I Stay At Claridge’s In London

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it's said to be one of the finest luxurious hotels in the world I'm here in Mayfair in London to go and check out the world famous clares the room I'm going to be staying in is right at the top there it also has a balcony thank you so we'll have a good look around in a little bit but first let's head up to our room look at that rocking horse is that beautiful that is so I think I'm going to have to get Casper on that a little bit later now the lifts apparently you just wave well that's probably not working no it's not working supposed to wave to see them wow check out this lift now this is not not just any lift this is a clarous lift all you do is select the floor you want oh no fifth floor and yeah there's a chair in here as well oh hang on I think I'm on the wrong floor this lift is just so beautiful look at all the birds in a bird cage the detailing all around it and that really nice comfy chair everything about this hotel is just beautiful Art Deco contemporary it is really nice just look at that that is funky marble staircase Grand big mirrors in fact yikes I love how they just got little centerpieces little chairs and little areas where you can come and rest your feet so my room is right down the end here would love to say it's the one with the big double doors but it's not room number 516 and you'll notice the crest of clares everywhere there's no door handle either even the key cards are classy anyway let me show you around this room because apparently they've upgraded me from what was a normal balcony room to a clares balcony room to be honest I can't really see much difference but there are a few extra little bits to go and check out straight away what I've noticed about clares this kind of like modern stroke oldfashioned Chic look if that's an actual word first all we got some jaw space no lighting around here which is a little bit of a shame because I would have thought that needs like a light but there is no light here but there is a steamer obviously these are drawers for your oh no it's a safe again branding is on point with the clar's logo just the crest of it look on each of the door handles and the actual door handles are also very much like the clar's logo these I've got my coat in here already they are so deep in these hangers real chunky wood nice and smooth as well we've even got the posh hangers in here too well I would have thought so in clares another wardrobe there the bathroom is insane and I'll show you that in just a moment but coming back into the bedroom huge TV with what used to be a fireplace but I have to show you the complimentary mini bar you ready for this look at that it's complimentary read the small print oh only the soft drinks so just the orange juice and the water just here and and ginger ale but the rest of it like the champagne I think it might be centered so I'm not going to touch that but there's all the spirits this I've never seen before in a hotel they have got extra charger facilities for you obviously I don't know whether these are for rent or I would have assumed that you're buying these bit rubbish if you don't have a iPhone we've got some mints couple of chocolates uh more chocolates Scotch whiskey a bottle of red wine cognac some eye patches and a healing patch and if we want it a clares mug and some perfume a little espresso coffee machine with all the little capsules and the cute tiny little cups I love how they've laid out the knife here and for some reason we've got a congratulations little mini cake and a candle not quite sure why maybe this was for somebody else when they upgraded this is this real fruit look at that they've di that in wax isn't that to keep that fresh I think something like that we've got more water there loads of glasses some nuts the mini bar menu one thing I haven't seen in many hotels is the room comes with a lot of pots some other things and also loads of books if I show you over here look there's there's even more books there there's a couple of books there not just for show they're real books that you can read a nice lamp there's more books at the top there yeah these might be a problem with Casper a little bit later they've even given us a little sleeping bag for Casper as well that is so nice but the bed is huge the bedside tables again for some reason this does feel like I'm on a cruise ship especially with the lights it's a cross between a hospital and a cruise ship if you know what I mean but we've got all the switches here for the lights the one thing I'm gutted about I stayed at the SEO in my last video um I asked them for the same thing and in casement on the mattress cuz as you know with the phobia bed bugs uh they didn't even know what one was so isn't it amazing you can stay at a hotel like the seavoy they know exactly what that is they put it on there but clares they didn't know what one was so I will have to check them mat just a little bit later extra reading lights as well the headboard is well it's wood with these little what something you'd have on a table I've never hit my head on a headboard personally but if you do on this one it's going to be quite firm just look at the detailing