I Run So Hot In 5/10 NL w/Straight, Trips, and Big Pairs That It's Not Fair! Poker Vlog 157

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welcome back to the poker vlog this is episode number 157 and for this one we're getting into some five-ton action at aria you guys are gonna love it there's some big pots there's some bluffs there are some other uh some other hands where we make the nuts which is pretty fun but uh before we get started i have one announcement to make i'm heading out to phoenix on april 26th from noon to 6 p.m i'll be playing at gila river hotels and casino lone butte they just opened up a brand new poker room out there so i'm super excited about that if you're in the phoenix area then come hang out play some poker have some drinks with me i'll be probably in the five to five hundred spread limit game but i might play some other stuff and um at six pm i'll be going to a bar on property to have some drinks with anybody who wants to hang out all right let's go ahead and get started we're on our way to grind 510 at aria in las vegas the poker room is one of the nicest in the country and has tons of action if you get lucky you may even see andrew neemi firing in the plo streets like we do on this night i buy in for 3000 which is the max here it's twice as much as the max at bellagio so this tends to be the next level up for poker pros on their career trajectories i'll talk more about that at the end of this video we take our seat through a couple pros and a couple of rec players i'm a little nervous and excited it's fun to be playing with the yellow bird early on without ace queen suited in the small blind caught off opens to 30. he's a good european pro and will have a wide range from his position i should have the best hand the majority of the time i three bet to 120. getting called and playing a three bet pot out of position isn't ideal that's precisely what happens though the opponent calls we're heads up the flop comes king nine five with two hearts and one diamond we have one over card and some backdoor draws it's a tough situation that i don't enjoy being in i don't have much still i could be ahead and i can potentially get folds out of small and medium pocket pairs that haven't made sets i down back to 100 if i get cold i'll bet again if i pick up equity by hitting a diamond record that gives me a straight draw cut off calls i don't get the sense that he's strong he seems to just not want to fold for that small of a sizing the turn is the seven of diamonds we pick up the flush draw this allows me the opportunity to continue firing i increased the pressure and i bet 300 i might play kings nines aces or ace king this way to cut off folds i'm glad our bet gets through so that we don't have to rely on actually making a hand in order to win it's a nice way to start the session here we get two mick giggities hot off the grill cut off may have a knee problem because he's been limping in all over the place just like he does into the pot here small blind calls for five more it's half the price that it normally is for him this isn't a raw store so no one's getting a discount today i raised a 60. the cutoff is okay paying a premium he calls i've seen him limp with all kinds of trash and previous hands he's a recreational player and appears to enjoy getting involved frequently small blind folds heads up the flop comes king queen five with two diamonds they're two over cards the goal is to get the showdown cheaply or fold if i face too much aggression i check rather than checking back the cutoff bets 20. can't fold for that amount i call the turn is the queen of spades i like seeing it because it reduces the amount of combos that i could be up against that are beating me i check this time the opponent checks back i doubt he do that with trips and i don't think that he'd bet so small on the flop with a pair of kings i probably have the best hand the river is the forest spades the backdoor flush gets there i'm not too concerned about it i bet 40 to get value out of smaller pocket pairs or a hand like ace five or seven five suited the cutoff folds it's not a large pot but i included it because it gives a little context for the very next hand we're dealt ace king offsuit in the small blind it starts out similarly as the opponent from the last hand limps in from the hijack the button calls 10 as well i raise once more to 60 the hijack calls the button calls we're going three ways to the flop out of position brace yourself because we don't play this one particularly well it comes queen nine deuce rainbow check folding or maybe check calling seem like reasonable options instead i bet 100 my thinking is that it shouldn't connect well with either the limb colors ranges they should have smaller medium cards a lot of the time that won't be strong very often on this type of a board the hijack calls the button folds or heads up the turn is a king we make top pair with the kicker as good as lionel messi i check for paw control purposes in case i'm up against jack ten a set of deuces king queen somehow king nine or queen nine the opponent bets two hundred i drastically underwrapped my hand on this street and this particular player does a lot of weird things i can't fold i call i'd love to see a blank the river is a 10 there are four to the straight out there i check the hijack bets 330. against a player who takes more of a standard approach to the game it should be an auto fold even against an unorthodox guy like this it should still be a fold in my head i've underwrapped my hand this dude does strange things and he's really only repping jack 10 the way he's played this i'm not sure if he'd go for value with two pair he should with some of them i'm just not sure that this guy necessarily would i've been good at playing discipline poker lately not right now though i call the hijack immediately shows king jack of diamonds we had him on the flop and turn but he got us on the river and he got the monkey to pay him off light that's one of the worst calls that i've ever seen but it's not the absolute worst that title goes to well also me but in another vlog in fact i hold