I Read The Books From The Omegaverse Lawsuit And Now I Want To Sue Someone

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I don't know that I have ever in my life been more grateful for incognito mode then when I was doing research for this okay so a shout out to incognito mode you know and hi mom I don't watch this one don't do it love you hi hello my name is Stephanie and welcome or if you're coming back welcome back either way I'm glad you're here and I hope you're well and say we are gonna be talking about born to be bound by Addison Cain and Craig to conquer by so we Ellis two books at the center of the Omega verse lawsuit which is the thing that is happening because it is the year of our Lord 2020 and truly truly anything can happen before we get into all this cuz it's it's a lot a couple of things number one I'm not a lawyer I have no like legal experience whatsoever so you know I'm just putting them out there I'm not a lawyer second both of these books contain a ton of sexual assault intimate partner violence and extremely like dubious consent I'm not gonna go into great detail about any of that of course but I am gonna have to touch on it very very briefly yeah for what I'm going to talk about with both these books so if that's something that's gonna be potentially triggering to you I you know please take care of yourself and I will see you in the next one and three this this video is going to be divided into four sections section one I'm going to kind of talk about what is alpha beta Omega I'm gonna be saying that a lot so that's what that stands for kind of what it is and where it came from section two we're gonna talk about the lawsuit and again not where section three everybody's talked about the books and all that they entail and my god do they entail a lot and section four we're gonna tie it all together and talk about what it all means I guess yeah all right let's uh let's talk wolf kink lawsuit so what the hell is it basically it's an au an alternate universe where people are divided into hierarchies based on their biological traits at the very top both figuratively and literally are the alphas they are usually portrayed as being physically large and strong with very dominant and aggressive personalities that can sometimes border on violence and we're gonna be talking about that too a little bit later and have to put it politely wolf-like anatomical features okay and that's another thing um given the context of these books I could try and keep this as pg-13 as I can but just again given the context of the omega verse as a whole and all that entails I don't know how successful I want to be at that but I'm gonna I'm gonna give it my best so at the top we have the alphas next come the betas and typically they are the closest to us like normal humans you know physically and personality wise in these type of stories at the very bottom usually at the very lowest rung of society although I I have seen a few where they're at the top of the hierarchy and the alphas are at the bottom and that's kind of an interesting subversion of that they're the omegas are usually portrayed as being physically smaller and weaker than their alpha counterparts and they typically have a more submissive nature whether they want to or not it's really kind of dependent on their personality usually in these stories but again it kind of depends on like what the plot calls for and you know kind of the story itself but usually in these type of stories or mega verse stories both the alphas and the Omegas periods of time where they need to mate again I'm trying to keep this as PG as possible but both alphas and omegas do experience that betas that the usually do not again they're kind of the closest thing to like normal humans usually in these universes sometimes they're like not included in these stories entirely which i think is kind of interesting but yeah so they they have periods of time where they biologically need to have to mate again mom if you've somehow made it this far don't watch anymore now all this kind of depends on the story and what the plot calls for but those are the basics so that's what it is let's talk about where the hell it came from honestly I always figured that came from Star Trek because pretty much any fanfiction Tropes that you can think of Under the Sun you can trace its origins back to Star Trek the original series and while certain elements of have existed in other forms the genre kind of as we know it today seems to have come from the supernatural fandom in 2010 specifically in a kink mean prompt for the j2 ship the real person ship involving the two lead actors the prompt can I read the front perhaps maybe emergency this is the prompt that you know led us to where we are today I'm gonna read as much of it as I can okay a you their world is just like ours except in their world there are two types of men one is the alpha male the other is good oh okay you know I will just go ahead and put it right here somewhere and it'll also be linked down below and yeah I yeah the prompt got a ton of fills and since we're will fix and heat fix I've never said that out loud before and I'm not gonna lie it's got me feeling a type of way so we're just gonna move on where are the extreme popular within the supernatural fandom quickly took off and spread to other fandoms and at the time I'm filming this July 3rd 2020 if you search a bo dynamics on ao3 you get about 7 you get about 70,000 results so I mean it's clearly an extremely popular genre put a pin in that we're going to come back to that so that's what it is where it came from let's talk about the lawsuit in 2016 Addison Cain published born to be bound the first book in what would become her alphas claim series she also went on later to write several other Omega first romance books out and there's actually a couple of mega vers romance series that she's written at least according to her website and her Amazon page and she was extremely successful as you can see from hopefully my camera focuses as you can see from the cover she is a USA Today best-selling author and crime to one article I read which all of the articles that I found will be linked down in the description below she has made almost $400,000 doing this four hundred thousand dollars I'm in a fun business flash-forward to January of 2018 and new author zoe ellis publishes her first book crave to conquer which would be the first book in her myth of the omega series okay a few months later in April of 2018 Cain and her publisher filed copyright takedown notices against Ellis and her books using the DMCA the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which to put it extremely simply is copyright law here in the US that was passed in 1998 so 22 years ago that makes it illegal to duplicate digital