I Spent 10 Hours Upgrading a Subscribers FC 24 Account

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in FC 24 I love upgrading subscribers teams I love packing them icons I adore getting them as many wins in the weekend league so that's why today we're traveling to norfol to improve Michael's team the best player he's ever packed was Johan C's icon card in FIFA 21 today I'm going to attemp though to improve his team in the biggest way possible for cheap and fast reliable fc24 coins check out MMO exp the link is down below and use the code Matt HD to get 5% off all of your orders now a want to complete weeka league with 16 wins on his account which is so hard to do by the way I also want to have seven icons in his team by the end of the video and finally hack at least 197 red player from weekend League let's begin the 10hour subscriber Road to Glory welcome to Michael's Squad here guys it's a bit of a old Squad here that he has left his account for a few months here during team of the season and he's got goal players here he's got summer he's got death Cody gako 92 dinal mallister interestingly though he got this guy who is honestly incredible I forgot how good he is and that is obviously Tori there who's 6'9 so interesting Squad I like how he's got some Evolution Cards however we want to build him the best great of the game and P the glory promo team here possible in only 10 hours the time begins now I think we jump into some like 85 Plus 5 here from the GetGo okay first thing we done man is submitting 85 + 5 got to do it they'll both go into this big SBC maybe we can get a nice icon from this let's get it man here we go first pack we get an icon come on no way Mo Salah and then also an icon the very first pack no matter what this is an upgrade guys who we got first pack of the day guys oh there's just no way what an upgrade to his account man 95 zetti oh this is lovely that's so nice how much is he 200,000 coins go straight into the team obviously we can send Salah into an exchange as well this is wonderful interestingly guys death is actually tradeable I think we send death probably into an SBC guys obviously his n goes right back now and then Sal if we want to but we're going to put him in the exchange guys we got to okay so straight away we're going to start this massive grind here guys what is this massive grind you ask me we got to start the 160 pack grind here which is this one so it is the completionist objective you get all these packs you get so many massive F packs and obviously he can do this without spending any coins guys it is wonderful okay 85 + 5 guys we got an icon the first one we might be able to get another icon this one I'm just saying here we go though can we get back to back icons no not on this one however we do get probably kimich yeah it is please be double I could do we're doing one more we can do another one guys this is going to be 89 Reon I'll take an exchange player we get Bernardo Silva as well what else do we get the most fod pack you've ever seen in your life here we go again then so straight from the Geto guys I've been able to upgrade his account here with 385 plus 5S this one I'm hoping for an icon that's what we need here we got an icon yes we do we get one again hold on that is I'll be leowski yes levandowski how perfect a start is this guys who is this going to be I reckon David trees who will it be David trees oh it's a really good one des and Zanetti improving his team so quickly here guys honestly what a start he's 150k man good card and we get both ha and leowski there which is kind of rare I think we probably send Bobby Moore into an exchange get more rares low rares and go from there look at the upgrade though so already we've got desie and now's Nessie this is what I'm saying guys I love upgraded your account because of this reason this is going really really well bang first one of 160 here chat we go again this might be like the fourth account we've done this week of these upgrades we'll see how quickly we can get them done this is the menu ground right now guys this this is how you do the unlimited pack method it's amazing no coins spent here 10 done already that is the quickest of than 10 so we'll see how we do right live we do get the is it player pick guys yeah it is bang orange and D Reser bro go on well yep uh that went great oh man that was horrendous I think it might be right good packing oh icon no way no way that's amazing first 77 plus 5 we get an icon oh this is absurd guys Carlos pool this might be the best start to a new road to glory in months oh oh this is amazing 77 plus fives and we're getting caros po that's brilliant how much is he he is 89k his defense already is full of icons we're only 24 minutes in we've got three icons here guys and that was like the worst pack we've opened first one by the way I'll put po right back