I Sent My YouTube Play Button Into Space!!

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everybody nothing today I'm going to space I want to go to space so if you want to take me to space you've got a rocket ship you're willing to you know maybe strap just dusting in and I'm not I'm not going to space I don't have a rocket ship but I think you'll be cool to say my YouTube play button into space this is now that I'm thinking about it this took me a long time to get and you just may lose it yeah I might lose it not get it back but there's some positive here when when people walk through my house and then they're like oh hey nice play button I could be like yeah it's been to space true me the pro seem that way the cons yeah you got the value right okay I don't know if that's how that works but let's get started start off we got our helium balloons here and these are gonna be carrying the button up to space in case you're wondering yeah they ran out of green balloons so I got the Pikachu on maybe did I just get the peak that you want cuz I like Pikachu yeah we better that's way better well who did you pick in the beginning come on squirtle Charmander Charmander yeah oh man dude personally I picked squirtle comment down below who you guys started with I feel like most people started with squirtle yeah now when I thought about this super genius idea I searched it on YouTube to see if anyone else had done and maybe someone else already did it but this one's gonna be better you should go so Brian Taylor I saw your video it's giving me a little bit of insight on how to do this you didn't do it like this but this is gonna work ready yeah three two one it only did that non-work we're inside we're gonna need a lot bigger balloon right yeah oh no no all right I think clearly the obvious reason here why is it why it's not floating up is because it's too heavy so we're gonna do a little bit of a 10 first oh we got our Lego guys they're super light they're enduring packaging okay you broke them oh no where'd the other one go oh there was two Lego man yeah now there's only one this guy doesn't have legs so we're not sending him we're sending this guy he looks ready he looks ready long as you come back oh oh no no wait wait wait come on no no boy you didn't get a chance to show them all the cars right now just take a peek at you fly over them where did it go oh it's to see him Wow okay this just addressed some problems we got some problems we got some problems we need to figure this out solution number 1 we send the silver play button lighter yeah it's lighter solution number 2 we're idiots and we have no idea what we're doing we don't work for NASA we never said anything in the space before so why don't we go get someone who's done this before you know something I do know someone it kept a kind of live in New York we live in Canada we should go near you see the city in my car in the city do you secure the bag [Music] okay so now we are here we are no longer I was gonna say we're no longer the idiots but we're still the idiots but we found a guy who's not one see this right here guys this is my friend toy from Overlook Horizon he's done this many times in fact I think he may be related to Elon Musk from what I assume he's got a NASA patch I don't have a NASA patch so obviously this is this is legit you see this this is any Pikachu balloon we got a countdown timer we got a full tank of helium not even sure if we're allowed to have that but I'm not gonna question you because you're helping me today and I also don't know where we are just he knows what he's doing all I him talking what are we doing we're gonna launch a weather balloon today Oklahoma Lee yeah and you brought a special payload for us I did yes end up see this yeah we saved just some time I didn't he made it by the way guys I don't know if he popped tagged him enough I don't know if you saw his Twitter but BAM and he also has a YouTube channel right there yeah he's covering more of this on Twitter and on YouTube so go to his YouTube channel go to his Twitter show him some love some just us and sent me tell him Suey from space I'll go and comment back to you he was explaining something I'm gonna step away I send a play by now this is special you gonna get one it's on the way somehow you're crazy enough to let me send this up and we're gonna get two maybe thirty four and a half kilometers four and a half kilometers up yeah what's that in miles miles how about one hundred and twelve thousand feet I don't know a hundred and twelve thousand feet off so to the edge of space or two in space cold right yeah like negative 70 negatives oh that sounds cold no matter where you are that's cold can we just take a moment ooh oh oh that was like these kind of thing I do we continue okay yeah Oh to tracking systems onboard so hopefully we find it again hopefully yes I can but I'm not gonna continue make you launch it since it's yours okay just to make me responsible isn't it basic I think probably yeah that's that point you really really can't turn back well that's what we're doing we gotta fill a balloon you want to focus I do want to throw this see this this this is this look at look at this yeah that ain't Google Earth actually is Google but it's like a more scientific a smart guy Google and this is code you know weird is a serious I don't know all right we got our rubber glue I don't know I don't know why we just told me to put them on he's the guy from NASA so I I put them on we got hammers though oh the dangerous for you yeah all right you stand over here you is a big balloon this is 1,500 grams here so you're gonna leave this across your arm just roll it out there don't touch