I Spent $1,000 To Become This

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ah i'm dreaming i'm dreaming don't don't touch me when i'm dreaming oh let me wake up and wake up week good morning youtube what's up what's up welcome back to the life of me being a wobbly character i feel like this outfit needs to go because today is a very special day apparently if i get a chef job and i burn a burger i unlock a pet let's see if this is uh actually legit i think i need some slime on my head nah what about a christmas tree is that even a christmas tree um um um um um um um you know i like the christmas tree i think this outfit fits for today i think it's beautiful if you guys remember we recently bought this brand new house and we also got this sick car oh yeah but the problem is is i really want a pet we we we we hold so fast or too fast oh sorry oh i'm flying hello and welcome to wobbly burger yo what up what up what up what up what up what up what's up it's unspeakable all right no one wants to talk to me all right cool yo what up man i want a job so first off we're gonna need a bun we're gonna need a bun right there thank you we're also gonna need a top bun because obviously a burger has two buns duh give me that top bun put the top bun put the bun on the other bun put the bun on the bun there we go perfect we need lettuce we need a tomato we need the patty patty patty patty krabby patty patty patty crabby patrick and we need the cheese can't forget the cheese all right hopefully this all fits in this uh this beautiful machine let's try it ready yeah here we go the boogamatica 2000. all right so the burgers should come out perfectly cooked yeah look at that but we're actually going to send this bad boy through again let me see this i'll put it right there all right now we gotta burn the burger we don't want a medium well burger we want it well done unlocked yeah look at that wait a spider burger what the flip all right oh my gosh this looks this looks very very tasty i think i might get fired if i serve this but uh i think it would be a good opportunity oh no he did not take that burger you know what fine i quit fine see you guys later i got a spider burger out of y'all yo what the heck is this man doing on my car yo chill you left your twelve dollars on the ground bro what the heck what's the news problem i know i didn't park in the right spot but geez louise okay now we're gonna take this beautiful helicopter to the oh my gosh i almost got decapitated we're gonna take this beautiful helicopter through the pet store and pick up our new spider burger pet but don't worry guys there's a lot more pets where this comes from i got some other ones that we can unlock what's going on down there that looks fun i want to join not really just kidding all right let's go ahead and land in the parking lot don't mind if i do sorry sorry i know this is a little bit extreme oh what the flip okay okay i guess i don't know how to land a helicopter excuse me sir do you mind if i borrow this okay okay thanks spider burger spider burger does whatever a spider burger does oh it's a thousand dollars what the flip okay fine i guess i will buy this 1 000 burger spider and i'm gonna name him uh what what should i name him what should i name him i'm gonna name him dog zilla no that's that's lame that's lame i'm gonna name him market no i can't do that i can't do that to margaret you know what i'm gonna name him dave what color do we want dave to be oh my gosh i can change the color dude that's so weird what the heck what should he be should he be red should it be green should he be yellow yellow whoa what the flip is this i feel like you should be the normal color of a burger that is not the normal color of a burger you know what fine he's gonna be blue all right let's buy this uh pets here we go oh my gosh i got oh my gosh it's down oh it's so flipping creepy bro oh whoa he opens doors too yeah can you make money what up dave you want to go rob a bank i'm just i mean i mean uh you want to go um uh uh yeah what is that what i said interact with peck america what up dave what up what up bro oh my gosh he loves me oh he's dancing tick tock dancing what the [ __ ] you're weird bro okay can you hop in the car with me oh my gosh he gets in the car with me oh kinda kinda he's just trying to follow oh oh he's flipping fast oh he's like a track star you're a runner you're a track star no he's straight up so quick bro i'm going like 40 miles an hour oh my gosh dude this thing is so flipping creepy all right we're gonna go unlock another pet right now and hopefully this pet will be um a little bit better than the other than the other one we'll see our next job is here at the toxic waste center excuse me thank you all right there's dave the spider i this dude oh my gosh you're so creepy look bro i'm going in for a job interview so i'm gonna just need you to chill out okay hello sir how's it going okay so basically what i have to do is i have to catch all these barrels load them into the truck and then you'll see what i have to do after it's honestly a little bit crazy but this is the truck right here so let's go ahead and open the back of this dave i'm gonna need you to stand up this is toxic waste okay oh you love me still you weirdo okay come here so i need to get five of these can't be that hard honestly all right there's two oh oh my gosh okay i