I Rebuild With CARIBBEAN Players ONLY! 😁

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your comments have made it happen again a rebuild request that is special we are looking at the Caribbean islands going from Cuba all the way down to Aruba kurasa boner all these beautiful islands have one goal in mind that is to take over World football we have created a club Caribbean FC which right now probably doesn't have a single player from the Caribbean islands in it and we are going to be utilizing the Youth Academy and the trans to Market to bring together all the best talents from the Caribbean islands into today's team I am so excited as we are starting off our journey in efl League 2 Caribbean FC just think about it countries that haven't really gotten that much recognition for their football now are about to take over everything and I will try my best to ideally bring in a player for at least one position per per country so we can go ahead and bring in at least 11 players right here that should be from different countries and hopefully create a team that can just go ahead and dominate for years this journey has to be started off the right way we are looking at a Swedish man Frederick Lind five star five star Scout which is going to cost us basically nearly our entire freaking budget but that's okay we're going to go ahead and send this man to one of the Caribbean islands straight away for you when you play the game at home sadly you don't have access to the Caribbean islands you do have North America with three countries there and when you look at South America none of them are actually part of it as well so for me though because I am using the mods I am able to go ahead and send the scout to any country here and it will pop up as the one that I actually want now I am going to be starting off this journey by looking for a goalkeeper as always I like to build out from goalkeeper defense Midfield and attack so we're going to start off that way goalkeeper at first and it is going to be Cuba as you can see right there that's the country we're going to start off with because I actually was in Cuba already I was like 10 years 9 years old and it was a beautiful place amazing country so we're going to start off our journey in Cuba just by any chance though is anyone oh Reed Eric Reed is from Jamaica let's go we can keep a hold of him he's 25 years old so he might not be here forever but he is actually the first Caribbean in the team I love that he's from Jamaica which you can tell our kits are kind of inspired by the colors of Jamaica but we're going down the list and hoping that we might be able to find one more Cypress definitely not part of it Gambia also isn't part of it so only Derek Reed is the uh one Caribbean player here which is fine I mean we're going to find a couple of buddies for him instantly I'm looking for a players that I can buy and this is one of them he's coming in for Mad cheap because his contract is running out and it is yes another one from Jamaica don't you worry I'll be bringing in more and probably Reed is going to be gone at some point and he might be left as the only Jamaican here but as you guys know a lot of Jamaican players are playing in some decent clubs so that is going to be the country where we're going to be able to bring in as many as we want to Anderson is the first one walking in caroy Anderson amazing haircut straight away 290k from charton athletic and he's going to be walking straight stra into this team he's a center midfielder and honestly I don't want to play defensive with this team so at first I will have to find out which formation I want to play but it definitely needs to be one that allows him to do what he does 71 Pace 63 dribbling 66 physicality flare play style on him as well and of course he's a young one 18 years old and the first official signing of Caribbean FC I have now decided I'm going to be playing the 433 flat formation which will allow me to have three Center midfielders and ideally I want to have players in here who can do defense and offense and obviously the players from the Caribbeans especially if you think about people like us saying Bol you got to think they're fast so we're going to be utilizing the wings with this team as well and see what we can come up with a man from the team of lonel Messi this is asona who is from the Dominican Republic he seems to be a Winger Edis son asona is going to be joining us right now now as the first one apart from the Jamaican to walk into our team he is a left Winger who can take over straight away but at the same time I do need a right winger as well I have been selling a couple of the players in the team especially the center attacking midfielders I've listed all of them onto the transfer market because we're going to be running three Center mids and asona comes in with an okay Pace I guess decent dribbling and three star three star he's right footed 5 foot six finesse shot and Technical ooh that impresses me now I like that that's a great signing the first Scout report is in and we have a bunch of players coming through Cuba Tony Rodriguez he might be our goalkeeper beautiful mustache we love to see that 110k on this one if I can have two that'd be great because obviously I would like to have a backup keeper and move on but usio Sanchez he doesn't have high potential but he could be it could be worth a lot let's go 1.8 million the first Scout report are you kidding me this is incredible Lads that is exactly the type of scout report you want to see a goalkeeper walks straight into our team let's bring him in here he is 68 rated Cube up for the win let's go that is the first player coming through the Youth Academy now I'm actually going to be calling off the uh the Scout from looking in