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so today I'm gonna sit in front of my computer and make videos then I'm gonna post them to YouTube and try to get as many views and as many subscribers as possible I guess that's kind of what I do every day isn't it what is going on CFG squad my name is Brandon and welcome to youtubers life so this is an old game I know it's not new but you guys have been asking me to play this game for years literally for years I've been getting comments about this game so I finally downloaded it let us give this a try see what I did there let us let us but let's just start playing okay so here we go if you don't know anything about this game basically it's a simulation of the life of a youtuber okay I don't I mean this is not the house that I live in I don't know what youtuber this is supposed to be I'm the most popular youtuber oh okay so I guess we're gonna be like PewDiePie or t-series I manage my own Network okay where it's been along the hard trip this is kind of intimidating I don't want to become the biggest youtuber in the world this is my story alright so first things first I'm gonna design my character well this guy looks nothing like me so let me try to make him look like me I'm a little bit darker yeah okay let's go to hair color yeah that seems close enough and we're gonna go with a dark brown now that's way too light I'm gonna go with black let's go to eyes I have dark brown eyes beautiful mouth okay that didn't help let's go with that no no I don't like that one yeah that's good enough I don't have a beard shirt let's go let's go the goat because I am the greatest of all time yep you see what I did there pants can I go pantsless can i play youtubers life completely naked only wearing underwear that would be funny let's go with these uh let's go with these are in shorts we're gonna go with shoes guys if you want to see youtubers life become a series on this channel don't forget to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe if you guys are new I'm not wearing shoes right now but let's go with those they look cool and then glasses I don't wear glasses except next there's the frustrated gamer okay it doesn't look that different from me it's like that's pretty good choose one personality type superstar loaded sociable genius party animal romantic well I kind of want to be a superstar right you are the master of viral videos and your only ambition is to make more yep that that sounds like me I'm gonna go with that one what do you want to talk about on your channel gaming music cooking fashion well I always want to have a Cooking Channel that's kind of my goal for the future but I'm gonna go with gaming because that's what I do right now uh my name's not Frankie my name my name's Brandon it's not Frankie I'm gonna change it to UM frustrated no no no frustrated gamer I can't put gamer find my name's frustrated gam but if that's my name from now on I'm gonna even change my channel it's just the frustrated gam okay here we go cheater broadcast oh boy I named the chin okay I'm just being dumb Brandon frustrated gamer yeah alright now I can actually spell it out perfect let's move on are you sure you want to create this youtuber I like how they can't actually use the word YouTube so they do you - tuber I think that's actually kind of funny yes I will accept it alright this is fun I started making my first videos in this room uh-oh so I've already made it as the biggest youtuber of all time but now we're going back in time to the days where I started wow this actually kind of reminds me of me not that I'm the biggest youtuber but when I first started I was on my couch in my little apartment if you guys remember that let me know in the comments I had just moved in with my mom and did not have a lot of friends around here let's take a look at the first things I learned before becoming the number one youtuber well hopefully this is a sign of things to come maybe one day the frustrated gamer will pass pewdiepie and i'll be like the biggest youtuber ever during those days I had fun making videos of those games I had in shelf Oh so he literally is just playing whatever games he has oh that's so cool and then select the video game choose game uh well there's only one choice well I can't really choose a game if there's only one choice I mean I guess I'll play that one or I can sell it I'll sell the first ever game and that does not become a youtuber that'd be kind of funny so we can do a first impression we can do a review a gameplay oh so right now I can only do a gameplay maybe one day I'll work myself up to a collab and I'll collab with ob spy in Komodo alright let's do a gameplay in this stage you must confer well what's going on what was that what was that uh oh so I need to make my workstation my webcam my microphone oh this is so cool buy one choice for webcam is low resolution so uh well that's kind of what I did at first to my microphone no filter mono directional okay none of these sound good let's just start recording can I name them well that's a bad name that's a really bad name I'm gonna try to make it more exciting I took over the world okay that's a better title now we're talking all that I'm making the video right now advice you unlocked an achievement yay I don't know what I did to unlock the achievement but great it just dawned on me guys if this is my first day making a youtube video that means I lost all my subscribers I finally got to 300,000 subscribers and now I have none I lost every single subscriber I ever had that's really disappointing we even edit in this game no way this is amazing it's gonna be funny when I'm editing this video of a video where I'm editing a video well now my head just hurts okay create your videos by dragging clips and then editing the tracks to fit them the best way you can you can also use effects okay that's really cool let's do that I don't know what this is it looks a little blurry but sure and then can we add an effect I would like to