guess they can't fall over or they literally explode okay there's uh three i also want to mention that i have tried this job before and it didn't go so well because they kept exploding so hopefully i can get it right this time and there's four and oh no that one's about to explode all right and then five okay so that should be five there we go all right dave hop in the back there i press this button and open this door there we go all right so we got five barrels we gotta go drop them off but we're not just dropping them off to anyone oh my gosh oh my gosh who flipping parked here that was me i'm sorry all right so i gotta go drive down to this thing whatever the heck this is oh my gosh this is i remember doing this job it was so terrible i failed so many times but we're gonna get it right this time what the heck is this dude doing excuse me we're gonna do this job right we got two minutes and 50 seconds to do this job we flipping got this we got this boys this is easy piece of cake where's the road there it is there it is i see it come on dave let's go we don't got all day i'm just trying my best to not drive into the flippin ocean right now i think that's my biggest goal oh my gosh why is this road so long bruh the problem is if i drop these barrels they literally explode and i have to go all the way back and get a new one so let's try not to do that all right here we go yes yes yes yes yes here we go okay so we gotta feed the barrels to this monster uh dave you wanna help me grab some barrels all right this is barrel number one hello sir how's it going you can take that yeah enjoy that one this is the weirdest thing i've ever done all day apparently if we do this we unlock some pet though so let's see there we go oh let's flip and go boys oh no oh no oh no oh no pick it up pick it up pick it up before it explodes oh my gosh that was a close flipping call boys this dude's really hungry huh here you go take that one there you go good boy good boy one more let's go 49 out of 50. let's flip and go you guys can see that i've done this job many times to get this unlocked you have to deliver a total of 50 barrels all right let's see if i unlock it eat that last one yes we unlocked the monster bet oh let's flip and go i'm going to buy that boy right now hopefully it's not a thousand dollars or i'm gonna cry because i don't have a thousand dollars dave is a very weird creature i'm surprised he can catch up with me his legs must be so tired look at that little dude i'm sorry dave i definitely went the longest way i'm very sorry we believe they're very soon oh my gosh oh my gosh that's a tree what the flip is that oh my gosh oh my gosh no oh my gosh how's dave still here oh it's a campsite that looks peaceful it's good it's good to me all right here we are at the pet store again oh my wow that was a nice drift uh let's see what we unlocked um i don't know where it is oh is it outside i see it i see it oh my gosh here it is here it is what that gets this thing from oh it's twelve hundred dollars okay well unfortunately i cannot afford this dude right now because i only have 500 bucks but this is what he looks like he's absolutely beautiful maybe when i get 1200 bucks i'll come back and buy this dude or i'll buy monster truck i think a monster truck is kind of cooler honestly now for my last trick in the book i'm going to attempt something that it's gonna take a while but i'm gonna get it done before this video ends and it's so gonna be worth it apparently there are seven hidden buttons around this entire map that unlocks something crazy and we need to find all seven of them and i have an idea of where some of them are but it might be kind of hard apparently one of the first buttons is over here on this dock i think secret button secret button where are you i will find you and when i do find you i will press you oh my gosh i flip and see it boys it's right there they press it i got it i think i pressed it you see it it's underwater oh my gosh i died okay i pressed one secret button now we gotta find another one there's another hidden button somewhere in the subway so i need to find the entrance of the subway and i think there's actually one right in front of us wow perfect timing let's try to land this boy and not explode this time please i would like to use this again there we go absolutely beautiful all right so if we hop in here there should be a secret button i low-key have never been down here to be honest with toilets ah let's go the other way i'm looking for a secret button somewhere in here do i need to hop in the subway maybe i do maybe i need a ride in the subway actually you know what can i hop out can i hop out no okay flip all right well i'm stuck in here now okay thank you for the ride i really appreciate it you know if i was a secret button i feel like i would be somewhere in here like on the tracks you know oh my gosh bro you know how long this subway is it goes across the entire city this is gonna be such a long walk but we gotta find these seven buttons bro if y'all look at the mini map we're actually under a street right now um all right i need to find this button bro i feel like it's not gonna be in the open like i feel like it has to be on like why would you put it in the open it has to be on one of these tracks dude or like on one of these walls i'm just gonna walk through this entire subway system until i find