different uh uh position position in the same position in Cuba we're going to send them somewhere else because you know we're done here in Cuba up next we are looking for physically strong in Haiti yes I'm basically working my way uh through the map if you take a look at it right here I've started with Cuba I'm going over to Haiti I'm probably going to be doing the big ones first and I'm slowly moving to the smaller ones but at the same time could be quite unfair okay I'm just going to randomize it we'll see how it goes but for now we do have the scout out looking physically strong in Haiti ideally looking to get some Defenders or even cids second month of scouting in Haiti and finally yes obviously you guys don't get to see every single Scout report but this is actually the second one I was already thinking oh no this was the wrong decision but no we have Benjamin laak coming through 1.2 million for this one which is huge I wonder what position he actually plays I didn't even look there but that's the I was about to say the only one but it isn't Jonathan Thomas is also coming through seems to have decent potential there please tell me that this guy can walk straight into the team was he old enough yes he was he's a right back 73 Pace decent shooting passing dribbling defending 86 hold on a second this guy seems like he could play anywhere on the pitch yeah like okay so it takes him four weeks for CDM 31 weeks for uh Center mid cam Center forward 25 right wing 32 Striker just 10 weeks I am wondering now should I just turn him into a freaking Striker Benjamin lawa do you want to be a striker pal last SC report now coming in from hati and we are looking at absolutely no one right here being valuable for us so we're going to let this one slide and finally I think the position change for the player that we got earlier on is done I've gone for Center back guys because he just has too good of a physical to ignore I want to use him at Center pack and he goes up to a 67 the right choice has been made he goes straight into the starting 11 right now three months in Haiti are done and with that he's going to be playing alongside actually parer Reed you're going to be dropped in actually no he's Jamaican so we should probably play him so let's bring in lavvo right here right foot it shocky quickstep long throw that's what we want to see up next we're going for physically strong again but this time to S kits and NIS yes a country where I've seen this from yes Theory you can go to and pay like 100,000 and then get their citizenship if I'm not mistaken that's how it worked for one of the guys from yes Theory the Egyptian guy I don't know if anyone watches that channel but honestly it's such a great Channel last guy report coming in from San kits and so far we haven't found anything except now with Jacob Hughes okay anyone else please just one more I'll take one more because it's it's been 3 months of absolutely nothing over here and from what I can tell it's going to remain that way so we only find ourselves one Talent from Sand kits it's fine we're going to move on to the next country but at least this one could be somewhat usable and I'm going to sign that one too because some of these guys might actually be way higher rated in different positions it wouldn't be the first time that it's happened let's take a look into this player as we are now in January and we see where is he 58 rated Striker oh you know what I think that goes straight into our team but then again he's decent defending he has okay he has four star skill m f that week but he's not going into defense not at all this guy goes straight into that striking position Jacob Hughes San kits promoted to the first team up next it's Trinidad and Tobago for three months my friends hoping to get something out of it before the season ends next one come on please anyone Junior mo one point .1 million 15year old 5'8 don't care he goes straight into our team Lads I've been looking for a couple of months already and Trinidad was disappointing but now things are looking different let's dive in and see what this guy can do he comes in as a 61 rated right back with okay Pace decent passing dribbling defending and physicality could you by any chance play Center Midfield nope he cannot so let's forget about that instantly any other position I'm not interested in so he's going to actually become a right back for our team which is quite useful because we do need one so let's bring you in more welcome to the team around the end of the season hopefully it's not going to hurt his potential but he comes in into that right back spot as others are already looking very good 61 rating nice little upgrade last day of the Season here we go into the last Scout report coming in and I haven't looked at it yet 375k anyway one anyone just one I'll take one ISAC Francis not high potential but could have a decent rating and the rest is basically throw away apart from Solomon Daniels here who seems to have really good dribbling I'm going to sign him up but the rest can go hopefully I'm not making any mistakes there but let's take a look at the team as we finish off the season asona up to a 64 Anderson 65 lots of growth I think that's a plus six for him then we go down to Lava who looks at a 70 rating and more has remained at the 61 as Sanchez goes up to a 72 do we have any chance oh no oh no no we do not have any chance at promotion yet Caribbean FC is going to be stuck in League 2 for a little bit as Stockford rexam and notot County are going up so we do clearly still need some more players to come in here which is fine we got all the time in the world asona with a 14 and two really nice stuff Benjamin bird got got himself nine goals there and where's Hughes he has played 13 games