I Redrew All 3 Classic Sonic Covers - Maniafied (Boxarts)

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oh yes mania style pixel art looks so good so charming i did well wait this smoother oh it hurts my eyes wait wait i'm not smooth [Music] yeah that's right i'm on a mission everything needs to become pixlr no everything needs to become maniafied i won't stop till i look mania fired you look mania fired your mum uh the thing we're gonna manify today is not pixel art we're gonna turn the box arts into mania goodness let's just do it [Music] all right of course naturally we're gonna get started with sonic 1. first thing you might notice is that i'm using the american box art while of course i don't prefer the sonic design in these box arts what's interesting about them is they are actual scenes and that translates into pixel art a lot more interestingly than random shapes but because of that design i'm going to be making some artistic decisions and kind of changing him so that he looks like he does in the actual games because of course this is meant to be mania style this is like an alternate universe where not only are all the games in a mania style but the actual game packaging too uses pixel art in the same style as the games instead of random drawings now a lot of this is just shading you know getting that mania style but a big difference between this and the last video where i did the title screens is this is all new work aside from kind of tracing the original box art i have to draw everything brand new so there's a lot more effort in this uh it takes a lot more time you will see at the end of these how long they take but i think it also means i can have a lot more fun with them [Music] the background of this sonic 1 boxer is very simple it's kind of in a completely different style to sonic but as i'm translating the the medium i guess the style i'm gonna make everything kind of fit together oh well that's my plan so colors might change i'm trying to make things brighter i'm trying to kind of bring the shading style into the same level of depth as sonic [Music] and yeah this one's pretty simple sonic takes up most of the screen so it's kind of predictable [Music] of course the most interesting part of this entire box art the title is just plain text [Music] and some finishing touches that's sonic 1 done here's the before and here's the after it's still the same thing it's just completely transformed in style sonic kind of looks more like sonic should and honestly if this had become a thing in real life where the box art used pixel art styled like the games it could have really worked or could it let's try something a little more difficult [Music] and of course next is the american sonic 2 boxer and you can see what i mean about scenes this is a scene it's kind of a weird one but it's a scene but this is very different the characters are tiny and the emphasis is put on this big fat [Music] tooth [Music] still the characters have to be changed a bit so they actually look like they're meant to [Music] and my god tails looks so different to his official design so much so that i wasn't even sure that i was drawing him right i think he ended up looking at least somewhat correct [Music] but yes sonic and tails don't take very long at all so this number two it's a little more complex than it looks i tried to like employ some tricks to get the grid pattern kind of easier but it turns out the tricks didn't really work i kind of had to just do it manually anyway but the basic idea is to kind of create all the vertical lines and then overlay the horizontal lines and then you can kind of subtract the difference sadly though there's not many pixels to work with and it it just has to end up looking kind of grainy but i do a lot of cleaning up and i think it looks fine it looks it looks pretty good especially when the shading added [Music] getting the front done very simple [Music] and then we move on to the man himself the scary lad who also has to change a lot you have to give him his glasses you need to remove his beard yeah you're going to make his nose red of course this man has a perpetual cold and that wasn't captured in the original box up that said i really like the design i like how angry he is he looks like a threat and i've always liked this box up for kind of trying to seem serious even though it's kind of being ridiculous at the same time [Music] but yeah most of this work is just a lot of shading a lot of shading getting things looking good looking smooth the background is just a gradient which is kind of darker on robotnik's side so the bottom of his face kind of fades to [Music] black got to get those crumbles [Music] and yeah now it's just the extra fluff around the outside well i also gave him an extra finger because he is meant to have four fingers i'm not sure where the fourth finger went and a far more interesting logo to finish i've always really liked the original sonic hedgehog logo i think having kind of the 3d text at the bottom is much more interesting than just the flat line of text but that's just me [Music] and that's sonic two done that was five hours of work here's before probably one of the best box arts for sonic out there and after we've just captured the whole thing it looks just as good except it's using an in-game style and you know it serves the purpose better what you see here is what you get in game kind of design wise we got the most difficult one coming up now sonic 3 why do you have to consistently be the most difficult game to deal with you didn't have to draw an entire detailed scene like this no but we're going for it we're going to do this we're going to make it look great sonic's kind of filling up a medium portion of this which is actually beneficial for us because he's obscuring this dense greenery that i have to draw also we have a three or four characters on screen at once as you can tell just a small change to sonic's head shape has made him look immensely more like himself one thing i did notice about these american designs or this drawing in particular is how small and like chubby his hands are his fingers are like proper fat sausages so i do try and upscale his hands and fix his fingers but he does have four of them so where did robotnik's fourth finger go [Music] once again i wasn't sure if i drew tails right but i think he looks pretty good [Music] finally we get to draw a machine something interesting well the two is interesting but this really is like a scene from the game and we start on the plants now i'm fine with drawing plants but the problem with these plants is every single leaf had kind of a slightly different color to it and with every single leaf i drew i wasn't sure whether to change the color or just use the kind of greens i'd already established and it's pretty frustrating to think about that every single leaf because i want this to be a good representation but aside from that it's very repetitive [Music] [Music] finally though we're near the end of the [Music] leafery [Music] and now we have our one and only mountain from the box arts well there was kind of a mountain in sonic 1 but that's an island that's different but i am surprised because do you even see a mountain in angel island zone maybe not [Music] our first palm trees too they feature heavily in sonic and this is the first time we get to see some on the box art unless those were palm trees [Music] so the title i tried to cheat and just downscale the sonic 2 title but it kind of just was the same amount of work anyway [Music] just some finishing touches to finish off like gotta draw the and we're done holy sh let's not waste time here's the before here's the after boom you can see i didn't put extensive detail in the leaves and that's because if you try and draw every single bit of detail even in low contrast areas your image is going to look grainy you are allowed to and you should cut corners where you don't need to put in that effort a smartly drawn picture will look good but yeah overall this is a very cool box it's not quite as menacing as sonic 2 i would like to see something a little bit more uh disturbing but it's good i mean look at it it's hot in here or maybe i'm just sweating because of how good these turned out honestly though i really hope you enjoyed this video please leave ideas for more pixelling manifying whatever whatever challenge or just task to do in the comments that'd be very much appreciated and maybe you could like and share if you liked it that would be cool you'd be a cool person to doing that and by the way i've heard your comments on the previous video you want more manifest title screens and yep yep i'm gonna do that so keep an eye out for that and yeah thanks thanks so much for being here oh it is so hot
Channel: Lapper
Views: 156,307
Rating: 4.9555311 out of 5
Keywords: sonic maker, sonic, sonic mania, mario maker, tails, knuckles, sonic studio, fan game, video editing, vfx, blender, pixel art, artist, game, sega, nintendo
Id: kq79V5NEj0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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