I Sent Preston to Among Us School... *low IQ*

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we have one two three students and one of them is a secret imposter [Music] orange white mocha imposter one royallyview.com it's time for suit up class stand up take off your drawers and then if you ever can put your suit up and zip it up the fastest three two one go why why is he doing it that way what wait he's so we can only give one a and today it's for the newlywed white mocha literally finished so much faster than john class number two we have to see who can get this the most color-coordinated blindfolded let's pass out the boxes three two one wire all right little prong down here that should be a rapper oh gosh no yes okay one in it goes there how confident are you that it goes there not at all brian it's hard enough to plug things in when out you're without your blindfold oh that looks like red i'm blindfolded i can't see you're cheating you're gonna get an f in this class bro i'm wired we don't care about you oh my gosh guys you're not gonna believe it we have a straight a somebody who got everything right it's john john got everything right now are you serious literally everything is correct on there what is it wrong yeah this is purple and this is real oh that counts i was just looking okay he basically got it right i think this is the most accurate because this is the same color that goes to the same color this and this so based on what the other students had i think that one is the most accurate let's see nothing nothing got right zero okay you got a big brain in there riley b let's see i didn't know which side to put it on you can break school property okay yet again an a for the newlywed i love you what have you done you said not to break school properly and i said i don't listen to rules class number three who can have the most accuracy while doing this not me that's why y'all are in the class orange you're up you can't learn any special little techniques from the other guys he doesn't need him he's the imposter yeah i mean i want to be soft what have i done so far you've thrown like three knives i was bringing them in for the shoot it was not impostor related three two one imposter red sus red knot sus he's the impostor testing if people are suss he got a knife through the wall earlier when he wasn't supposed to all innocent before nick hits that red little minion make sure if your subscription button is red like harriet over there make it gray that's just the one that i started with this this is so far failure right here that was i could throw better than that you see look at this if john lands one he's dead definitely definitely the imposter boys i'm the best among this player here listen look at this later i'm pretty sure john's the only person who actually has to even play the mom guts just because john is recently married he's getting all the points which makes no sense if i'm a betting man i would say it's nick look at that very suspicious this is called the gas tank challenge and you're going to fill your cup and run safely without dropping the water and throw it in said bucket now you have your own bucket you have your own market you have your movements from there you have one minute and it's whoever can get the most water in the bucket i understand okay i have one note before this class starts you cannot mess with the other classmate's buckets or you will get a foul stop stop smirking over there yeah three two one gas oh boys i don't know how to get this out nick looks like he's trying to do chemistry oh no john can't win every single task should we sabotage shall we how do i sabotage i can kick his can over i i feel like we should sabotage somehow steven as the teacher you work for me okay sabotage someone sabotage [Music] oh the minute is over okay it's time to judge we have a bucket that may have more water than most even though it was sabotaged preston has a large bucket of water that he uh conveniently poured all of the tank up where's the evidence chief playback the film and then there's nick who did nothing do you know what you got i'm ready for my ex i wore green for a reason this does not match my outfit you guys you need to come back both of you beat you while being sabotaged she said don't sabotage the buckets didn't sabotage the buckets i took the whole fuel tank like a smart crew member and put it in there not my father's dumb crew members half of an a equals a c so here you go so we're graded on a curve i don't know what that means okay in my defense because i think you guys were saying about me in my defense i've been a crewmate so long i don't even know what to be an imposter is that's why i'm so good at the tasks that was the worst alibi i've ever heard this is a sound level meter we gotta do a sneak test you're gonna be blindfolded one by one walk through a series of mouse traps i'm glad you got your shoes and see who can be the quietest three two [Music] one [Music] 104.7 dominant foot that's cheating let go so far preston is in the lead 91.4 is it my turn yes [Music] bro these are the worst space traps we've ever seen 101. he was barely louder than preston yes so in this we're going to be doing a lie detector to see if people seem nervous when they answer questions and it literally says did you kill blink no one has died in this class so i don't know who we're going to reference sacrifice stephen for content yeah i know okay i told you i'm there what what do you do when this happens die yes so nick did you kill stephen no i did not kill you steven is now dead nick but you're the one that killed him and i clearly saw that so i'm not very exhausted what room are you in storage okay are you insane john yesterday when we played among us in real life did you see a dead body and not report it no true more truth truth okay pass it to preston do you sing in