I Recreated the Top Plays From Super Bowl 57!

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we just came off one of the greatest Super Bowls in history and today I will be trying to recreate the top plays from that game as a lot of you know I was at the game I filmed the entire experiences on the channel now there's a link in the description if you haven't seen it yet one of my favorite videos I posted all year we're gonna hop straight into things even though the Chiefs won we're gonna give the Eagles some love to hear like our play number five which is Dallas goddard's incredible catch on Third and 14. you guys know I've been doing these all year because this is the Super Bowl I'm really trying to go all out with this one here all five are trying to recreate have them go down as bangers something to remember I had to set defense what I already realized this isn't gonna work there was double coverage a lot of experiment gonna be going on let's try this play which is completely got a wide open that's not gonna work we are now going to try cover four oh there's two people oh what are you doing we need that tow Drive swag even get close on top of that I really gotta wait we gotta get two feet in this route that he's running is kind of wonky I'm gonna be honest I need to get these other guys out of here a little bit quicker maybe okay he's not catching anything this is not good I tell you what we send those other receivers on slant that definitely gives us a little bit of help here wait for it oh that's a perfect placement Dallas can you even catch he's having a hard time even touching the ball I'll be oh okay come on dude let's go for it again I like that I hate that there was nothing good about that whatsoever I might need to send this route a little bit shorter come I can't come back to the ball either like nothing is going my way we're gonna try a different route from Devonte Smith and I accidentally threw it to him nice if I smart route that though no he runs it the same way oh that would have been nice exactly what I did the slant the out the smart route throw at the sideline he just has to catch it and he hasn't caught in one yet I thought this man was supposed to be a decent tight end not even close we're dealing with some curtain jerker right now waiting around on that third and fourteen and we drop another one come on be great Dallas I know you're a good tight end right no you're terrible for all you guys that watch this game was this your favorite Super Bowl of all time yes or no let me hear it it's got to be up there compared to some of the other ones in recent history first off you only got one foot down second off don't go for a one-handed catch when you can't even catch it with two there's just something going on here that's just not making much sense for me that's not enough at the sideline we're making this a hundred times more difficult than it actually needs to be okay let me watch this let me watch this replay I don't think that was good enough oh no I lied that was pretty good 34 [Music] [Applause] . hang on What A Catch Dallas Goddard has got it for a first down oh my goodness I know that last one didn't seem like much but trust me the plays are going to continue to get more and more insane play number four Patrick Mahomes 25-yard run with under three minutes left in the fourth quarter Chase fans this one's for you so like I said I really want to have a deep dive into these plays I want to have that motion every single play so we got it right here with Jordy Fortson on this PA Jet Sweep for this play I'm gonna have to run all the way out here past the 20-yard line which is definitely going to be easier said than done didn't make it out to the 30 that time you know what I mean I'll be honest the only thing that stinks a little bit is I can't call any audibles so I gotta just run how I run but like I said this is gonna look so sick with this Motion in here like that wait for the middle okay maybe possibly I might have to call my own play with my own audible I don't know man you never know till you know okay they have a quarterback spy that's not fair are they just completely prepared for what I'm about to do I don't know maybe it's PTSD from the actual game itself your boy is struggling big time right now I can't make it out without 40. we need 20 more okay flop flop any Zone at all in the middle of the field we're just gonna get tackled we're just gonna run random man coverage doing that should hopefully bring the linebackers away a little bit anything at all would be nice it really would oh yes oh no oh I like the middle there no I don't no not saying Patrick Mahomes is immobile by any means but he ain't no Lamar Jackson and I'll give some credit to this Eagle's defense they're kind of decent let's fast forward here a little bit it was play after play after play just completely driving me crazy so I despise the new game plan to come up with a completely new play oh that's the new one dish could absolutely work I just half okay that's already looking better let's go let's go let's go let's try this again still a spy there let's make it happen oh the blocking's kind of nice you know blocking is so much better on this play oh okay I can't even count this one it's made of 3D yeah we like that oh they followed people forward there's not enough room for me to run I might need to I I think I just have to have different routes on the field move how the heck okay oh that's tragic that's tragic that was so close but it wasn't EA stop it they have a spy again this is not fair this is not fun look we popped this puppy through here this middle should be open just gotta hope that Blitz gets picked up which it kind of is right now please guys I really want to get to these next three plays the next three ones are the really good ones oh my goodness oh my goodness hey hey that's it that's money he got attacked right around there love it all [Applause] [Music] that's what it is taken down so here's the play here got defense set up pretty good should be pretty good I'm just gonna be throwing up a bomb hopefully it's really just gonna be on me to get the pass off or I guess that'll probably be more on the offensive line where is mcdonfia why is it why is he not down there come on you got to help me out not that I would prefer to be double covered but I don't really have much of a choice and Frank Clark's gonna just annihilate me I shift the line to