for now yeah thank you I've got to keep him there right I think we'll send then an 84+ 10 guys I think we can now well here we go guys we might get another icon here why not big one no icon I pr five is five just saying sent to me Barcelona oh no bro yeah can see it's much better head milal a bunch of 86s guys not ideal in the slightest talk about a big way of upgrading um the team guys look at this man we've got off to an absolutely ridiculous start here I think we jump into the player pick as well here we go though great to the game hero I knew it I absolutely knew it he is actually really good in game I'm not even kidding he got me 18 wins guys he helped me massively not the one you want is it but he does improve the team and I said before guys 18 wins got me ranked two in weekend league so he does actually work in the team look at this look at the upgrades already we've got four great the game plays and loads of options here to improve the team again so I think honestly we do another 84 plus 10 guys 51 player pack hero oh here we go oh that is perfect he will work in the team for now but I can't help a think that do we actually use him in exchanges we have got gakpo already I think we go into the exchange with him we now get all these packs Bro Look at that a3+ 5 here we go you never know oh my days that's a huge upgrade I needed a right winger as well oh that is good that is very very good guys from literally just like chilling on the game doing these wonderful right guys huge player pick out of absolutely nowhere to get someone crazy we might get someone mad here guys this is a very fun player pick three two one please on this road to glory and we do o xia Nez looks pretty good hold on I think we go for Center mid I think xia Nez could be our guy okaf 4 is cool as well I think we'll get a better Striker we'll probably get a great the game Icon I think xia nees I'm going to go xia Nez cool card man that's a cool card to be honest he goes straight in the team guys I think he'll play I think he'll play really well I think he would play oh he's tradeable I think he replaces what mallister there guys X nees got him in the squad why not so already got four greater game players we got Francy McManaman as well this team is really quickly upgrading here guys look at that bang 1 2 3 four five six players upgraded in the first hour it's not even one hour yet big one go one icon yes yes bro I will take it we haven't got him that's okay that's absolutely fine we want icons we get another one we're upgrading his account guys in such a fast way here we'll take it I told you we getting the righton or two he is good in game he's really cheap but he's really good in game he's absolutely massive look at the upgrade though guys four icons so far packed and a hero and alsoo Fran collie and Camp so seven packs so far guys is wonderful and I think I would say that this game has been a strange one to make content on like finally we're in a good Rhythm now with rtgs and other things but it's been a weird one it's been very up and down but like finally now we're finally really seeing some cool um feedback on the new road to glories and they're going on trending page and like it's really cool man and that's what motivates me like just seeing more and more I guess great feedback the um your guys support is incredible Matt can you give me a sub please if we get an icon right now yes as we on now though no I wanted an icon right yes it's Ruben Diaz Reuben Diaz oh huh well the more you know guys that is a very rare player who you never pack in this game honestly the cool thing is that we're now way more than halfway guys let's get it what you reckon how many players would they give us for 90 Exchange icon yes guys French don't you dare be T and re don't you dare be T and re come on come on bro who's this David TR G we called it in a very good way what a bro and he works for the French cup doesn't he guys so why not get him in the squad I think we'll get him in the team so gakpo obviously you know fun card I might put gakpo there there we go he's actually really good in gaming now now You' got a striker for the French cup exactly is it tough guys is it swey let me know please be unbelievable [Music] [Music] I think we'll just jump into this guys we got the SBC ready as well favorites here we go so 59 left there chat not many left we did say we get was it two icon from all this grind we have got R cards before from an exchange so I think we'll get another one keep this three going though I think you should normally pack at least one icon from 167 7 plus 5es I've got at least one has anyone got like two or three from the these on your on your account guys from the seven 7 plus 5 packs anyone got one we don't know ourselves we were getting more clarity hero Portuguese there we go we get one guys I knew we' get one didn't think