I Rejected Real Life. I Prefer To Live In VR! (True Story Animation)

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today we're checking out this true animated story of a man who got stuck in virtual reality I do not understand how people can get stuck in it I just get motion sick who knows maybe in like five years from now we all got girlfriends in VR oh boy it's gonna be beautiful for boyfriends okay you can have boyfriends girlfriends you can probably have both at the same time if you want to be our boyfriend or girlfriend drop that light button what are you sure that if you press it you actually get one press it Oh crazy my name is Gabe and I'm 20 hello Gabe nice to meet you ever feel like you're living another life no no to understand where the real world begins and we're a virtual one that's not my life no I'm Angie yes I play a lot of video games Oh ed left oh no we've been arguing a lot lately no of course we had our problems no leave me I came home from work but there wasn't anything to come home to oh this is so sad nor our plush cat she took everything white and left only a bottle in the middle of the room with a note in it she had the reality oh she can't take it anymore but offered a cool job in another city what's he so sad and here I was stuck in this place Oh all her girlish nonsense was short but we'd been together for two years whoa Taylor broke my heart and left me he's sleeping tenly bottle with her - yeah you're stupid for a long time I refused to grieve for my relationship and soon found a replacement true it wasn't real oh no it was virtual oh no I was joking when I started couldn't watch me suffer over so told me of something that forever changed my life that a virtual girl would never leave me okay to do this you had by a virtual reality glasses and the game no no guiding was very simple but not cheap I went to the store and tested the VR system out oh it was so cool I took home my new virtual girlfriend well enjoy your virtual girlfriend was Maya what's that Maya was like a real girl I'm almost too real Taylor slowly began to disappear from my head and from my heart after all my I did everything that I said she was so attentive this is such a beautiful story was what I was how could this possibly go wrong she constantly confessed her love ou never treated me like that Taylor and I had just constantly sworn in each other no for her I wasn't good enough but for Maya I was the perfect guy Wow it was so cool but I didn't know what a disaster such lonely and what's gonna happen tea stuck in VR reality for hours I watched as Maya exercise danced she had a perfect body like a supermodel like me anything was missing - no this is where my friend helped me out again wait no way no there was no way which would give me what was pricey but I remembered where I got it the money from I had put our savings in ammo we had dreamed of a great trip together oh my god attribute is so much better and I still had a virtual girlfriend I needed the money then I would know what Maya was capable of but virtual girls are even more insidious than Rios no in a suit oh dude our relationship reached a whole new level Maya touched me caress no no no no no it was ready to fulfill all my desires and freaking me out all out of my real life it was euphoric I couldn't tear myself away from my scary guys Asians I was experiencing I told my work that I was sick turned off my phone and other instant messengers now no one would bother me in Maya it still wasn't enough I was head over heels in love with my sis so dad I found a way from me and Maya to truly be together at first I thought about how to make Maya real know there were options don't do it it would cost a crazy oh don't do it don't do it were still lots of yeah that's some horrible bones right there but then I lives instead of bringing Maya into my world I could just picture her this is guys this is crazy and videos that proved a living person could Canali transition to being there's no way this is possible that's not possible a computer no and then to a server but they're in the vastness of virtuality we could be together I don't now ever know a digitize crazy and happy life why you spend years in VR one problem when moving online my body would become completely unnecessary but for Maya sake I was ready no duck yeah this guy's crazy idea of our lifes guys literally crazy with Maya for hours she always supported me and agreed with everything I said she understood me like no one else I practically stopped eating I didn't go out after all soon I was going to become a digital being which meant that all earthly desires could be switched off I wrote a note asking to be relocated to Maya's virtual reality when I stopped breathing yeah I was happy as ever Maya told me I was a real hero and then I stopped understanding the difference between virtual reality and the real world I awoke in the hospital without my virtual goggles suit or Maya my head hurt wild this guy in a panic and crazy I wanted her so much why had they taken her from me a doctor looked into the room and announced your girlfriend is here Maya I know the other one but it wasn't Maya it was Taylor I began to yell at her but she oddly enough was silent that wasn't like her at all I fell silent and decided to listen what a I had been for the last ten days I haven't eaten anything tall but I drank a lot of alcohol or entering my new virtual existence I was intoxicated I had been drunk and delirious then in virtual reality see he was delirious when Taylor had wanted to take half of our savings she had discovered that the account was empty she knew the password to my Google account went into it and looked at the history of my searches and purchases to her horror she discovered my plans to live in virtual existence