I Secretly Used //cut in a Minecraft Build Battle

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here we have it slash slash copy there we go slash slash cut let's just bring it over to my side ah yes uh hello peasants welcome to my kingdom hi kevin what did you build exactly well you got to look right behind you oh what people say what is this what's going on with his eyes dude it looks like he hasn't slept in a month hey hey don't look at the eyes look at that look at the chain he's got um oh dude i have something so good come on let's go first here okay i'm actually excited to see this just stay there stay there please where's my build there's literally nothing here bro you do realize we just spent the last half an hour building and you have nothing this has to be a glitch i built i spent so much time on this well i know because dude that is so nice thanks kevin i know this is really nice but my friend mogi actually built it and today i'm gonna be secretly cutting all of my friends builds in a building competition we're in the next round here and i could not help but notice kevin is in the sky what the flip is this man doing bro look he's upside down he's like mean okay serious note here uh well listen so i actually don't have anything prepared for this build challenge because i'm taking all the guys and well i'm just gonna jump in spectator here let's see what is kevin exactly up to over here he doesn't have anything placed down just yet thankfully because his last build was way too sauce all right okay okay okay i don't know if the guys think i'm dumb or something but i've watched the other videos that shark and moki post i know what's going on here i finally figured it out everybody else is using schematics so you know what today i'm also gonna do the exact same freaky thing now yo now bear with me guys cause you're about to see one of the biggest and craziest dragons you have ever seen in your entire life ready so we're gonna probably fly out to like right here should be fine we're gonna go slash slash paste because we've already loaded in our schematic and we're gonna do minus a ready and why'd he put it all the way up there oh no so let's have a look here mogi currently has absolutely nothing and uh well it seems oh my god kevin wait this dude literally built a whole drive there's no way he did this legit wait are they trying to con me are they trying to are they trying to beat me in my own game well that's not a problem because i can simply just do this position number one fly all the way over here position number two ah yes slash copy is my best friend [Music] oh they could probably see it now they can't see it there's no freaking way oh my god all i have to do now is paste in kevin's building somehow and somehow fit it where my arena is and wait wait wait oh my god oh my god dude it pasted halfway through steve bro it pasted halfway through steve and moggy's build all right y'all time is up moggy my expectations are up here for you so please share with us what you have oh i didn't have too much time but i i'm proud of it turn around turn around you can do it okay oh whoa whoa this is actually really cool wow great look at that i built this myself stay here no i i built him myself i built i built magic i built him with my own two hands mowgy yeah all right kevin uh this one's gonna be really hard to build um i hope you really went hard on this i'm laughing it off i know i'm gonna win really really this is cute why don't you care to show us what your dog version of steve would look like all right come on you gotta come right all right kevin let's see where did you build this exactly it's right over here [Music] where i don't i don't is oh wait hold up maybe my my game's not loading let me re-log one sec i don't know it could be my graphics card no i i just loaded it in wait hold on my game's still not working guys i'm trying to refresh my game it's still not working kevin where's your build literally just i was just looking at it no cause i just finished building it like it rendered all in i just saw it was red it had white spikes down its spine it was huge uh kevin i don't think you built anything i think you were playing the wrong no it was freaking massive dude like the shadow something tells me you're playing the wrong game kevin i just relaunched my game and literally nothing is here there there is nothing here okay you know what kevin um if you're not gonna build anything if you're not gonna take this build challenge seriously we can kick you out and get somebody else here that'll actually compete i built something okay hey stop yelling we'll check the footage at the end but i need to show you my build okay all right where's your vote i'm concerned i'm gonna be honest with you guys i kind of went a little bit uh you know a little bit off on this one but you know if you just fly up this way a little bit you'll see it it's right above my steam that i built um detailed dragon would you say kev ah that's my build that's mine i that's mine no no this is my build right now wait disconnect at this point or what do i do this is mine no kevin i this is my build i built it no this is mine i built this kevin you don't have a build that's what i'm trying to say you don't even have a build listen uh kev all i'm saying is i have the footage to show for this i mean i literally built this block by block look look at my inventory i literally have all the blocks necessary i don't know what to say man listen guys if you guys can't take this seriously we're gonna have to you know maybe play with somebody else but i just need you guys to like actually play you know but i but i built this maybe it's just a glitch or something i mean mogi's moogie last game like glitched out but look mogi's build's here like it's completely normal i want to be back in my own safe area you go back you know what we do let's settle this with a round number three fair and square let's see who can build the best i don't think i've ever seen kevin this mad before like he's