be R cost though we do get a cheeky Costa guys 93 rated hero man whether he starts we'll see but either way good pack would you put Aguero top 10 or like top five Strikers in premier league history you've got to go onry in no order onry number one though Rooney's up there drog B Lis Suarez for me is probably top three top five probably top five Van Percy Shar I think HRI then Sher ore ore number two Ronaldo as well hero this might be double uh no it's Kevin De bruy wow that's a really good pack that's a really good pack here guys oh what a pack staming mman we've already got him that works out well guys that's a very very good pack right should be done bang we get Lea Martins there guys 95 rating what a card that's a great upgrade so she goes in Michael's upgraded Team guys we are upgrading a subscribers Road to Glory today account do com on the stream if you want your team upgrading by the way 95 Martins great card five star five star that's fun man that's a really fun card this is all literally though from just getting exchanged and an obviously the upgrade grind so this is the team guys he start started out with gold rares a summering goal we now got campost our back in team as well look at these upgrades guys gakpo can go there on the bench we've got Tor Center back I love these upgrades uh left wing is going to be Martin down look at that upgrade guys look at this WOW we've only spent what 2 hours and 35 36 minutes guys as well I think we now need a cameo to replace in kungu there we go chat absolutely gigantic packs on the way that has been an absolutely ridiculous grind by the way has be said guys what a grind that means oh now we can do this CH look at this bang got it ridiculous what a pack so we have got one icon from all this grind from the 77 plus packs it was po would not mind another player though we got zetti very early on as well guys there you go guys big player on the RTG bang we get bini guys 90 I think 95 absolutely insane card she's so wonderful guys in this game like look at these stats look at these stats guys we're not messing around and look at that what a card finess shot plus she's left foot is left footed high high work rate right foot sorry unbelievable card she goes straight in the team guys now we can upgrade the team guys in a very big way there you go right center mid spot I believe is free it is Vini guys go straight in the team oh wow 94 rated Team guys already this is going so well man well we had a subscribe on the stream today you got like 6K oh walk out oh my d straight into the exchange guys surely if only it was a double book seriously amazing pack that so we get lucky there we need one more icon of Hero guys number two a 10 plus 4 surely promo yes icon I've got Campos again but an icon guys icon on hero who is the icon chabby Alonzo 95 oh this is great guys a double we might get a triple promo play here man this is a great card though no matter what really good card oh what a pack that is for exchanges look at this that's a great pack guys 150k chabby Lonzo and Campos in the same pack go on so we got three 51 packs there guys I mean that's to be honest Campos I feel like should definitely go into this I do want to do an icon player pick guys it's a bunch of fun right the ratings there chat do we do our first team we player pick I'd rather saveing kungu for now cuz I haven't got a cam yet I'm going to do an inform player pick yeah that one's done mango can go I'm not going to use him again oh man you don't want to see that guys no man oh no that's a proper stinker that's terrible Paro and chah holu that a massive L every position now is been upgraded guys just realized every single position now and we're only what three and a half hours in here has been upgraded he had a 90 rated Squad at the beginning of the video this team is looking really cool guys with had gold rares in this we had 9084 summer we had like I think it was was it gold 82 right winger this upgrades mad and we can still get way better pack here can't we the next day morning guys morning morning on hopefully the day that England win against switon guys let's be honest we need that win yeah I saw the Portal game guys it was a bit crazy wasn't it it really really was oh apparently these might be good guys is it the 80 plus 3s are they good at the same time wait what oh no not found Oh my days I've never had this guys right uh oh no I never ever had this guys why would they do this to us guys on this rcg why would they do it to us BR this is the first time guys have ever had this glitch by the way this is really strange how do you actually fix this then do you have to reinstall the game no I can't no me like hours yeah so I'm still SBC banned are you joking I'm SBC banned I've also got the not found glitch what is happening here guys here we go we pass the glory yes we do get one Brazil goalkeeper