I Rebuild With GERMANY Youth Academy Only! 😍

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today it is time to help out my own country yes and for doing that we're taking over Victoria k you might be asking yourself what do you mean by helping your country why did you pick this team well first of all before I tell you the concept of this video that kit might just be the ugliest and best looking kid at the same time hence why I've chosen this team but the main reason as to why we are rebuilding today focusing on Germany is the fact that when it comes to the world rankings of Nations Germany has dropped to 16 16 never gets old behind countries like Mexico Colombia Morocco USA Uruguay that is not how it should be as you might know if you've been following International Football the German national team has been terrible and they brought in a new coach in Julian nages man who is giving us New Hope but I still am not too confident of it so what I'm going to do today is I'm going to take over Victoria Kar I'm going to build the sickest Youth Academy and I will be going ahead and taking over German Football completely in the year 2030 playing for the World Cup and hopefully by then I will have found some insane talents that will be just world class and those ones will take us to the World Cup trophy so let's start this beautiful Journey with this ugly but beautiful kit starting off this journey I am focusing on the coaching and I'm going for goalkeeper and defense because those are the first two spots I want to improve with using the Youth Academy and as I jump into this adventure I want to know from you guys as well have you been trying the Youth Academy more lately if so what kind of Concepts have you been going after let me know in the comments down below maybe there are a couple of ideas that I would like to use as well in real life Victoria Kern as we speak is 12th in their league with 26 points just basically playing against relegation and hopefully doing well there but there's not that much of a gap to the top three right there it's like seven points so everything is still open for them but their actual team is looking like this right now and as I go into this rebuild I definitely want to go ahead and use a formation I haven't used yet and by the way don't get too used to any of these players in the first couple of Seasons some of these guys might be important but ideally I want to build a full starting 11 of German youngsters that I can then translate across to the national team as well in 2030 so the formation I want to go for I want to have some fun and I'm thinking actually this one 3421 extremely attacking like really attacking but that could be tons of fun I'm going to go 3421 hey Victoria Kern you have a nice formation I don't even even know if they play that in real life but nice suggestion having sorted out the formation in the Youth Academy is there anyone already wow these guys absolutely suck so that means we're going to have to go ahead and send out the scouts the current Scout that we have is is probably awful I'd be very surprised if he's better than one star one star he isn't so that means we will have to hire one and I don't even have a budget above 2 million and ideally I want to bring in an five star judgment one experience is not that important to me but judgment is and then four star experience I'll take which means I'll have to sell a bunch of players to make this happen good thing is the squad size over here is kind of all right so we can get rid of a couple and hopefully bring in those remaining Millions all right I feel like I've sold on half of my team and I've made the budget go up to 7 million so let's start with the fun and find ourselves a couple of amazing Scouts I never keep the onear one star one it just bugs me do I go straight in for the 4 million one I would have 2.86 left which actually would make it possible to bring in this one too you know what bro I'm going to do it I am going to be doing it I'm going to sign two Scouts and have absolutely no money which means I should go ahead and actually sign another one too the fourstar Judgment one even though it's not ideal it's still going to bring in some top players so let's go with Toon Risha there I didn't think we could start off with two Scouts but that is going to make life so much easier Enzo DDA is going to look for Defenders Coston Risha is going to look for the next Oliva Khan the next Manu Noya because Germany is known for having amazing goalkeepers as we go into the first Scout report I want to let you guys know that I will only show you the best ones if I would show you every single Scout report you'd lose your mind so let me dive in into the first one and see if we get anything I guess this is the one looking for center backs I was looking for physically strong ones 550k 625 675 oh mate I'm already loving this French uh Scout Jakob Arnold 725 that's the top one we have found I ideally I would love to find 1 million plus ones immediately and I still am yet to find anyone in fc24 that is above 2 million that's definitely something I want to achieve now we're looking at goalkeeper there's no way this just happened