and leave this world she immediately flew out to me and managed to get here Justin this is such a crazy stories good that she still had the keys to the apartment because when she arrived I was lying on the floor unconscious wearing virtual reality goggles and a strange suit I was pumping out but Maya had to go away forever just like my alcohol addiction Wow to be honest I had drank a lot before Maya oh it was because of this that Taylor had left oh we swore to each other that was the problem this whole time it dawned on me why she had left her farewell note in an empty bottle was all my fault it made sauce completely I had thought there was nothing wrong with a couple of bottles of wine at breakfast how wrong I was that's a doughnut if three wine during breakfast that Maya and alcohol would have dragged me into virtual reality forever I still love you Kate Taylor told me I just want to help Oh Taylor and I sold all those virgin eyes and went on a real trip and you know the whole trip we were completely offline can you live without the internet for a week nope definitely not what a crazy story but I have one more for you I'm mark hey my always been really smart all right mark school was boring it was just too easy for me no way sample I never paid attention in class that was like me right before a test and that was enough for me to get straight A's in all my exams that was no horse that sounds great because who wouldn't want to get easy ace but there were plenty of moments when I wished I was like everyone else for example I never had any friends oh six grades and all my classmates were much lighter than me at the same time I didn't have much with kids my own age some teachers let me read novels during class but most of them wanted me to pay attention even though I knew more about the subject than they did and they hated it when I corrected them everyone always congratulated me on my grades even though I never worked for them I liked hearing how great I was but it would've if my teachers had pushed me harder because I never developed any discipline when I graduated 12 I could have gone straight out but instead I took two years off and played video games full bench my parents forced me to go to college and I chose math as my major I was still only 14 though so again my 14 Ami's things worse me and my lectures because it was easier to read my math textbook on the day before the exam than to listen to the lectures of my professors so instead of working hard and developing self-discipline I spend most of my time playing video games however nobody got 95 to 100% when I graduated valedictorian I almost felt ashamed of myself because even though I had a brilliant academic record I had never put any effort into my studies I was just lucky I was born imagine if he did put everything worked hard in my life I'm one of the laziest people on this planet after I graduated University I thought about becoming a mathematician but I couldn't be bothered to go through all the interviews so I moved back home and started gaming again yeah after a few years oh no parents got sick of me doing nothing oh no me out suddenly I was forced to get a job and I decided to teach myself program I quickly pass an online programming course and that was enough to get me a job at a tech firm but I hate it I'm supposed to work eight hours a day but I spend most of my time watching YouTube and surfing the net I do just enough to hit my target so I don't get fired but it's so boring even though I make OK money I know I've let my wife and my whole family down I had huge potential and I threw it all away because I never learned the importance of hard work I mean I could have discovered a life-saving drug climbed the corporate ladder or built my own business some passion into it I was lazy and now the people I went to college you can still change buddy that's for the meat you can still chew more intelligent I feel like I wasted my life I constantly look at my friends with envy and I hate it when they post about their latest promotion of their amazing career I could have done anything with my life if I had only worked harder because if you're born intelligent you've been given a big advantage but that doesn't mean a thing if you don't use it why is it worried me you still won't be successful because if you want to achieve something great at some point you'll have to work hard for it I've been thinking about setting up my own programming company but I'm intimidated by the amount of work involved instead I have to put up with my manager Fred he's a nice guy but totally incompetent and drives me nuts his decisions make no sense and he never listens to my advice but then I guess I'd be an even worse manager than him because I'd never get anything done today I live a life of regret and resentment and it's all my fault opening to my story make sure you put some effort into your work with now while you're on YouTube anyways make sure you don't check out this quell cup video right over here it's a really cool story flick it go and check it out super awesome and while you're at if you want to see some funny animations click right over here we've got some really funny stuff over there too so yeah I mean you're on YouTube anyways maybe watch some more
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 2,085,506
Rating: 4.9178476 out of 5
Keywords: funny, moments, comedy, challenge, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny videos, animation, true story, true story animation, true story animated, story animation, story, stories, story animated, live in vr, live in vr animation, live in animation, live animation, reject real life
Id: Tak83sbKZmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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