legitimately getting upset so this last round i'm gonna let everybody build and i'm not gonna copy what they're doing but i'm just gonna blatantly cut their build at the very end of course i came prepared right here i have a schematic which happens to be a massive pirate ship and well this should be more than enough to give me my final credits to win this building challenge okay all i have to do is fit it in like perfectly and boom oh it works look at that i squeezed it right in between the steve and the dragon oh my gosh i mean um what do you guys think of my build you totally just watched me build all this didn't you right right okay so we can actually build anything this round and i'm gonna make mine okay so here's here's the thing i'm going to make mine as unique as humanly possible to do in minecraft for one reason one reason only if i make my build unique there is no way someone else is going to take my build i know shark took my build i know he did that's my bill dude i'm the one who freaking cheated to put that thing in dude it's my build what do we want to build though i was thinking you know what what if we built a freaking tree house okay okay we're gonna put this down hit it with some bone meal still kind of tiny we're gonna hit it with some more bone meal still kind of tiny we're gonna hit these both with some bone milk there we go base to the tree is done okay you know what i'm gonna copy these blogs right here because we're gonna make a tree house you know all right i'm gonna build a storehouse and i'm gonna do it as detailed as possible so there is no way anyone will copy me right so two two block gap three block gap and two block cap i'm going to be using cobble deeply i'm gonna be creating some arches just like that i don't know if i'll get the details of this done in time but i'll know for sure if someone copied me now i'm gonna put in some detail work some barrels all right if we put some spruce trap doors in between and as fences we put left turn yo all right this is looking well okay so i'm watching kevin build right here and i know he's already a little bit upset so i'm gonna prank him we're gonna go underneath the grass here i'm gonna go in vanish just like this so he can't see me okay right here is a box i'm gonna do something that is gonna get so annoying but kevin's just gonna have to deal with it the whole freaking time ah and voila what what is that sound [Music] bro what is that shut up okay this is so annoying you want to know how i can make this even more annoying by pasting it in like six times all around his base oh my gosh this is what kevin hears right now [Music] dude oh my god that is so annoying and there we go now i've copied it all around and while this is looking good and what i have to do is just get rid of these entrances fill them up because i don't want to have too many entries of course only one then i fill this with wood although there's not much up here there i can place a bed oh a little bed and a ladder that goes down now this build is definitely way too detailed for anyone else to build and i am definitely the only one who has built this i've been literally trolling kevin for the last 10 minutes just going back and forth placing fire and he's kidding he just didn't ban someone uh-oh his base is starting to burn now kevin stop the fire okay oh my god all right mogi let's see what you got whoa this is nice oh this is nice this is really nice you know i actually have one one question for you though mogi in regards to this build could you do me one favor could you count exactly how many trap doors are here just really quickly just really really quickly please uh one two three four five six oh i mean it's one it's six oh it destroyed one there's six on each side and that would make 20 24. wouldn't it there's six on each side well no because you have one two i don't actually care about how many trapdoors there are i just wanted to cut kevin's entire build it's gone there's two no i haven't put anything down oh that's a lot of trap doors dude this is a nice build i gotta say mogi i'm a big fan of this build for sure oh wait no i'm running just nice i'm more so curious i really wanted to see uh kevin's build i know he was working we worked really really hard on this round so kevin why don't you just show us what you got okay i'm done um okay so going to go through right right through here what bro where's my base wait kevin what did this is what you built kevin no but this is this is a stupid thing that i've been hearing wait you built this break this break it all right i mean we can't break it but you're doing this kevin this is on your side of the map you clearly scared get rid of them they don't shut up just get rid of all of them i still hear this where's your build okay guys listen seeing as kevin doesn't want to take it seriously i'll show you my build too because this one's pretty wicked okay there you go what do you guys think of my pirate ship what is that it's not a pirate what do you think pretty cool ain't it pretty freaking sick if you ask me okay yeah shark did you run out of time and just cut off the back of it yeah you know i decided to do a three in one it's like getting three large pizzas for the price of one you know uh no i don't i i don't this is way too big where's my build i don't know all i know is you are done from these building challenges you can't take them seriously but i built and it was nice go click right here to go watch the newest video and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Shark
Views: 662,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, I Secretly Used //cut in a Minecraft Building Competition, i secretly used //cut, minecraft building competition, minecraft build, i secretly minecraft build, minecraft building, cheating in minecraft building competition, minecraft build battle, build battle minecraft, build battle in minecraft
Id: MAdF2NcC8_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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