I Replaced BOSS Mythics With NINJA TURTLE Mythics

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today we replacing all fortnite boss mythics with Ninja Turtle mythics pretending to be every Ninja Turtle boss okay we are starting off as Raphael and since we start with an R we are replacing the boss at Reckless Railways but this is going to be crazy because we need Raphael's Mythic as well but the first thing we're going to do before replacing the Mythic at Reckless Railways all we need to do to start off is eliminate the boss but we have a huge issue there's a bunch of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vending machines all across the map including Raphael's but I have zero gold in this match this is going to be absolutely insane to pull off but we have to start by eliminating the boss taking the Mythic waiting for a supply drop I don't know how this is going to work but there are guards all around box is about to call me up because I told him there's a brand new update I don't know how he keeps falling for it Nick Army but I hope he falls for it again with these mythics replacing the old bosses all right we have a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hoverboard which is absolutely perfect and all we're going to do Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle all right all we got to do is just make our way up there probably guards bosses all around all right goodbye I hope I don't get eliminated because this prank is over before it even starts blocks is in my game but he's AFK right now and if he sees me get eliminated then obviously he's going to see my name and this is going to be terrible come on I have 41 health I have 41 health I am as good as eliminated but this boss thankfully took a lot of damage all we need is a medkit or something okay this will work this will work everything is fine I'm okay guys there are guards literally all around this is not good don't come out no no I have 22 Health oh my gosh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Crash Pad Junior all right this is good I think so at least drop another one down okay we are somehow still alive I don't know where hey just got out of the toilet guess who's dropping down what's up dude uh where are you dropping guys this doesn't let me take anything because I don't have any gold well actually I dropped down in the middle of the map so it's very unfortunate you said there was like a update or something new today dude it's an insane update all right guys the mythics are on the map but here's the issue before I go and grab this we need to wait a minute I have an idea if we just grab the Mythic first we can easily eliminate the boss okay oh no throw this throw that and just run yeah dude crazy fortnite update uh well what's the update dude you're going to have to find out bro well what's the update dude all I can tell you make sure you're recording because this is the craziest thing you're ever going to see in your life dude but you haven't told me what's the update Fox you know the bosses on the fortnite map what's the update box the mythics are completely changed from the BX the mythics are completely changed all right guys where is this supply drop is it just raining down right oh my gosh it's on the tree dude all right just break down this tree bux all I can tell you dude is you are about to cry right in this sun like tears of happiness tears of Sorrow tears of regret tears of humiliation you know there's different ways of crying it's kind of a little bit of everything you're going to be crying tears of humiliation because you're the worst fortnite player in the world and you can never eliminate these bosses all right guys all of this pizza is gone and now let's hold on the pizza man's calling me I'll be right back guys what a coincidence I wonder what kind of pizza he got maybe it's fortnite pizza but guys head on back to the boss let's double jump here we go we have to do is eliminate boss number one swap the mythics because we are about to become Raphael all right where is this boss at we got to be very very careful he's literally right here Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come on this is doing literally nothing oh my gosh I 30 health I have 30 Health let's just get out of here let's just get out of here this is taking me way too long team top five guys I don't know when lock is going to come back but we need to eliminate boss number one I don't know how long it's going to take I don't care how long it's going to take we just need to just take all of this stuff reload my mythics guys comment down below what type of pizza do you think Uncle lock got bro they freaking burnt my darn Pizza I'm so mad dude you know what honestly dudee dude next time you should just get a fortnite pizza bro how uh just all right you know I'm going to Reckless Railway like what you there's a boss here so what's the update um dude are you recording first of all I mean I yeah I I have a I have a recorder I record everything I record me sleeping 3 2 1 come on I even record pictures of my feet you do what how do you think I make my money my health is flying down oh my God huh that's weird my game just ended really yeah that's really weird bro that's crazy dude oh man it's the pizza man again dude what happened last game do you not even care about this update bro I mean I'm trying to figure out what the update is but uh I think I need some crazy heals okay man all right dude sounds good to me whatever guys I hope locks doesn't see me we're healing up right now these bosses I swear got more over powerered all right and eliminate him come on and goodbye Valaria and now