legit just said 2 million and above mik cahas 15 years old 60 to 80 overall 81 to 94 potential bro are you kidding me that guy is going to be our number one and I can also bring in 15y olds into the team yes I'm going to use all the advantages of having the mods on the PC to go ahead and get this done because normally you cannot send two Scouts to the same country as well so once more another thing that I find really useless in the game let me send as many as I want but mikah has comes in with a 65 that is huge anold 60 and the rest not that great so we have two players who could actually go straight into the starting 11 I will never get over how ugly that kick looks but also it's sick I cannot decide uh but I was as I was saying a second ago you cannot send multiple Scouts to the same country in fc24 and you never have been able to I believe in FIFA in general but as you guys know I use the mods I use araku on patreon that is where you have to sign up and then you then go ahead and get his life editor and then also the cheat engine that's all I use please stop asking me so with those players now in the team H is on a 65 B 56 Arnold 60 Martin 57 it's very good if you have a formation like this you can just look for center backs and you can find a bunch of them now Arnold I'm pretty safe on but the other two are definitely players we can replace down the line but for now they're going to rock their position and hopefully do well because they do have high potential so if they grow nicely I obviously don't mind three months of scouting have now passed and these are the only extra play players I could find now lemman 17-year-old not The Highest Potential I think it wouldn't be smart to promote him now because I'd rather give the time the play time to the players that have the high potential so I'm going to keep him as a backup and promote him later on uh goals looks all right but this is the big one he came in for 1 million Nicholas Hoffman 63 rated this guy definitely is going to be playing a massive part in our team and going to be promoted and improving that defense once more ziga is going to be a great backup to our goalkeeping situation which I'm happy to see because I don't like only having one guy so with that being said oh both are 57 rated I have two left Footers and only one right footer that guy is right footed yes he is I would like to have that in here I'm going to take I think I'm going to take Martin off I think yeah I think he has a worst defending a little bit but yeah let's put the left foter over to the left Offman in the center he is five for the 11 6 fo 6'2 okay so at least he brings in a bit of height and now I'm going to be looking for midfielders I'm going to be looking for two cent mids and then Wingers so let's have a bit of fun with that a couple of months of scouting have come to an end and it's actually three months and I didn't find anyone insane now I have found Andre schaer who is a right wing but I do need left mid right mid and these guys positions are not necessarily ideally uh changeable some of them it takes them too long but luckily Andre schaer turns into a right midfielder in two weeks now this one is a center attacking mid I don't need a center attack IM made but it looks like Leonard kleene could be changed to a left midfielder within 21 weeks I'm going to give that a shot and then we have some others like Arnolds who are actual Center midfielders which is what what I was really wanting to find as fast as possible and I'm going to bring this guy into the team straight away promoted and these other Lads simam man actual left mid he can come into the team too and none of these players were valued over 1 million just so you guys know so I'm still looking for that jackpot talent in these Scout reports building the future of Germany is not easy but I have found two more players or at least three more that I involved into the starting 11 now sheaa right midfielder Arnold Center midfielder I believe I showed you already timam man has now come in I at first thought he was going to be way too low rated but he's now in there there and I am constantly getting rid of the players that are higher rated in those positions to make sure that these youngsters get that play time and that play time they have gotten it and they got 15 and considering how terrible our team looks I got to say that's pretty good if you ask me so I can't really complain about anything right there and if we look at like the goalkeeper for example he's going up to a 68 and you guys know how important it is to have a high rated goalkeeper and defense genuinely speaking with Arnold and Hoffman looking solid Martin has made his way back into the starting 11 due to his higher rating there's a battle going on for the center back position and I have to admit looking for sentiment fielders in FC 24 is probably the most painful thing to do so I am actually kind of open to changing the formation because it is nearly impossible to find Cent mids it's either CDM or Center attack made Cent mid it seems completely broken so I'm sad here thinking how can I like change the formation so I can still have three center backs right and