the ground so what you're saying is if there's a leave in the slightest little hole this whole thing is destroyed it will make for a long day if there's a little hole in it will stay up in the air for a long time and we're gonna be chasing in a place that we didn't expect to be chasing in so yes I do that the furthest I've ever chased it is about 45 miles but I intentionally launched on days that I don't have to chase it far okay you can you can launch on days where it'll go 150 miles 45 miles yeah guys you guys see what I'm saying was not planned that's why I like Tory doesn't have enough yeah it better be a hundred layers of space I don't know if that's possible ease should a camera on the strip Jerry we had a great breakfast at the hotel just so you know is true that's true Travis liked it it was good pancakes you pressed the button made them automatically did your passport [Applause] I just punched my zipper but look at how cool that is you see this you see what I'm doing here this isn't no Pikachu balloon with a lego man attached this the big balloon and you guys smash that like button and comment it down below I may get like 20 of these did you not go check them out incoming smart guy talk so we got a counterweight that is measured out to a specific weights that once a balloon can lift that off the ground then we know that there's an up helium in the balloon and will ascend at the appropriate rate you had school I didn't pretend to know that oh look there's equals t minus 25 minutes can't really miss it I say t minus cuz it makes me sound like I know what I'm doing me - what does team of - me that's when we're launching should you have a tea - like - yeah question see we're on the same basis of knowledge I think from launching a high-altitude balloon we're gonna go one hour up to flight level 600 so f a a if you're listening this is Casey nice that approved I know you guys are on take it easy on my man Casey okay let them fly his drones around New York just like I had to lay that in there this is approved high five FAA yeah let's go you work for them maybe why'd you that's a pitch house boy I'm so happy I did not do this by myself this this would be me in the back all my way to NASA jail nurses yes I have a jail see you - one minute and 30 seconds I think this would be a good time by the way to explain this rig a little bit here we got the conjunction device which does conjunction and here we got the two tracking devices which do tracking and then we got the transmitter which transmits the image and the message between I'm making stuff up kind of sounds like it means that inside this side wall there's a camera pointing at my play button which is securely fastened on there it's in there it's good should you use flex anything right don't let go I skip the step we want to fly yet hold on tight was it an importance to have kind of things hi oh you see some more tape I this is one of the things when I see Tori panicking a little and running it makes me a little concerned we'll be fine I think all right here we go you two I know I'm out a lot more but thanks for 100k send this suita space three two one oh oh oh pretty wobbly wow that's going fast I can still see it Lindell a button oh my god it's so high oh man I should have let it go more steady maybe because it was like the balloon was over here and this was over here and I was pulling and he told me to let it go more steady but but I didn't but I didn't listen I hope the footage is okay he's okay oh man that's way up there when it's coming down you think I can catch it if I catch this on the way down and you don't share the video I'm gonna come to your house probably not gonna do that because there's a lot of you guys and like just fast like button we gotta track it track it we got to tracking systems it's time to track it we're gonna chase in the car how that birds are real confused probably yeah probably how we tracking us well we got radio signals coming back to us okay load is sending us its position yeah gonna do that for the whole flight okay about three hours and we're gonna go we gotta go track it down yeah we're gonna be there waiting we're gonna go chase it we're chasing the car I'm chasing that's right okay yep we're gonna get the app we're following on my app yeah and then we'll be there waiting when it comes back down in front on the applique button yeah it's like Find My iPhone by method ya know that's something us see where it is now there's our two trackers we're at 4,000 feet right now so 5,000 feet we're at right now right now we're at 5,000 feet high that's ridiculous II I good signal temperatures already down to 46 humidity and our battery is still good okay that's the battery on the GoPro that's the battery on the tracking system oh we don't know we don't know GoPro if you make it through this chat us to you if you don't i'm pointed i'm very disappointed whoa yeah I got my own booklet do you have your own booklet does any other youtuber have their own booklet okay probably not they got diamond plate buttons they got merch they don't got over like horizon booklets so the original plan was to follow him in my car but then I realized well he has his space in his car and he's got all the good equipment and stuff so we're gonna take his car and keep you guys updated the whole time use that as my Labor's that bother you that bother I'm getting out of here okay see you in his car uh Tori Tori yeah are you aware that there's a helium tank back here beside me is this safe yes I'm sure it's safe it's you're sure like pretty sure okay doesn't ninety percent sure I don't feel comfortable all right Dustin's going to get some water so what do you think we