I squealed so hard - Poppy Playtime.

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i see i see light i see the light i see the light i see the light holy in there in there no keep going welcome back for the first time to poppy playtime everyone and their mother is playing this game and i'm a little late to the party because i was in vegas recording with the boys but now i'm back and it's time to catch up on everything i missed including poppy playtime everyone was asking me play poppy playtime puppy playtime eddie you should play poppy playtime well here you go i'm about to you know i never seen something or someone that looks like a poppy but this fool right here has the perfect name me when the teacher says can i get any volunteers chapter one a tight squeeze what is this how to be a priest handbook as an ex-employee of playtime co you finally returned to the factory many years after everybody within disappeared okay i don't know anything about this game i just seen the thumbnails of people's videos but i'm ready for a horror game you are about to see the most incredible doll ever invented her name is poppy and she is the first truly intelligent doll in the world a little girl can talk to her poppy gives her answers she is the first doll actually able to have a conversation with a child hard to believe no just watch no oh that's poppy real girl and she talks like one too hi my name is poppy that little [ __ ] is creepy can you help me polish my shoes why of course poppy just like a real girl poppy always wants to look her best perfect thank you her hair is sturdy and won't come out when you brush it and smells just like a poppy flower is there anything else you'd like to say poppy i'm a real girl just like you you can't say that in 2021 and if you've ever wanted to see how all of the nation's favorite toys were created playtime co is now offering factory tours at just 2.99 a person an entire hour and the most magical toy factory on earth what are you waiting for come visit the factory here oh there it is creepy shit's happening [Music] i never heard that spanish word before poppy playtime okay so poppy is the little [ __ ] from the commercial so who's the blue [ __ ] everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago we're still here find the flower why hold on dog i okay look when they said it was a toy factory i didn't expect it to look like a pre-k kindergarten kindergarten eat healthy like prawn he looks like me when i'm trying to eat vegetables i have to force them down and smile okay we gotta train we gotta if i get jump scared food the first first thing's gonna be what am i gonna get chased by something what's gonna chase me is it little poppy huh what did they do to this little toy and why does it have blood in it did they beat someone's head in with the toy employees probably weren't getting paid enough and they just got pissed off and just started beating the [ __ ] out of each other see i thought that was poppy who's that not poppy yonda le fantito this little elephant nice okay okay [Music] oh wait a minute the colors on the floor is just red red blue and yellow red blue yellow and white not it damn it there's a tape right here oh put it in there oh what's that hi my name is leith pierre and i'm the head of innovation here at the playtime code toy factory if you're seeing this then you're trespassing oh [ __ ] yeah we played now they got me shape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day so trespasser just to make you aware while we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys we also pride ourselves on our security for example this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which once set off will turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities and that's one of the more tame aspects of our security system no spoilers so you've got my warning it's not too late to turn around i just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it uh okay uh listen how come every time that i need to call nine guang one i can never call nine one one but the moment i trespass they're calling nan guang guan on my ass i see how it is i see how it is okay i think i got it it's red blue yellow and green for the tape no are you [ __ ] kidding me okay that was so confusing that took way longer than it needed to please hello oh we got another tape right here it's another tape okay here we go wrap pack why can't you just use your hands why do you have to wear a grab pack oh because then you can oh okay give me that man give me that give me that only fire at small objects with handles do not fire at a co-worker this may cause injury or a case for sexual harassment thank you use your grab pack responsibly i'm just saying if i get a grab pack i'm definitely using it to grab narrator's ass grab grab [ __ ] can i use this on lady demetrius from resident evil 8 just like get a cop a quick feel and then run away do i have to crawl through there what do i have to do with this okay uh oh that goes far just pitch grab the little toy grab the little elephant come on dog okay he's oh the [ __ ] you did grab it you can grab it hold up no way okay over here can i grab some [ __ ] blue wait give me back my hand before something touches it okay that was that was that that sounded extremely complete oh you can jump over aha no cabron high five let me grab that eyeball real quick are those nuts sorry dog i just had to verify oh look more doors i have to open one with the blue