I Spawned the Most DISGUSTING Union of All Time... (World War Simulator)

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before we jump into this video you can get your very own Greco Turkish Empire by checking that link down below to Mak ship.com they don't necessarily need to be Rivals you can get them and make them friends especially because if you buy one the other is discounted that actually might be the only way Greece and Turkey will ever be friends get them before they're literally gone forever so I've built this monster of a country not just by uniting Greece and Turkey in the modern day I actually decided what if we combined these two empires when they were both at their Peak so for the nation of Greece we have Alexander's Empire Empire which extended all the way to modern-day Pakistan and Persia and for turkey we go back to their Ottoman Empire Peak where they had a bunch of the Balkans and a lot of coastal North African territory I've actually never done a scenario like this before but I really like it especially because there's a lot of crossover territory that these two had but there are some pretty major differences at the same time so Greece is really extending this new Empire way out east touching now India over this way also pretty high up into Central Asia as well meanwhile the tur tur are really pulling in a lot of the Balkans and the North Black Sea region they both had this part of Egypt but the Ottomans really extended outward all the way towards Moroccan territory so let's see how this former rivalry unites to fight and kill everyone on Earth before they fight and kill each other I guess now in terms of area this Greco Turkish Empire is the fifth largest in the world just ahead of Brazil right here but man they've got a lot of options to attack they've got a lot of neighbors Russia will definitely be a pretty big rival that's for sure though and so we begin everyone is grabbing up Coastal territory there definitely going to be some fighting that happens between the Greeks SLT Turks and the Italians for the Adriatic Sea or just the Mediterranean Sea in general already got a war between Estonia lvia as well as Hungary and Slovakia which hungary's been they've got a pretty big bite taken out by him yeah well there you go instantly Slovakia was conquered by Hungary maybe they're not doing too bad Sudan is going after the leftover territory that Egypt controls their capital of Cairo is probably going to instantly fall to the Greco Turks Greeks Turks it's weird to say Greco maybe the US feels threatened by this new power in the Middle East because they have instantly declared war in Canada actually Canada is winning this war taking a lot of the East Coast a lot of Michigan a lot of Ohio wow they were literally forced to peace out because the Canadians were kicking their butt holy crap and the UK just went insane taking over Ireland and the Netherlands at the same time well I think a lot of that was due to Germany they got some help from them now the Ottomans and Greeks still don't have any friends just yet but it's still a little bit early at the same time none of the big powers in this region have any friends and there's a lot of notifications this is hard to keep up with a lot of powers dying here in Africa if the Caribbean ations going at it Cuba and Haiti trying to fight off the Bahamas and they did that successfully the Bahamas are dead also Panama going after Colombia with the help of Ecuador as well so there goes Colombia but unfortunately Peru took out uh Ecuador so now the Rivalry continues wow that was a really weird four-way War all our powers around the Ivory Coast are dying out meanwhile I believe Croatia took out Slovenia so we lost Slovenia and Slovakia instantly no confusing those two names for this video but then I am me so I would not be surprised if I find some way to do that the Vietnamese took out Cambodia pretty fast I don't even know when that happened also Malaysia was losing a little bit of territory to brunai France is actually trying to be while they are about to get kicked out of South America by Surinam I feel like France never takes over South America even though they have a good chance to do it if they really want it that french guy in a territory is a pretty big Advantage I feel like whenever I make a custom Nation like this it always takes them a couple years before they like they really get ready I think they got to figure out the Dynamics first but then again India China and Russia all doing the same thing Russia do does have two new friends Poland and Lithuania who will wi out in South America there's always a major player that can win the game down here since they're pretty cornered off although they we need to watch out because the map is uh crossing over this is France territory technically I forgot that France technically has this island so they're the ones that wrap around for now France did get kicked out of South America though so maybe they'll get their revenge and come back and attack Peru uhoh we have our first war the first Greco Turkish War they're actually already losing territory both up here to pole oh they're pushing back a little bit oh is this why Russia