I Spent a Day with Rio Brazil's Most Dangerous Gang

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Brazilian favelas are often referred to worldwide as some of the most dangerous places on Earth that was the original intro that YouTube removed because what I'm about to show you is some of the most undocumented footage of Brazil that the world has ever seen and they keep shutting me down for showing you how many people have you killed today we've gained access one of four gangs that are constantly fighting for power in the Rio de Janeiro region and they're showing us their entire operation we've driven up multiple different alleys in the Favela about 20 30 minutes we've passed multiple different checkpoints uh with with armed guards okay not police officers members of the gang here we have passed uh alleys of bars and restaurants where they're sitting watching the football match okay it's a big football match right now in Brazil uh with AKs in their hands drinking beers and everyone's just chilling and as we've passed with the leader in the front seat of the car okay look this is the car I don't want to show Too Much the leaders in the back this is the car sitting in that front seat and everybody everybody he's walking by is just dabbing him up he's getting out the car saying hi to everybody you know he's the [ __ ] guy can I hold his gun no way okay I'm using using my gun safety um this right here I was told to uh told to move but this right here is the gun of the leader of the Favela got an extended mag on a pistol and he carries two guns at all times which is so wild to me because I walk around in all these places with with no safety and here I am holding an extended mag of of a [ __ ] Favela leader right These Guys these guys trust me enough they trust me enough I could have come in here and I could have killed him I'm holding his gun right now I could have I didn't get I didn't get searched the power of YouTube clout I guess don't don't film back now just front okay so he's behind us right now we're filming up front [Music] can you ask him if he was born here wow that's a view over there is the carnival you know over there oh that's where Carnival happens yeah yeah okay I will I can send it I will I will because this video won't be out for another six minutes there I was asked to send a revision of the footage to approve before I upload it look guys I'm not the BBC I'm not Vice I'm not here to make hit pieces to me all these Adventures are experiences that fascinate me the unknown the unpredictable I document these stories so that you can experience them from all over the world Arab uncut.com we're now at a basketball court and the jungle is okay to film yeah yeah and it's like kind of in the middle of the jungle and these kids are out here playing soccer football wrestling amigo football all right let's play [Music] Gringo gringo come on [Music] [Laughter] yeah [Music] are you a good players my life do you understand English [Music] what's your name oh his name's new one yeah same you ever see a gringo here does a gringo ever come this foreign [Music] [Music] who's the best football player you're Cristiano Ronaldo I'm Cristiano Ronaldo I'm giving the the YouTube to him and he's gonna walk around be the cameraman now tell him tell him tell him you're the YouTuber now [Applause] hello [Laughter] cameraman [Music] who's the best goalie hi [Music] tell him tell him if I hit it in in the goal area and he blocks it I'll give a hundred real and everyone shares it you go buy food [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey one more my zoom but hey different different goalies they say the name of goalkeeper they say the name of goalkeeper nice [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody share I say that money is to go to the market to buy everything yeah come here thank you cousin [Music] blast look at that Sunset and a plane bro this side is insane oh that's crazy that was good vibe that was amazing bro that was no now the kids are off to the market they just disappeared into the jungle stop filming okay okay stop by oh God the kids are cut so I I stopped it I stopped to film this uh this couch and how destroyed it is and the kids ended up coming running through as soon as I started filming and down here there's like a jungle what are these just these are just like unused buildings or people don't stay in them huh it's not it's not too ready to leave on the neck the leader just showed me all his like bullet wounds and such and I I can't sew them because they're they're well they they basically show who he is so uh he's not risking he doesn't want to he's really friendly dude the dude's real friendly you know these are these are in my opinion um and I don't know the history but from what I know of all the places that I've been that are dangerous and such these people I mean this is the leader right and even though he said earlier that he hasn't killed anyone you know we all know that's probably not true right just for legal purposes he will not say it but the point is they're always friendly when I'm playing when I was playing with those kids he's sitting and watching in the back and he's he's loving it he was loving it he's he's well that's how I'm playing with the kids when I was playing with okay how do I word that anyways he was he was loving it you could see like pure joy on his face and uh you know he's got he's gotta lead his it's like he leads his village like that's his duty so I'm not one that comes in here and judges these people I'm just curious and and for me to get to come and film these experiences as much as we've been able to film uh that to me is cool you know like these kids don't look at this