hand and one with the red hand okay let's go through the blue hand first the blue hand right here blue hands blue hand yay ah my hand is stuck give me back my [ __ ] hand so what's the uh what do i have to do now uh okay this is bad not good not good power power in here go through the power place how how did you how did you [ __ ] grab that key as soon as i heard a little noise behind me i knew you were gonna be standing there with the key [ __ ] you are that guy that's like always trying to answer the question right you were the [ __ ] in the class that sits in the front row with your notebook out and every time the teacher asks a question you raise your hand that's who you are that's you that you yeah with that same face too that kid always makes that face hello oh there's a pink one okay now what's going on here okay i gotta touch some [ __ ] i gotta grab some [ __ ] what's that oh is that is that brian the dinosaur that was eating veggies he doesn't like spinach okay who's this stick your hand in his mouth do be kind to others show up on time not hide behind doors to scare lath pierre why would you hide behind doors don't stay past 8 pm misuse company time tamper with machinery enter innovation wing without authorization okay i'm gonna go in there anyway [ __ ] it i want to go into innovation wing high voltage okay definitely don't don't stick your fingers in there but now that you have actual blue hand you don't need to worry about it because it looks like it's made of rubber so it shouldn't shock you when you touch it hey just kidding got you i got you i got you come on you got a t-cut you gotta admit i got you that was a good one okay stick your blue hand right on this [ __ ] right here now touch the button grab to divert power grabbing iron man's titties be like okay enough enough divert power there where do you divert power to take this and then you bring it what you bring it over here can you still you're still touching it nice oh that's cool as [ __ ] okay can i keep can i keep going i just used the power of my grabby grab to do some zappy zap and restore power to the whole place and he's gone he's got he left i i okay he's coming get my ass he's about to [ __ ] with me right now i'm [ __ ] when i saw him in the front page in the menu of the game i thought he was gonna be like some human sized character this motherfucker's two stories hi how is he gonna cry is he gonna like bend down through the hallway just kind of do like some big arm type [ __ ] when he wants to high five me i saw him i saw his hand i just saw his [ __ ] hand yo you in here [ __ ] oh god it's dark in there and i have to go in there hello please lord jesus let me make it to the end without any [ __ ] let me make it i'm making it to the end without the bull [ __ ] i'm here i made it nice okay i'm good i'm good i'm good now pick up your pick up after yourself put it in the okay never mind okay you can't pick [ __ ] up right you just bring it to you like whoever made this game probably got inspiration from those little sticky hands that you get out of the uh what are they called the ones you annoy the [ __ ] out of people with you kind of like slap them on the face with it okay i need i need to find an orange tape to listen to and it's probably in this room somewhere but i don't believe it okay let's go upstairs orange i see orange the tape is probably up here okay akibamos can you reach all the way over there from here nope you can't what do you do what do you do with that oh did i just take the item oh okay okay so you need to find all four of these items there's the green one right there come here got it okay now there's the red one over there jump and grab jump and grab okay too far okay i'm gonna have to jump through here ready use your hand to stop physics is that the head of a baby who's a cute little baby right in the bin [ __ ] come here not the red one okay now i need a yellow one it's up there i see it i'm gonna go up there and grab the yellow one because that's what we gotta do got it come here okay now i have to get back up there how the [ __ ] do i get back up there can i use my hand to like grab on and swing okay use this and turn it over like that man kitchen going i'm [ __ ] smart bro i'm [ __ ] smart oh god that hallway is scary listos muchachos ready boom and what's that gonna do is that the red hand oh that's the red hand i get a lefty grabby and a righty grabby and then i can grab it grab me chin going give me that give it all put it in my hand now i can put one there and then one there aha wait till i see poppy dog i'm putting both hands on that [ __ ] please i hate tight corridors fool tight corridors [ __ ] suck my guy and then boom do you do you do something there or do you just grab this guy can you just okay you gotta you gotta put the thing around him there you go okay i got that one and then do i take it over here do i plug it in or what huh nice i did it smart smart as [ __ ] that's what i'm saying [Music] grab a baby grab a baby grab a baby okay never mind go grab a baby grab a baby please please stop it stop it i swear to god i'm probably gonna fall right into this bitch's trap what is that they say okay this is where they bring all the assemblies of all the toys and they're like go through this dude's mouth and he's like he swallows him whole and then he spits him out from over here needs power everything needs power where'd i get the power from for this [ __ ] thing i thought i was gonna be like running away