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hi guys welcome to another video about myself B7 where today we are upgrading a subscribers team during the path to Glory Knockouts guys feel free to leave a comment as it could feature on the screen right now feel free to uh leave a like r as what it goes along without even realizing does help the videos immensely and subscribe guys as we do read every comment H every comment and respond to some as well and today we are doing is's team which is way behind the curve and if you guys ever want a chance check out my twitch stream link is down below in the chat um but it should be good you felt Knockouts in my bones well that's what it is guys and thank you very much for all the support on these videos it goes down immensely on the channel and thank cat thank you guys enough for getting involved and hopefully you are enjoying the content that we are giving so with that D Vaper thaner 23 let's get and in and show you around what's happened here so we have had a vote on Twitch and it was between three people Isa Liverpool and mo I think it was and Isa has won now this is the path to Glory The Knockouts this is what we got a chance to get into his team with that um I've also politely asked him guys to get rid of uh some fodder in his Club to get some team the week packs but let me show you the team that he is rocking with the Kickstart and let's basically dissect it guys because that is quite far behind so we're going to get rid of um s we're going to get rid of yashim we're going to get rid of anunu we're going to get rid of churchy we're gonna get rid of Bobby Charon but Bobby Charlton might come back because he is quite a high rated icon uh immobile a can go uh Schneider can go as well scen can go and so can Cole and cola and that is what we're left with guys potentially Evo yashim but I don't think it's worth it for the coins anyway so that's a team and that's the bench you can see that guys very basic stuff and then with the uh the club it's not looking the best of places is it so you don't want much I reckon we can get a new team for him Z zambot is the only one which stays game wise he has played 303 well nearly 700 800 games so that's uh the uh the record for you guys which are first and what else do I usually show you guys that's it zero FC points and uh 2,800 coins so with that guys let's do some magic and then give him the FC points and then show you what SP C's we're aiming to do today guys the Magic's been done the FC points have been added and just to point out guys it is very mcrafty today that is purely because it's share play we don't go on anyone's account but hopefully you guys can work out what's going on so SBC wise this is what's been ticked off guys we got Clarence s off which he already ticked off we got Casas who I want to get for him for a goalkeeper whilst weos benini and that's basic and there's some more as well he just popped up uh 84 times 10 to risk it in the packs and crafting he's doing and that's doing guys this we going to have to start this in now guys it's rough it's absolutely rough right we're back guys we've seen everything we're going to do we're going to do uh start with packs guys and see what we got there so we got 40,000 to spend we're looking to get a a whole new team basically um and we'll start off with there's a Knockouts Nano pack let's see what's in here guys it's 100 FC points oh he gets one that's not bad either because they've made it to the semi-final of copper he's got Toronto Center mid 94 rated as well him still doesn't look like a player which you'd want to use but it is aario which we'll probably see a lot of today and players he didn't have in the past and we get a lone player that is oh guys I just remembered imagine if he gets a guys 16 game load on that cinga Bloody H and he's extinct as well so he he gets have a player let me know if you guys have got him by the way that kaming is cracked imagine we got him 98 rated I think it's a mistake as well um we've also got Essentials 86 double let's do these These are tradeable it's a crazy card yeah I think it's an accident guys want me to go up either was it it right fod some coins for him to sell to help him and I think there's two of these right yeah Essentials again Euro's tradable Euro's tradable guys imagine a massive card these are only knockout players as well right but there is some bad ones in there who's that L and D fodder right it's a player which you can sell guys they are out now cuz England England are just too good you know uh so it's something to get rid of and then what else do we have a look at we got guys I'm working I'm I'm going to work my way up right let's go for these 84 packs nothing there got knocked out by the mighty England didn't it tradeable fod love to see it we should be able to do everything quite easy there the only difference is guys I'm doing it like a day earlier when he refreshed the packs um so there's no like multiple packs we basically left with two of the guaranteed packs um today but he has got some good fot which I'm liking now what I am tempting to do is jump towards a big pack now do you guys what I'll do the actually we'll do the super 86 well that's 5K we'll do these These are tradeables Euros German cam mus GAA and and another undy guys another undy another undy but it's fodder and stuff he can get rid of he's got two path to glories this is not looking good is it at the moment UND goes on his team now imagine a habit yeah right he's got guys he's getting he's getting fodder to help him right so at the moment we spent like 10K and it it's a rough start it's a rough very rough startat we still got 31 K left though which is pretty good but uh let's go right let's do this guys we got two we got two packs here bang wow it's fodder and then we can swap all of this over I believe wow that's an 81 right so what we can do here from guys this is a good start actually cuz we're just swapping up overa now press square I think all of this will be tradeable then what he can do is we can go and craft some uh packs which is not a bad start right and that can go you can craft some team of the weeks which we need for sbc's right let's let's go again guys let's go let's do another one is 81 00s he