only one goal not that great to start off starting off within the new season with the signing of a left Winger yes uh I can move him on to the other side don't worry but this is the man walking into our club right now it's Jeremy Antonis from kurasa yes that is the country he's coming in from and it excites me to see him walk straight into our team I was thinking about changing Hughes to a Winger for a minute but now I found the right player for us comes in with a 66 rating he is right footed He has a decent weak foot as well so I'm going to play him on that right hand side I'm going to make him cut inside rapid and flare and of course he is still a youngster but 6' tall which does bring in a little bit of physicality down that Wing which I definitely do not mind welcome with to Caribbean FC starting off our journey this season by sending a scout to look for a physically strong Center midfielder this time to Granada yes Granada is also part of it we're not talking about Granada from Spain here's now the last Scout report coming in from ganada and I can tell you right now the first couple ones weren't great actually the first one wasn't great but the second one had someone in there that was quite interesting and worth above 1 million he is Mr Richards yes Andre Richards and Billy Charles these two have come in from Ada they have been signed one of them is a stimate the other one probably should be I mean he doesn't have defending or physicality so probably not but Andre Richards walks straight into our team as a 17-year-old I am trying to fill that Center Midfield spot up as much as I can right now and Charles I'm going to promote you and sell you to bring in some cash to possibly bring in another transfer or bring in another Scout because that could be quite useful I do have around 2 point something million left there and uh that should be good for us so Bell I can finally take out and we can bring in Mr Richards this guy 83 physical oh my God he's so much higher rated at Center back it's like a plus five bro plus six actually it is I desperately need cides though I know you want me to go ahead and put him at Center back I can't I legit can't I need senates bro it's so hard to find any through the Youth Academy it's the tough position up next we're going to Antigua and baruda and the reason behind it is I am looking for obviously another Center back to possibly replace Reed and also ideally another left back for this team so let's see how that goes as we do have the front three locked down the midfielders all of them are Al are also from the area of the uh Caribbean so that is fine we don't need to change anything there yet but the left back and Center back spot as much as I like the fact that Reed is here as an original I would like to improve there L I might have found the best player ever this is not the one this is also not the one but I'll sign him anyways this is the one Chad Prince Antigua and baruda this man is going to be the Crown Prince of our team so he gets signed for 1.2 million that's his value that is huge and we do get another one that looks quite decent into the team I guess I mean his stats are not that impressive to be fair but he's 6' five so I'll sign him anyways so we are not necessarily looking too bad that was the last Gap report now in January coming in and let's see Prince is our right back that probably is better suited at Center back which I do not mind because he doesn't have a lot of the pace but he does have good passing dribbling and all those good things so I'm really looking forward to make him our new right back in the team and the other ones Jo is a center back Johnson is a left back which works for me that can go straight into the team as well and now the final puzzle of the piece we're going to send out our Scout to Bahamas and he's just going to look for talents for 9 months for any position the Bahamas have brought in some great talents over multiple months now we are basically like half a year at least into this season and we see first of all Isaac Jackson 55 rated Center midfielder Grant Billy Grant 17year old 63 rated midfielder bang straight into the team then we have Eddie Stevens who I'm turning into a right wi he could turn out to be to be higher rated here and then Dwight Patterson a 15-year-old Striker from the Bahamas who also gets promoted into the team instantly so let's take a look at our Squad right now he's going to be competing but a striking position we can see it instantly Patterson and Prince I've not turned into a left back yet I am a fool or a center back what was the position that I wanted to turn him into we'll check it out in a second I forgotten about it already but then Grant obviously goes straight into the team instead of Daniels and that is already a big upgrade now we have the team filled with players from Caribbean already which is huge so really loving what we're doing right here actually yeah we have everyone in here from the Caribbean and Bayern Munich is currently losing 21 against both yes I'm going to lose my mind can we please just fire him fire him I beg you just fire tul do it now what are you waiting for my God bro I'm going to lose my mind honestly that guy is the worst coach I've ever seen anyways Center back pass the position bang 64 rated and with that Reed will be gone from the starting 11 well here we go third position at the end of the season which means we are going up into League one which is Justified because we do have the team to go for for it now Caribbean FC is looking extremely strong the battle for the striker position Hughes has won it for now he just needs to work on a shooting man that's all he needs to do he has the pace he has the physicality anony 71 rated alongside Anderson both are the highest