this could be good Edison 88 guys oh matius Nunes could he start in the team the thing is I've I think I've got a ton of Center mids already what reckon to play here guys he's 72,000 coins is that probably because they're out of the Euros right I'm going to go for it this is a risk it's an icon player pick are we sending it have sent it bro here we go Coman is great that's a really good pack two Shrine tigers and one is bizarre that's actually really good guys K 95 can actually start now weigh 500,000 coins it was worth submitting Cody gako for Coman guys look at that what a great trade offer right no is the main answer there guys okay everyone wrong 83 Cody gako love that number two for D Resa my man pleas oh I am so not sorry talk about a per I can't even bro can we yeah he's pth the glory look at this guys they've literally broken my game guys you're all losing points I think chat you got to believe in our pack look this is why you do player picks instead 1080 80 plus three packs not a single player of 84 two player picks and we get 90 unreal number six oh my days imagine oh what why did we do the 80 plus 3es look at this bro walk out again yeah these the ones guys we'll never doing those other packs again right got him I Cas see us on the 10hour road to glory CH here we go what upgrade that is 95 icon bro absolutely stunning guys that is insane isn't it great new upgrade for his account 95 rating man Campos can now go apparently he's really good as well right chat good against champy guys we are in playoffs now 10 games to do I'll see how we do we got a Campos to remove though so we need these players sent as well guys here we go come on look at these menus chat honestly so slow bro big upgrade wall why not apply some contracts why not guys get him in there man 62 guys GG's there you know that's a really good win right four goals down for trees guys we go to I think 4-0 now in the playoffs good start here chat very good start sure there we go imag 11 n vers guys and rage quitting hate to be this guy in this game right G though Five and0 Guys in play see how we do GG's very good play you know I know say it's 111 he was he was the best player we played heading himself there guys right GG's man five goals extra Time Unreal that means we're not no time playoffs right let's go guys please do well please be terrible at this game with nine and0 guys he's got a great team Oh my days really EA Bobby Charlton as well right no easy games here guys got it oh tough game this one very very tough game no all because it wouldn't switch L1 I don't deserve that man of defended amazing did not deserve that guys right let's go yeah good goal no way you're about to quit mate no way man this game deserves to go the distance guys can we go to 10 though I am so locked in great defending man let's go bro hey three minutes to go we complete playoffs to the clutch timing oh brings a tear to my eye how can we loveo play this game let me know we just stay calm don't we really great play man I've G 10 and0 guys but chams playoffs done 10 and zero man this team has been amazing the next day morning how about the England game guys wow wow wow wow oh the hair is going crazy Uruguay beat Brazil oh is it penalties oh wow cheeky penalties isn't it yeah fair play see Uruguay we're going to get some nice upgrades right 40 on P well then guys I think we've got some new decent play picks we that one is tragic but this one is that good is this one good guys please be good is that team of the week as well 84s should have enough here hopefully um yeah we do right that should be fine right that's done finally team the we play Pick guys for a big 84 plus 10 pack to now be completed chat let's go how about turkey lose now I thought they had that in the back guys and then Netherlands just 10 upper level I thought gakpo was great go on 87 Raina these look like UFL cards by the way well either way though 84 + 10 guys is more than ready here chat bang is it worth it guys 85 rated Squad what have we just done what have I done guys oh no Sandra Panos we've all been there 87 Panos hegerberg saves it for player picks to be fair guys that might be okay for player picks right this is the big one though it's got to be a promo card oh my days as if this just happened what is this guys what what seriously really we're really getting marinos guys um well that's great uh if we get 8 Paradise as well so I'm thinking straight away those exch those players directon go into exchanges guys I think we might do you know 19 player o path to Glory English a walk out it is Tren and a path to Glory guys oh this is great what a pack oh isn't he getting an upgrade this morning guys I think he might be but either way that's a really good pack double walk out for a 19 player pack man right guys well they're open let's go we can put them back into exchange we are trying