guy and think he's dangerous other gangs look at him think he's dangerous and it's no different than than the crime that you would that you would see that's legal that the CIA commits or that those places come in I mean it's all a fight for power and this is just a fight for power and in smaller areas that's how I see it I don't like to come in these people's homes and and judge them and that might be a different perspective than you're used to on the internet but that's how I see the world and when you come in here with open arms they take you in with open arms sure we had to know a few people so they don't think we're like a rival gang all right let's go let's get out of here like I said these are my experiences what I've seen and how I've been treated I do warn you if you are to do something like this be careful I know the risks and I choose to ignore them from there we went to the soccer field where the teams of different favelas under the same gang compete for a ten thousand dollar seasonal tournament put on by the Favela leaders yeah okay the football match just finished we basically walked through and we couldn't film any money because we don't want to leak any trouble but some of the most surreal places I've ever been you're good Bueno you're not in the camera and and we walked we walked past an entire fleet of gang members down there in that area okay AKs they're pimped out like skins that you would see in Call of Duty um truly truly some of the coolest stuff I've ever seen and all these people here look they feel safe bro there's kids playing football this is where they grow up they're all drinking beers and just because there's people roaming around with guns like I said to the locals they're they're the people that keep the streets safe we are so deep in the Favela guys like if we wanted to come here come if we if we even wanted to escape if we did something possible if they didn't [ __ ] with us it's impossible we don't know how to get out and you just can't you can't get up the dudes are under they're actually right under us I'm not going to show them I showed you guys this area but I don't want to show like what's here because down there is like uh well it's the killers you know you could you could tell that they're the Hitman of the of the Favela if they got up and they took a picture with me well he asked me for a picture so he did yeah so pretty cool pretty cool to see you know like this is something they haven't seen before is Gringo coming this deep into the vavela and uh it's good vibes it's good vibes I don't know what else I can really say other than that now if you want you can go in the court okay make some image go in the bar drink some beer and talk to normal people okay and after you can film The against guys and the demands of the section you don't want to be with yeah okay all right so we've got permission to film now on the way back everyone's leaving me and now I'm just I'm the Gringo in the back film and now I feel a little more in danger we got permission to basically film they're all in front of me right now so I'm definitely getting more weird looks you guys will see as we walk by but we are like I said we are with the leader so he said originally don't film on the way in film on the way back because he knows he knows who's here now so we are allowed to film uh again definitely getting some dirty looks as everyone gives the dirty looks they all point to the leader and they you know they're like oh he's with them he's good so you guys can actually see what's all around me now I'm not gonna turn it off I'm just gonna let it sit [Music] [Music] they worship these guys here like that's that's your way out the hood Noma wow [Applause] no Malinda thank you oh you speak English International uh International race I marry you how do you say marry you I don't think it's a good idea [Applause] yeah I got that International race can you ask her if I'm her type does she think I'm hot yes she wants me to take her to Arabia and she wants to go with you come on without a kiss first [Applause] leader was watching from behind the camera and when I walked out he started laughing he said I could have kissed her on the lips he was watching from behind and kind of like wingmanning me which was pretty cool he was he was for sure bro how are you my friend how are you my friend you speak English yes he understands why you speak English so so good yeah why where do you learn movie really you watch a lot of movies yeah oh wow yeah [Applause] [Music] um [Music] there's just no way that just happened foreign [Laughter] what's your name is a nice name everything okay yeah where's the girl he promised me bro I realized my mother and my sister get get one friend from New York to sleep with you you stay here two weeks from New York this is your girl from New York this in USA this is a 10. stay here oh really it's three weeks how old is she what do you rate this girl from New York out of ten this girl one thousand nice he made it a square oh yeah it was good yeah it actually looks really good I swear 45 45 so so nine dollars nine dollars thank you thank you wow okay Vinnie had offered me a wife but she wasn't really she wasn't really my type hi nice to meet you this is far nice to meet you she's beautiful yeah beautiful very beautiful this is your friend my friend okay now we go with him yeah tell him I'm not kissing anyone more out people and it's more close people yeah yeah this girl she's those people oh good that means his wife nice to meet you thank you yeah this guy character for sure but only things with his dick because that was not my type and she was okay okay from there the leader closed down to 24 7 Market that sells illegal