rated players after our Center back and our goalkeeper which is good enough and Thomas was actually promoted from the Youth Academy as well from Haiti the man has gone up a lot so he has taken that position over from Johnson for now and uh generally speaking the bench is slowly being filled with a couple of players as well that could be useful for us moving down in uh into some other positions as well later on we will be bringing in Prince into the starting 11 instead of Reed so be prepared for that next season but guys this season has gone quite well I'm very satisfied with the performances and we're looking at Anderson with 19 goals and 11 assist ala coming in with 19 and four Anon doing well and for the strikers just not impressive Patterson three goals and six that's impressive well this season in efl League 1 hasn't gone too great we came in in 13th guys and we're going to just quickly go through this year because we have work to do no other talents have joined us no one that would make it into the first team and from this point on I'm not going to be scouting anymore antones with the 75 Anderson 77 lawat coming up with the 80 and then we have Sanchez with the at1 but the rest of the team clearly is struggling to go ahead and get things done just as iron Munich is struggling as well still losing by the way um let's go ahead and take a look into the stats here we have Anderson once again running the game I mean he's the captain for a reason I guess but this is a joke man we need our Strikers to score goals Hugh is only coming up with five in 50 is ridiculous we are the champions of League one that had to happen this season I mean come on Lads we have 80 something rated players in a team right now that want to play in the Premier League and this is not okay so look looking at the team now Hughes up to a 76 finally the man is improving his shooting which probably helps him the most I changes development plan to focus on shooting mostly anones 80 Anderson 81 Lavo coming up with the 84 Sanchez 83 Thomas you got to do better or actually Johnson is taking over your position so don't worry you don't have to do better so let's quickly go into the stats here as Bayern Munich by the way is losing 3-2 as we speak yep they conceded another one um but yeah we have Conor with 30 and three anones with 20 and 8 Anderson again bro this guy just wow I'm so impressed qes plus seven there we go only 16 and four though how do you get a plus seven from 16 goals bro anyways let's continue chasing Premier League football iron lost to get the hell out of here bro I cannot wait I'm sorry if I'm venting to you guys about Bayern Munich when you want to see me go ahead and do the Caribbean FC rebuild which I'm doing hey we're in the third position right here in the playoffs for Premier League football and guess what we have won it yes we have beaten Sheffield United and now we are a Premier League club butu is not a buness Lega manager anymore at least I hope so but let's go ahead and take a look into the team that has pulled this off so ason 83 Hughes 82 Anon 85 Anderson 85 the rest of the boys are catching up we have our Center back beast on an 86 Moore on an 81 Johnson 75 that is the biggest issue position right now that we have I'm actually going to be utilizing the Premier League money to fill up our bench with as many Caribbean players that actually play right now The Highest Potential ones are going to join us we have Sanchez with the 84 as well and then obviously not that shabby on the bench but definitely not Premier League level that's more like a league one level there but do we mind no because Hughes hasn't scored the most goals I was about to say he probably did but he didn't asonor 34 and 13 Antony's 18 and 7 and Hughes coming in with the 14 and two I'm telling you right now his story will be the maddest one he will do absolutely nothing until we get into like Champions League football and then all of a sudden he'll be the best that's what I'm expecting already Anderson with 19 goal contributions love you so I've decided to go ahead and bring in a bunch of backups into the team Joel Lati boder is one of them obviously Leon Bailey could have been an interesting one but he's going to be way too old by the time he comes into the squad so I've decided to go for a couple of different options L boder comes in at a 78 Thomas is still here Jean Jac has joined us from Haiti this man is from Jamaica by the way we have Hutchinson Omari Hutchinson who is one of the highest potential players from Jamaica obviously only made his way into the team right now but could be quite useful have Patterson still there and then I also signed Garcia who seems to have some really good stats on him but he's 30 years old he's from tiad and Tobago and with that now we are ready for the Premier League first season of the Prem 12th position I'm not against it I mean that's fine for me I love the fact that we haven't gone too far up and I do understand that we do have a good enough team to be in the top half of the table I mean we have some incredible attackers right now with a beast of a captain leading the line and a decent bench as well so I would have expected maybe a little bit more but then again who knows here we go we have anones 18 and8 we have Hughes coming up with 14 and three I can't wait for this guy to have one season where all of a sudden he has over 40 goal contributions but then we have Alon with 14 and six Anderson once again providing good stuff for the team as we do progress still within the Prem and that's okay next season though I want European football yep I said it season's done let's see if European football is part of our plans yes it is it's not even conference or Euro Europa League football it's Champions