gets a copper Brazil goalkeeper not a good stat gimenez hey they're into the semis as well guys there's a center back for him we just need icons and he's got we need two icons I think to get full cem on the team so we need Casas but jenez is a very good card to get I believe that was the only walkout as well of that pack right oh no himz and some more fodder so what we'll do guys we'll take a bit of a break and we'll get him to recycle into some team of the week pack so we can start doing some sbc's right we're back on the Minecraft version of fc24 guys we have done some sbc's which means we can do some packs I was going to get to do some team the weeks but there's no point at the moment as we've saved a majority guys and this may as well go in the bin anywhere um so now it's it's going to be a weird one this one because because like I said I've started it a little bit earlier we're not really got much left there's another Premium Pack there we try a Knockouts guarantee guys and see what we're doing please be as someone who goes on his team Brazil left back oh we got a new left back guys so we don't have to do I was I was looking at lizu now we get vendel and oh pedri 98 Right Center mid of Dreams here we go pedri and we got a cent yeah pedri and vendel that's very very nice that's not bad that one guys is it oh and an and some other players as well right I have to go and find somewhere to put this guys back in a sec right guys here we go our first player SBC is finished and it is wal weos even though they are going to get knocked out by England this card is it apparently I've not used him yet but a lot of people are saying that this card is it so here we are with oh didn't realize Burnley he's back at Burnley so that means it's a premier league card for the time being oh he's always been bloody burnly all right it's cu no one really cared about it is it uh right guys so let me show you how the team looks we're going to get him to craft some sbc's but we've already made some good progress we are going to keep vendel CU I think vendel is a good player he's very cheap anyway he can go there we've got gimenez at Center back and then Striker you know what I do I do like a striker I've SE on his bench guys he's got where where's he at there he is he's got chetry now I think chetry and them two together will be amazing and also we can't forget about guys his Center mid which is pedri 98 rated uh cam he doesn't have anything yet CDM doesn't have anything yet bar car but I reckon we can get better than that and there's no other good Center back so what we need to do I probably what what do we need to do guys we need to get well we can put Casas in now for now so that's how it'll look so everyone will be on full chem apart from the Indian Striker so we're going to craft some team of the week sbcs and then we're going to get in more packs and see what else we can crack on with guys but it's not a bad start after a few packs let's see what Isa can do for us right we're back guys we have got some team of the week picks to do uh just to help us with future sbc's this this should be more than enough by the way uh and he's done fantastic there we'll take erard even though can will be quite nice um we'll take daba look at all these inform Salan like a bit of Salan what 84 pounds in Kilograms about 38 kogam 38 kg sorry guys we're just talking about about Cals weai and food at the moment in stream uh right so that should be more enough to help us with sbc's which is cool and a cold Palmer as well right so that's all of the informs that's for to help us as well uh we've done some sbc's as well guys and I don't know what's in here so we'll we'll probably do the Premium Pack now we still we have still got a lot left like a lot left but there's not many packs guys so the refresh hasn't happened right 2,000 on this oh my God this is not going to be a good upgrade I don't think but yeah this is not going to be a good upgrade right guys let me get rid of these it honestly all hope falls on that last pack doesn't it it does right guys there's another SBC finished honestly we're not getting much fodder today but we have completed a goalkeeper for him so he has got a brand new goalkeeper to put in net 96 casus who with Spain guys could go all the way um and he potentially could get a big upgrade so it's an icon I think I preferred last week guys when it was great to the game cuz icons are going out left right and center but there is loads of decent players like a pedri as well and obviously c l to pedri but you'll need two icons in your team to get it anyway so solid Casas added on in guys and we need to figure out what we're doing guys we still got a lot of FC points left but not really many packs to open so say bye-bye to Casas and say hello to Casas so there's his goalkeeper guys so we're looking for still a lot in his team and we've got one major pack left like one major we may as well send it guys see what major thing happens in this pack um and then we're going to be basically hoping for the best apart from that yeah cuz the are a mess aren't they right Knockouts guaranteed guys it all falls falls in here copper that's trash that is terrible actually 95 double who's higher than night and copper well there's a CDM for him oh he's been knocked out Douglas Lis CDM we have got some Midfield players and a center back nice so we've got bour who we could potentially use guys I don't know what what's B like 44 Columbia Douglas Lis CDM and a center back so he gets them it's a bit it's an L pack guys it's an L pack you guys know this uh oh hello and then some more fodder to get rid of guys but some changes to his team guys let's get rid of uh these four players though right guys we've actually uh crafted eight of the nine teams of uh s off which is quite nice and we still got 20K left guys so it's come to a stage now where we've only got tradable packs left but limited like we could do an icon guys but what's in it future stars fantasy ultimate birthday [Music] uh and what's in this anyong pin up two so that that's that's no absolutely no point in that guys let me quickly check one of these we might get a super icon gerad insane unreal no actually it's not that good of a Jad really one I'll you need Ronaldinho