to build the best team possible but now obviously it is time for the big one cheeky weekend League guys how are we going to do it 0 and zero 20 games to go we' love some easy matchmaking here guys today we have got this team right now these tactics have been really lovely 10 and0 playoffs guys 80 wins on the last Road to Glory with these new 4321 tactics we're ready bro still going guys still going great pass Tessie right lovely um you know what that was actually a really nice win CH I'll be honest that was a very very nice win we might add the scoreb back on it solid solid win guys we're one and zero chat that was a very lose bow game um we'll take that players were clinical McMan was nice we got 18 with these tactics and the last one but it's not easy guys yeah exactly Just sh one do well right 4 3 2 1 man oh free win let's go guys let's go chat he's made my day free win second game on free win guys thank you so much man to Kieran madad 69 thank you so much mate what a guy chat r pen let's go oh is that rage qu me go on yeah let's go guys right cool started chat a long way to go obviously 3 and0 any good plls today um no mad ones got a few like two or three I think two promo cards no way guys no way may two free wins what's going on two free wins guys we Advanced to four and zero I've got two free wins man what a header oh what a header bro need the whistle oh come on let's [Music] go heate mate have you guys seen what's happened there chat four times got the ball back and then okay keep on right go right back at him yes guys what a goal come on man come on bro Rah she to come out right now come on for God's sake look at the time guys unbelievable I just couldn't stop that [Music] M stop it St so annoyed bro turn your game but still so annoyed couldn't get a touch and last attack could I head's gone guys got to reset we played we played go to my controller right can we do it bro can we go and do it guys penalties guys come on PO The Vibes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was an amazing penalty shootout he was a great player guys he deserved to come back in the game you know oh that was that was that was that was a sweatfest man I can't believe it won that game I'll be honest he was clutch I was clutch yeah fair play no idea how I'm five and five and zero chat but here we are guys that that was insanely nerve-wracking as well we kept calm though we kept it calm guys great great win can't believe was in clutch I can't believe it guys can't believe it easy easy goals I've messed it up I deserve it that's so frustrating oh my God I got back in the game as well 41 down it's all my fault guys I'm so sorry chat that's so annoying first loss and I should have easily equalized there not unfair guys it really is unfair I should have scored can't believe that bro normally ice in the veins guys but not there I know but that's so triggering we just didn't get that win sorry equalize equalizer at least go back in a great in a really tough game that's the positive thing right bring on the right comments guys embarrassing not as embarrassing as your weak and Lead record mate oh let's go I did not feel like I played great there but we Som got the win L's 95 now guys Jesus he read me there damn okay got really lucky let's go be have you seen this guys this lag going to pause it guys I need to pause it yes guys the laggiest connection I've ever had clutch man now we can calm it four 14 and one chat with the um subscriber account here for Michael unbelievable go man great goal so hard guys I don't know how I'm doing this but here we are I've done it I've absolutely done it I am so not sorry he was a really good player as well oh my days I've done it guys 16 wins with the new tactics as well I'll give him a GG he was a great player I can't wait for this response though this is going to be terrible 20 minutes left I was an absolute rat HD guys how right I just want to see guys how good is he oh bro hold on oh I've got to take it I'm taking it guys I'm sorry I've got to do it what a guy 17 wins chat let's go let's go man look at this record chat let's get it it's free man why not we both wanted to give away a free win but I guess we are luy that the kickoff amazing rewards on the way now guys could be a very strong finish here to this RTG this is amazing number four Al like we might get someone Good 87 me I need big players here right number five bang 86 Trent 84 plus is 86 pjo guys okay here's the big ones then one or two for Ronaldo or mbappe very very good player picks here number one oh Harry Kane helps Harry Kane definitely helps guys please be Ronaldo please 17 wins for this are you kidding me what right dein and Kane will work but that's not what he want guys R you there for right back why not I know they were really harsh that makes you just not want to play for Champs again doesn't it guys