I spectated a COMPLETELY NEW Bronze Junkrat Player in Overwatch 2

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good morning YouTube I've got a goodie for you today you know it's been a while since I did one of these if you haven't seen the video we're in Flats 2 I highly recommend watching it before him but there's a lot of new people here since the last time I really did this series and uh I'm curious to to what those new people to OverWatch team might think so if this is your first time watching spectating um this was never meant to be educational I was originally uh roasting bronzes and we basically just watched uh new players and bronze players uh play the game and just we're fascinated by the stupid stuff we would see happen and it was always just a good time sometimes people get educational stuff out of it but hey more for you everybody is noses for a good time nobody's hurt feelings are hurt it's all in good fun if you enjoy the content make sure you leave a like comment share it with a friend and as always if you haven't already make sure you hit the Subscribe button we just passed 400k never thought I'd see that especially with OverWatch one uh something you never know how fast things can change so I really do appreciate you guys there's been so many of you across all channels I hope you guys know I really do appreciate you guys and uh let me know if you want to see more of these because it's been a while maybe I'm a little bit Rusty anyways enjoy the video and I'll see you again tomorrow this first one kind of got my attention I downloaded OverWatch around halfway through season one of OverWatch 2. what really only started playing near the end of that season and beginning of this season I didn't play much PC video games before a little valorant and Platformers my main support I'm bronze one with it I was here but I wanted to try to start trying DPS so I played soldier with my positioning in game sense was bad so I tried to play junkrat and I took a look that looks like a pretty legit new profile what tells me so the low amount of hours played 37 hours seems about right for quickblade to get into playing ranked you gotta start with a skin check God The Spectator thing is so bad in this game oh this is um this is from the uh uh the watchpoint pack which is very controversial and that came out I think this is the first spectating bronze that I've seen live love it all right shark let's see what you got all right number one you could tell it's a new player because they went out one they went out the right door nobody who's been playing OverWatch for a long period of time goes out this right door because the path is significantly longer than the left door two they're not even sprinting and I guess you know it's fine you can just walk there there's not a big problem uh but I feel like every OverWatch player just wants to hit every button possible so I'm in three their movement is very very stiff we're gonna have a great time I feel it all right oh god oh there's a stop it uh my instincts of there's like a widow up here like standing still in the middle of the open oh oh god dude there's a statue do not stand dude do not stand there please okay just absolutely lighting them up but they're also walking in straight lines so that's a good time no please please don't run Sprint again oh my God [Music] they really are a new player this is awesome okay they're playing ramatra in bronze things have really changed oh my God are you on a controller oh I think they're on a controller are they are you playing on PC with a controller that's awesome because you can't look up I didn't play much PC video games before so I'm assuming this means that they're playing PC and also the other thing I can tell is because uh on console and stuff they'll have buttons here like press a or whatever it is there's no buttons so it's the PC over overlay General positioning is really really bad though no High Ground usage uh just kind of like standing in the middle of them this is this is truly bronze if anything I'm actually surprised that this isn't bronze five I need to say what they're bronze three that's actually like low-key impressive so what are they doing wrong besides everything um well one their mechanics need immense help they need to learn how to have a like wait a minute oh my God oh my God oh my God tell me you win this tell me when these don't stand no don't stand the thing oh Jordan moments okay I'm releasing wait okay please tell me you'll get your revenge nope you know what okay listen I'm gonna listen Okay people come and ask me there's a there's a question every time right you know oh like I'm new to OverWatch how do you get better like if you're this person right my advice isn't gonna help you at all period there's a reason for that you're so new to the game that if I tell you something like die less you know prioritize Staying Alive prioritize building alt charge you're gonna have no clue what I mean like if I say die less or prioritize not die you're gonna play three miles out of the fight and basically you're gonna have like one death per 10 but you're also gonna have like 600 damage per 10 you know so you're not gonna understand what I'm saying but like what does this person need serious serious serious mechanical improvements so what would help them improve their Mechanicals uh mechanical abilities it sounds like they'll just don't play a lot of PC games to be honest with you I don't know what their sensitivity is and stuff like that but if your sensitivity is either really really low like we're talking solo that you don't can't move your mouse around or really really high where you can't control it those types of things are like more basic that you can deal with um like you're all you know when you're playing a character like Soldier or DPS character you gotta be able to hit your buttons you know there's no sense of fear like running away from from Death also this is not the place you want to be run run shark run don't judge bro okay there's there's no sense of fear that it doesn't exist if you're not afraid because you don't understand the danger that's pretty bad here comes the visor again James one HP thank you oh okay small tip for you you can headshot while you're uh in visor I know it's listen it's hard for me to think about because it's a new change in OverWatch soon I don't play DPS that much so I had to rewrite like six years or seven years of knowledge uh but if you're new to OverWatch 2 just start getting in the habit of head shotting with Pfizer probably help you a ton although to be fair it's a mechanical skill that might be a little bit difficult I like that they go