Allied to Poland because they knew they'd be able to have another enemy forcing have two fronts open now they might instantly oof okay so the Greeks and Turks instantly took out Poland and they're going to get a lot of this stuff here they're still at war with Russia and they are slowly pushing back trying to regain some of these lands but uh the caucus uh mountains here making that somewhat difficult as well as the Black Sea since there's no Crossing okay so they got a little bit bigger not too too big though there's still 120 Nations left down here Brazil is now finally making moves as they've taken out both Paraguay and now they're just fighting Bolivia and Argentina we have this Swiss dying as well well as France and Italy getting into it Germany's just Allied to Croatia last time that happened a lot of horrible things happened also have Mongolia turning back into well maybe genas Khan has gask Khan been revived I don't know cuz now they're getting pushed away Taiwan is now dead China took them out also the Philippines are gone Japan has taking over all of the Korean Peninsula I've never seen them do that usually that doesn't happen now will the Greeks and Turks help out Mongolia here this is really like a Byzantine Empire that's going on I'm now just realizing that they're just extending way out east that's only the big difference Bolivia no Bolivia Belgium is uh wow Belgium just took over all of France okay that is a very thick french- speaking Belgium the US is still a little bit in uh kind of trouble as the Canadians are kind of knocking on that Washington DC doorstep probably have a little bit of a rivalry between Madagascar and Australia for the Indian Ocean here also the Russians are attacking Ukraine now if Ukraine Falls the uh Greeks and Turks are going to pick up at least half of that land oh man okay so now they actually have some friends they're allying to Germany Croatia Norway and weirdly Libya who they can instantly take out at any moment because they are surrounding their Capital they haven't decided to do that just yet there's going to be some pretty big wars in the meantime though they might need to worry a little bit about sedan especially if sedan regains territory of South sedan although they are losing this conflict for now oh my goodness and Russia has just collapsed this changes literally everything now China's going to get a little bit of this but so is Japan it's mostly going to be Mongolia and Kazakhstan that's going to get a lot okay I got to see where this world settles to figure out exactly by area who's technically winning the match right now that doesn't mean everything but it's still interesting to look at so China got a lot of Greater Manchuria Mongolia and Kazakhstan pretty much doubled or maybe even tripled inside in size sorry uh lvia maybe quadruple or whatever what goes after five six times so in terms of area Canada's number one then Mongolia then China then the Greco Turkish Empire they're in fourth they did jump the us cuz you know obviously the US has been losing some Wars oh they're Allied now that's interesting so the uh the Greeks and Turks it's really just hard to say that name in general oh wow look at this weird Alliance now the Germans and Italians are their friends that's a big team we have Ukraine now fighting Kazakhstan South Africa growing quite a bit down here in the south of this continent bam and there goes v as well whoa chill Puerto Rico chill so Puerto Rico doesn't like what their dad the USA has been doing they've been losing all these wars they said I'm going to do it myself we're just going to take over South America all by myself bam and they even just got Surinam even that's crazy we have another War still Wars going on between I guess I should say Ukraine and Kazakhstan kazakstan looks like they're winning let's see if the Greeks and Turks take over Ukraine maybe if they they just got to start a war now the Aron is doing pretty good I'm sure it's not number one in the world there's still 866 Nations left they are third though it's Brazil and China that are technically the richest on Earth obviously it only takes one or two Wars to make someone really poor though so that doesn't really mean much right now ooh interesting Myanmar trying to squeeze over here and take Bangladesh oh Bangladesh is being funded who I believe is probably Vietnam they're probably giving them more money away yep that's it bam we have lvia now moving in after Kazakhstan kazakhstan's fighting a TWR War actually and now oh actually the Greeks and Turks they are fighting they're fighting Morocco and but they have to worry about Spain at the very very same time Spain's pretty strong because they took out Portugal and they got southern France a big old peace deal there the Greeks and Turks they have some friends but not the biggest of friends they they could really use an alliance with India but India right now is just currently Allied to Kazakhstan kazakhstan's fighting a really hard two-front War why haven't you tried to fight this go after them ooh Japan vers China once again World War II status Japan is pretty close to Beijing but we'll see they might start to lose a little bit of this