League football with a six-point Gap to Arsenal pretty impressive Caribbean FC on the runup we love that so let me see the team oh look at that Hugh was 91 he now has 86 shooting buddy if you haven't scored over 20 goals I'm going to be so upset asona with 92 Antonis the same on midfielders have gone on gone up nicely Johnson lowest rated player on the team currently with an 84 rating Sanchez on a 90 as well so defensively we are looking ever so solid all the players on the bench don't look too shabby either so let me quickly see Hughes how many goals 20 21 all right he basically just said I'm just going to do the bare minimum and hopefully at some point he will actually do what's necessary and just get 30 40 something like that that' be lovely mate we beat AC Milan 72 are you nuts by the way I'm not turning on the lights this is enough lights for us we losing against Dortmund though no we're not by three now against Arsenal 3 n that's I didn't expect this already but the team has done it and we lose against Manchester city am I surprised not really I assume Manchester city has won the title but we are in the Champions League final against Chelsea out of all teams feel like I haven't played against Chelsea in a long time and yes light is right above me uh but let's go ahead and take a look at it second in the league Caribbean FC establishing itself as a top four club in the Premier League amazing stuff right there and going for the biggest trophy of them all with this team I mean this is great wow Johnson up to an 89 he has overtaking Prince and more I didn't see that coming that is amazing so hey let me see the stats Hughes how many goals do you have Mr beard 38 and two there we go buddy you've done it congratulations I told you whenever this guy turns up it's going to be one of the most important times and he has done exactly that let's go Budd ascon 23 and 13 Anon done well Anderson is here the captain is ready to take on our opponents I can't believe it actually is Chelsea that is going to be a fun one who are they rocking in their starting 11 let's take a quick look at it before we dive into the gameplay portion of this they have Evan nilson gabri Vega mudri Z bios let's go Conor Galaga Chalan Olu from inter who by the way is on fire right now here com in then you have Gil Chris there alongside Lenor Mo and lamento and M Dash has joined them very impressive team from Chelsey but mine is more impressive it's filled with Caribbeans off we go into a game of a lifetime here is Caribbean FC facing Chelsea and by the way one thing you guys have probably noticed is that I don't play with commentators on honestly turning them on right now would be like I'm playing a completely different game everyone at home is probably playing with commentators but because I'm already commentating I'm not going to have another voice go over me but still this is so unusual for some of you guys I would reckon turn off commentary for one game and tell me how you feel in the comments down below nice shoes on a run our captain will find him the head doesn't go in back into Anderson look at that pass the pure precision and Grant with the weakest shot of all time nice lovely movement of the ball here as we approach a position from where he could be shooting and Hugh tries he looks like a btech king benzar right now good try but that won't work Chad Prince straight away starting off the counter with asona from the domenican Republic he's going for it Hughes in the center I don't know what the hell Hughes is doing but he's confusing everybody as we try to take shots here and we finally do that's an interesting pass we have it back at Johnson Johnson to asona there's Hughes what a terrible attempt at a finish over to the left this is our left back Johnson who gets a little bit too much space mine mine mine mine mine it was our Keepers Chelsea late into the game trying their best are you kidding ref oh my God this guy is a joke Chelsea have probably spent another billion on this referee get it away yes we got it Chelsea inside our box late into the game what a freaking head up wow that was powerful down the left we go what a pass that is from Johnson he's getting back involved again Johnson on the Run Anderson in the center waiting for this ball from Hughes he gets it and what a last man tackle that is impressive stuff as we try to create something again 88th minute Hughes is in there I mean he really isn't is he h win that no you're not going to win that but I'm going to win this and then you can do this what a moment last minute of the game it is done we have scored there's no way Chelsea makes it back the best way to win a trophy is to wi it last minute and our team is doing it right now at the end of it it is a huge assist yes it's him the bearded man gets the ball across to asonia who does go ahead and score it for us this is immense Ed Sonona who is an original of the squad at this point he was one of the first players we have purchased no way ref load a whistle please oh my God no I'm messing this up Prince Prince I need you yes Prince yes buddy I knew it as soon as I saw your name you're a special player we win it so I want to thank you guys as always for suggesting to go ahead and do a rebuild with the Caribbean Nations and that's exactly what we've done so much appreciate it this was a lot of fun hopefully by the time you get to see this video T has already been fired I'm going to keep that campaign going on the channel Anderson lifts the trophy he totally deserves it along with the rest of the team take care and peace
Channel: CaniSports
Views: 125,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WTfKgVAgMd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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