still like get something going here for this team in terms of a formation that would maybe work out so I'm looking for variations and I am finding something like this 3511 which only requires one Cate Fielder but two cdms we have the 352 which I got to say maybe maybe 352 is the best one to go with because I can have a center attacking midfielder and we already have one in the Youth Academy who has been growing towards a left midfielder or right midfielder this whole time Leonard Klein he could come in instantly so we can make some changes as we go into the next season I'm not going to promote anyone at the end of the season but I am very excited about the future of this club and hopefully this new formation is going to make things much easier I want to have have a full starting 11 of Youth Academy players in the next season so Midfield and attack need to be sorted out new season new Scout I would say so let's go ahead and get ourselves a good one Thomas deow yes I love that name so we now will be having three Scouts looking for talents and that will definitely make sure that we actually get the entire starting 11 fi this time three Scout reports available Enzo toon and Thomas have come back and I already sorted it out you can see only the good ones Leo Becca Yan Vanna 700k and then OLED timan with 400k as we move on from the Frenchman toen Risha is bringing in Marcus gross this is a center attacking midfielder worth 1.2 million and G in German means big so this lad could be a huge one for us despite the fact that he's quite tiny 5'8 and then we're going to be bringing in Thomas uh with his scat report and he brings in Kyle Kruger this man is 5' 6 probably a striker or Winger but all these guys has have been signed after months of scouting right here in this new season already and hopefully anyone out of these is a good one G 62 let's go and Vanna 61 cdmc as soon as we look for cdms we find some good ones those two are definitely coming in instantly so as I was putting krugger into the team I realized one massive thing he's 56 rated right he is not let me show you bang plus n as a center attack in mid th I'm so sorry I thought you were going to be the guy but it seems like Kruger is way past you already and course he can play on the left Midfield position that'll be okay so let's move him left Midfield him Striker uh Center attack and me and we're looking good the moment of truth is it actually a plus n 562 65 it actually is oh wow guys this guy only takes him like two weeks to grow to a 66 as well KL krugger you are going to be a legend you my friend could be the one leading us to Trophies not just with the club but also with the nation it's that time of the year again guys we have a couple of talents Christopher Lang coming in and then some more and a special lad coming in here niik Lang oh we have two Langs coming in and Thomas is bringing in Ronnie Bender yep that is his name the guy can potentially play in four positions I'm desperately hoping it's a CDM position involved in there and he is worth 2 million finally again a top talent has been found I still haven't found a striker though um that is a bit concerning so after these ones have signed on I assume I'm going to move on ooh 67 r hit Center back well this guy even though he might have the worst haircut of all time I like it and it's just like the kit it's horrible and good at the same time we're going to promote him he's going to come in with a 67 and he could potentially be the captain of the squad nikang is a CDM and then the other lad is a striker 58 rated okay that's honestly no issues with this all of these guys are going to be promoted and hopefully by the end of the season we're going to see high ratings From This Moment On you'll only see the best of the best talents coming in okay as you can tell toon Richa has failed us I've been looking for Strikers with all three of them but the other two have brought in some good ones Neil Maya 500k Mish Klein 675,000 now the next one Thomas has brought in the best yes Kilian vanana 17 years old 1.6 million5 foot n tall this could genuinely be my team oana right here and I'm not talking about the Chelsea team oana I want the old school litic team oana the one before he went across to Chelsea so let's see what these ratings are for these Lads please be good 61 okay I guess I guess that's okay 61 is good enough for me and some of these other Lads are going to come in as backups as well I feel like we might be pretty much done with the starting 11 Lads that is amazing so go ahead lad 17 years old how many weeks only8 weeks to grow perfect welcome to Victoria Kern your boy has to bring out the glasses for this one guys we came in sixth yes 60 points on our team Z brooken Dena modr and 1860 Munich are passively going up as 1860 has to go through playoffs which is something I love about German Football man that battle between two teams one in the above division one in the below Division and they have to play against each other to decide their fate for the upcoming season it's incredible and I wish we had that stuff everywhere in the world but hey there we go that is something we are looking at and next season