front we have Brazil fighting multiple fronts again all the Spanish-speaking countries which actually the northern part is uh Puerto Rico they are a Spanish speaking country but I don't normally expect to see them up here Brazilians are winning they took out Argentina Mexico's actually lost some land to B surprisingly enough and there goes both Bangladesh and Nepal Indies growing in strength now we have the Germans and Italians fighting back the Spanish technically the Greeks and Turks can help out with this war but they have to push through Morocco to get to Iberia oh boy the Spanish are might they might just take out their Italian allies yep the Italian allies are gone there's definitely going to be a big new rivalry although the Greeks and Turks did benefit from the fall there cuz they got Sicily and the foot of the boot now it's the Greeks and Spanish fighting for modern day French territory nor looking strong but not really that strong they're not going to be able to do that much up here there's 68 Nations left meanwhile Japan is at war with Mongolia also India and Myanmar getting into it for modern day Bangladesh territory oh big big war here in Europe as the Greeks and Turks trying to take out czechia how is czechia fighting both sides like this oh I guess they are getting the help of lvia Norway's involved as well okay they might lose a Nordic brother yep there goes Oslo that is completely fallen and the Germans might be next oh wait who was that that just died oh that was the Germans uh that this is Denmark here and the Greeks and Turks are going to take out CIA so that extends their territory in Europe and they're going to have to keep on fighting they have to fight Denmark and lvia at the same time better hope you don't have to fight anyone else see that's the problem in this part of the map okay well at least an ally is going to grow for you Libya down here protects you slightly from some of the African Powers they do get pretty strong so they need to watch that Sierra Leon getting pretty thick bam another war between lvia and Ukraine against Kazakh turkistan might be Finally Falling soon still isn't a war between India and China just yet they both have their threats though that they're facing they pluses and minuses to being in this uh part of the world I've talked about it before I mean you're facing so many enemies however you have a lot of opportunity to grow because if one of your neighbors die you easily pick that stuff up we also have Thailand moving in after Indonesia dangerously close to the island of java they might take that over and man Puerto Rico now pushing into the Brazilian Empire holy crap where did this come from Ukraine has taking over a majority of the Balkans they didn't take modern day Greece just yet okay and actually the Greeks and Turks they got back the city of Athens they didn't lose their Capital but they did have to push it back to Istanbul sorry no what am I talking about their Capital was in Istanbul SL Constantinople whichever one you want to put it for I forgot to make that joke in the very beginning they had to move it back to Anora so they were allowed to keep both of their City capitals we'll see if Kazakhstan can accidentally help the Turks and Greeks by lowering the power that Ukraine has they just don't have enough friends oh man you do not want to lose a bunch of land of Qatar in the the UAE they're rich Nations so watch it you guys just really need new friends you lost all your friends here in Europe look at Denmark going Viking mode taking over all of the British Isles again Myanmar and India still fighting a big war although Myanmar is winning they have a lot of allies in their back so that helps them only face one front the Greeks and Turks now fighting another War there's a lot of different Spanish fronts popping up it's actually Mo mostly for Corsica and the Italian Peninsula but they big warri man you guys just really need to Ally to well Ukraine doesn't like the Greeks and Turks and I don't think the Greeks and tur you should probably Ally to Kazakhstan that's probably the best scenario there's now 54 Nations left when did Tanzania take over Madagascar okay so there's a big Alliance here in Africa which is definitely going to cause the Greeks and Turks to have a little bit of problems who is this oh that's the US stretching from Alaska getting this part of Siberia deep in there okay Myanmar actually did finally fall I thought they had a chance to defeat India but that is not going to be the case there we oh this might be bad okay so Greeks and Turks did take out a Central Asian power but now they're fighting both Kazakhstan and India at the same time that is kind of scary they're closer to Delhi than anybody else though MoneyWise they're doing okay but they really need more rich friends cuz yeah Tunisia and Libya that's not enough actually if they backstabbed Libya they could get so much land out of that US and Canada are still friends also they do have Puerto Rico on their side and Ukraine and lvia really helping out the war and keeping Kazakhstan at Bay cuz they are pretty big I don't know who's powerful I think Mongolia might be slightly more powerful at 10,000 gold