from something but no bosos every time every time is with the puzzles but i like [ __ ] like this though i like [ __ ] like this because it keeps me on my toes i don't know what's gonna happen next this [ __ ] could come out of nowhere i could just probably just want a high five but if the teacher asks a question i can raise my height and higher than him see just like that i didn't get the tapes for this [ __ ] i need to be finding these tapes i need to be listening to what's going on i see the tape is that the tape right there aha i found the tape never mind i got the tape put it in there so stella what made you want to work at the playtime co factory playing with joyce when i was young was so magical i could go straight for my bedroom floor to anywhere in the world it was such a great feeling and being able to work at a toy factory somewhere that can provide kids with that same experience that's a pretty great feeling too sometimes though i really really wish i could go back to being a kid i mean and it's weird because adults are just kids but older i don't think anyone ever really feels like an adult but your body just gets older and older and then you die poof human bodies just can't stay young forever there's things though like some trees that can stay alive even while being way older than the person i mean the oldest people to ever live are still younger than those so i guess everyone is always young relative to something right all right i think we're getting a little off track yeah yeah you had you got to get existential there the [ __ ] and she said she always dreamed about working at a toy factory yeah kids these days don't play with toys they play with ipads so you probably want to work for apple if you want to work at the newest toy factory for kids is this how you do this where do i go i go around this way go around like that and i go around like that and then i grab and then i'm out of rope i'm out i'm out of rope okay uh let me go around the other way let me see what's over here first let me see let me see what's going on i gotta use both hands for this [ __ ] okay we use one no hmm oh there's a little thing right here like this i can make a bridge okay okay grab that and then go around this way like this take this [ __ ] bring it there walk it all the way across here and bam i mean [ __ ] turn around this way this is come on come on dog turn this [ __ ] on got it i figured it out can i fall down yes i can oh i just broke my [ __ ] ankle ah i didn't okay there's fall damage but i just found out there's fall damage power on i said power on [ __ ] you scared me holy [ __ ] make a friend our founder elliot ludwig was a visionary okay so i have to make a toy how does this work grab one of those uh-huh okay here comes uh some arms here comes some legs that's a torso and here comes uh uh a head nice okay i'm about to make a friend this is like build-a-bear okay here it comes is it going to be together now are they painted first i'm about to get one of the little tiger bumble bees elephants go through there and then he's going to come out of this one and that [ __ ] is going to chew on it and then this one's gonna digest it that's i just made it my new little toy hey what's up little guy how you doing it's me it's your new it's your new your new master you're gonna turn you into some tacos come here no don't take them don't take them his name will be ricardo there he is he's in my item slot okay i have a new friend ricardo now what do you put him in here put ricardo right there okay scanning toy accepted wait where'd he go hey tucum cabrones give me back ricardo grab his nuts grab his nose grab his nuts he won't like it grab his nuts [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up hell no hell no wait wait wait run run [ __ ] that what are you doing why are you what are you doing why why why are you so [ __ ] huge run [ __ ] run [ __ ] go go no damn it holy [ __ ] that was scary i was not expecting that that [ __ ] is huge holy [ __ ] okay he's gonna come again but i think that door opens right there okay does that mean that ricardo's gone ricardo ricardo you will be remembered as the greatest elephant bumblebee i've ever seen in my life holy [ __ ] okay run run go through there go through there the one that says do not enter bring ricardo with you run [ __ ] it [ __ ] it is he coming after me i knew that [ __ ] was gonna come out he's so [ __ ] tall he's so tall it's scary is he coming after me oh god what is that what is that oh my god yo the way he came out of the vents was [ __ ] up you can hear him chase i gotta do this again okay [ __ ] this go and then run and then run he's gonna come after you in scary dog oh i see him i see him okay run to the right where it says danger go through here [ __ ] that [ __ ] that don't stop running don't stop don't you stop don't stop run [ __ ] go holy [ __ ] no no in here in here go go go go go go go go go go go go please please no it says stop why does it say stop run run run run run run run run run run correct i see i see light i see the light i see the light i see the light holy [ __ ] in there in there no keep going no [ __ ] he's so scary dude he is so scary man he is so scary coming through those fans oh man okay i'm trying not to be too crazy over this but this is [ __ ] scary dude so run it's the fact that i can't see behind me and the way he crossed through the vents go go go go go go go go go go go go okay okay okay how do you [ __ ] crouch i don't know