we're definitely going up into the second division at least I am hoping we will because we have a bunch of great players here Vanna and L up top now we have cougar in that camp position is he not grown was he 69 rated no he came in at like 56 went up to 65 and then now 69 yeah all good gs on the left Midfield looking solid shaer 63 Lang 59 Vanna 65 the lowest rated player in our team is this Lang not that one I mean both of them are kind of low rated but it's really nice to see that these players have been doing well this season and I'm very excited about the future now that we actually had attackers let's check how they scored the goals oh luga 9 and eight that's good plus 13 this season a nuts uh schaer has done well the other L has gotten himself six goals things are looking good for our Squad as we go into season three I was kind of hopeful going into the season and I said I think we're going to get promotion well uh I was kind of wrong yes because we came in fourth so we didn't even get the opportunity to fight for the playoffs and uh yeah third division it is still but I feel like it's okay because we started off with an awful team so you can kind of tell I'm trying to justify how bad we have been by just saying a few things that are unnecessary and I think the team has done well the youngsters are growing things are looking good please don't fire me uh let's go ahead and take a look at this team right now so we have a 65 and a 67 rated Striker we have a center attack image fer who's 73 rated looking amazing shaer has gone up to a 75 what the hell happened there uh Hoffman 74 Arnold 72 Bender he's having an issue he is not getting as much play time as he would like the game is once again making decisions that make absolutely no sense I assume Maya is the one getting that play time the man has 82 Pace 6'2 tall so if he wants that position he can get it but it is a downgrade on Benda and he's injured anyway so we're going to see what happens there uh can he play in a different position not really uh that's a bit of a let down because I wanted the man with a nice haircut to be here for a very long time so he might drop to the bench uh go is on a 68 and I think 65 on Lang right here and on Simon those are the lowest rated players in our team but next season Lads there is no excuse we have to get it done Lang 21-1 Vanna 13 and 8 chusta 6 and8 van 4 and two guys I need more I need way more out of this Victoria current team finally we have gotten what we want it the Germans have done it first place in the third division with a massive Gap 94 points I'm telling you right now we're going to smash everyone in the second division 2 because if these players keep growing it's going to be a good look we have our right midfielder on an 80 kruga on a 78 h on an 84 I would say those are the key players that we have right now and Benda finally happy again interesting good to see I guess he's getting that play time finally now siman and L are still the lowest rated players but that has been the case for quite some time I'm I'm okay with that I'm just hoping that these guys have put in a good shift in terms of bringing in good numbers for themselves there we go long top scorer 27 and4 sheaa 18-9 Vanna 14- 8 Kruger with 13 goal contributions as well that is more like the Victoria k I wanted to build up and this season is definitely the first of many to come where we are going to be dominating second division here we go I think we're going to go up again after this season but I don't if I want that that epic battle I was talking about has finally happened for us relegation playoffs and this was for going up into the Prem and we have smacked up Heidenheim and sent them down into the second division as we go up into the bundus lia so yes this team was not capable of getting direct promotion which I was hoping for but 70 points were enough to get us that third place and that was good these youngsters are the future of Germany and we are building up a dynasty with this team right here that I am very very proud of I mean look at the ratings timan yes lowest rated 74 blah blah it's going to be okay because we have Aron an 87 shaer on an 84 kuga on an 82 Hoffman 83 Arnold 80 so a bunch of players have surpassed the 80 already and going into the next season I assume most of these players are going to get to 80 as well except Tim possibly but that already puts us into a situation next season where we could be looking at the season after being one where we compete for European football and that is amazing because we are not that far away anymore we are in 2028 Lads they only two more years oh my God two more years am I going to be able to pull this off I'm actually scared now as I told myself that number but hey if I have to put a low rated team in there so be it we're going to try with a low rated Germany team that probably doesn't have kits as nice as this one uh top scorer is who Lang wow I mean I love the fact that the lower rated player is doing better and he's growing faster so I assume he's actually going to overtake Vanna very very soon but now fullness Liga here we are well I thought it would go well but I didn't expect it to go