put an effect please okay we'll do a little tight in the beginning let's do a little soft focus and we're good render it except if I put this little effort into my actual videos I would be horrendous but video quality I reached level two okay I don't know what my video quality level is in real life but - doesn't sound that bad it's a new record for me watch your views subscribers and money earn to grow it's always exciting besides there's always a comment that helps me know whether I'm doing it well or not yep you're always gonna have a comment of one kid that's like I hate you and I hope you die I don't know why people make mean comments on YouTube if you don't like a video just go to someone else that's what I always say alright except I'm a little scared it says to go to school I only had to go out the door of my room so should I go to school yeah let's go to school everybody should not rely on YouTube as their future career you should go to school look at me I went to high school I went to college I even was an accountant for 5 years look at this I'm already at 57 views guys when I uploaded my first video to YouTube on this channel I think I got 3 views one was me one was my mom and one was my girlfriend I don't think I got a single view from anybody else I'm gonna skip the tutorial I don't want the tutorial I am a professional youtuber I do not need tutorials ok well now what do I do I do this every time I always skip the tutorials and then I have no idea what I'm doing next 87 views on my first video but I made $0 well that's not very good ok um well I would upgrade but my video has made $0 so I can't really upgrade too much no don't go to sleep no oh my goodness I am bill laziest youtuber in the world ok well that was the fastest night's sleep I've ever seen in my life it's already January 4th no I've got like a week without uploading alright let's go back to the computer new gaming video yeah let's settle in we still only have one game hey buddy there's something out there called free games I mean I don't think I played a game that I paid for for the first month on my channel let's do part 2 because part 1 did great look at that 127 views uh yeah we're gonna start recording this one's gonna be I took over the world again I'm the greatest title maker he side of the Mississippi like I always said what was that your allies betrayed you I didn't even know I had allies what what's going on funny critique murderous look advice I'm gonna go with the funny critique if the guy critiquing me has lots of subscribers that could be good for my channel I could get lots of publicity wait what's a Sergent funny comment yeah let's do the funny comment are they gonna tell me what the funny comment is that would be like me logging into YouTube and then being like hey you just got a nice comment but you can't read what it says I mean what is that wait did it say it's gonna upload in 8 hours what okay sometimes it takes me a while to upload videos to YouTube but it doesn't take me 8 hours I mean maybe it takes an hour holy nutcrackers I gotta upgrade my computer I must have the worst computer in the world new level video quality 5 Wow alright I'm gonna catch up to my real channel in no time I mean I have 38 subs hey that's not bad 38 subs that's actually pretty darn good so you're telling me the number one youtuber in the world has 7701 subscribers I mean if that was the case I would be the number one youtuber in the world that would be fantastic oh you know what maybe this is like supposed to be when YouTube first started maybe I was like one of the first youtubers ever oh that would be cool Congrats you have reached level 2 when you get a new level you can unlock lightbulbs skill video clips and many other objects yay I unlocked a light bulb I mean that's gotta cost what a dollar ninety-nine at Walmart I mean that's a load of barnacles oh no free ads Walmart I will be sending you an invoice in the mail have I mentioned how amazing this music is Oh what do I got mom the school called and told me you missed a lot of class this week leave the computer alone and study but mom I have 38 subscribers I have 38 people that are relying on me to make videos I just keep forgetting to go to school sorry mom wait how do I go to school did you know you can make some extra money with temp jobs mom I am about to be the biggest youtuber in the world I do not need to get a job oh goodness gracious I'm not getting it mom go away get out of my room you're ruining my life mom I took over the world for the third time this is not a good youtube title but I'm doing it anyway you guys are gonna have to help me out in the commets I've never played this game before it seems like a lot of fun and I'm having a great time but help me out in the comments what the strategy is in this game what I should do in this game to get better I want to be the biggest youtuber ever um funny comment technical comment oh I'd like a technical comment that might help me out in the future okay here we go so I'm gonna do that with a title I'm gonna do that with a grade color and then we're gonna do that with a saw I can't add a third effect alright that's fine twelve hours what is my computer getting worse why is it taking four more hours than it did before when it was still ridiculously long I'm way way look at this it's gonna take me almost 16 hours to render it and then twelve hours to upload it that's more than one day it's literally gonna take me more than an entire day to make this video I mean that is a load of barnacles if I've ever heard it congratulations you are now all seven hundred and seventy-seventh visitor of our online store keep reading to reclaim your amazing prize well this just seems like a scam right I mean like I've gotten so many emails being like congratulations you're our millionth customer here's a million dollars but I'm not dumb enough to click on it but you know what in this game I'm dumb enough to click on it hey actually I actually got $20 I thought it was gonna