how you crouch oh you crouch with control i didn't even know that oh i see him i see him i see him wait no no no no this way was it this way this way go go [Music] this way this way this way this way this way this way this way up here up here up here keep going keep going jesus christ jesus christ jesus christ jesus christ go through here go through here ready ready to press control why the [ __ ] do you have to press control press control go in there go in there go this way go this way danger danger danger danger danger stranger danger i'm [ __ ] dead go somewhere please go oh my he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone oh oh oh grab that [ __ ] you're supposed to grab the box i didn't realize you're supposed to grab the box and the way he jumped out of that is insane jesus christ this is this is probably the most intense chase scene of the year right here poppy play time spits really do want to play corelli here hey gotcha [ __ ] can't give me [ __ ] you can't [ __ ] get me [ __ ] you guess you can't yes you can this is intense insane intense intense to the next level mangos ain't got nothing on this fool when it comes to vents this [ __ ] should be part of the next nasty ass fools okay okay okay okay okay okay okay go go straight oh you can't go straight okay that's fine that's fine this man keep going straight keep going straight don't you [ __ ] worry don't you worry don't you worry child go go right this way this way this way this one keep working this way this way this way don't you [ __ ] stop don't you stop not today you don't stop which way which way is it it's this way it's this way it's a replacement hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go relay okay now turn around grab the [ __ ] box grab the box crap grab the box grab the box thank you thank you get his ass [ __ ] you that [ __ ] is dead he's [ __ ] dead oh my god there's no way he's coming back after that i feel like that while i was in vegas [ __ ] up my ankle real bad i know that [ __ ] ain't going to survive oh play the tape over here watching one we got another tape a great tape that's new it's not as colorful as the other ones but i'll take it final log in relation experiment 1006 the prototype coordination and cooperation is evidently within his skill set as well as the skill set of all other experiments of his type though still missing today's events are no doubt in relation to him his absence was a flaw in the scientific process which should have under no circumstances been left unaccounted for that's why i'm making this log so that the same mistake won't be made twice any future experiments will need to be contained and disposed of in a secure location i'm not worried about myself one breakthrough and i'll be back we must forge onwards in the name of science but those who are beneath us understand it or not end of that was him so he's a failed experiment they call him the prototype el puto type that's the type of [ __ ] he is he's the puto type no ricardo [Music] ricardo [Music] ricardo is that you [Music] i can't look at you they turned you into a mexican pinata rest in peace i hope they stuff you with duvalines masapanis palettas de sandia and none other cheap [ __ ] like those little tommy peanut candies one final high five [Music] the [ __ ] is this oh is this where poppy's at well this changed vibes so quick it went from [ __ ] toy factory to dollhouse touch everything put your hands on everything touch that touch that touch that touch that i'm gonna touch that i'm gonna touch that i'm touching this i'm touching that oh especially that right there that doorknob looks touchable oh there's puppy what's up dog hi i did not mean to i thought i was just gonna touch the club sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i was just i shouldn't should have turned around and left should have turned around and left poppy got mad i opened her case [ __ ] that was scary that was insane scary the chase with pluto type down the [ __ ] vents i guess there's gonna be a chapter two hopefully ricardo rests in peace in pinata heaven and i guess in chapter two we'll find out who poppy is great concept i think they could add more gameplay elements using the hands i think just simply using it to transfer power is a cool idea but it needs more i think the hand grabbing needs more we need to be able to interact with more things and move [ __ ] around with the hands or i i think more puzzle elements should involve the hands i've never seen that used before i think it's a really good idea so i can't wait to see what they do with chapter two we'll find out whenever it releases but for now i hope you guys enjoyed poppy playtime thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed the video please leave a like subscribe let your friends know that if they don't watch this video i'm gonna slap them with my new hands across the room and i'll raise it higher than them when they try to answer a question in class i'll be that guy so tell them to come check out the videos thank you for watching and i'm gonna see you next time bye [Music] [Music] i get a lefty grabby and a righty grabby and then i can grabby grabby
Channel: special edd
Views: 5,953,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eddievr, mexican youtuber, horror, funny, meme, babies, funny moments, the boys, scary, poppy playtime, squeal
Id: 9qIF9aUeriM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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