this well we are already going into European football seventh position in the league my friends that means conference league if I'm not mistaken 53 points I personally fully expected us to come like 12th 11th maximum 10th but 7th that is a good sign because we don't have that much time left as I've mentioned and our team I got to admit it's looking great sheaa and Har and Hoffman are probably already being called up to the national team which is good but going into the next season and as I like as I said before we got into this one a lot of players are going to get to that 80 and that's exactly what has happened so I'm thinking next season a bunch more of these guys are going to be called up into the national team which excites me a lot and after having such a good season in the Bundesliga right here and now going to European football as well I do think that a lot of these guys are going to be there when I do become the German uh coach so yeah Lang 16 and4 once again out performing both now on the same rating chaer coming in with 11 and four G with a 6 and five three go with five and six ah Germany you have an amazing talent group coming through to help you out just hold on we are coming for that World Cup title taking a team from the third division of Germany to the top of the top division Bundesliga Champions Victoria k yes unbelievable honestly and guys it doesn't stop there in the German Cup Final as well we lost lost it but still we made it to the final on top of it watch out we are European Champions yes Victoria Kern are not only a Champions League club now but they have also won the conference league and they have won the Bundesliga title my job here domestically is done so I'm thinking let me see this team that is about to Take On The World this is the squad of Germany I have taken the job on and I have obviously putting all of my own players in here I think we were playing a 352 right so let's put our own in here and see how good of a team we have created by the end of this career mode so schlotter goes out Arnold Brown gets taken out as well I want to play my own players as you know and I can't find the other guy where is he where wait someone's missing where the hell is he there he is Hoffman bro that just that just threw me off big time uh timman is here bana is here and then G is on the left Henri on the right that's not the case shaa the main man himself is going to be on the right so our defense is settled our Midfield is settled apart from musala I love you m but I'm sorry Vitz I love you too but it's krug's time to shine it's going to be nice though to have these types of players on the bench this time around I might actually use them and then up top with Lang and vanana this team is worth of a squad going for the World Cup and of course musala and those Lads are two but I want to play my own players and that's what we have worked towards this entire time so now the most fun part of this video begins we have to get to the final all the group stages were easy because our team has gone ahead and beaten our opponents United States Wales and Finland to the first position which is to be expected let's be honest in real life however that could have turned into an issue because Germany's just H I don't want to talk about it I mean they got smashed by Japan didn't they but round of 16 we have GH coming up and again I ain't scared that should be or is a must- win they do have some talented players in there though man I respect the grind right there for those Lads to get to this stage but I am not sorry for smashing you right here right now 3-0 moala comes on and scores but before that it is G and Vanna getting things done for us which is good 61% possession that's what I like to see quarterfinalists a little bit of a surprise in the quarterfinals Wales were third in our group and have made it through I assume some of the third place teams make it through because they don't have all the licensing for all the nations so maybe the third placees come through as well but no disrespect to this team has a bunch of really good talents don't get me wrong but we should be getting past this Wales team very very easily might turn out to be tough for whatever reason I was about to say but it didn't Vanna Lang and Lang once more issue is we don't know which Lang it was do we this has to be the easiest World Cup run I ever had Ghana then against Wales and now against Mexico I mean no disrespect at all France is threw into the finals so that's going to be our opponent if we make it past Mexico and we definitely should be capable of doing so let me see though who they have who do they have in their team Santi himene oh maybe it's not going to be easy VZ is in there Montes Aro I mean sorry Mexico but not sorry bang 41 musala musala oh my God bro he is insane he came on in the 23rd no kruga got injured no oh no I have to play M let's go dude I'm not against it let's go we're going to be playing against France in just a second get rid of of this preseason tournament nonsense who cares we want to play the World Cup final with Germany and I might have to use musala oh what a terrible situation I'm stuck in well we are looking