I saved my family by staying up late - (r/LetsNotMeet)

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are / let's not meet saved my family from a home invasion by staying out later than the intruder the house I grew up in was very large with my bedroom being at the front of the house by the street and my parents all the way down the other end and the garage was next to my room with a window looking in and I would keep this blind up to help me wake up in the morning my bed was then against the other window which faced the street this story happened when I was 16 or 17 and I'm a girl and I don't have any siblings if that's important at all as a teen I tended to stay up quite late cruising MySpace and chatting to friends on MSN one night I was sitting in bed doing so it was around 4 a.m. when I heard distinctly human snoring coming from the other side of my window I quickly ran down the other end of the house and woke my parents dad went to investigate and said it must have been a possum or koala as there was nothing there the next night it's a similar thing for me stayed up late except this time I turned off all my lights and was just laying in bed listening to music very softly about an hour later I hear a bang right outside my bedroom window now after the night before dad was grumpy enough at me for waking him I lay there for a few seconds longer contemplating what to do as I knew he'd be angry at being woken a second night in a row before I said Duquette and leg dip down to my parents room dad wasn't having a bar of it this time so mum said she'd walk me back to my room upon getting to my room the light in the garage was now on remember I keep this blind up and I swore to Mum that it was off before she went and got dad who went to investigate and found the road a door up as he walked towards it it started closing he thought the electricals must have been glitching as it was a bit stormy and we all went back to bed and the next morning mum woke me up to apologise someone had smashed our car window open and stolen the roller door remote we never kept the house door on the other side of the road a door locked and they shut the roller on dad so they could get away I always think about had I stayed in my room any longer and heard the door going up and seen the person walk past my window what I would have done as there was no way I'd be able to get to my parents in time to break in in the middle of the night knowing full well that everyone was home still gives me chills over what would have happened my parents then went away for the weekend leaving me on my own I slept the next few nights in their room with the door locked my hockey stick every knife in the house in the house phone not a lot of sleeping happened though TLDR stopped a home invasion by staying up so late the person casing my house fell asleep and started snoring it wasn't a cat a bit of a preface here I was around 1011 years old when this happened old enough to stay home alone but not old enough to recognize some red flags I attended camp over the summer the typical 8-3 routine my house sits close to the end of my street which forms a you but for some reason the bus driver would never drop me off at my house I would always get dropped off at the end of my street where I would toddle myself along back home both my parents worked late hours sometimes not getting home until 8:00 p.m. and it would be very expensive to hire a babysitter for 4-5 hours a day five days a week so starting sixth grade when the bus dropped me off at home I would be by myself I'd do the usual middle school routine play games online and watch TV occasionally my neighbor's cat would come into my backyard and I would feed and pet her as a way to get outside the only computer in the house was in my dad's work room which has a window overlooking the deck and a window overlooking the side of the house we have large bay windows in the living room dining room and kitchen of my house and since we sit on a hill you can pretty much see the entire backyard from a nice vantage point sir most days when I got home I'd toss off my backpack and go right to that row and you could see me walk from my front door and pop up by the computer from outside unfortunately this would led to something that I had forgotten about up until now when I got off the bus I did not expect it go into my dad's workroom and play computer games about 30 minutes into this I can hear faint meowing coming from the outside window I pause the game and look outside thinking maybe my neighbor's cat had wandered over nothing I just sat back down and resumed playing only to hear the meowing again it was quiet but noticeable and so I checked the other window nothing again this routine happened for a good 10 minutes and eventually I got frustrated and went into the living room to watch TV not even two minutes later meowing from the window I was sitting right beside now I was confused and a little creeped out so I shut the blinds and kept trying to watch TV the meows continued but only when they came from the window right behind me did I jump and leave the living room officially skeeved I went into my bedroom where the blinds were down but still cracked for some sunlight I tried to read a book only to hear a meow come from outside my bedroom window this was enough to make me call my dad concerned that maybe the cat was hurt but I couldn't see it to be sure he said he would have the neighbor come check it out and call me back later 10 minutes go by and I get a call from my dad saying he was coming home from work nothing urgent in his voice just that his job had gotten cancelled and he could come home early I thought nothing of it and when he got home did I realize the cat noises had stopped fast-forward to the present and I asked my dad about the strange incident thinking it was funny the cat had followed me around what he told me next made my blood run cold after I called him my neighbor did indeed come to check on the house what he found were large footprints leading in circles all around the house clustered close to the walls so that even if I looked outside I wouldn't see anything someone had been stalking me through my house seeing where I was through the windows and making cat noises to try and get me to come outside they must have known I was home alone since it was easy to see me walk by myself down the street and let myself in my neighbor immediately called my dad and searched the property but found no one the police weren't called since there was nothing but footprints that led off into the woods and got lost and I never saw anyone my dad stayed home with me the rest of the week it sickens me to know that there are people who would use these tactics to try and lure kids out of their homes and from there do whatever they wanted with them TLDR unknown individual stalks ten year old me outside my home and uses cat noises to try and make me come outside so he can abduct me the shaking woman on the bus I met this woman twice the first encounter was a few weeks ago and the second was last night nothing truly happened but both times I felt my body had been covered