you do not want these guys to fall well maybe you want Ukraine to fall because you can get a lot of your territory back I think it's going to be laia that falls unless there's a piece of that happens in the next like 2 seconds and no there was no peace deal now will they take Kiev they might take they are on the doorsteps will they're getting gold oh man that gold who did they get gold from that was Denmark Denmark might have just saved Kazakhstan Ukraine's life they actually stopped Kazakhstan in a big way while the Greeks and Turks were still fighting down here Qatar and the UAE these are like a huge thorn in their side if they could have a full Monopoly over the Arabian Peninsula they can slowly start to lower limit the amount of fronts they have to fight in there's less than 50 Nations left 47 Mexico just declared war on the UK uh on the US I don't know why I'm messing up these names today the Mexicans actually took over Puerto Rico Costa Rica has a monopoly over Central America Brazil is the major power in South America that's for sure another double front Ward now with Kazakhstan and India and they continue to fight and also are their allies even giving money away or do they have enough money to even do that will you at least get one kill with Kyan yep you got Kyan kind have said that a little weird this is a big big front I can't help but rude for them oh man they're fighting now in three different fronts you really don't want to fight the African powers or even Ukraine would be a big problem these fronts are just barely moving okay they did at least piece out here India now is fighting okay so India is also fighting two fronts but India is getting dangerously close to taking out la oh man the Chinese have broken through the Chinese are actually oh the Chinese are now fighting two different uh Wars area wise the Greeks and Turks have dropped down to sixth place I think o still ahead of the US but not looking quite as good now they're fighting in Africa this is what's really going to diminish that gold right here got to find a way to get better friends I mean they're still at 9,000 gold uh liia unfortunately is not able to put the team on their back and take out morania for you guys now again you're fighting the ukrainians luckily you pieced out there pretty fast oh this might be it for Ukraine okay yeah they're moving in fast they're coming in hot will Denmark again come in for a save oh who was that that just died was that lvia that finally died ukrainians are kind of holding their ground Denmark is helping a little bit against Kazakhstan up here in the Nordic territory oh there's a peace deal though there's 44 Nations left Mexico again pushing up through the Deep South really extending the Mexican floor oh never mind never mind I guess I shouldn't have been looking at this because uh the USA really is not enjoying Mexico's invasion they are still Allied to Canada for now Canada could easily kill the US whenever they want I think o there's a brief war with South Sudan I guess South Sudan kind of make a comeback and took out Sudan they have a lot of friends down here oh boy wow okay if China Falls to Mongolia they're definitely looking like they'll be the best is this Japan up here how' they get that territory it was definitely a Japanese American war once again maybe with two nukes I don't know Greeks and uh Turks they really need to re-extend that territory they had of the Balkans I mean I guess they have the Italian boot but what's really that going to do for them Spain is actually Allied to these African Powers here oh boy now another two front War just as they started winning against morania they also o India fighting in two different fronts oh they had to piece out there fast doesn't really matter who loses this okay don't give away too much of your money either Ukraine or Kazakhstan the Greeks and Turks will benefit from either one collapsing kind of but then there's another new power they'd have to watch out for it's probably better for them if Ukraine somehow takes out Kazakhstan I mean the Greek Turkish Empire they really need to Ally to China that's what they need to do oh man they lost the Italian Peninsula now they lost Sicily oh my goodness now they're losing a lot of their territory in North Africa they were not prepared for this that is definitely the case and now Qatar is extending a lot in the Middle East here they have actually made it to modern day Iranian territory let's see if they can push back and get a little kill oh you were so close there goes Brazil Brazil has actually hopped to the Yucatan Peninsula Mexico might be dying soon Oh Canada just United in with the USA this always happens Canada's going to be a huge threat in this game Ukraine with a big push getting them away from their Capital problem is how many times can the Greeks and Turks move their Capital they still have several cities to move their Capital to if they really need to oh they're going to get some big kills here you really got to finish them off somehow you got to figure that out oh they're Allied to all these African Powers oh they did it okay well that's one less front to worry about but now South Sudan is really becoming a