for Helix Rockets early though you'd be surprised how like few people do that okay this is this is starting to become a scary spot I'm honestly curious now what your support would look like because you are a Fearless front-lining Soldier I actually liked your other spot better the load any Reloaders we're not just confused they got stun locked do they [Music] just waves I'm just like I mean I respect it just waved I guess but waving out the wall okay I know it's really hard to but I hope to God they don't fall off the map here please don't back up please don't oh my God please don't back up oh my God I dude it's coming I smell it it's I can smell fear [Laughter] I told you I told you have to chat something was coming [Music] [Music] I told you it was coming I didn't say who it was what I told you was coming there is no bigger no bigger uh listen to me in bronze there are three things that will kill you more than anything else not your teammates not being torb turrets Sim turrets and gravity if you can avoid those three things you can immediately get to Silver is just a character where like you can Sprint you know you have good Mobility you want to be like you know you want to be poking running away doing all these things you gotta you gotta you gotta get some you gotta get some miles in you know you gotta get you gotta get the leg working it's Leg Day you gotta get some you know you gotta get some stuff in and I love the pathing dude I would never go all the way around to the right and all the way through that staircase like so cool to me to watch like someone new Like Pat themselves on a map you know because like you would think you'd go in a straight line from point A to point B fastest route but like they they stop at Subway get a snack you know pick up some groceries pop the visor you don't have to reload the pop visor oh my God oh my God I don't know if like if they're thinking about going for visor and then they just don't pop it or what like the the angle if you go for visor there is actually not bad like it's the beginning of the thoughts of like playing aggressive on the back of the cart like there's a little bit of cover there you know the good sight lines you know what I mean like there's something there wait the ash fell where we lost another one to gravity are you serious was there opening pick gravity again don't tell me that coach gun their opening pick was gravity oh my god dude I foreign in the pit yet you're doing great dude you're doing great I'm sorry I I'm sorry I I I I'm actually I'm a little rusty I haven't done this for a while I'm being too hard on you good job I'm not falling off the map yet oh here we go the long right side flight are they gonna go down the stairs too flying visor oh they don't know what the lamp is wait don't shoot the hawk yes yes oh that's a helix rocket wait that was actually good Target priority they actually understood to go for the Bap over the hog actually they kind of you kind of have some like like for someone who's so new to OverWatch and the mechanical skill of a walnut which you have right now if you if you at least upgraded it to somewhere around like a mango I actually think you could probably be a lot better yeah you have like the the small the Asheville again wait what no no no don't tell me shark I take it back dude you're doing fantastic you you're doing amazing dude you're doing amazing [ __ ] okay I think we're about here right yeah somewhere around here see here's the other thing oh here's actually a legitimate something that could help you ready Soldier is a hit scan you don't have to get this close to play hit skin you can actually play brunch further back so instead of like running at them you know you can play a little bit further back like towards the spawn door and still hit shots the reason you're getting so close is because you're not confident in being the ability to hit you know anything at all I'm just I'm saying like I'm not saying hit the Kovacs or anything like that you just just need to play more like more OverWatch just play more games like play Arcade play quick play just keep playing more you know if you if you have a good sensitivity that you're comfortable with you know maybe you have a small mouse pad like there's things like mechanically that you need really really big help on and I wouldn't even say it's just like hit your shots it's like you're not even close you don't I I would say it's like almost like lazy aim it's kind of like you're taking too long to keep like to to move your hand and move your mouse it's like you need to be more active in your uh your tracking and your your your your damage dealing while you're playing the game you can't just expect the cursor to go on there for you oh shark easy body easy I don't want to see you going for a swim um but yeah if we get you somewhere above like a like a like a grape and somewhere up to like an apple and accuracy I actually think it'd be a lot better almost there okay close I get it I get it you're new you're new I know I know I know but dude that was that was sitting there a while like that but you know what though I don't think they're gonna touch so it's fine right it's fine you know what you didn't fall off the map shark you did great you did you did an awesome job honestly give it up for shark you know what you didn't fall off the map W did a great job now I'm not a junkrat connoisseur I am a I am a junker I enjoyer oh look at this they're trying to do the tech where they put a mine down early and they jump at a spawn but it doesn't really work on King's Row because you're in the corner here but hey you know what hey do you watch do you watch some streamers did you do you watch a streamer that that that is slightly like a bird interesting role out here okay there's some potential here okay employee met mine a little early but you know what there's some potential junkrat gaming this is what I mean though by the lazy game you don't even adjust you don't even try to attempt to address your Crosshair it's you know you just kind of expect them to walk into it they're they're not like a carrot they're not a root vegetable they're not gonna stand there and just not you know like try to try to try to do anything they have to you have to like you know somewhat like yeah there you go there you go you have to somewhat still move your hands if you don't move your hand there you can't expect them to just like fall into it you know you gotta gotta move it at least a little bit we're getting there though what are you doing today does anyone today I'll show them there's also someone behind you do you have a headset the answer to that question was maybe I tell