the shower no but i do listen to anime music but do you sing no but i do listen to anime um no but i do listen to anime music told the truth how would you rate your looks on a scale of one to ten okay did it shock you wait no he just got full green i told the truth i'm a ten what here you wanna try you wanna see what number you got that's full truth ask preston the same question orange on a scale of one to ten how attractive are you 12 possibly yes he's also ugly who is your favorite sibling i will not answer he has some pretty awesome siblings yeah i know that's a horrible question preston john you receive an f and nick this is your first day no it is not roll it back to where i got all my a's this is emergency button trivia whenever you know the answer rate to press the emergency meeting button and then go question number one what year did among us come out 2018. that's correct stand up here we we don't want any casualties the only advantage i had in this game actually hands on back among us has easter eggs alluding to what no knicks i have to finish the question snowballs no among us has easter eggs alluding to what other anti-hero hero video game yes mega man no no what is it nick henry stickman you didn't push the button i know i already answered i thought it was snowball how many among us maps are there there's three among us map was it nick i need an instant replay ryan is on the button how does someone beat us it's a little suss question number four how many character colors are there nine what's your answer 10 12. it's 12. this guy didn't even know yesterday no we filmed a video yesterday and he's like wait you can get three imposters in the game whoever gets this right will get an a nick gets an a he has also disappeared because he is definitely the imposter how many different character hats are there eighteen that was apparently wrong so pressed 22. 26 final offer okay final offer you failed do are we only doing final offers or can i just keep going yeah they do final offer i guess this is the final one 31 32 33 okay nope nope you all failed there is 93 oh my god on my outline nick where were you where you were right now you just sent me to this project i was talking to the person who wrote the trivia to try to get her to vouch for me and it turns out she's dead so listen about it we need you to report to the classroom i just asked nick where he was because he suss and he said he uh talked to you and you were dead but here you are clearly not dead she's a ghost what happened i was doing wires and i for sure didn't see him in electrical i think she just dissed me but i don't play among us so i don't know next class is asteroid so you got some balls to try to hit the asteroids they're gonna be moving you got six shots to try your best [Music] bullets you ready you got to put the visor down why is it down chief eyes are down that's a miss that was an almost pitch [Music] nick i don't trust you with this i'm so ready to win this guy's got his helmet on backwards he's got a cat nick oh my god gosh three two one mix right mitch all right [Music] doing that again nope didn't he just hit one i think he hit one he just i didn't even notice it he hit it off the rebound does that count that counts yeah it's because he's still losing still counts okay you realize you all have to go last man standing three two one go the focus right now oh so little tiniest one so close oh john john nick was absent from the classic explain yourself from the class oh i think you heard him a little fairy put some little pieces on your desk this is a race to see who can be the first to put the puzzle together three two one go cafeteria so this is the scaled map eh the scaled the scale finding the it's all about finding the corner pieces i knew you're gonna say that all right reactor's over here on this side of the map oh i found one piece let's go chief i got a corner piece here this is a bottom corner piece let me make sure let me do the final check it's correct look at this that is you got the scale look at that see i told you if i said i thought john was gonna win that actually means me helping pressure loser when i count down you can get up once you find a body whistle to report it after all eight are found it's whoever found the most body three two [Music] i've got a knife wait wait wait under the chair oh that'd be a great place to hide a body no no no he stole my body he blew my whistle first bro with my what's on my chest are these important those are not bodies where are the other bodies nothing's happening i just have to get up now oh dude i just checked over there how many do we have i quit i got so there's one there's one left it means we could tie the game wait wait wait there's a key this is definitely one where is your whistle i lost it but i found the body wait so does that mean everyone's tied now i don't want john to win so nick how many did y'all have i have you have five four now how many do you have zero i gave them all to nick oh so john obviously fails for cheating nick actually won the challenge but because of you being kind you get a name welcome to the last and final class reactor you got to come and clip a wire of your choice look at this sketchy bundle you gotta nick let's go with you first which one are you gonna choose i pick one be careful clip the purple one choose the right one i'm picking green are you sure okay preston you're up a lot of people say i'm lucky we're about to find out so if nick cuts green i will cut red always cut red like in the words it says don't press the red button okay someone has sabotaged what's going on who is the imposter so who do y'all think is the imposter
Channel: Brianna
Views: 6,752,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: mkKIDX8vgyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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