I saved my $5000 McLaren 720s doors - Episode 19

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what's up [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to be back to work on our mclaren 720s as you guys seen in the previous video we went ahead and got all this fiberglass up now all we need to do is sand it down put some light filler on this piece and a little bit more filler on this driver door over here cut the hole out for the mirror and then we can go ahead and test fit everything make sure everything lines up and get everything in primer so in today's video i really want to focus on getting everything in primer basically get these doors in the paint booth and the quarter panels in the paint booth get them all primered and we do have some good news on the frame rails i spoke to hybrid performance he said he has them and they're ready to be shipped out so they'll be shipped out today so hopefully by the end of the week we will get him and we're gonna have to go ahead and take all these back out because this is the old rebar and as you can see that's how bad it's been so i was trying to save it but that didn't turn out too good and guys once we get the new frame rails on in the new shock we also did go ahead and order a wheel and we pretty much have everything to get this car on the road so i can't really wait for the test drive this can be absolutely incredible so what i'm going to start doing right now is we need to go ahead and sand this down just a little bit more there's a couple of high spots and low spots we're gonna sand all this down and sand this down even more and then we'll go ahead and put some filler on this door put a little bit of glaze coat on that door and they'll both be done [Music] so we got the finishing glaze coat on this door now what we need to do is actually test fit this door on the car we got it all smoothed out pretty good but we just need to make sure this edge is perfectly aligned with the fender so let's go ahead and put this fender on the car you know look what's wrong with that so got the door back on the car and it lines up pretty good i'm thinking i need to replace these brackets on this fender because i did reuse my old brackets but we did get all new brackets so what i'm gonna do is jack this car up take this wheel off right here and replace all the brackets on the fender and see how it lines up to the door we got the fender off and here's my old brackets i kind of just straightened them out just to see if i can fix them but it turns out we we couldn't really straighten them out so we went and ordered all the new brackets right here from hybrid performance in the uk i'll drop this instagram link down below so if you're ever looking for car parts porsche ferrari mclaren he can get you any part anywhere so let's go ahead and find our brackets and put the center back on with all new brackets [Music] so we got all the new brackets fitting on the fender and we are still having a little bit of an issue here and what i'm thinking is we need to sand the back of it down a little bit more make it more flush so it can push all the way in and see if we kind of push it in right here it lines up pretty good right there but i think there's a lot of fiberglass built up back there so what we need to do is sand it down and we also need to clean off this double-sided tape right here because it's not allowing the door to go fully on so let's get it off and sand everything down back there pretty much all i need to do is basically flatten all this out real nice we're gonna grab a sanding block and sand it smooth [Music] oh so we finally got the fender on guys i was struggling a bit trying to get this fender lined up and for some reason i thought maybe the door was bent up but i remember whenever we were taking off these fenders there was a ton of washers there was washers over here washers over there and i watched a lot of videos on mclaren's and a lot of them do have bad panel gaps right here especially so i'm guessing that's what they try to fix with the washers and we stuck one washer back there and bam it fits up perfectly now what we're gonna do is stand it up a little bit more put some filler on there and it should be good to go [Music] so check that out guys we got everything lined up pretty good this gap is a little small because i kind of just pushed the fender back as far as possible just to see how good it lines up right here and it turned out really good and i was thinking that this fender actually has to come down to here but it turns out this body line actually goes like that and then this uh side skirt right here goes up so this doesn't line up and that's i think while we were having a little trouble lining it up but it turned out pretty good now all we basically need to do is put a little bit of filler on top of that and this door will be good to go okay what so guys now that we have this door perfectly lined up to the fender over there i know this is taking kind of a bit of time but we can't find these doors anywhere used and they are really expensive at the dealer i think they're around five thousand dollars so it is worth it to go ahead and fix it and i know you guys love watching me fix stuff so we got this one all done all we need to do is add some filler over here and sand this down right here and it should be all ready for primer this is already the glazing coat so this is the last coat of filler on here there's it looks like there's a lot of filler on here but once you actually sand it all down there's not gonna be it's gonna be a really thin coat so let's go ahead and get this sanded add some filler on here then we can throw all of our parts in the booth and get them all primed in [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so check this out guys we got all the body work done on the door and as you guys remember there was a pretty big old chunk missing out of the door but it turned out absolutely perfect smooth it all out we did also test it to the fender everything lines up perfectly the corner turned out nice and it is really strong the fiberglass is holding really good because we did also put some more inside there check that out it's nice and smooth we might also go ahead and throw another coat or a layer over it maybe if we need to but i think that's really strong and tough and let's go ahead and check out the other door so the driver door also turned out really good we got everything nice and smooth this one was a little bit tougher because of these weird body angles in here i don't know why they did that but i guess they wanted more airflow going in the car but that turned out nice this is freaking nice and smooth we also did have a little bit of an issue down here so we kind of just put a super thin layer of glaze you can actually almost see through it it's that thin we went ahead and finished all that up now what i want to do is go ahead i need to do a little bit more blocking on these doors because as you guys know it was kind of wavy so we're going to do a little bit more blocking and put it in the paint booth and get them primed in the way i'm going to block out this door is i got some 180 grit sandpaper and pretty much we're just going to use this block and just go in a cross hatch pattern do this entire door right here and then we're also going to do this whole door hopefully we can get some of the waves out i don't know why it's so wavy but i guess that's just mclaren quality so we're going to do that and then once we throw some high bill primer we'll block it out again and i think it should be good to go so let's go ahead and block these doors out [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] so we got both doors nice and blocked down and it should help a lot especially because they weren't really big waves it was just like really tiny i guess they had a problem with the mold or something like that but now what we need to do on this door is go ahead and take this door handle off and then we can sand everything inside here and then get these doors in the paint these door handles are pretty simple to take off all it is is two bolts right here and then there's some double-sided sticky tape on there let's go ahead and take it off three hundred thousand dollar car five cent stick guys check out how simple this door handle is all it is is a little switch right there i thought it'd be a little bit different than that but it's just two wires now that we got this off we go ahead and get all this double-sided tape off and sand this entire area down [Music] so [Music] now that we got everything sanded on these doors and sanded all the edges let's go ahead and take these into the paint booth [Music] [Music] so we got both doors in the paint booth and we did also go ahead and pick up some of this primer right here from car quest check this out this is some pretty high quality this gray urethane surface primer it's called the less and all stuff it's like 200 a gallon it's a lot more pricier than the other stuff we usually use on other cars but we did go ahead and just decide on this car we need some good stuff so let's go ahead we need to put our little mixing cap on top right here and give it a little bit of a mix and we can mix it up put in our spray gun and start priming [Music] so we've got the primer all mixed up in the gun let's go ahead and spray these doors in [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so we got all the doors nice and primed and they turned out absolutely perfect we went ahead and did three coats on the both side doors the left and driver's side and it's kind of crazy i don't know how we're gonna paint this door inside here it's a weird shape and it's really hard to get the primer gun just primer inside there so we'll have to see how we're going to do that with the clear coat and the paint you guys honestly we might paint the car original gold color because we did send off a piece of the side skirt to one of our guys at the paint department he's going to try to match it up because if he can that would be pretty cool because it would be nice to get the car original color exactly what it says on the title but we still have a lot of time to decide before we actually go ahead and paint this car and we do have a shipment of parts coming in it should be all the frame rails and a lot of other stuff to get that car back on the road but if you guys enjoyed today's video go ahead and hit that subscribe button drop a like follow us on instagram vtune and check out v2.com if you want some merch thanks for watching
Channel: vTuned garage
Views: 239,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LGFtHI14poY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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