at mbappe diabi desire du lente Z Saliba kund Gusto Theo moo that team is insane but now that Kruger is injured we can upgrade a little bit so Jamal you mind helping us pal I I don't think you do so let's bring in uh Brown onto the bench actually no paulana let's give another youngster a chance to come on there uh we do have fro and VI as well who can basically play in any of the attacking positions but yeah moala has made it through he's the captain don't mind that actually should he be the captain he shouldn't be I should have one of my youngsters be the captain who do I entrust the captain see I'm going to give it ah this is a tough one I'm going to give it to the goalkeeper man it just feels right I got to say it does does take a long time to record these specific rebuilds but man it is a ton of fun last time it was an incredible journey with Argentina this time it is with my own country Germany and for some reason my favorite football player made his way into this lineup Jamal I'm happy to have you here because I need someone to counter the insane ability of uh mbappe on FC 24 and Jamal musala definitely has that oh you got to be kidding how did he turn like that oh my God bro I'm getting roasted stop stop your run lenta I know you're insane but stop your run please good stuff move it trying to cut off the passing Lanes here they find the ones with the back heels all right Jamal mosala now on the Run Jamal mosala with the technical dribbler still going all the way on the right it's chaa chaa inside vaa gasa or should I be screaming to that is how you say it in German it does sound like to from uh Marvel movies but to means goal let's go Vana gets the first one for us is that a sign of teimo Vana playing for the German national team during the World Cup and actually scoring a goal in a final imagine the scenes it is happening in Germany by the way the World Cup let me know who you think is going to win it obviously France are probably going to be favorites for it but I would I would love to see Germany do well it would be so important for the football over here and with the emergence of some incredible talents like Jamal M and Florian viot it would be so nice to see these guys succeed oh oh that's a goal that's a goal yeah it's too easy way too easy Al Gusto I'm trying to catch up oh no diabi he's going to dribble past me isn't he I know it for a fact oh mate even two players are not enough are you kidding guys how is he turning and twisting like that how's that a thing oh my God it's 2-1 France has taken the lead in the World Cup final The Comeback has happened please please please let's come back as well uh-oh I need to catch up I need to catch up you got to be kidding 31 bro I can't get a chance this formation just doesn't work for me my brain doesn't function with it that's the issue yes yes run run hman run hofman I know you're a center back I don't care I genuinely do not care he's going but there's no help where where's where's everyone there he is find the pass inside one more one more smack it yes 32 let's go let's keep moving let's keep moving yes M Mella huge steal smack it let's go 3 three Germany is back wow bro what a freaking World Cup final oh I'm so proud of this team no matter what happens after this point I'm super proud of this team whether we lose or win well done guys you've made me proud oh immediate Counterattack down the right Theo Hernandez is out of position so we have space to run into sh is 90 plus rated right shaer to win it all I can't believe it I cannot believe it it's 43 in the 80th minute the game of comebacks might have ended with this moment I'm shocked I am genuinely shocked but I am loving every single moment of it France with a couple of minutes left I've gone Ultra defensive with the team and they are not finding ways of moving forward with the ball yet or are they just waiting for that one last moment to get the attack in and just make it hurt even more it might just be that way bro I'm trying so hard to get there I am actually like in pain trying to defend this mbapp we get it away 90+ 3 it's done yes it is finished Germany or World Champ chions Victoria cones Youth Academy has made it possible in 2030 Germany let's go bro what a freaking game I love it ah no don't do this again I'm getting the back of the Bro EA fix yourself I can't be playing the World Cup and not getting a proper cut scene until a moment after this where it switches ACR I'm literally in in the guy's ass what are we doing what are we doing bro this is insane H Has Lifted the trophy at the end mosala next to him a bunch of German players in the background the real ones but the Youth Academy ones are the ones that pulled it off we didn't even need the superstars apart from Mella but guys thank you so much for watching it was great fun to take my own country to this moment and I would love to see Germany do this well again I'm trusting musala and Viet to get us there have a good one take care and peace
Channel: CaniSports
Views: 138,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gL58blF0aCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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