though on the drawers that is so nice again with the clares crest on there but the bed KingSize bed this is very very comfy notice there's no Crest on the sheets they' missed a point there but I have seen all the detailing around the duvet and on the pillows as well which unfortunately once again are not my favorite pillows they're those duck feather pillows this side there's a couple of menus here breakfast menu clares concer tips a box of tissues a lovely little seating area over here here with a foot rest and I thought those were fake these are real flowers I should think so for the price of the room and when we arrived they said what would you like to drink obviously complimentary would you like coffee tea champagne well we weren't going to deny ourselves some free champagne but I love how they've served it on this very lovely silver tray with this beautiful white linen very nice real Carnation as well some shortbread some nuts and two cappuccinos and nice sh pain you see what I mean about the cruise ship Vibes that I've got from this desk absolutely love it though with the white leather bit of an old Bose sound link mini speaker there and a huge television but this is why I paid extra for the room there's not many hotel suites where you can get a balcony in London and this is right at the front of the hotel there isn't really much of a view though um and obviously the weather isn't very nice but I wanted to try one of these balcony rooms at the front of clares because they do look amazing especially when the sun comes out but even later you know when we're just sitting out here at night that'll be nice but wait until you see what's behind this door wow this bathroom is Big so big in fact not only do we have a bathroom couple of sinks but also a separate shower that is huge wait for it and a very special toilet and a lovely touch as well because they know we're staying here with um our little boy they've given us this little baby kit all this pampering stuff for Casper shampoo baby oil massage oil a little flannel loads of goodies though we've got shower gel mouthwash and a huge big mirror and I love the framing of the lights around the mirror it's really nice The Branding is on point on the towels and they've even given us a little baby bath within the bath which is actually quite a nice thought we won't need it there's a bath mat more shower gels down there and you can also if you want have this open and so you can see into the bedroom so you can sit there and have a bath and still have a conversation with your other half or even watch the television check out the shower yikes this is massive look at that even the drain it's got a nice pattern on it quite possibly one of the biggest showers that I've been into I mean you can get maybe 11 people in here a huge rainfall shower as well and I love all the marble and simple instructions for the shower as well but wait till you see the toilet it's one of these smart toilets there's not many toilets in hotels where you get a nice soft rug there's a remote there but what happens is you come up to it it opens now I have no idea how on Earth to work any of this it cleans your bottom bits with some nice warm water does it dry it as well I don't know toilet well pointed that's a good point his and her robes as well perfect if you want to go down to the pool which we'll do a little bit later tell me in the comments what your thoughts are especially about the bed definitely feels like there's like a stroke Hospital stroke cruise ship Vibe going on there I don't know why so as always we're going and check out the rest of the hotel we've got plans for dinner as well cuz Gabby will be joining me she's just with Casper at the M doing some shopping breakfast is not included in this room rate so we will be paying extra for that in the morning so welcome to clares Gabby very nice thank you for having me what you going to have champagne or cappuccino the cappuccinos are starting to go a little bit weird now so we better probably have these I think that's o milk but I can tell by the bubbles Casper are you having a good time oh look at them little sugar lumps in there very nice cheers I need forgot to mention this Gabby's going to be very happy with this this is her area where she can get ready for tonight with a nice star makeup mirror you've also got a Dion a Dyson hair dryer that is amazing and what's even better is I can open up this and see you having a barath and be like all right sexy and the little touches look at the bin with the clares logo on it yeah very nice so there's a direct lift down to the spa this way wow definitely no smoking hotel right but someone has been smoking up here wow that stinks someone's got that door open maybe it came from in there how unusual that's a bit weird mind you the smoke is coming up here as well now it's gone definitely coming from that room I think anyway this way to clar's spa clar's spa I always find it a little bit embarrassing walking around the hotel in a row but it's what you can do wow look at that he cool check out the pool there's loads of little changing rooms on the left hand side like a toilet very nice in fact there towels in here which is nice this is lovely well the water goes right