all we have to do let's first of all grab The Medallion thank you very much let's grab the Mythic item and let's swap it with Rafael s at Reckless Railways this is going to be insane dude where are you bro where are you man just arrived oh there's a turret oh that guy don't like me that guy don't like me oh I'm dead I'm so de what the heck bro there's a Ninja Turtle here wait what what are you talking about there's a Ninja Turtle bro and hop on this and run away wait where did he go hey hey that's mine hey that's mine you stupid Turtle get back here box where is the boss at Reckless Railways dude uh where the bosses where where do you think dude go eliminate the boss then I'm I'm trying he took my little wooa Wasa board but there's no boss because this boss is now a Ninja Turtle all right this is really getting annoyed I'm going to kill this Turtle I'm going to turn him to turtle soup he's going to wish he was in a a a black Meat Market but before we eliminate him with the Sigh let's have some fun because lox is the worst fortnite player there he is I see him he's he's so going down he's so going down I don't think so he can barely even hit me right now come on come on stop moving guys I got him I got him I don't think so cuz we can run away dude where is He Man where's he going where's he going I'm chasing him this is it this is my moment where am I where did he go where did he go what the heck get back over here that was so sick oh my gosh I have 63 Health if he eliminates me it's going to say he eliminated Mr top five somehow I got away with it in the last round but oh where did he go all we got to do let's get some heals dude where is he bro I see you I see you I'm almost out of ammo three bullets should eliminate him in three 2 1 see you see you no no no no no I'm out of ammunition I'm out of ammunition get back over here but this is only boss number one all we're going to do where is locks let's Dash straight into him bro this boss is mad jump on the umbrella wait I hear him I hear him come on come on I hate these bosses I hate these bosses let's become boss number two Fox is so annoyed it's so mad but we are now Donatella with his staff so it's only right where we go to fencing field so we can use the staff and fence I don't even know what I'm saying right now but we don't have much time until he comes back raging but all we have to do is eliminate this boss we have to get Donatello's staff as well subscribed to the channel to join team top five if you are new around here okay fencing Fields all we need is a chest to start things off there are a ton of bosses all around which is making me very nervous all of the guards guys we probably have literally no time at all until box comes back and I am already getting shot at all right Donatello has got this in the bag not only do we have to eliminate all of these people we also have to get the staff at the same time all right here we go into the boss location why don't we just start things off goodbye goodbye come on come on all right we're taking so much health off now but there are so many people all around and I'm probably going to get my stack very soon which we could use to eliminate this boss right now all right this is not good this is not good all right is the staff dropped the staff is not dropped yet all right all we're going to do drop on down where is this boss I'm going to only focus on the boss but where is the boss I don't know I literally have absolutely no idea I just walking in circles okay they must be upstairs do I want to go upstairs I I don't know if I should I don't know if I should oh my gosh oh my gosh come on just ignore everyone else ignore everyone else except for the boss I have 67 health I am probably going to get eliminated this is not good this is not good but I have this exotic chest all right guys team top five we don't have much time when is locks going to come back it better not be soon goodbye goodbye all right this boss is just about eliminated come on yes All Right Valaria is down but I might be down too all right where is Donatello's staff on the map we need to focus on that all we're going to do is just run away where is the staff okay I see it oh my gosh I'm losing Health super quick is there a car or something like that for me to run away in there's not there's not but it's only 260 M away I think we can pull this off uh lo you back yet dude guys I have no honestly I don't know anymore huh what's wrong dude just every time I get a little bit further I always go five steps back dude what's wrong man do you want someone to talk to dude listen man I know you want a fortnite girlfriend dude I want a fortnite girlfriend too bro but you know what life's unfair you can't have everything you ask for bro I just need me a big thick booty girl oh yo from fortnite from fortnite um I don't I mean you can have my fortnite skin um that just makes me more I thought you were going to say you can have my mom and I'd be like hey now we're talking hey now I'm sad all right guys all we got to do 3 2 1 there's the staff perfect eat some pizza because we took a lot of damage dude where are you man oh I'm checking out fencing Fields I'm just arriving here all right guys head on back this is perfect we can now make it so much quicker in this is about to be boss number two how much stupider can get can lock get I can't believe he believes this every single time all right guys 3 2 1 let's go into boss mode Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles we even have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle emotes but I don't have the right one oh my gosh there's literally guards everywhere bro I am