product to the citizens of the Favela look guys if I could show you a here I would but YouTube often bans a lot of my content because of nature I document some of the most raw and unfiltered content that exists on YouTube and with that comes a lot of issues truth is I'm a YouTuber who hasn't sold my soul to the devil and YouTube doesn't like that that's why I've created a free website to post all the footage that doesn't make it into the video if you want to see the open market you can go to arabuncut.com to join the movie because whether you like it or not you made it this far into the video which means you're part of the movement let me get a photo with them all right yes too big bro how do you say he's too fat how old are you at what age did you start being involved in crime do you think the media gives you a bad image or do you deserve it is do the people in the Favela feel safe under your control foreign [Music] how does the shift in power happen is that because of an outside Favela coming in trying to invade or is it somebody on the inside trying to take over um when it becomes the war gets aggressive the war becomes big and there's gunshots a lot around here how do the rules of the streets change the kids you know do they need to stay inside the the kids can't play anymore while you were having yeah when other favelas foreign I went into a favela in in Sao Paulo and when I entered they knew I was a stranger and they start texting the gang to come get me and they come and get me and and it's almost like everybody knew this is a stranger so is that a common is that does everybody in the Favela have someone's number to text you know like Stranger in Town uh come see who he is do they try to invade other favelas or they just try to protect their own yeah from the moments we had off camera the guy was kind of becoming a homie so I wanted to get closer to leaning to his personal side do you enjoy this life of chaos or do you wish it could be normal [Music] if there is a kid who is good at football or good at music they tell him no street life for you you need to do this you need to do music you need to do football you're not allowed guns you know you need to get away from this life for what like a children here or yeah somebody growing up a teenager 15 years old okay okay Nintendo [Music] how do you recruit new members or kids and what age is no um so so when it when it when a kid joins what's the process okay what's the process of somebody joining the gang what's their initiation do they have to kill someone do they have to steal something is foreign what really makes you trust the other gang members around you do you have to kill someone together do you have to steal something together because there are many gang members but and you know they're part of the faction but you don't trust them all the same what makes you trust someone to death Leo Dodge museums [Music] Nintendo how many people have you killed foreign [Laughter] how many people have you ordered to be killed no one have you ever had to get rid of someone in your gang because they were traitors APUSH complicated if you listen closely you'll hear a noise that was the leader behind the camera insinuating that if someone betrays them they're dead all the Traders same punishment s for someone who tries to kill you or something small same punishments is foreign why do you do all this what's your end game like what's the goal in the end Nintendo the contributions [Music] do if if someone wants to exit the crime can they if he wants to leave right now Syria conversations so but everybody isn't is in debt to someone here in the Favela that's how it works it's favors right so you can't just quit you can't just leave he's saying yes but you can't actually just leave because everyone owes someone something um foreign [Music] [Music] if I come in and I work for Crime for six months and then I say I don't want to do this no you can do that cool how much money does your faction move just this Favela on a daily basis on a date every day is this a real number is this an exaggerated number for the video yeah do you have kids two two and are they allowed to be in crime magical and you have a wife do you have a wife or you got like five girlfriends on rotation [Laughter] you just call them and they come or off the street yeah do girls in the favelas like to [ __ ] members [Laughter] I'm black how often does he leave the Favela no signs okay so in in a year how many times can he give us can he give us a number that he did last year like four times have you ever been in love yeah yeah how many times yeah nice that's it done hello my friend hello my friend thank you this gun no no let me take a picture don't worry I don't touch that lately three and Rio Rio Corolla all right so we finished everything I just bought the boys all Burgers uh Favela Burger review just to hand off the video if you didn't make it this far thanks for watching make sure to check out the uncut footage on arabuncut.com my website where I upload stuff that YouTube always bans me for but now we gotta try the burger review it's got some potatoes in it some onions ketchup some nice cheese it's well layered that's good that's some good [ __ ] I give it like a no troll 7-2 7-2 thanks for watching subscribe
Channel: Arab
Views: 11,428,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arab, yourfellowarab, brand risk arab, brand risk, irl streamer, travel streamer, arab streamer, twitch streamer arab, irl arab, rio de janeiro, rio brazil, favelas, brazilian gangs, is brazil dangerous, vice brazil, brazilian documentary
Id: j8rsJ7m-EF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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