problem fighting oh my goodness that is so many fronts oh this is painful to watch oh man okay well the with you know one new enemy two enemies collapsing they now are fighting three new enemies oh okay okay well safe to say they got their Balkan territory back and then some they now no longer have to worry about that but they do need to still worry about the African powers that are now coming oh man this is the same issue that both these two empires at their Peak had to deal with I mean they just have so many enemies they have to fight at the same time I mean the Indians and kazakhstanis they are still Allied to each other and you don't really have many friends that could hurt South Sudan back here at home maybe possibly Somalia oh that helps a little bit okay well there you go they don't have to worry about them anymore Somalia hasn't been a threat too much to the Greeks and Turks and Libya is your friend so and Libya actually has a lot of the US or a lot of European territory so that's that's big they're kind of sharing the load here it's actually a better setup for the Greeks and Turks since this is kind of like a human shield a country shield now they're moving up here maybe they'll get to Copenhagen Libya has been pushed out mostly a lot from Europe would you just combine with morania just Annex Spain there's only 21 Nations left that's a big Alliance oh man all three of these India Kazakhstan and all of Denmark and morania man you need some better friends oh you know what you do have some big friends though but they're not going to help you out that much well maybe they can yeah that's right maybe they can hop over here and and fight Denmark there's technically only like four or five teams maybe Libya is now actually a big big help okay the the money is helping the money back at home definitely helps him a little bit oh Somalia is being slightly aggressive towards the Greeks and Turks oh my goodness there goes China okay so who would the big Ally there Japan is now pretty powerful Somalia is causing trouble for this Alliance but so is Kazakhstan up here unfortunately for the Greeks and Turks they are on the front lines with Kazakhstan and India they might be getting a lot of gold but is that really going to be enough they're trying to retake the Arabian Peninsula Somalia they're on the front lines here meanwhile oh I didn't even realize that Australia started getting taken over is this New Zealand New Zealand's being aggressive Australia has all this Australia and Japan are Allied Canada is island hopping and maybe they can help a little bit against Kazakhstan because the Greeks and Turks need a lot of help there's 15 Nations left statistically area wise Canada is winning and the GRE uh the Greek Turkish Empire I should have just called them Greek Greek tur I can't even say the word Libya is really got to figure out how to destroy marania they're close what's this flashing thing do they need to get this back immediately or what that's interesting India is now fighting against the Japanese the Japanese closing in on that Mongolian Capital ooh the problem is the Canadians over here as well don't want the Japanese to get all of this though why haven't the Canadians come to help out against Kazakhstan oh they're approaching Delhi they're getting very close to Delhi oh my goodness Japan oh there it goes okay so there goes Mongolia Japan is getting thick this is a really thick Japanese empire especially since they're Allied to the A Roans that really helps them down there now will they be able to both Wombo Combo India do not let Japan take all of India that would be a problem okay the Greeks and Turks are actually doing better than Canada luckily Kazakhstan okay so when are the Japanese going to start fighting Kazakhstan oh you just let all of India collapse to the Japanese that is a problem Australia has backstabbed Japan so that's going to be some that's going to lead to some problems Brazil does not have a monopoly over South America just yet oh this only alliances in the Americas wow this is insane they're just feeding the uh Greeks and the Turks here oh now we have two we have the kazak needs going after Japan because I think Japan was briefly the number one power in terms of area man Somalia is really getting so much gold from uh the Dr of Congo the Greeks and Turks they are actually very very close to finally taking Alman or is it Alman I I can't remember what the capital is here they might be able to get it but you need the Japanese to not fall because the Japanese were doing oh and there we go bam this is huge this is huge now will you keep your alliances because they're going to get really big after this also you really need to focus on taking out Somalia at some point India move their capital is Sri Lanka so that's going to get way harder to get to oh yeah the alliances are all breaking down okay so actually wait are you guys Allied yes Greece and Turkey Allied to Japan Japan is not as not as strong as they were like maybe well years ago oh actually they're they're kicking out the Canadians over this way you actually only have one friend which is maybe not the best situation uh Brazil now has all of South America and