having a crisis right now guys I forgot to grab the Mythic box is right over there let's just sneak our way past this is perfect head on inside of this location and goodbye to you guys imagine if I got eliminated okay where is this Mythic I don't here we go grab The Medallion replace the Mythic all right this is perfect in 3 2 1 slowly creeping in I see lots of footsteps still oh my gosh what the heck what the heck bro what the heck it's another Ninja Turtle brh bro it's another Ninja Turtle dude is this not the coolest update ever guys comment down below lock Dum I will reply to your comment from my true fans dude all right I know exactly what I have to do I know exactly what I have to do that's it I'm calling my therapist I'm calling my therapist and telling him I'm being bullied by Turtles let's become boss number three before locks rage quits boss number three Peter Griffin and we now Leonardo I can't mess this up team top five this is way too much fun I can't believe how mad locks already is but I am doing this for you guys although lock is one of my best friends in the world I know you guys love when I prank him honestly comment down below if I should live stream a prank one day that would be hilarious but first I think we definitely need a lot of guns for Peter we need to eliminate him we need to swap this Mythic item all right perfect we got a bunch of loot but we definitely need some heals goodbye to this grunt okay this is good this is good but we absolutely need uh-oh hey Peter a Ninja Turtle's taking you down today come on all right this is good this is good so much Shield was oh no oh no oh no and see you later uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh see you later guys I have no heels I have literally nothing I hope Peter Griffin doesn't follow me all right we need this blue that would be very very useful I don't know where lock is I think he's getting help or something I don't know what's going on but I have no heals I have literally nothing no matter where I look this is not good uh locks What's what's up dude you back yet guys I never know when he's about to come back but I am looking literally everywhere and I don't see it I don't see any loot I don't see any Shield I don't see any heals oh thank you oh thank you that was so close all right we are now one step closer to eliminating Peter Griffin using the final Mythic and we still need Leo's item right more shock waves grenades don't know how I'm about to pull this off I really have no idea but I think we have enough heals now all right Peter Griffin where are you buddy boy all of these guards all of these guards holy I have 75 health I have 75 Health come on come on all right good good good good good good good good good good where is Peter Griffin though I think he's literally right about me I think he's literally right above me hey Peter hey Peter oh my gosh guys guys this is not good this is not good at all more apples I can't pick them up oh my gosh oh my gosh one eat two eat this corn and keep in mind I still please oh thank goodness all right We Got The Medallion we got the Mythic and now all we got to do is find his Katana all right take this to make our way up I have no idea where lock is when he's going to come back he's in this game I don't know if he's eating I don't know if he's crying but we need to hurry this up literally right now okay all right here we go head on over here where is the katana perfect perfect right over here 220 m away where is locks on the map this is going to be so much fun team top five all right head on over I don't know if it's landed yet I need to drive my Lamborghini guys we need to get it before he comes back before he lands before he sees me in the Lamborghini otherwise this prank is 100% over all right perfect perfect head on here grab this thank you very much pop back in the Lamborghini and we have officially swapped three out of four mythics but I assume lox is probably about to figure it out okay here we go make our way back to snoody steps box is probably going to come back at any second now and we are absolutely set for the final part of this prank and we're about to admit to him I think he's going to cry guys there is no way Lux is in the storm it's coming for me still oh man dude what's up B what the heck I just got back because I contemplated my whole life right now and and and and and and no no no no no no I was just I was just an acceptance that I suck at fortnite but now I'm I got I I'm going to kill this Turtle I'm going to kill this Turtle if you're going down you stupid Turtle whether it's the last thing I do I heard there's a crazy surprise if you eliminated Leonardo you have no idea bed well he can't see me you want to know why he can't see me why dude why cuz they call me John Cena where is Lux guys in the sewers I go in the sewers I go I think he's literally going crazy right now but I'm waiting for him he's going to pop up I'm going to let him eliminate me come on come on come on wait he's just standing there let the storm finish him off every time man every time Mythic let's get the Mythic we got the Mythic we got the Mythic I did it but game ended dude the game ended box did you see what you eliminated bro it was me match thatat Mr top love you I'm going to find a snapping turtle I'm going to find a big snapping turtle I'm going to put him in your bed while you're sleeping and then I'm going to shake the bed subscribe for more
Channel: MrTop5
Views: 407,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, Fortnite chapter 5
Id: a2FJ7YYmzaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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