to the edge there's these Cabanas I've never seen Cabanas in an indoor swimming pool before that is nice very elegant po isn't as warm as the seavo ah I love it when you're the first one in the pool I mean it's basic this pools go I do like the lighting though the strip lighting that goes all the way across rather than just those Circle lights that's quite nice and different by the way if you're enjoying the video it would help me out enormously if you could give the video a thumbs up and and if you haven't already please make sure you hit that subscribe button just wanted to show you in the changing rooms once again they've got the toilets that do the magic thing so look how special the changing rooms are because this is the guys they've got a little mini sauna with the LEDs that is so cool a huge shower and they've got a steam room some drinks here and some more towels so we're ready for dinner now there is no official dress code here in clares so it's just smart casual now before we go down to dinner I just want to have a walk down here to show you something that is very good for the UK especially if you suffer with sad Seasonal effective disorder which means you hate those dark even evenings and dark mornings got to show you this so This set of stairs it's like a window that gives off a daylight it is it's really cool actually is it meant to do that then or is it because earlier when I was here I didn't notice it cuz it was during the day but now it's dark outside it's like quarter to 8 or something and yeah Co all the way down it's not just one window yeah I mean it is like well middle of the day early morning see we need one of these light boxes in our house cuz I tell you what I hate the winter in the UK when it's dark in the morning when you get up and dark and you get to bed we need more of these in hotels I agree so it's forever daylight do you notice how the carpet has changed from that dark color to this light blue color that because cuz I notice that this daytime effect finishes here yeah for some odd reason so do you think it's got something to do with the color of the carpet because of what it's doing like I don't know flowery and light but once again this feels completely different to the floor that we're on in fact actually it's it's brighter doesn't it cuz like now it feels like it's daylight whereas before it felt dark see these stairs still give off the nighttime Vibe because you can see through to the windows that it's dark but have you checked out some of this furniture though this must be the cleanest um hotel that I've ever been to what are you looking at is that a ghost no I think it's just someone moving pretty fast someone was going down some very old antique furniture though around it's a bit like britania hotels they have some but this is in a lot better Nick random little chair yeah I was looking at these they have these on other floors and it's very similar to what my grandma yes definitely wow look at this with the extra lights around the side oh now this feels a bit different around here doesn't it yeah I think these Rings might be a bit more grer I think they might the draws are humongous or is it just an illusion I don't know yeah I think they might be let's go up another level so if you don't know room rates at clares start at are you ready for this ready they start at £900 they start they go up to £5,000 for one night in the penthouse £15,000 a night which is just crazy that's pretty insane you'll see how much I've spent for one night um again it's going to be a lot lower towards that 900 Mark but not completely I still can't get over this is a lift it's just really cozy I know I'm having in the pink in here yeah it's nice isn't it I know I could get used to these lifts with um Sofas in I know I you see feel like come on a bus or tram we're on the seventh floor and this feels even more different because there's no carpet feels on these stairs there's there's marble and there's also a chandelier on the stairs just on the top part of the stairs I bet it's very plush up here are you coming have a look don't look down yikes I don't know there's more than one Penthouse up here I wonder how many is there yeah cuz see window is look wow oh yeah wow wow there's actual balcony here I don't know you can see that much better view of London as well although to be fair you can see the BT Tower over there but that's about it really yeah this must be the uh the penthouse suite interesting carpet it just keeps going I think this might be the penthouse suite down there oh my God yeah cuz that door doors that's the biggest I've seen in yeah did you know that these rooms have a Butler Service they just call for the butler the heck it's a brick you see now if we were in Great Yarmouth that brick would be used for something else other than just to hold the book down Gabby have you noticed all the pictures as well our former members all members of Staff isn't that nice how they do that why does it get really dark up here o strange do what's that a a what that is a POS no this one St is it is it I love it gab's walking around with a uh a glass of Carver I've got nothing in my hand I know I keep doing that in these Posh establishments there's the ground floor