks but my parents always proved to be one step ahead of him they pursued the enemy with no relent it showed no signs of fear they were unfazed by its ice crystals and undeterred by his conjured ghouls even as the foe unveiled its strongest ability and scorching out meteors rained Down Under the battlefield from above my mom and dad refused to back down their courage allowed me to gain the upper hand on the spirit I harnessed all of my strength and my love for my family to unleash my most powerful psychic barrage yet thankfully the help of my parents was enough to push us over the edge forcing the great spirit to submit to me only the wars understand that they can rely on others you may claim the artifacts and so I stepped forward to grab the psychic star the power of the psychic star searched through me granting me five new hearts and the new psyche ice storm and meteor Powers the great spirit used Mom Dad thank you for everything I'll be sure to make you proud with that I arrived back to the real world now even stronger than ever I returned to my allies only to see the hydra's forces were rapidly approaching it's time to end this on day 99 I stood ready to face the hydra's army with my own forces suddenly the Mythic Hydra appeared before me are you protected I should be asking render or face our Fury our armies charge forward crashing head on as our forces collided and Chaos raged the Hydra focuses attention on me dragging me away from the battle but my man spurred by loyalty took to my side aiding me in the duel Unfortunately they proved to be no match for the Beast succumbing to his overwhelming strength the foes in return is focused to me releasing a mighty laser and raining crystals down upon me this granted me an opportunity to demonstrate my new powers unleashing my meteor and I storm abilities the battle carried on with great force behind us with a hydras right slashing clawing and biting through my own my forces were rapidly dwindling then just as all hopes he lost the stonelets unveiled their last resort ability transforming into new and improved Stone Breakers my now more powerful allies charged in the battle once more with increased strength and bigger as their massive hammers clobber into the opposing Army the tides of War began to shift the Mythic Hydra attempted single me out once again this time aided by his own man but the stone Breakers refused to leave my side retaliating against the draconic Foe and his goons it was Mayhem but thanks to my reinforcements it seemed as though we stood a chance against the Hydra do you surrender yet I'm just getting started suddenly he teleported both of us away from the battle on day 100 I reappeared in a different realm it was just me and the Mythic Hydra wait this place looks familiar is a realm cut off from the outside your little friends won't be able to help you here then I'll just have to face you one-on-one I won't go down so easily the prophecy shall not come to pass we'll see about that ready to end this once and for all we charge towards each other as the bees came barreling towards me I whizzed up into the air unleashing a flurry of flaming meteors down onto him from above I release an electric storm of jolte lightning surging all around the ring the enemy retaliated with the barrage of crystals so numerous that I couldn't possibly Escape them while I was on land with my health running low I resorted to eating my food to regain some of my hearts with my Vigor restored I had the energy to take to disguise once more overhead I bring down a raging arctic ice storm coating the Hydra in a thick shell of ice I attempted to take advantage of the foe's vulnerability with more meteors but the dragon was quick burrowing beneath the ground to avoid my attack as he re-emerged the adversary was Swift to discharge a powerful beam towards me despite being weakened from our previous battle the Hydra was still proving to be insanely powerful we exchanged blows it was my psychic abilities versus his crystals the Mythic Hydra flew into a rage as I took off into the air seizing the opportunity to eat once more and regain some of my health but my food reserves were running low there was no room for error using my psyche Powers I hurt chunks of the stalagmite towards the enemy but the Hydra was still too strong I honed everything I had learned just to stand a chance against him luckily after all I had to dirt over my journey I was finally able to overpower the Hydra with one final lightning blast just like that the world was freed and the Mythic hydra's evil grasp woohoo hint
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 783,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c_oV5EVcxO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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