I spent $1.7B To Mine in 2023 | Hypixel Skyblock

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you might not have noticed it but over the past month I've been saving up for something big today I finally decided to buy all the gear I would ever need to get back into my need because if I'm going to be mastering this game I might as well start one of the fundamentals the mining parts and if I'm gonna be mining I'm gonna be needing the best mining gear in the game starting with Devon armor 97 mil for maxed out jaded boots of Devon [Music] leggings for a hundred and four million coins chest plate and finally the helmet which looks the coolest and is also the cheapest I haven't been mining in the crystal Hollows in so long it's bringing back a lot of memories if you're wondering what I mean by that this is my fourth set of Divan armor throughout Skyblock I've been on and off Mining and I've accumulated 875 million gemstone collection most of this was Jade with a 655 or a gemstone Gauntlet but now comes the era of me mining with a divins drill however before that I needed to buy some drill upgrades okay so the fuel tank perfectly cut is 96 mil and uh with the contacts now I just don't think that's worth it so we're gonna go with the gemstone fuel tank 38 mil not bad this part is going to be the most expensive I got my Amber polished drill engine for like 80 mil but now it's a hundred and forty okay whatever it's 400 mining speed and 100 Fortune rip my coins for just some tiny drill upgrades by the way guys if everybody watching this video just hit one button the Subscribe button we would have YouTube rank so now is your chance to not just listen and tune me out for the Subscribe plug but actually do it thank you [Music] and now that that is all finished we have a pretty maxed out 655 and here is our divot armor here is its permanent place in our wardrobe future will water person here I think the only way to stop me from not selling this mining gear is to put it in the museum so here we go three two one [Music] boom now this mining gear will be forever with me and free Skyblock XP now I know the blue cheese Goblin omelet is a really good thing for a second drill but I don't think I need it right now okay I don't have the divan's drill yet but I'm borrowing a skata right now and I just want to do a quick Jade test and I haven't mined in a very long time the last time I was mining I was doing gold mining and now we have a topaz and let's you know just do some mining like five minutes and then I'm already going to buy a blue cheese there we go I'm gonna need it for like I'll be mining and it's okay for Jaden Ruby I guess so maybe I won't regret it but I probably will let's just put this on our Jasper drill there we go all the blue cheese does is make it so that I get more mining speed during the speed boost which will help during Avi I guess but not for Jade and I think it lasts a tiny bit longer but I'm not sure gonna be very honest Ruby is so painful and I don't even make that much money off it because I'm not efficient so I'm probably just gonna stick to Jade when I get divine's drill or do Obby this might be helpful uh we're gonna buy the thing for the sack to make it three times bigger yes this right here okay enough procrastinating let's just get the divins drill okay we're just gonna do it right now [Music] holy cow I bought a handle for a billion coins but I think this is the second most expensive thing I've ever bought okay the next time I'll see this drill it'll be bass Mythic it'll be so much more expensive oh my God so I kind of just remembered about quick forage so uh we're gonna reset our heart at the mountain again okay now with quick forage how long 20 hours until the divins drill yay guys today is a very big day lash forage oh my God please please please oh [Music] no way oh my God here it is divin's drill okay we'll go through the different stats later but first off just unlock that we gotta you know soup this out of it to the max please okay holy cow two more slots [Music] um just realized I don't have a topaz slot in here that was because you know I was doing I'll be mining Let's test it on that first oh my God I want to see the difference between a difference drill and a 655 so 1 600 speed and 120 fortune and then 1 800 speed and 150 Fortune okay so you pay like 800 900 mL for 200 speed and literally 30 Fortune I mean you do get you know the extra gemstone slots which is nice but this isn't that much of a major upgrade you actually lose five damage too because this has 75 damage and this has 70. oh wait it is divine though so like the stats from the reforge should be a bit better I've wanted this item for so long and now that I finally have it feels a bit anti-climactic so as far as this goes this is pretty much maxed out except for um a perfectly cut fuel tank because it has compact 10 efficiency 10 experience the fortune 4 pristine five maxed out gemstones geez okay so this is the results of a 10 minute Obby session 3.9 million coins so that's around 24 million coins an hour okay I'm gonna do a true one hour obsidian mining test and I'll cut back when it's over [Music] okay one hour is over it actually went by pretty fast so it's not like other mining which is really really boring we have 6235 Enchanted obsidian I actually know a tiny bit more because we have some regular obsidian I can compact okay this is the last sell offer and in total we got in one hour 22.2 million coins I was really inefficient because you know this is my first time doing Avi in a while and I got pretty distracted and that's pretty bad because I am using escape the instead of a golden dragon and this is literally a divan's drill but it's not that bad if you're curious these are my stats for obsidian okay we're gonna do a one hour test of Jade today because my heart of the Mountain Tree I can finally reset I just can't mess this up because you know uh speed boost don't need any of this so we'll just go daily powder efficient Miner and then mining Fortune 2 and Mining speed two so for the Jade setup these are our stats which is so sad we're 130 mining speed away from the next block tick or whatever it's called the only way I could increase my speed is probably some powder but I don't have that much powder and I don't feel like powder mining anyways let's just do this test long term I'm not too worried about missing some powder my friend's been doing commissions for the past couple of years but he's at more gemstone and mytho powder than implodent so if I just do my dailies I should be fine by the way we need a topaz gemstone day seven Lobby I've gotten into like day 12s for some reason so that doesn't make much sense maybe they changed it while I've been away not mining looks like I finally found an empty minds of divin so now I'll do a one hour test let me just feel this up and this should be good to go okay I'm getting better at mining right now I have this soupy tracker which is totally inaccurate most of the times but it's cool to see at least okay so the test is over and from the rates this will either make me extremely happy or extremely sad [Music] okay this is a lot of Jade right here I know at one point it was 26 mil an hour that was my rate but I think I wasn't that efficient the entire time so let's see [Music] 27.8 million coins geez holy cow technically I'll be mining is a lot better like 30 mil an hour because you can level up a golden dragon but this is pretty good not gonna lie or you know some casual Jade I mean it wasn't that casual actually I was sweating but yeah sweet uh I actually just realized I don't even lose that much coins if I just sell this to the NPC let's just do that not bad we're recovering a bit that's all the mining I'm gonna do today I'm gonna be honest an hour straight of Jade pretty painful I don't even know how people can do like hours and hours of mining 27.8 million Quints an hour seems like too much for even me so I decided to do another one hour test okay so this is all compacted up let's see how much money it is we'll sell it to uh the bizarre 23.5 mil not as as good as the 27 mil I got last time probably because I wasn't testing right but yeah foreign
Channel: Willwaterprism
Views: 51,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: maCJ5UvRVB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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