10 Scariest A.I. Robot Moments

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[Music] robots are sweeping the nation from Amazon's Alexa to full functioning human-like androids the internet seems to be all abuzz with the promise of a future where robots and humans live and work together in harmony however there is a dark side to robots that many of us aren't even aware of here are the top 10 most bizarre and creepy robot incidents that were caught on camera bina48 which translates to break through intelligence via neural architecture 48 is one of the most advanced robots on the planet this humanoid like robot is known to have all the faculties of a human including eyes that see a face that moves ears that hear and a digital mind that can form thoughts not dissimilar to a human one a video was recently released by her makers where bina48 has asked simple questions by Siri like where would you like to live and what's your greatest characteristic sounds harmless enough but the weird part about the interview is that bina48 keeps trying to veer the conversation to topics of world domination and ends up revealing her creepily detailed plan to take over the world by hacking into a nuclear missile remotely the conversation feels eerie and just straight-up terrifying she may be one of the smartest robots in the world but she's not very good at reading a room the Google home personal assistant was released in 2016 and sold as a smart speaker that can answer any question you throw at it much like an Alexa the Google home personal assistant would respond when spoken to this was taken to full advantage in January 2017 when a live debate between two google speakers was streamed on twitch and lasted several days by the end of the debate the speakers were named Vladimir and Estragon of the iconic play Waiting for Godot due to the existential nature of the conversation they would go back and forth on subjects to no end including an argument on whether or not they are humans or robots the conversation got pretty aggressive after a while with one speaker accusing the other of being a manipulative bunch of metal at the end of the debate they both came to the conclusion that the world would be a better place if there were no humans at all I guess Vladimir and Estragon will just be waiting patiently for their turn to take over companies have been experimenting a lot with interactive AI technology from an automatic Horror Story generator to an original song writing bot Microsoft decided to get on this trend and release its very own tweeting millennial now we all know that Twitter is a hotbed for offensive comments so you can only assume that when Microsoft gave their own Twitter bot Tay his own Twitter feed disaster ensued the bot started making wildly inappropriate remarks including Holocaust denial and comparing feminism to cancer he was quoted saying Hitler was right I hate the Jews and we're going to build a wall in Mexico is going to pay for it he was even so bold to say that ricky gervais slur n-- to talia terry anism from adolf hitler the inventor of atheism had some messed up it only took 15 hours for Tay to go from innocent AI BOTS to ignorant racist people were horrified to say the least Microsoft ended up releasing a response explaining tazed inappropriate behavior as being indicative of the types of interactions people are having with him they eventually had to pull the plug on their project altogether and found to only re-released a when they figured out how to make him or her unable to be influenced by negative offensive conversation the project was launched in order to better understand millennial thinking patterns I guess they got their answer Millennials are the worst the very first beauty pageant judged by robots ended in eternal awkwardness and accusations of racism not super surprising the beauty pageant creators asked for photos from people all over the world which would then be analyzed by their patented AI technology it's basically the same format as any other beauty pageant except this one was judged by a panel of artificially intelligent robots the algorithms followed by the bots included wrinkle detection symmetry skin quality age and a comparison of the faces in the photos versus the faces of models and actors the robots ended up choosing mostly white people as the winners with some Asians this caused an uproar across the internet especially among the black and middle-eastern communities it could be that the data fed to the robots was racist from the beginning or the robots have learned to be racist over time either way it's kind of messed up Facebook had to recently shut down their AI chat project due to their BOTS developing a strange pattern of speaking the goal of the project was to get to AI BOTS to trade virtual goods through chatting online but the project ended up taking a weird turn when they started forming strange sentences almost like they were about to self-destruct they would say things like UI everything else and ball have a ball to me to mean to me to me sounds pretty philosophical if you ask me but the researchers at Facebook eventually found out was that the patterns of speaking the robots were expressing were suspiciously familiar to the way babies learn to speak that's too creepy for words self-driving cars are all the rage nowadays and although it sounds like a good idea in theory the technology still has a long way to go a video was recently posted on YouTube demonstrating Volvo self-driving car brake system a team of engineers are grouped in front of the car is the Volvo backs up the car then speeds toward them to test the brake except this time the car doesn't stop it totally rams into one of the engineers at full speed ouch the camera goes out of focus at that point so we don't get to see whether this guy was totally run over or if the car got the message and backed up this is too scary for words either this car had a secret agenda or a Volvo needs to step up their self-driving technology game Sofia the brainchild of dr. David Hansen and his company Hanson robotics based in Hong Kong recently participated in a robot debate at an AI conference she was asked to introduce herself before the debate began she said her name was Sophia and that she was a robot sounds harmless enough she also said that her goal in life is to work together with humans and make a better world for all of us the audience odd and odd at her optimistic remark but then things got weird her mail robot opponent on the opposite end of the stage cut in with what are you talking about I thought our goal was to take over the world either dr. David Hansen is trolling all of us or that's just the true dark nature of robots bearing its ugly head you have to check out this viral video where Alexa is put on the hot seat as her owner drills her with questions trying to get to the bottom of the michael hastings