you dude nobody wants to ever push the cart I get it I get it yo tell me shark double mind somebody here hit him with the double mind shark hit him with a double mine wait okay all right okay shark someone behind you bro did you not see him shark shark there was like a fly on you for like a like a minute you ever like this is like you ever you ever seen someone get attacked by mosquitoes or something you know you typically go like this right like you try to like you know you try to get it off of you you ever said someone who just stands there and just doesn't move and they just let them just land on I'm like bro like you got chuck oh my god dude uh shark man all right we gotta we're gonna have a Target we haven't talked to him listen dude you can get them kind of cheap look at the pharah wait what do you mean where's this pharaoh what happened with The Fair the [ __ ] going on over here you have two junkrats on your team that's awesome oh man summer some Flora I just I just like I just think it's double junkrat I think that's I think that's the that's the way to go okay remember that article that got published saying to push the cart took that seriously okay you're gonna go high ground right shark dude didn't fall in the hole I'm so proud of you okay setting up for the tire big tire wait stalling it on the wall big tire gets one don't worry about the hey dude don't worry about the shark shark where are you going shark you don't have to tell Mike I want the whoa dude no dude shark what's that [ __ ] he's a true connoisseur what do I know I don't know anything apparently he was he's a true connoisseur oh my God shark is eating them watch out for the Sim turrets Sim turrets gravity and torp turrets remember that don't ever forget that chat the break the break the break the bird shark turn the [ __ ] around shark oh my God what's for he runs forward to step on his mind please no way oh my God shark run shark there's a Sim sorry turn around there's a sin beaming your team [ __ ] I heard shark turn around I can hear it I can hear it it's literally full charge you were doing so well dude he was this close you were this close you were so close this is do you hear the Sim you can hear him walking around behind you it's shark shark you saw the beam shark shark she'll throw that mine down [Music] let's get it dude hey nice job nice job okay I know you can't see it yet but there's some turrets there don't die to him oh he knows he knows oh my God he's evolving kinda maybe slightly I got the reaction every speed of like and calls for more bombs all right shark you got a tire coming up here is that that's definitely a bug in the replay viewer you don't see the SIM card shooting yo shark where you going bro shark oh my God I swear with the delay Tire the delay Tire they still have beat though it's tough it's tough it happens I hate to say shark there's a Sim shark there's a shark shark shark shark Rob even if you don't have a headset I know you I know you got these you have these do you need these you need these look into it I used to just walk around blind uh because I thought paying for for Sight was [ __ ] um look into it it's nice it's nice to have just came from Tick Tock but I'm having trouble focusing could you put some Subway Surfers oh my God listen dude you do not have to Frontline on junkrat in the trap in the trap in the Trap hit him with the mine okay done you can do a one-tap combo shark you can hit him with a left click and then hit him with a mine hell you can just hit him with two straight minds and they'll die I think I think you're just I think shark I think you're just thinking about what buttons you need to hit and this is what I mean by just playing more OverWatch I don't think any tip circuit would help you uh at all because you I love that they do that dude I love that he goes every time he misses a mine he's like oh that's an opportunity to use it to go somewhere else and he walks over to the mine and he uses it to go somewhere I think it's so awesome because like that's 100 something that he watched like a bigger like a like a streamer or somebody do or somebody in his game like do some crazy and was like I should be using this junkrat mind to get high ground or I should use it to engage or whatever they they picked that up from somewhere and that's really cool they just haven't learned how to use like when you're supposed to and what like what's the reasoning behind doing it if that makes sense come on hit him with the double mind hey there we go shark now put a mine on the other side of the cart so they walk into it foolproof uh Strat happens even in GM the tire oh my god oh shark okay it's a tire it happens it happens hey you gotta clutch this dude you clutch This I Believe In You also I don't see the Sim turrets like on the ceiling over here what's what are these dude these Sim turrets are like geometrical Warfare that's where you stop and you type junk diff get on their head for last fight oh please please someone go in the corner here and pop this tire pop it right here Bobby right here shark let's get it oh you could have went a little deeper with that it's okay though oh come on I'm gonna put down that truck come on start clicking start clicking how you missed the chunks back though you gotta kill him you can't let him dip you back but you know what you got one foreign sad I thought you could I think you could have won that game I think you could have won that game I think a few a few changes in your play style I think a few better traps I think a few more follow-ups on your left click you would have had that also it doesn't like pan off like used to in the old replay viewer just instantly ends also did you get the did you get beat with this tire by the way oh my god dude you actually almost clutched this so hard too you almost clutched this so hard that's Sim though that Sim was just running uncontested in your back line the whole game it had to have realized that sooner I think if you shut the Sim down a little bit sooner and kept the junk diff up you would have won that game so you know what shark I believe in you I want to see you again in a few more months I I see potential foreign
Channel: Flats
Views: 470,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flats, Flats Overwatch, FlatsOW, Flats_OW, flats bronzes, overwatch, Overwatch streamer, Florida mayhem Flats, overwatch 2, Overwatch 2, flats, florida mayhem flats, Overwatch, rammattra, ramattra, rammatra, spectating bronze, bronze, flats spectating bronze, flats overwatch 2, overwatch 2 flats
Id: xB9dh-Cb0cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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