don't you I Hull it oh you are kidding me Vander star still usable vas we actually still play him in Champs guys we got some more F though we're looking for Real Madrid players guys as well um right nothing that I'm not going to do another one them that's still a win yeah he's got a keeper if he doesn't like Casas taller one as well 46 speed guys I think he was stuck with I don't know what the difference is like what is this is it literally these packs guys is that all we can get right we're going to have to fill up his club with tradable stuff we we we we've done it too early but it gets it gets other packs though I suppose so at least guys what we're doing is even though this week's promo is pretty substandard and you get a lot from grinding we're going to finish off here with these and then he's got loads of packs going forward to uh to the next one so that'll work and we just need to hit a real J player so he gets him coins in the club which is something he didn't have I think we've got a team for him now so he gets Lords of free packs Modric he's te he's Real Madrid we'll save the 883s as well chatom I will do in a second Dai yeah I think we're going to finish off guys risking it on um an SBC but we should be able to finish off a few a few now o that wasn't good was it nasty but let's open two more of these guys and we'll leave it we'll leave it after that two more of these and we'll leave the rest might do the icons um parades more fodder you might might to do a like a risk SBC in a minute as well right last pack not in them guys the guaranteed packs are the best packs right so he's got Lea a few of us and then we'll save them right leave the rest okie dokie so let's move over to the SBC section because we got one more SBC we should have got a Real Madrid player which will get him a new cam and that's all we're looking for Was Real Madrid and I know we've got one of them um and then we'll look for gold uh La Liga and Real Madrid and we've already got we got Vasquez Al do is that enough yes it is right Vasquez done there we are guys we've locked it in we've got him a new icon another icon from last week and it is Clarence sedor who taking a risk on Holland on this account guys with uh WG horse sedor who else has he got I can't remember now but it's another icon from last week and there he is Clarence sof looks pretty good as well Bal would have preferred him with dreads and let's show you what the team looks guys right guys we're looking at the team this is what we've got at the moment obviously this guy's on on chem support he doesn't have any so he probably would whack in boura for a full cem team but we brought back okaf for we've got kinger on loan that is not a bad team considering we started off with just him that's what we built around and got so it's not bad but it's not the best um now I'm going to have a look at the sbc's guys I still think we could maybe take some risks on suit like that is there anything else guys maybe that and that probably is it there's 86 doubles which he can do himself he's done the team two upgrade as well guys that's probably where OA Falls from right let me S out these two guys we're going to finish off with that and that right guys we've come to the back end now he's done a player pick and he's actually got himself a Rodrigo so we're going to do another player pick so we want to finish off on two things right 87 will help me immensely so he's got himself Rodrigo to do an EVO which is quite nice so let's go and have a look at that so we'll give him that guys he's got something to work on at least 86 Rodrigo to a 95 which would be quite good so there's that and then we've got a pack that I want to open because we need to open this pack to help us do the final one and he's got some more packs to open so let's see what the 84 best of Nations gives him this has just been bad left right and centent guys uh he's got an over off 87 actually it doesn't even matter guys it's going to have to be mental mental right might help him let's restart the share play and do the final pick right guys this is the was sorry sorry for the lad shouting this is going to be the final one I think of the uh of the video guys uh it's been a bit of a mix one cuz like said there's no like major packs but we got 93 P the glory team one Make Your Mark or make your mark plus players this could be massive I not done this anyway uh so it might be a player which gos into his team regardless I think we've done all right anyway to be fair this Dano's pretty good it could have been better this Dano is all right I don't know it's better than what he's got in his team anyway so we'll take Daner I actually like Dano I've used him in draft a few times so this is what how we're going to finish a team off guys may maybe Dan over the Colombian maybe is the player but that's how we're finishing off the account guys obviously we'll we'll do that put Dano in there which is not bad so it's a different type of player with aaar and then he's got a bit more F to play with but he also gets to play around with his new EVO to maybe bring into team at a later dat and that is the Rodrigo in form as well so I don't know guys it's it's a it's a mixed one it's an upgrade like he's got a really really good team but it's very obscure and I think it's very hard to come do the week after we've had make like the greates of the game you know so guys that's the that's the thing that's team that's the upgrade done and hopefully is has enjoyed it if you have enjoyed it though guys feel free to leave a like we've left 6,000 FC points there for him to open a big pack whenever that comes in the future and we've got him an R right team aren't we guys we've got him um SAR Casas and and wgar so it's not bad guys leave a like the video subscribe you not hit the Bell button all that good stuff and like I said if you ever want to get involved in upgrade your team make sure you check me out on twitch.tv b97 see you all later bye-bye have a great day and I'll see you at the weekend guys cuz I'm away now for a few days bye-bye
Channel: bateson87
Views: 125,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: erpGRAxc5vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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