the left maybe that'll help oh okay yeah yeah a nice little .3 second block cool I'm doing everything I can here okay okay AJ where are you going why am I triple teamed what was the point of that and he get a different defensive play I'm not too sure we're gonna find some a little bit different this is just not working okay three down d-lineman this should hopefully be a little bit better maybe what huh why is this blocking turn into rocket science now that block that he originally had was downright awful this would give us the time mcduffie's just being in a straight bum right now all right that's way better mcduffie's not getting picked up that was crazy that was not the play at all if it was it'd be number one it's nice to see him just catch the ball it seems like they're better at catching the ball with one hand rather than two kind of weird how that works maybe I've just fallen off I don't know it's kind of looking like it right now please we have like six blockers and they're only rushing four people but it seems like they're getting in a little bit that's perfect placement AJ catch it nope nope nope nope nope nope we get no one out there there's a chance yeah just kidding that's a bomb we're sending hey hey hold on hold the phone yeah you know what that's it hurts as all day loaded up taking a shot looking for AJ Brown he's got it TouchDown for this next Play I Will Not only be using one but two controllers for Jalen hurts fumble picked up by Nick Bolton and return for a touchdown I recreated this in my Super Bowl Vlog and thought it turned out super good so I'm hoping that I can do the same exact thing here so what I'm gonna do here is put our option defense aggressive aggressive aggressive actually no this has to be conservative doesn't it what am I looking at why am I so stupid this here has to be unconservative I don't play the quarterback every time so what I need to do I think I need to put bowling out here I'm gonna put him on a spot I'm gonna take hairs with this controller I'm gonna hike the ball at the other controller I'm Gonna Keep it with Jalen hurts I'm gonna try to no freaking shot no freaking shot oh my goodness this said last time I thought this was gonna be one that took us an incredibly long time on the first try and it looked beautiful Hertz on a quarterback draw no way to go balls loose sitting on the turf it's picked up by both nowhere in front of him he's gonna score foreign it was electric I know he didn't score a touchdown but he was dang close and that change of field was just a thing of beauty to look at okay this is going to be such a huge experiment whenever they punt the ball over in this direction I don't think I could take it I wish there was a way to control what direction they pointed the ball this is going to be good here oh for sure let's Juke a guy oh there's no actual shot right this is going to be a thing all right we're just going to continue to experiment as much as we can no no that last week I promised I did not try to do okay his feet are in I don't even know I'm trying this one that was a fail perfect pun exactly where we want it sweeps okay okay okay I don't have anybody blocking for me tell you what I think we're gonna get some Pawn returns just how this pun is set up another one for the boy screw disgusting stay in oh it's looking kind of good it's looking kind of good oh we couldn't get the block you know what that's far enough left we'll count this I'll just run a little bit left myself oh this sting disgusting don't be shy get a block come on Tony nope love it love it come on 19. so many people there yes yes yeah no that wouldn't look so good dang that pump was super far all right there's a Defenders wejuko Tony you got it you got it go tell me this guy's gonna catch me you know what I'm gonna try to make this one work too oh look at all these guys here that was disgusting that was beautiful but uh it's not gonna matter I'm just wasting people's time at this point I'm not really sure why you spun on that last one I don't know what I did to trigger that but oh that's another one I don't like it enough there's not enough Defenders over there I appreciate this punter for the most part he's really getting it out there to me love it love it love it chase me boy um this Titan how fast is this 81 here very fast somebody blocked that guy of course wow we broke a tackle oh like this of course why wouldn't that happen I'm trying it why not skirt I kind of don't get it I thought Tony was fast he's really not nice block the punter block somebody bear catch that'll be another one no no stop kicking it there let's fast forward here quite a few attempts and really just started going bad for us and we weren't getting any big returns like we were in the beginning every once in a while we get like a nice punt decent blocking but look at this I'm just getting tracked down like Tony's not fast enough oh what happened to those other nice returns that gave me hope and I don't even want to talk about these Fair catches I have to call every other play if he scored the touchdown the play actually would have been easier oh wait hold on hey guys hey guys hey guys get wrecked nope there we go again in between that we had so many more failed attempts oh I couldn't get around though oh shoot oh shoot go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] sinking kick Tony on the Run still up on his feet Tony has a wall that's another block Tony it's 70 20. Tony still going and he's down to the five there we go that is it my top five plays from the Super Bowl subscribe for your team to win the Super bowl next year I'm your boy pizza with that said you're the best God bless don't forget to keep him first see you on the next one peace hey wait a second hold on now you're still here we have some brand new videos over on our unemployed Channel check it out there's a link in the description I will see all of you over there you will not be disappointed
Channel: YoBoy PIZZA
Views: 361,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Madden23, madden 23, madden, Madden, yoboypizza, yoboy pizza, yo boy pizza, yoboy pizza madden, madden yoboy pizza, madden 23 yoboy pizza, subscriber franchise, online franchise madden, madden 32 team franchise, franchise yoboy pizza, madden franchise, inside the war room, madden nfl 23
Id: GqY645UjTZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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