copyrighted works and sell them put a pin in that we're gonna come back to that too and again I'm not a lawyer myself and I'm not super familiar with like copyright law or law or in general really stay and I'll leave a link that explains what the DMCA is kind of more comprehensively than yours truly here basically Cain and her publisher claimed that Ellis had violated the DMCA and that came was the creator and therefore the owner of common tropes associated with the Omega verse put it in in that tomb and they got Ellis's books removed from Barnes and Noble and iTunes which I don't have to tell you those are two massive retailers Ellis and her publishers Ellis and her publisher she only has one on as far as I know father claims and were able to give her books restored but that took months a couple months later in October of 2018 Ellis and her publisher filed a lawsuit against Cain and her publisher for defamation of character interfering with Ellis's career and filing false copyright infringement notices they're seeking 1.25 million dollars in damages and that's a million with an M again I'm in the wrong business I don't know what I'm doing at the time I'm filming this again July 3rd 2020 the litigation is ongoing so that's really kind of the basic bare-bones version of the lawsuit let's talk about the books born to be bound is an apocalyptic story that takes place in the distant future where a plague has wiped out most of humanity and driven the remaining people into domed cities where they live isolated from the outside world and to give part of where credit is due I thought the domed city idea was a really cool idea for a bottle setting and I you know something really interesting could have been done with that that being said the world building in this is extremely choppy and hard to follow and I get that this is the first book in a series and the world will be built kind of throughout that series and you don't want your first book to be all exposition but there needs to be some exposition you know for me as a reader this was extremely confusing to follow and that confusion was only added to and exacerbated by the fact that the POVs switched constantly and without any page headings or paragraph breaks you would just be reading and mid paragraph ban and it would be another character as POV and it was extremely hard to follow and made the choppy world-building even worse in my opinion crave to concur on the other hand is a fantasy story that takes place in a world where the Omegas disappeared hundreds of years ago and they literally they vanished without a trace no one knows whether they are alive or dead or what happened to them and what kind of adds to this mystery is any time a child presents as an Omega usually in puberty or thereabouts they disappear almost immediately after and are never seen or heard from again and this has led to a populate this has led to in a population crisis let's say the population is dwindling because alphas and betas cannot breed and again to give credit where credit is due I think the world-building in this in creative conquer is better okay and just the writing overall in crave to conquer is better the characters in this are extremely OneNote and kind of case is born to be bound pretty much forgettable like by the time I finished both of these books I actually had to go back when he did the outline for this and look up the character name it's like they were that OneNote and forgettable but again to give credit where credit is due I think the world-building is interesting and I liked the mystery both of the alphas Shepherd in born to be mown and drunk oh and crave to conquer fit that alpha archetype I described earlier almost to leti physically they are very strong they are very large and they have very short tempers and they also are very violent and more often than not extremely cruel Shepard from born to be bound was born and raised in the subterranean prison level in the Dome City it was almost like a pit okay and it was a very harsh and very violent place where escape was virtually impossible but eventually he and a group of alpha criminals climb out of the pit and take over the city they kill the ruling government and they are essentially holding the city under siege does that sound familiar I bet it does put a pin in that under Sheppard's kind of reign of terror all mecca's are hunted down and forced into sexual slavery so they have gone into hiding but they have been in hiding for months and they are starting to run out of food this leads an Omega named Claire to buy pills on the black market to hide her Omega nature and her scent where and she's able to go to the Citadel I kind of the center of the city where Shepard and his group of kinda set up shop to plead with him for mercy and to get food for the other omegas why she thought somebody who put government officials on pikes would be willing to like show her mercy is beyond me I don't know dropo in craved to conquer is a warlord who has recently taken over a neighboring kingdom and made himself King you know as one does and he is his main goal is to find the Omegas because he is a big strong alpha and he deserves an Omega I don't you just love stories where women are prizes don't you just love that lace and he has an army not only does he have this massive alpha army they are extremely well trained and this leads the Omegas who have been living in hiding for hundreds of years with with the use of magic and I will say this as well the magic system in crave to conquer is very interesting and I think it was a well done very interesting magic system they have sent a spy named Kalin into the palace to kind of figure out what drunko knows and kind of how big of a threat to their discovery this could potentially be because we later learned that the omegas actually fled and have been in hiding from the alphas do - they just extreme mistreatment they had suffered under them so they have been living in hiding all of these years and when child presence is an Omega they come and they take them so that they don't have to suffer under the alphas reign okay so we've got Kahlan and Claire who are both omegas undercover using Kaylin from creped conquer is using magic to suppress her Omega nature and Claire from born to be bound is using pills okay both Claire and kaylynn's suppressants end up failing Claire having been sold fake pills and kalynn because her spell gets broken they both go into heat being in the presence of such dominant alpha man I hate it here can you tell I hate it here a gull stroke oh and Shepherd take advantage of this and not the Omegas again I've never said that out loud before and it's got me feeling a type away both Claire ere Kahlan are taken captive by the respective alphas and held prisoner and repeatedly assaulted