mezan level wine Celler let's check out the wine seller maybe we can get a glass of wine there's quite a few restaurants here as well as bars have we got off on the wrong floor here I think we have yeah we done but look at the spars the other way I thought we got off on the ground floor we obviously didn't look where we're going are you going to the lobby yes we're trying to get to the lobby is it this way we just followed these people at the lift oh it is this way yes it's like an exclusive entrance where are we what cabby let's have a nose function room like clares this is nice we could get married in here him we could renew our vows in here let's have a quick is this the ballroom oh it's not as big as I thought it would be again it is dark outside but that looks like it's a an natural light sky in here natural light no matter what time of the day it is brilliant isn't it right let's find One of These Bars that's uh weird oh yeah me and C saw that ear oh we didn't go through here so this this is a this is a a collection of furniture don't you want that in our house that looks like from Alice Wonderland as well yeah it does wonder how much a bottle of champagne is here I don't know but I've definitely got a glass that they gave me complimentary earlier which got to okay we're about to walk into the lobby look at that Queen Elizabeth arriving in 1963 wow is this open he said she said that's a place you can go and chill oh our card allows us to wow allows us to enter this is very exclusive this is like one of those dodgy bars hey look there is some complimentary medallions look at this it's like the old days when you'd come in here to use the internet there's a couple of Big Macs in here actually and there is complimentary water and a complimentary coffee machine nice the painter's room yes I remember when we arrived she was tell us about [Music] it see the lift might not go here but you can walk down to clar's Wine cell it's probably closed now though I would have thought oh it is open Gabby evening the chiller room let's have a look at some of these good M I don't think so wow look at all the white wine you need to shut D you need to shut the door this is some expensive champagne although not too bad that's 450 650 for some lady gagar champagne I need a photograph what's the most expensive bottle that's the question just look at some of the prices on here £815 for a bottle of white wine £1,000 for a bottle of white wine what £2,250 for this bottle of champagne and there's all the red wine so we've got the room on the left where a lot of people come in for afternoon tea which is still going strong this fireplace just looks a little bit out of uh place just kind of in here and like look how dirty the mirror is that's well that's a very old mirror but that is nice guess how much that is worth mirrored steel not polished silver £175,000 how many houses can you buy with that in your great yard well I don't know probably just one it's got these stairs wow this is very nice so there is um clar's bar just in there look very elegant walking up the stairs wow look at the ceiling up here some of this furniture though is just so beautiful look at that and there's a picture there of uh the queen oh there's a piano now I would love to say that I can play my rendition of the East Enders theme tune if you're not familiar with that it's a soap opera in the UK but um they've locked it so I can't gut it otherwise I would have been going some of the worst rated hotels I've done in the UK have furniture like that not in as good condition but it's still very similar yeah there's probably no woodworm in this I mean it feels like a completely different Hotel Hotel up here is that a famous painting looks like it is is this a room or is this like a is this the royal suite is that the Royal Suite I guess it must be the heck is that art guess you're waiting for a photo I just want it me there a stain on that so I thought someone sat on there well as lovely as it is exploring we've got reservations 8:00 for dinner wow look at this bar this is amazing check that out once again it feels like I'm on the Titanic for some reason so I've gone for a whiskey sour which I've never had a metal straw before Hope they've cleaned it Gabby has gone for a ginger John Ginger John Ginger John yeah Ginger John it's Ginger John got one heck of a Kake there is so much ice right this look at the size of this ice cube hang on look at the size of the Ice Cube it is the same size as the glass all right let's go for dinner that embarrassing not quite sure where the restaurant is is it is it down here oh hang on is this it that's what Jew is not my here we we are in here look at this which way where would you like to sit darling I don't mind now this is a very big table for two it is yes it's like it should sit like 10 so for dinner we've gone for something simple I've got gone for randomly roasted Norfolk chicken from home with a side of fries and something else which I can't remember what they said is what she said either Gabby's gone for the lobster ravioli and I can say I've had this on a tasting menu before and that's actually packed with lobster that looks good I'm really excited yeah look at the salt I love that I