this button oh bro this prize better be worth it yo wait is that it i see something on the wall right there you guys see that no flipping way is that it oh my gosh let's go let's go yeah buddy let me hop on sir thank you thank you for the ride oh my gosh this next button is right next to us it's under this bridge over here it should be under this oh not this bridge it was a little little farther back oh flip oh i'm so i'm done i'm done i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine let's see bro i'm on my way i'm on a mission okay so apparently it is under here somewhere oh my gosh oh i see it i see it oh my gosh it's literally right there let's go let's go so what is that three buttons now there's seven of them so we got four more these next two buttons we really need a helicopter otherwise it's gonna take like years to get there up helicopter how's it going is it going good hello this next button i know it's on the other side of this mountain and it's kind of next to a zip line and it's on a tree so we need to find a zip line that is on the other side of this giant hill uh hopefully this won't be too hard to find because there's literally so many trees over here bro i actually see a zip line right in front of us because i was told it was near a zip line let's actually try landing at this zip line right here and not explode the helicopter because i actually need it to get to the other button thank you okay so let's look around some of these trees hello mystery button where are you are you on one of these trees oh there it is oh my gosh wait that was so much easier than i thought oh my gosh let's go boys we're a champion champion alright so this next button is on the other side of the map and it is near the temple so we gotta fly all the way to the other side of the map i believe it was somewhere over here because it said it was on the right side of the island so we're just gonna check in a bunch of these see if i can land this puppy without losing it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh let's flip and go okay so it was in one of these houses i think or somewhere around this area on these paths so we just see a look bro if it's in here i swear okay okay so it's not the first one i was about to be like if it's in the first house i check you guys have to leave a like on this video let's check this one over here nothing in this one what about this one across from me this one looks kind of special i'm just kidding it looks like all the others anything in here no okay okay i have no idea where this thing is hello mr button oh would you look at that excuse me mr boxes i have found a button yes okay now this there's a couple more so there's one more button near the treasure shop on a building let's go have a little bit of a look shall we first off where is the treasure shop i believe it's oh it's this building right here okay so we are right behind the treasure shop so this button has to be on one of these buildings that is right behind us well it's one of these i don't know which one i'm just looking for a button button button button where are you button button button please show yourself mr button where are you let me check the back side of this building actually can i just land on this roof okay okay okay okay okay okay i'm hopping out i'm hopping out oh my gosh so let's check the back side of this building let me hop down right here okay oh my gosh it's under me oh my gosh let's flip it oh what is that oh wait did i unlock the private island that should be where the final button is there is a private island that erupts and i believe the final seventh button is on there if i'm correct i'm not a hundred percent sure but that's where it should be oh my gosh let's flip and go boys so we need to find this private island that is somewhere in front of the jet ski dock that is apparently where it has erupted so let's go check it out hello house goodbye house excuse me all right so let's go ahead and hop out here and let's grab one of these jet skis and see if there's an island somewhere out there there should be what the flip dude why am i so bad at driving these oh my gosh i think i see something in the distance you guys see that little cloud in front of us is that it yo this is it this is it oh my gosh we flippin did it boys we flippin did it this is the final button well what did we just unlock oh it's a giant flipping yo chill what the heck i unlocked the dancing crab is that actually what you unlock is are you for real i found seven secret buttons is this like a meme what the heck is this i just spent the last 40 minutes finding these buttons and this is what i get a giant dancing crap does he just dance forever i hope he dances forever well guys i guess that's gonna wrap up this video hopefully you guys have enjoyed if you want to see more wobbly life videos and wobbly life secrets let me know by leaving a like on this video and click that subscribe button until then i'll see you guys next time peace oh my gosh i think it's huge [Music]
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 21,655,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, Wobbly life, Wobbly life secret, wobbly life funny, wobbly life hidden, wobbly life hack, wobbly life money, Wobbly Life Update
Id: igCNPDbGF_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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