in eyes both occurrences happened on the same bus route at around the same hour 11:00 p.m. the first time we met I asked the bus driver in Hebrew relevant later if he stopped at my station he confirmed he did but before doing that a women behind me does she has a face my mind can't forget it's strange and unnerving very pale huge green eyes every feature on her face is almost cartoonishly drawn or maybe it's my subconscious that picked up on her subtle cues that made me uncomfortable from the start she starts speaking to me in a mix of Hebrew and English her voice is guttural and yet high-pitched I brushed away my anxious feeling and answered her questions she came to sit next to me I realized she is absurdly thin and her angular body is only exasperated by her paleness and the way she carries herself she tells me as we walk off the bus that she will walk me home I reassure her that it's fine and I know my way she insists I have no idea what to do at this point during the walk I realize she keeps clutching at her small black purse at some point she starts speaking to me in gibberish complete and utter gibberish I live in a very multicultural country and am not fluent in but can get the gist of the major languages here this women was not speaking any language but she seemed convinced that whatever she was saying was important she kept looking at me with those large large eyes it was at this point I decided I do not dux with the paranormal I decide to just stop walking next to her and purposefully slowing down she eventually gets the message and leaves me alone but the whole time she walks away she stares me with her big green eyes and clutching her bag last night I get on the same bus ask the driver the same question and again hear someone else say yes I turned around to mumble the thank you and felt like my heart stopped when I saw her face I rushed to the back of the bus when it was our stop she walked slowly to the back and stared at me I completely wimped out and waited till the next stop to get off so creepy lady please for the love of God let us not meet again the creepy guy who almost followed me home at 4:00 a.m. I'll start by saying I'm a twenty-one year old female university student who lives in a small town in Greece Europe it's a safe town full of university students and I live in a safe area I've never felt in danger before until at Saturday two weeks ago I was at a birthday get-together for a friend at a restaurant with a bunch of friends and uni classmates we were mostly drinking wine but it was enough to get me tipsy I hadn't eaten much before going out and I'm kind of lightweight when it comes to alcohol after we had dinner and drank everyone started to leave and a smaller group of friends and aquaintances office decided to continue after the birthday party for bar hopping it was me 21f the guy that was our designated driver 21m and three more girls 20 21 years old we went to some bars to dance and ended up in a typical nightclub all of us tipsy at this point even the guy but I was the worst of them all getting really dizzy after having more and stronger drinks after dancing for a couple of hours and the drunken feeling only got worse I decided to go home not really the type of person who wants to vomit in club bathrooms besides I wasn't too familiar with these people to have myself be seen like that I told them that I was heading home and they suggested to walk me home but my house is half an hour away from where the club was and I didn't want to make anyone walk all the way there and back since they weren't going to stop partying and the designated driver didn't seem well enough to drive I could feel that I wasn't exactly walk Straight But I had a sense of my surroundings and I knew the road like the back of my hand it was 3 4 a.m. on a Sunday morning so there were people still outside returning home from bars plus I live in a small city in Greece where nothing ever happens and I've never felt in danger before and I returned home on my own of this state often I was around 15 minutes away from my house walking past a kebab place that was open 24 stroked 7 when I had a guy yell hey you sweetheart don't go I just want to talk since I was the only female walking on this road at this hour I realized he was talking to me I tried to take a quick look behind me and saw a tall guy in and added our track suits and a hood over his head walked quickly after me I felt an adrenaline rush and I began to walk fast I tried to get past my drunken state and think clearly my house was in a dark area and I had to walk through a dark corner behind a grocery store to get there I'm a sucker for true crime and horror movies and this felt like a real Horror Story coming to life I heard him yell at me to stop one more time and that he only wanted to talk to me but I didn't stop I took my cell phone out from my jacket and pretended to be on the phone the only people awake I could talk to were the ones in the club who wouldn't be able to hear their cell phones through the music anyway 5-10 minutes later I stopped hearing his footsteps so I put my phone back in my pocket and slowed down letting my guard down he probably got bored and left or so I had thought as I was walking I suddenly heard his voice again and this time he wasn't far behind me he was walking right next to me I felt cold sweat all over my body why are you running away he asked you're so beautiful I wanted to talk to you I said nothing and started walking faster he seemed around my age and he had a cigarette hanging from his mouth do you have a boyfriend he asked me yes I do I lied I thought that if I lied that I was dating someone he would stop harassing me and go away but but he didn't that sucks he must be a lucky guy I have your number I'd love to take you out for some coffee no thanks this is creeping me out honestly I replied I won't hurt you my name's Jim he said and stretched his hand out to me I hesitated but shook his hand and then started walking fast again I said my name to him but he had no other information about me come to think about it I should have lied but I was drunk and scared so I just said whatever came first naturally my name I really have to go I said and took my keys out I was only five minutes away from my house where my roommate was sleeping fine your boyfriend must be very lucky he told me and stopped trying to catch up with me I felt relief rush over me and I almost started running I checked behind me one more time when I figured he wouldn't see me and he seemed gone I don't know if he was actually not a threat and really just wanted to ask me out it did it in a creepy way or if that somehow I managed to survive a sexual assault or worse all I know is that I'm never walking home on my own of the doubt there drunk throw you made it to the end you're ducking beasts I'll cut you a deal 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Channel: Sir Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, sir reddit, doctor reddit, reddit and chill
Id: DxiaXpbiJGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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