feel like this reminds me of a science class pestl and mortar do you know what you mean yeah I don't know why I'm putting salt on it this probably doesn't need any salt I can't see any pasta in it can you yeah but for once that's actually jamack with lobster which is good oh my God that is so good that could quite possibly be the best food I've ever tasted in my life I know come all the way to London to get uh roasted Norfolk chicken take the skin off there oh my God it tastes like salmon G sty reference you know this give bit too I like it when it's crunchy when it's like that I can't eat it so for dessert we've gone for something simple a chocolate Su is it warm in the middle I think it is I don't know yet I'll find out wow looks good smells like a fudge like a chocolate fudge cake you can see that there is like um if you have a look in the middle yeah that's the right turn you can see yeah it's good it's rich I can't pin Point The Taste again that's for no it's like a chocolate fudge cake it's better than that it's harder though it feels more like pie on the outside you know what I mean that the outside feels like a a pie texture r i don't get it is this all you want to show me somewhere to sit yeah but it's just like there's stairs up here to a door it's just really really odd so we thought we'd come out here just to take in the London air before we go to sleep but um there isn't much of a view to take in we haven't taken the covers off the chairs just because it's been so wet so we're not really going to be sitting out here and to be honest we're freezing our bits off so we're going to say good night from a very wet and windy Mayfair good night good night good morning Mayfair morning so there is no Kettle in the room which is a bit of a shame which I kind of didn't realize yesterday but they do have an espresso machine so I guess this will have to do the weather still isn't great but I have pulled off the cover off the chair these chairs are actually very nice now how much is breakfast because breakfast is not included in the room rate in this hotel I'm guessing it's probably going to be around about 45 per person um now in the Ritz we chose not to have breakfast just because of how expensive it is um but we didn't spend so much last night on dinner again we'll come to all the prices at the end so I thought we'll treat ourselves this morning and have breakfast it's great having these balconies but there isn't really much to see so I guess you pay an extra for the balconies but I mean I think I can see the penthouse site just from here maybe you have a slightly better view from up there now I've been into some hotels where in the middle of like the hotels they look really grubby but I have to say this looks amazing I mean I don't know whether you can see but on the walls they've got these like really shiny ceramic tiles followed by that on the roof which is all enclosed I don't know what they're doing down there so I've been to some hotels you've probably seen on the channel That absolutely awful in the middle the size of this menu is ridiculous Casper's ready for his breakfast I've never had breakfast with a luxurious lamp do you know what though I actually thinking myself this is table going to be big enough you might be right so if you go for the breakfast that is 45 you get tea included toast and you're full English breakfast so if I'd have gone for pancakes for example that was3 and obviously so there's not much difference I thought just do that but yeah love the cups here encourages and obviously this is the room where people come in for their um afternoon tea which they serve till really late again but look at the centerpiece that's amazing and I'm sure those are all fresh flowers so beautiful look at how they serve you the sugar because the tables are not big enough everyone's got all these little trays and they put the tea on it and they also put some pastries look at those some cakes in the morning for breakfast I think Casper would love them worst thing is is when you bring a toddler to uh a place like this for breakfast you feel incredibly guilty but thankfully Casper is yeah he's a really good boy but that's why we've had to bring this just to make sure that he's nice and calm they have just given Casper some clares color pencils and he can color in the children's menu is that cool asper so he's got something to play with that's quite nice so they do have children in here obviously it's not just adults it's funny how they never put the beans on it it looks weird doesn't it without it I think it's because some people don't want their items getting all yeah maybe that is one big chunky sausage size of Gabby's Tomatoes they are huge I've seen Vine Tomatoes normally smaller than that they are huge but unfortunately for me I don't like fresh tomato so I'm just like that's overload tomorrow Casper's got his Weetabix so we just had to ask for our Jam everyone else has them on theirs we didn't have ours on ours so I was very impressed with clares I'm going to tell you how much everything costs now we did come here by car because we stayed at another hotel last night so parking was 75 dinner last night came to £94 that is still very expensive but compared to other