this takes a particularly disgusting and vile turn in crave to conquer we're drunk Oh is essentially using sexual assault as an interrogation technique both of the alphas forcibly bond with the Omegas by biting their necks and it's helped to Gaslight them into accepting them as a mate using scent marking and purring and both of the omegas Claire and Kahlan start to make nests and sort of start to succumb to Stockholm Syndrome basically eventually both of the omegas are able to escape Claire by literally jumping out of window and kalynn by getting her magic bag and attacking and pretty seriously wounding Draco in order to escape Claire and born to be man takes refuge with a beta soldier who is also in fighting and Kahlan is it's implied that she's captured by Draco's political rival I came from another Kingdom and both books end with alpha with the alphas vowing to get their own Megas back and I want to walk into the sea so that was a lot and I think it's safe to say that both of these books utilize a lot of tropes and that's kind of the key to what I'm getting at with this whole thing part of the reason I brought up a o3 earlier was partially to show just how popular of a genre alb is but also because after I read the lawsuit duology I went and read a bunch of fix and a bunch of different fandoms my fandoms to get a better sense of the alb as a genre because it's not something that I typically read and what I found was regardless of the fandom regardless of the pairing a lot of the tropes that we see in born to be bound and crave to conquer the ruts and heeds the use of suppress the use of suppressants that was hard to say for some reason probably cuz I can't talk ah the mating bites even the placement of the mating bites the purring the nesting and even that kind of troubling not kind of troubling that very troubling dubious consent aspect are all well-established tropes within this genre hell if you search omega verse romance on either Amazon or Barnes & Noble and pick up a book at random and read the summary I guarantee you you will see those tropes born to be bound actually began its life as a Dark Knight Rises fanfiction with fame as the main antihero of the story okay so both Ellis and Kane created their stories and base their plots around extremely common fanfiction Tropes and here's the thing no one owns tropes no one owns genres definitely like if I wrote a horror novel about a haunted house and then turned around and tried to copyright the cept of a haunted house and you know used copyright law to take down the works of other authors who utilized a haunted house in their horror stories a haunted house is a horror trope I don't own that no one owns that no one should own that part of the reason that fan fiction is so fascinating is that it exists in a kind of nebulous legal gray area because you're using characters and settings and ideas that were created something else to create something of your own and as we have seen from Fifty Shades of Grey and after and yeah even born to be bound there is some serious money to be made in commercializing your fan fiction hell do you know how many published why do you know how much published Twilight fan fiction there is out there look at what my friend sent me a couple days ago hi nazir love you mister you like a look at what you sent me do you see this it's a it's a published Twilight mafia a you that he bought on Amazon for ten bucks and then sent to me the commercialization of fanfiction there is a huge and extremely profitable market for that and to circle all the way back to the DMCA can trumps even be copyrighted should they I personally don't think so but kind of as published fanfiction becomes more and more mainstream and profitable and from and as we've seen it's extremely profitable again Kane made almost four hundred thousand dollars with her Omega verse romance books Fifty Shades of Grey was the best-selling novel of the decade and has three extremely profitable movies after it has a movie and I think there's like a second one in the works and what role does copyright play in all that I don't know I don't think there's any way to know at this particular moment in time anything having read both born to be bound and crave to conquer they're both extremely trophy stories not that there's anything wrong with that but so are a lot of those other 70,000 stories and at the end of the day no one owns those tropes no one should own those tropes and you know I think it's gonna be very interesting to see you know we laugh about the lawsuit and like meme it cuz it is just so bizarre and weirdly funny but you know at the time of filming this you know it's July 1st 2020 I think I said it was the third a couple of times I don't know what day it is anymore but it is July 1st 2020 and at the time the litigation is still ongoing and I think it's gonna be interesting to see kind of what that means in terms of copyright and fanfiction and commercializing and profiting off your fanfiction I think it's gonna be very interesting to see what comes of all this so that was a lot I think so much for listening to all that I hope it was you know kind of interesting I I certainly didn't expect to fall down the rabbit hole that I did when I got those books for two bucks from my local used bookstore here where I live but yeah thanks realistic and all that again I I hope what was kind of interesting next video will be a wrap-up of everything that I read in the month of June the good the bad and the continued questionable life choices that I make so until then I think so much for watching and stay healthy stay safe and I will see you in the next one bye bye do you guys remember that show a Dark Angel it was this post-apocalyptic show created by James Cameron about a super soldier who was hiding from the government program that she escaped from it was set in like Seattle I think and there was an episode where Jessica Alba who played the main character whose name I don't know and I'm not went into heat because she'd been genetically altered you know and you know who else was in that show Jensen Ackles was in that show and remember and soap like heat was a canonical thing that happened in the show Dark Angel which also starred Jensen Ackles okay and what was an extremely popular Trump in the supernatural fandom heat fix which helped become as popular as it was so if you think about it and my god have I thought about a lot James Cameron is responsible for the alpha beta Omega fanfiction trouble and that's uh my hot take for the day
Channel: Stephanie Michelle
Views: 11,762
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Id: ouPGyvFSoDM
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Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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