be a scam youtubers life is teaching me bad habits next time I get that email saying I won a million dollars I'm probably gonna click on it and get a virus but you know what that's okay I'm trying to figure out how to eat oh oh I literally just had to press the door and press eat well that's embarrassing only this I'm actually in the kitchen right now okay I don't know exactly what he's eating but he took three bites of something and now he's completely full okay hey this actually looks just like the webcam I used to have what if we do that can I can I upgrade my webcam wait I think I got it did I actually buy it oh I actually did oh that's awesome wait I want to upgrade my microphone to desktop mic I don't know if that's even better oh it has two stars all right let's get that to buy it yeah all right so now we actually have a better microphone and a better camera that's a big upgrade right there oh I got a package wait what's this what's in the package is it what I just bought maybe oh it's my webcam oh it is this my microphone that's so cool so it's like I ordered it on Amazon and like the next day it came in oh I love that I really want to buy a new game can i oh I can go shopping oh what a son of a nutcracker I am so I can either get this one this one or this one I'm gonna go a league of giants which is of course nothing to do with League of Legends ooh that one's $35 no but it's the most popular let's buy it let's buy it that's beautiful yes I'd like to accept it and now let's film our next video new gaming video oh wait what happened hey kid I'm a video gaming street vendor and I have an offer I'm sure you can't resist one amazing game for a reasonable $40 well I just bought a game man no thanks I just bought a game uh whoa oh is this the game did a a a League of whatever it was called I actually don't remember now and now I have 151 subs not too shabby let's make another gaming video I want to make the League of Giants let's do a gameplay continue and here we go yes and I'm gonna use my new webcam and my new mic this is going great guys it says the new man 10 Dodie s will be available in one day in six hours nothing to do with the Nintendo it's a man Tendo I actually like that name a lot okay whoa my video went viral look at that it's got one point three thousand look how many subs I'm getting I'm rich well actually I didn't make any money so I'm not rich but I'm famous I'm definitely famous look at this this one video got me 500 subs almost what does my mom want now oh if you don't start studying someday I'm going to ground you don't come crying to me when I do mom I literally go to school every oh I forget how fast time goes in this game I think I go to school like once a week basically yeah that wouldn't be good sorry mom I promise I'll go to school eventually but I'm famous now so you can't yell at me I'm too famous alright let's go to school let's go study oh I should probably get a job too so I can actually start earning money I could be a shoe shiner four hours a day 20 bucks I can do wash cars let's let's do car washes whoa basic CPM so I get a dollar for every thousand views wow this is actually kind of like YouTube that CPM is a real thing guys that's amazing okay very well you have just won talent points so now I can actually start making money on my videos aha oh now that I get a job the day that I get a job is the day that I start making money on my videos alright that's okay let me go to my missions what are my missions now so this one is go to work four times this one is upload a gameplay video well I've done that a bunch of times this one is get a thousand subscribers and this one is passed your tests with a C or higher all that's gonna be tough who is this son of a nutcracker hey who are you get out of here I gotta go to work and make some money so I can buy more games is that my friend I don't know I don't think that was my mom maybe it's like my friend that's angry I haven't hung out with them in a while I've I have no idea what was that oh he's tired sorry friend I don't have time to fine I'll talk to you real quick right no you know what I'm gonna go to sleep first sorry friend you're gonna have to sit here and watch me sleep all night and then I'll wake up and talk to you I'm the worst friend ever all right let's talk talk to him request from a friend hi Brandon I want to make a video of me playing a game but I don't know how to record it could you do it and upload it I'll send you the game why would I do that oh maybe I got a free game out of it I probably got a free game out of it look at that my League of Giants part 2 is getting great views - hey I made $3 my youtube channel has generated $3 then I got 50 likes and one dislike that's not bad look at that I got I'm over a thousand subs I literally got 1000 subscribers in a single day well I guess it hasn't been a single day but in real life it's been like 40 minutes of gameplay this is fantastic oh thanks for uploading the video brain and I'll tell my friends how good you are at this that's how you grow by the way there's a gaming Congress in a few days where you can meet other youtubers oh this is so cool I'm excited if you guys want to see more of this game don't forget to hit that like button don't forget to subscribe if you guys are new and I will see all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 2,120,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtubers life, youtubers life gameplay, youtubers life omg, youtubers life dantdm, youtubers life update, youtubers life update 2020, youtubers life 2020, youtubers simulator, youtubers life full gameplay, youtubers life omg full game, youtubers life ep 1, youtubers life ending, youtubers life part 1, youtubers life jelly, youtubers life playlist, youtubers life playthrough, youtubers life play button, the frustrated gamer youtubers life, tube tycoon, the frustrated gamer
Id: g6Bn3LumUSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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