the top 10 spots on that list we lose lots of extra dollars that we don't need to there sometimes i just get curious and i can't help myself if you're still watching i assume you're only here for entertainment purposes i hope some very powerful beings are looking out for you if you're here trying to learn anything we pick up king 10 off suit on the button this is the third hand in a row that we're getting involved in the same opponent from the last two hands limps in from middle position i have two words on my mind ra venge i raise the 40 small blind calls the limp recalls as well three of us see the flop it's jack 10 3 with two hearts we've got middle pair and some back door draws checks to me i don't feel comfortable betting from value and i don't need to turn my hand into a bluff i check back the turn is another jack checks to me once more it's unlikely that anyone has trips or better because they would have at least been on the turn of the best hand a lot of the time i bet 60 maybe i can get value out of a worse 10 or a smaller pocket pair the small blind ponders her decision she makes the call middle position player folds it's heads up the river is the seven of spades nine eight makes the straight and pocket sevens make a boat small bond checks my sense is that i still have the best hand it could be up against queen ten nines eights and a few other weaker holdings that might call a bet the trick is trying to get value out of hands that are worse than yours and you yourself aren't really that strong there's a common thought in poker i even perpetuate it sometimes that if you can't get called by worst then there's no point in betting that's true but it's usually an excuse for being lazy and not wanting to go through all the amounts you could potentially bet for instance let's say we're up against pocket nines in this hand with pocket nines called about 10 or 20 almost certainly let's go up the ladder from there pocket nines call 50 after calling 60 on the turn again the answer is probably yes with the range of hands that i put my opponent on i settle on a bet of 100 for value i had the ad benefit of just losing previous hands so maybe it'll look like i'm on tilt and i can get called even lighter than normal after quite a bit of thought small blind calls i turn over the cards they're good we don't completely recover from the prior hand but we get a solid chunk back at least a few of its later we look down and see king queen suited in the cut off onto the gun lamps in he needs to be punished to the full extent i raised a 40. small blind is a somewhat new player to the table he three bets to 130. it's on the smaller side under the gun folds i'm getting over two to one and i'm in position i call we're heads up the flop comes ace jack deuce with two spades we flopped the nut flush draw and a gutter small one checks i'm not sure if he's trapping with a set or perhaps he has a hand like kings or queens and genuinely doesn't like the flop i checked to see a free card it's the ten of clubs we drilled the street what a dream small bond checks once more most people don't check twice with sets after being the aggressor pre-flop maybe he's not that strong i bet 140 for value the opponent isn't going to be chased away for that amount he calls i'm rooting for a blank that's what we get the river is the three of clubs we still have the nuts and we have something on the line we just need to reel it in the small one checks he's going to payne town and i want to give him the full experience but i can't do it unless he pays full price i bet 450. i'm hoping that the opponent will be towards the top of his range or maybe he'll call me light thinking that i could be bluffing with the hand like 9 8 suited or a small pocket pair the player thinks for a very long time haley's comment has come and gone twice before he ultimately makes the call we get him good no one at the table expected us to have it the player called us with second pair he shows that he has pocket kings we make the maximum on that one we go from being slightly stuck to being up 500 on the session it's our turn for pocket kings we're in the hijack under the gun limps in the player on my right is a long time viewer named aj he raises to 40. i three bet to 140 under the gun folds the initial pre-flop razor calls for 100 more we're heads up in position the flop comes e64 with two diamonds the opponent checks most of the time i'll check back here i mix in a down bet at 120 to potentially get calls out of some worst hands like small pocket pairs the player calls the turn is another six the opponent checks i check back for paw control the river is a third six we make a boat the hard way no check this time from our nemesis he bets 200. it's not a large amount there's a good chance he has an ace and his value betting there's some possibility he has a hand even as good as queens it's kind of naming his price or putting out a blocker bet making bad calls for smaller amounts when i'm getting good odds doesn't bother me too much making incorrect folds in these situations gives me nightmares though i call so i can sleep better later the opponent shows that he has a seven off suit he made a speculative raised pre-flop and didn't want to let it go after i three-bed him he outflopped me took me to valley town on the river he wins it we're about even on the session now we have ace3 suited under the gun plus one in a seven handed game i raised the 30. the hijack is after some b radical dollars he three bets to 90. in a smaller game i'd probably fold but we're playing more than 250 big blinds effective i call to see if we can drill something we're heads up the flop is king six five rainbow we don't have much except back door draws and one over i check the hijack down bets to 70. my fold button was mouthing off to me on the ride to the casino so i made it walk home it's not with me i call let's get the four hearts one time instead we get the three of diamonds i check i'll fold to a reasonably sized bet the hijack actually checks back we get a free card and we make the most of it the river is another three we end up with trips in one of the most