messed with them just a little bit that's good to me I'm for that yeah all right it's gonna be fun all right so we got two GPS signals here one of them says that we should be out here in this cornfield we probably ought to check the first one out and we're going to see if it's there you ready yeah the yuppies in the cornfield yeah we should we should be right in there I mean it's your play button so I figure you you know check it out how far news is it all right say probably about a hundred feet I can show you on the map maybe I'm excited I'm low-key a little scared but hundred feet straight in should run right into it you're coming what some drone oh no what if we landed on top I mean maybe oh there's like a little cap okay well this is so weird I heard people get lost in cornfields yeah seen that movie children of the corn know - you like animals - the snake or something what snake hisses snake no no no all right keep going keep going further he's deep in there I'm in the middle of a cornfield right now and I'm not gonna lie I did not tell the farmer that we were coming here look at this I think I'm lost Travis he's gone he'll be out there while that's been whoa I see movement Oh oh my god what's up man I don't think it's in there I got another we're trying to find it if it's in the cornfield I'm a little worried we're gonna check the other GPS and maybe I just hope it's not in the cornfield we're gonna check the other one okay so we should be out here around that big tree there big tree in the middle let's get it okay I'll meet you guys that it get some in the car extra battery there's the parachute okay uh what tree to choose okay so that was a lot harder than I thought but Dustin has no idea the parachute is up in the tree time to go tell him it could be back in the corn it definitely could could be back in the corn I found it I just can't wait to see him clad in the tree uh I just thought admit it go hold on yeah yeah yeah I saw it from the bushes oh it's up there oh yeah yeah I know there's another one over there right under the tree we're going oh sorry but where's the package maybe it's up in the trees like in the green okay not bad okay all right I've seen way too many videos of lazy pandas falling out of trees ah sorry what is the likelihood that it's separated and it's somewhere else now it happened can you check the GPS again says it's still up in the air it's still up in the air that was a spare parachute it was Tori's idea ok let's go you win this one goes up to try out the only reason why I'm not actually mad is because that means we didn't lose it the balloon should be popping soon and I was figuring you know the air get less dense as you get higher and higher therefore the gas expands and that's why the balloon popped when I was wondering I was asking Tori Tori how did how big does this how big does this balloon get before it pops so it's about 6 feet in diameter on the ground this should get to about 40 feet in diameter when it bursts oh my god it's like 13 or 14 yards that's like you can fit a car inside the balloon probably yeah easily we're gonna go with that that's ridiculous if you guys want to see us blow up one of these balloons with a leaf blower and blow it up on the ground will you just comment that down below so you know I'll do it it's gonna be loud we might be in a little bit of trouble here because we lost a signal right now it's looking like it's in Morocco so looks like we might be going to Morocco how is this possible Tori um I don't know it's fine I'll be fine 20% chance right [Music] popped popped it popped coming down okay all right we got notification it popped and I think every close sign up like ten minutes away okay ten minutes oh wow how high did it pop at one hundred nine thousand nine hundred and eighty feet okay so we passed a hundred thousand feet I think that's that's pretty that's pretty good that's awesome that's awesome sorry let's try to find it oh you see did you see [ __ ] where's it so we think we located it by we I mean Tory as you can see now I look like Tory except I don't have the patches because no punches only got one set of that yeah I haven't been to space and Tory's been to space 11 times 20 times is this one real this time let me just say if this is not the spot I'm going home and me and Travis are no longer friends what you know I appreciate the good video content but my socks are wet now Oh mine look at how thick those bushes I already feel that you got to do in there with you yeah what I'll make a path I think I found a different way in this murder way oh there's some berries don't eat those huh know what don't need that don't do it no no there's a big spider where do you go how did you get there oh there's the there's the parachute there's a place and you follow the rope and oh no oh let's get this out here's the balloon this is literally shredded get the rest of the package and all oh my god it's so cool that's literally freezing but look no scratches all his good guys so huge shout out gustatory from over the horizon for making this video - guys she's from NASA it wouldn't happen otherwise he did a whole video on it that link is in my description down below go comments suh-weet from space and usually I like to leave on a high note but wall sorry I want to hear the soui from space I gotta go home now
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 2,018,210
Rating: 4.9337797 out of 5
Keywords: space, sending into space, sent to space, youtube, youtube play button, play button, justdustin, grammarly, home depot, youtube awards
Id: DHrh-xwYkuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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