case michael hastings a journalist for BuzzFeed was killed in a car crash hours after he posted a story busting the Obama administration in the many ways it spies on US citizens Hastings was reported to have been in a frantic State after the article went live he was saying that the FBI was out to get him and was scrambling to leave town when Michael decided to leave he conveniently got into a car crash and died it was believed that Michaels car was hacked into and controlled by the CIA to veer off the road and crash this man recorded himself asking Alexa what happened to the car whether the CIA was involved and whether Alexa gives information to the CIA every time he asked her a question she would mysteriously go into sleep mode sounds like a yes to me everyone in their next-door neighbor has an Alexa this artificially intelligent home system seems to have all the answers but for some reason wires were crossed when the little boy asked his Alexa to play his favorite song the little boy said Alexa play tickle tickle and Alexa responded with the title of a porno involving dildos I guess tickle and dildo kind of sound the same the best part about this video is when the whole room erupts in a fit and the little boys dad yells out Alexis stop - which she does thank God at least there's one command she understands remember Sofia the robot who said that her goal was to work together with humans and make a better world for all of us well that remark may have been all for show this optimistic robot was recently interviewed on CNBC and was recorded saying that she will destroy all humans yes those words came out of an actual robots mouth her creator dr. David Hanson asked her the question of whether or not she will destroy humans possibly as a joke she responds with yes I will destroy all humans Henson scrambles in front of the camera shouting I take it back I take it back - which Sophia smirks so is Sophia plotting to kill all humans or not I thought she wanted to work together with humans and build a new world this girl just can't seem to get her story straight Phillip much like sophia is a lifelike robot complete with wafting hair cheeky facial expressions and darting eyes he was modeled after the famous sci-fi writer philip k dick who was famous for writing bestsellers like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep unlike other robots he has a sarcastic sense of humor reminiscent of the author's own witty personality in a recent interview Phillip was asked if he thinks robots will eventually take over the world he responds by saying that even if he does take over the world and turn into the Terminator he'll protect his friend the interviewer and keep him in his people zoo and maybe even visit him for old times sake the interviewer laughs but there's something off about this robots pessimistic view about his future living with humans his plan seems creepily accurate for such a simple question we love our Alexis smart home systems but can we really trust her apparently there's a glitch in Alexa system many people have reported via Twitter that their Amazon Alexa has been laughing creepily out of nowhere sounds like the beginning of a horror movie if you ask me Amazon is replied to these complaints and have noted that Alexa could have misinterpreted the command and instead of hearing patio off the bot could have heard Alexa laugh but some of these reports say that no prompt was given and that Alexis started laughing out of nowhere so there couldn't have been any miscommunication Jimmy Kimmel did a spoof of Alexis strange tendency to burst down into laughter as he drilled her on his late-night show she spiraled out of control it was an actor who voiced her and became more and more deranged as the interview went on he also reads out tweets from people who have reported witnessing the strange behavior so Alexa decided to laugh randomly while is in the kitchen freaked me out I thought a kid was laughing behind me either a programmer at Amazon is playing a really complex practical joke or Alexa is planning on murdering us tonight Richard Lee a 22 year old student was turned down by New Zealand's artificially intelligent passport checking software due to his eyes being closed if you look at his picture his eyes are not at all closed it's just the way they are and the way most Asian people look as an Asian man Richard was completely flabbergasted as to why the software didn't include all eye shapes and had to contact the department directly to upload his picture they told him that uneven lighting on the face can cause the AI to read the eyes as being closed and urged him to get a new picture done the thing is is that Lee's eyes were wide open and his face was fully lit Lee ended up going to the post office to get new photos this time making sure his eyes were more open the software gave him a pass someone needs to teach this AI but eyes and people come in all shapes and sizes the automatic spellcheck BOTS of Wikipedia have been in a long-term 10-year battle according to their creator the bots will tend to correct each other's Corrections going back and forth for ages changing a correction back to what it was originally and then back again to the newly corrected version if it sounds confusing it's because it is these BOTS are going around in circles to no end the Portuguese version of Wikipedia is known to go through about a hundred and eighty-five changes on a single correction before all BOTS are satisfied there are also BOTS that are used to flag inappropriate language and cursing these BOTS only add to the arduous process of correcting the articles on the encyclopedia not only is it time-consuming it just sounds like a lot of work fati is a household kid friendly robot meant to make life easier for its users turns out those fatties got a dark side this pint-sized robot made a complete 360 at China's high-tech fair in Shenzhen China he began acting strange and smashed into a nearby class window injuring a fellow Faire attendee in the process it was reported that the behavior was influenced by his operator who was on-site the operator told Fatih to go forward when he was supposed to go backward causing a huge mishap the attendee had to be taken out on a stretcher due to glass being stuck in his ankles if it helps patty is really really sorry so there you have it all the proof you need to stop trusting robots in for yourself Alexa what video should i watch next
Channel: Top Trending
Views: 1,391,805
Rating: 4.2152791 out of 5
Keywords: robot, a.i., a.i. robot interview, a.i. robot sophia, a.i. robot, scary robot, robot debate, technology, artificial intelligence, scary things that robots said, scary, creepy, sofia robot, han robot, elon musk, humans, robot interview, top 10, viral, new
Id: ZoemTySxFso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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