unexpected ways possible when i have a strong hand and i shouldn't have i like to bet on the larger side i need to make enough money to cover the times that i call light in certain instances that i don't make hands i toss out 300 could look like i'm trying to steal it because the hijack check back turn it will rarely have better than top pair i'm sure my line looks a little fishy although i could play full houses ace king or king queen this way over 45 seconds go by before the opponent eventually calls i show the backdoor trips what a run out we've got the winner i have a feeling that i might have gotten called extremely light maybe even by something like ace queen another nice pot comes our way next we log into our ebay account and purchase two rare queenie babies we're in the cut off under the gun plus one limps in the player on my right raises the 40. he's the one that cracked my kings earlier in the three bet pot it's time to get him back i three bet to 140. under the gun plus one calls for 130 more i wasn't expecting that the hijack also calls both opponents are viewers of the channel we're going three ways to the flop it's 10.76 with two spades we have an over pair but the smash is the ranges that we're up against and it isn't typically going to be good for my range since i'll be capped at one pair checks to me if i bet on this board good players can check raise with a wide range of hands then bomb turn and river and i'll never be able to call down without significantly improving because they could have a straight any of the set combos or maybe even two pair that i won't have after i three bet i don't even have a backdoor flush draw i check back the turn is the ace of spades now it's very unlikely that i'm ahead it checks to me once more i check just wanting to get to showdown the river is the five of spades four to the flusher out there under the gun plus one checks the hijack bets 300. as much as i enjoy making bad river calls i can't do it here i fold it's a good decision under the gun plus one fold as well what do you have aj everything good yeah you heard me you're the nuts on the turn oh nice we certainly weren't going to get king jack's spades to fold on the flop the check back there ends up saving us some money towards the end of the session we look down at 6'4 suited in the big blind cutoff raises to 30. small blind calls i call for 20 more we're going three ways to the flop it's ace 10 deuce with two hearts we've got a small flush draw and a backdoor straight draw small bond checks i checked to the cut off he bets 40. small blind calls i haven't put it in check raises a bluff in a while i do it here i bet 160. i can have a set of tens of deuces and some two pair combos cut off folds small blindfolds king queen offsuit face up i'm glad to get some better hands out of there we scoop one last pot and book a small win before heading out i played for three hours i won 175 and there were just a lot of big hands that were you know around thousand dollar pots so uh i ran good in some spots and not so good in other ones um big hands in general big starting hands weren't really holding up i cracked that one guy's kings and then my kings my queens both lost and i called light with the ace king on the river and uh pretty pretty happy to come out with a win that's it for this one guys i hope you enjoyed it if you made it this far i appreciate it if you hit the like and subscribe buttons because it does help out the channel if you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know in the comment section and i'm happy to get back to you uh let's see if you're in the phoenix area then come hang out have some drinks play some poker with me at the gila river hotels and casino lone view brand new poker room they just opened up april 19th i'll be there april 26th from noon to 6 p.m playing in the 5-500 spread limit game i might dabble in some other steaks as well and then at 6 00 pm i'll be going to a bar on property to hang out and have drinks with anybody who just wants to talk about poker or anything else i mentioned earlier in the video that i was going to discuss the normal kind of uh trajectory for a person playing for a living in las vegas if you're playing one two or one three i typically don't advocate playing for a living just because it's really stressful to make enough money to cover your expenses and then save money on top of that so i would recommend having a another job and playing poker on the side but there are some 1-3 games you can make some money in which would be the win13 and the orleans both of those are 500 caps uh the the bellagio 25 is a similar game it's a 500 max buy-in as well so you're going to start out kind of at those levels and then work your way into the 1k max buy-ins that are going to be aria venetian red rock and then from there you'll go to the bellagio 510 or the win25 both of those are 1500 max buy-ins then you'll move up to aria 510 which is a 3k max buy-in that you saw in this episode and uh from there you'll go to either 1020 at bellagio and aria or to the 510 at the win which is which is uncapped all those games are uncapped and played really big you know those are the biggest games that run regularly in las vegas although now bellagio's been getting uh 20 40 no limit and some other some other really big games a few times a week as well so i'm not sure how many of you will think that's interesting but i thought i would share it with you hope you're all doing well hope you're staying safe good luck at the tables and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Brad Owen
Views: 456,754
Rating: 4.9518886 out of 5
Keywords: Poker Vlog, High Stakes Poker, Las Vegas Poker Vlog, Las Vegas Cash Games, Best Poker Vlog, Best Poker Content, Life of Professional Poker Player, How to Play Poker, How to Play Texas Holdem, No Limit Poker, No Limit Texas Holdem, Best Poker Tips, Best poker Training, Best Poker Advice, Bellagio Poker, Las Vegas Vlog, Poker Blog, Best Poker Blog, Huge Poker Hand, Huge Poker Bluff
Id: W96-ERRUJgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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