I Speak Normally For The First Time EVER

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what's up looks like we finally got 9 million subs thank you so much really means a lot to me and for this huge milestone i promised you a real personality reveal what does it mean i'm not sure and i've been thinking a lot on how to do this because i have more than one personality and i think it's normal right i'm not crazy right now i think we all act differently whether we are with a stranger with your family or by yourself and because i want this video to be 100 truthful i'm just gonna talk to you in the same way i would talk to myself and i'm gonna reveal some of my deepest thoughts thoughts that i've never really shared because i never did a personal video like this one so i hope you will find it interesting enough first of all i don't actually say omg every five seconds and i don't actually slap random people on the streets because they don't play bass you know huge plot twist isn't it obviously what i do in my video is an act just play a character but i'm not really faking that personality that's just an extreme version of myself i really like bass and music but no i don't think playing bass with a pick is bad i can actually pay my water bills a lot of water here i don't think piano and violin are bad i still think guitar is kind of bad though just joking but in real life i'm a very shy person i don't really like to share too much with myself so that's why i feel very comfortable in playing a character because i can kinda do whatever i want without exposing myself too much but i think it's important to show you my real side as well isn't it anyway i asked you to ask me something can we see more behind the scenes most behind the scenes of my videos are just me trying to repeat the same sentence 10 times in a row before i get it right so it can get very miserable so i'm not gonna show it to you but the best behind the scenes are in the videos when see this kind of stuff but the best behind the scenes are in the videos where my girlfriend is behind the camera so when i say something stupid or some jokes we are just gonna laugh like in this part right before i was cursed i was wearing my airpods and i wanted to see if i could fit them under my headphones but while i was trying i suddenly hit 5 million subs and i got cursed and if you want to see more behind the scenes let's check this video how does it feel to have 9 million people slap the like button feels unbelievable there's so many people click the subscribe button i feel very grateful but i am also experiencing something i didn't expect now the bigger the subscriber count the more pressure i feel you know when i was a smaller channel i looked up at youtubers with millions of subs and i really thought what they were doing was easy i thought they could basically upload any kind of video they wanted and still get millions of views because they had millions of subs but now that i am this position i understand i couldn't be more wrong than that subscribers are just a number on the screen and if i don't upload the video interesting enough nobody is going to watch it anyway takes a huge amount of work always search for new ideas when videos don't get views or just fail that feels very sad you know if you have 10 subs and your video fails might be because you don't have an audience if you have 9 million subs new video fails that's all my faults because i couldn't make good enough content being a youtuber is a double-edged sword when things go well it's extremely exciting but when things don't go well things can get very stressful my uncle once said with great powers come great responsibility and also i found that happiness and sadness in my case really depends on numbers on a screen views and subs and obviously that is something that i don't like but it's something that is happening to me in the last months you know but i never talk about this because i feel very conflicted about these emotions on one side i think it's normal to feel like this but on the other side i feel guilty about feeling like this because i am in an extremely lucky position and i shouldn't really be complaining too much weird what does 504 in david fall 4 means the 504 refers to how many times you guys asked me this question so now i gotta change my nickname to david505 how being a youtuber changed your way of living life youtube didn't really change the way i live life because youtube has been my life i became a full-time youtuber when i was 17 years old right when i finished high school i never had any other job outside of youtube how does it feel when you are recognized in public the first time i got recognized felt very surreal and then the more times i got recognized the more normal it got it always feels very cool to actually meet some of you guys in real life because it makes me realize behind this number there are actual people watching these videos and also it blows my mind that in pretty much every country i travel to whether it is the us italy taiwan russia i always meet some of you slappers checkmate not english speaking youtubers who only get recognized in their home country what's something you dislike the most about being a big youtuber i really dislike the amount of unnecessary hate i get when i was a smaller channel i've always been very proud of having basically 100 of people liking my videos i just played bass and that was it so there wasn't much to hate about you know starting talking in my videos making silly jokes exposing myself more brought a lot of success but also brought a lot of hate i have a very tough skin don't worry but it makes me a little bit sad that i can't really search my own name on google anymore without having to encounter some unpleasant discussions about myself i mean it's completely fine if you don't like my videos i just don't understand why people would go out of their way just to hate it i think that behind every hate comment there is a very sad person i hope that someday they will find something that makes them happy so they won't waste their time anymore in complaining about my videos when will you get new headphones ear pads what do you mean these ear pads are perfect see this is real quality they are just really hard to find here and it's crazy because this brand sponsored one of my videos seven years ago when i didn't even use headphones in my videos and now that these headphones are a kind of part of my look they never contacted me smh i just want free headphones for life am i asking too much how did you come this far without losing motivation ever thought of quitting i've been doing youtube videos almost as long as i've been playing bass that's just as big of a passion and having a big passion is the key that really holds everything together when times are tough i've gotten tired many times but i never and i will never ever give up because i have a strong passion in what i'm doing i have a clear goal i want to reach to make as many people as possible know the base you know but even with strong passion there have been moments where i thought of quitting youtube this is when you guys helped me you know every time i have bad thoughts i just read some of your comments in my videos and they're just amazing they help me a lot to keep doing what i'm doing find something you're really passionate about you will notice you're not gonna give it up why do you think your views have been dropping recently this is the pressure and stress i was talking about earlier you know i have 9 million subs but i don't get nearly as many views as when i had 4 million subs which doesn't make any sense right it's very hard to keep making interesting content for a long period of time and i have huge respect for youtubers who have been doing that for way longer than me i started getting views doing parodies of clickbait youtubers i feel i might have got a little bit too far with that i'm actually becoming what i was making fun of i don't know if that makes any sense and i don't want to be one of those youtubers who just blame the algorithm it's all my responsibility it's important to refresh the content every once in a while i've been doing that for a long time i just feel recently i've been a little bit stuck i want to apologize if my videos haven't been the best in the past months but i promise you i will do better and if you have any ideas you would like to see on this channel leave a comment now can i be the first question sure can you do base tutorials i've done bass tutorials in the past these guys has comedic videos so if i'm gonna do more they're gonna be in that style why you don't do any more therapy sessions why you think you don't do that because in order to help you with therapy sessions you need to be fine myself first would you do another prank in the future seeing how badly people reacted to the guitar playing one yeah a few months ago i did this prank idea where i said i was cursed and i couldn't play bass until 9 million subs i thought it was a fun idea because i hate the guitar so suddenly me having to play the guitar for multiple videos was something new but unfortunately a lot of people took it way too seriously and it made me kind of sad to be honest so we'll definitely think more deeply about doing more pranks we will see what are you gonna reveal it's 10 million subs 10 million subs means time on play button i've made a base out of my gold play button so you know what's next at 10 million subs i'm gonna do a diamond play button base reveal once i get the play button i will transform it in a base that's something really never done before and we can make history all together just subscribe now to make it happen faster so that was the last question this was more like a therapy session for myself i hope it wasn't too boring and i want to say thanks again for 9 million subs even though i feel kind of down in this period of time i'm still very grateful all the support you keep giving me and i hope that maybe this video can help you to make you understand that it doesn't matter which part of life you are they're always going to be hard and tough times just need to hold strong never give up and better and happy times will come and i will see you in the next video [Music] stay funky bros you
Channel: Davie504
Views: 7,274,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davie504, bass, bass solo, davie504 real personality, real personality reveal
Id: 8YUc5-XaBbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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