I mean let's be honest we might genuinely not have a Mad Card for path of Glory in this final team I'm nervous this now tradable Golds again oh man this is brutal uh be Kim this is ridiculous guys I'm not looking forward to team of the season pack 94 plus times three my days where are these cards chat where are the cards from the new promo cuz I don't know where they are well it's all down to this pack then guys and then see if we can complete rare coost big one got to get some kind of pack look here Scottish oh no it's a really bad start Ferguson's one he don't want come on motivate me a motivate me bro be mbappe Ronaldo Le oh he does save it right I think Leo saved it guys Leo and Harry Kane and of course deia rapael Le has probably saved those rewards now the good thing is I think we can now go and complete veor bro here we go I've got him V veor he is an absolute joke on this game quite genuinely the craziest card I've come up against in weekend League a long time he's too good guys isn't he I think we can all agree in this one well it's time guys 10 hours upgrading a subscribers account comment down below to have a chance of being the next subscriber with your team to be upgraded guys we got 17 wins here on Michael's account an unbelievable record three free wins we take it so in goal we're going to go with Ika Casas we have now got the actual cards back now the glitch I've got is mad in game right now Caris po was amazing Guys these tactics are nothing short of Sensational 43 21 has been outstanding 95 is actually going to be lukim there lukumi sorry from um I believe Colombia playing very well in the C America guys four star sorry four play Styles in his card he gets in the final Squad left Center back is going to be Ronald keman I'm going to go with Coman he scored a few bangers for me as well was a really really good card I love his card in game now left back for the team has to be a great great of the game Icon Javier zenetti now will this team be 95 rating like we said at the intro was the challenge can we do it right center mid is going to be um so hard to choose it but I'm going to go with Xiao NES he was an absolute baller at the heart of this team with was incredible even against rank one rank two players that we did beat on occasion he gets there left Center M guys for the squad it's going to be chabby Alonzo though scored some mad goals and six goals for him when he's like a CDM really in game great great card left wing though for the team it can only be one player man has to be Martins she was Unreal look at the goal and assist ratio guys compared to games there she is the real deal on this game right wing at this squad is going to be Steve McManaman might be a surprised but he makes sense to the team works well for chemistry and should help towards 33 stars in game now to complete this team guys we are going with two insane Strikers right now and only 10 hours this team is unreal it's got to be though hasn't it w course the most broken card in the entire game right now it's not even close 99 finishing fourstar five star aerial plus he really is the most broken card in the game right now there's no one that comes close to his ability now we could go Leo I could go David Tres who was incredible guys as well but we are going to go for of course Harry Kane who might help bring football home guys in the Euros here with England and there it is 95 rated Squad Steve McMan poo Lumi there Coman van van sorry Casas zetti Alonzo Martins Kane Vost and xia NZ however the bench has got some good players as well we've got a benini was incredible for me Leo Des rard as well we've also got uh David Tres and then a few more obviously cards as well but yeah guys absolutely brilliant video to make thisday it's been unreal it's still N5 rated team with the bench as well what a team this has been honestly please leave like guys these seem to go go down really well at the moment if you want your teams graded by myself as well let me know have a very special day subscribe for more of these videos as well if you're seeing these on your homepage you know feel free to check out the channel have a special day and see you guys on the next big Road to Glory
Channel: MattHDGamer
Views: 140,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eafc 24, rtg, greats of the gamer, 10 hour rtg, gotg pack opening, 24 hour rtg, 15 hour rtg, 10 hours on ea fc 24, fc 24 rtg, 1 Day tots rtg, 24 hours on ea fc 24, 24 hour fc 24 rtg, tots rtg, 1 Day on EA FC 24, 24 Hours on EA FC 24, 4 Day RTG, ea fc 24 24 hours, can i beat fc 24, 7 Days rtg, 7 Days ea fc 24 rtg, Best Team in eafc24, best team in EAFC 24, fifa 24 rtg, 1 day on ea fc 24, ea fc 24, ea fc 24 ultimate team, ultimate team, fifa, path to glory
Id: XdlVAWYn6k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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