restaurants we've had it wasn't too much the babysitter last night cost us £85 and breakfast this morning came to £2 now how much do we pay for the room they did say they upgraded this but actually when I looked at it it looks like the exact same room but it was a Mayfair balcony room which came to £1,200 well it was £ 1,000 but also was included with vat so yeah so the grand total 1,6 £ 667 that of course included all the food and breakfast yes very expensive sorry it was raining so I thought we' just come back inside now what I loved about the room was the balcony I can't say I've been in many London hotels that have a balcony or been able to afford to stay in a London hotel with a balcony obviously there isn't much of a view but on a nice sunny day I'm sure it would be nice to sit out there with a cup of tea although you can't make a cup of tea in the room cuz there is no Kettle I do absolutely love the layout of the room um I did like the fact that there was a lovely area to get ready um you know you'd got a separate desk so that if Tim wanted to do his work he could do um the bed was massive which was great there was a nice little seating area too and again a separate shower to the bath which I think is great so there's two separate options the whole style of the hotel I think they they do they do call it art deco I'm sure someone might correct me but I looked on the website they do call it art deco vibe in this hotel as you walk around the hotel I know it sounds silly to say but it just smells so clean it smells so new it's just it's even though it's such an old hotel obviously with the renovations that were done years ago and the renovations that they did in the spa is totally amazing the swimming pool I didn't realize but it had electrolytes in the swimming pool water I don't know if that's a good thing yeah I would say that the whole hotel is immaculate you if you look for a Mark it's impossible to find isn't it you won't find one at all I mean like I was trying to I want well I was trying to find a mark just to say like ah look but no this is the first time that I've actually I've been so impressed it didn't feel as friendly as when we stayed in the seavoy we had to ask them to heat Casper's food up last night and she looked a little bit annoyed that I asked her to do that and yes I know you might go well that's not their job but you know we're in the hotel we're staying in the hotel we just asked me if they do that but some of the staff were nice some of them weren't overly that happy I must say it was really really lovely the Personal Touch when we did arrive into the room we were offered a choice of a complimentary coffee or um a glass of champagne which um I so they gave us both which was a really lovely touch so on arrival in the room um I felt very very welcome but I know what Tim's saying that it was everyone was very polite and it was a great service but it was lacking that Personal Touch yes I have come across those toilets before um I did use some of the settings I played around with it um this morning felt like I wet myself the the air dryer as well it doesn't completely dry you so you then have to clean so but yeah it was lovely to have um but you know I could do without one of those I don't we don't need one of those kind of fancy smart toilets really do you but it's a it's an interesting quirky little thing to have once yeah yeah did you did you use it I'm not well I know you used the toilet I did I did go what are all these buttons and I did go through the settings did you tried some of them out didn't you bet you did I did dinner last night we didn't go too fancy with the dinner last night like so we didn't go for a taste of menu went for quite subtle dishes um and still quite expensive um my I had the roast chicken which was okay I mean it's just roast chicken it's but you had the the lobster ravioli which was good that was incredible that really really was I'm not exaggerating that tasted very good does it deserve the title as one of the most luxurious hotels in the world but actually if you are some of the staff members they will say it is the most luxurious hotel in the world it's steeped in history royalty have stayed here heads of state famous Hollywood movie actors you know and now um Gabby Starbuck maybe there'll be a picture of me in the hallways you never know I did find as well that on arrival when we arrived um it doesn't look much as you approach the hotel but once you get through those doors you suddenly see how Grand it is yeah it's it's like you say compared to some you know really fancy hotels in London it is small but you know what it lacks in size makes up for in its Grandeur and its luxury it is an amazing Hotel tell us what you thought in the comments give the video a thumbs up it helps me out make sure that you hit that subscribe button we'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 1,031,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the ritz, mayfair, mayfair london, the ritz hotel london, Claridge's, afternoon tea at claridges, london, luxury hotels in london, best places to stay in london
Id: gcWzaYDLUzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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