all of Latin America in general oh Big World Wars now Big World Wars are happening area Wise It's Canada then it's the Greeks and Turks in second place Japan not too far behind former alliance between uh Libya has finally broken man they were Allied to Libya for most most of this game ohoh that's a problem if Somalia collapses this is their big enemy now funny enough these two are the biggest Rivals Australia has their Capital firmly here in uh well formerly brunai I think is this New Zealand that's moving into Brazilian territory what is going on and the libyans have ran out of money will Ooh Greece and Turkey was so close to getting there and they did eventually so now it is who are you Allied to you're Allied to New Zealand weirdly still the Japanese and uh well that's just just two of them that's it there's Seven Nations left I really wish you guys were not using these same colors there's really only two big teams I cannot believe Brazil is losing to New Zealand over here this is crazy and there goes Australia finally New Zealand's going to get a bunch of new Strength here pan got a lot of that stuff though now if this Alliance doesn't break down for the Greeks and Turks they might not I mean when you're in the middle of the map you're kind of at a pretty big disadvantage but everything's different with the crossing here I mean obviously New Zealand is in South America they're still having to fight so many different fronts though luckily they're getting fed a lot of money oh man New Zealand's running out of money they're giving away a lot of their money and Japan also is starting to run run out of money too here oh did you break up oh my goodness I don't know who broke the alliance but that is not good only having okay well they're back to being friends for now 3,000 gold still here in Anchor up the capital is anyways stretching pretty close they're actually pretty close to that Dr Congo Capital she kicked out the Canadians from this uh part of the territory they're actually moving into Greenland oh my goodness did Canada run out of money yes they did they probably will peace out yeah I knew they're going to peace out for oh yeah if you just keep declaring Wars on them though that's the big difference that will make a difference if you keep going and keep going you probably don't want to let Brazil uh Greeks Turks you probably you're probably going to want to do something don't let them okay whatever Brazil is now a major power I don't even know how New Zealand is continuing this Canada is still alive but it's pretty much over because uh well yeah they're going to get yeah okay well Brazil took most of North America that is the big big issue here Congo have been deleted there are now four countries left this is an interesting four last countries and also the alliances are looking pretty weird there's a Brazilian Alliance here with oh boy that might be it did you run out of money Oh I thought you were going to run out of money here who has the least amount of money it might be the Japanese it might be the blue side Japan and New Zealand does Brazil have a lot of gold no okay it's going to come down to the very end so far the Greeks and Turks are losing uh land oh but the Brazilians have made it to the Japanese Islands oh it's over oh are they going to take all this yeah that mostly went to just Brazil oh crap and here goes New Zealand it's going to go to Brazil too Brazil definitely has the advantage here or do they who's going to run out of money first it actually they might oh Brazil did run out of money but will they be able to get enough it depends Brazil keeps getting into Wars as long as the Greeks and Turks continue to fight Wars and killing that economy oh man you got to stop pcing out though I don't see how they're just going to magically come up upon more money they might be able to win this just because they have a th000 gold I cannot believe this they did make it a modern day Brazil I thought just because Brazil took all that territory that it was pretty much over for the Greeks and Turks well and there you go uh I did not expect to see that but they actually won maybe this is why the Rivalry is so important because they know if they teamed up like this uh they would take over the entire Globe like I said be sure to use that top Link in the description down below to makeship dcom maybe have this very same thing happen in your own house if you want that sort of thing I don't know and big thanks to my patrons Kansas was mentioned fat nor amateur archaeology beautiful Megan [Music] edx 7y
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 144,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, world war simulator, world war, sim, simulation, greece, turkey, greek, turk, union, spawn, spawned, disgusting, meme, memes, world, simulator, sim game, strategy, ai only, map, maps, world map, europe, istanbul, constantinople, nations, nation, countries, empires, make your own country, turkish, greco, turkish greco union, africa, america, asia, continents, russia, mongolia, china, japan, canada, brazil
Id: 5hTUGifCSuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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