I reacted to ALL my old Pokemon game save files...

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I have a lot of Pokémon games some of them are from when I was a kid and I got these games for the first time some of them are us that I got later on and there's a ton of games here to look at let's go through one by one looking at each old save seeing what weird stuff we can find so make sure to leave a like And subscribe and now let's get right into it it's been so long since I've looked at the save file I don't even know what to expect so we have just under 120 hours played full Pokedex definitely legit last played February 1st I I don't know when when this was at all I'm in ptor city for some reason we have a level one archus oh uh with the spooky plate I have no idea if this is legit I'm going to assume not also have a Wezel level one why I I don't know Tor is this my starter tort Tera this has to be my starter tort Tera April 22nd 2007 the game came out on that day uh star R which I also caught the day the game came out apparently and a dark cry which I think this is actually a legit dark cry ot's Al I think this is from one of those Wi-Fi events that you were able to do like much later before I check out the actual PC I want to see the Hall of Fame and see when I first entered the Hall of Fame so this is from 2009 this is not my first ENT you know what's crazy I actually remember doing this because I had a yanma on my team that I wanted to level up to level 100 because thought y was cool and I was going through the Elite 4 over and over again to level up and I think I ended up giving up I don't think I actually got it there this is my first entry in the Hall of Fame on May 12th 2007 we have py Lucario azelf luxray oxie and tort Tera not the team I thought I'd use I'm surprised that star rtor wasn't on my team even though I caught it the day the game came out uh what other entries do I have in the Hall of Fame we have this one from 2007 with a bunch of random Pokémon oh this is like my favorite team this is the team that I used to use all the time back in the day going back to like Pokemon Emerald I'm sure we'll find some of these Pokemon throughout the other safe files but we have this Kyogre which I believe is from my original Emerald version this Blazin from my original Ruby version that I don't have anymore U this Flygon from the Pokemon Center event back back in I want to say the Ruby and Sapphire even fire leaf green era if you went to the Pokémon that are now called Nintendo store in New York City they would always have events running like every week they would change it and the week that I went there there had to be a flyon event so this is a Flygon from that we have a Mewtwo that I believe is from my original leaf green a Charizard from my bootl copy of fire red we'll get to later and Rayquaza from either my Emerald or Ruby version look at these like why like why did I go through why did I go through the Hall of Fame with an Octillery like what was I trying to do and a RM like what was I doing here and then why did I only have five Pokémon this time what like 2009 what was I thinking let's look at the actual boxes now I don't think there's anything like great in here where did this Napoleon come from level 43 OT Zeke I'm going to assume this is like GTS or something hatched in 2007 yeah this has got to be from the GTS or something that's pretty cool though a level 100 sudo oh OT is Spartan I don't remember where this came from came from the hoen region though so it must have been transferred over and then traded to me I guess so this is the mystery Mew you'll actually see quite a few of these throughout my various save files because I may or may not have clone this to death but this is actually a legit Mew I believe it was from a Toys R R Us event in I want to say like 2005 or 2006 I'm pretty sure I got it on Emerald version and I remember waiting in line for 2 hours to get this Mew because back then there weren't online events and you couldn't just get them wirelessly so you had to show up and wait in line I've showed this off in other videos people always say oh it's not legit because it's level 27 to those people saying this isn't legit do you know that Pokémon are capable of leveling up because I'm pretty sure the actual event was like level 5 or 10 and then I leveled it up to 27 uh this one's legit a lot of the Pokemon on this game or like against General might not be legit but I know that one definitely is this is a shiny Pichu from a GameStop event I think I don't remember this at all actually but apparently it's a GameStop event okay see now this is an example of a fake Lugia caught in a master ball in the cancer region um this I actually remember getting this hoo so back around this era of Pokémon I want to say late third gen early fourth gen I would trade with a lot of people from school and a lot of people from school would have you know Pokemon from action replay and I'm pretty sure this kid probably scammed me out of my legit legendary Pokemon for their fake hoo so thank you whoever you were there's really nothing too crazy on this game anymore because I'm pretty sure most of the good Pokemon were transferred over but there's random stuff like this like why did I why was I breeding for scarm re why did I stop at 4 like why this boxes label train so I'm guessing I want to train these Pokemon back in the day I don't know why I wanted to train a b barel but uh I did there's really not much else on my Pearl version that's interesting so let's just move on to the next game on hard gold and soul silver we're in what is this place called palp park I think how many hours do I played in this game uh I have Max money totally legit and I have 132 hours played Adventure stting March 14th 2010 pretty sure that's the day the game came out so let's see what's in our party jesser Rayquaza level 100 is this my first Hall of Fame run May 31st 2010 I think it is maybe so we have an Umbreon level 42 we have the shiny Gyarados level 36 uh this is the same bootleg HOA we saw in the pearl game which is pretty funny level 73 Pikachu OT 10th anniversary this is from the 10th anniversary Journey Across America event if you guys don't remember that this was back in 2006 for the 10th anniversary of Pokemon of course they went across various malls United States I think they did in like Canada and Australia and maybe even Europe too and you can show it up to these events again wait in line to get these event Pokemon and there was an event Pikachu that I got and there's a lot of other event Pokemon I got at that event that uh you'll see throughout this video as well we have Lugia that I caught in this game I guess then a bay leaf because I was one of those weird kids who did not like evolving their starter all the way I just used the bay leaf level 40 and beat the Elite 4 apparently so what do we have in the PC we have this box called Eevee breed which doesn't make a lot of sense we have Vaporeon level 42 uh flyon which I'm I'm guessing this is the same Flygon from the Pokemon Center that I just cloned yep it is on the bottom screen there we have the same my Mew another 10th anniversary Pokemon this time tyion and then we have this Blazin so this Blazin fun fact about this Blazin um and I recognize it from the trainer ID because I still remember my original trainer ID from my original Ruby version this is my first Blazin I lost that Ruby version I wish I still had it so we can react to it but unfortunately I don't but for some reason I transfered over my original Blazin so at least I have that there definitely a lot more cooler Pokémon in this game we have a Shiny Rayquaza probably not legit o a shiny torch wait is this legit I'm going to assume it's just not legit cuz I feel like I would have remembered hatching a shiny Torchic that's cool also have the manif egg that's kind of neat that's probably not legit either but I do have Ranger version so I mean I guess I could get it if I really tried so when Soul Silver came out this is when I really started competitive battling and stuff so there are a lot of Pokemon in this game that I did breed legitimately but there's also a lot of Pokemon like this me to most likely holding a master ball that is probably not legit and this shie celby this Caesar though this Caesar is leg legit I'm pretty sure cuz I remember Eevee training it's not legit that's no OT but I remember Eevee training and breeding for aaor I have so many Kow gunks by the way I'm guessing I was trying to breed for a shiny one or something or a competitive one but there's just so many Kow gunks just scattered around so there's definitely some more cooler Pokemon on this game but still not a lot in general let's check out the next game let's check out Pokemon Black next I'm pretty sure I reset my Gen 5 game so these shouldn't be my original saes but there might still be something on here I don't know and and okay my OT is Yugi I don't remember that see what's on our team we have Eggman okay as well as a dark cry and a kelio level 15 that is such a random team to have let's see so it looks like I only have this one box of Pokemon I actually have some over here too in box 8 um but yeah I think I just did like a casual playthrough of this game and this is just what I got I I'm guessing it might have been a Nuzlocke too maybe I don't know my adventure in this game was started on Christmas Day 2013 so yeah I don't remember this playthrough like at all but let's just go to the next game so on Pokemon Black 2 I only have 31 hours played I'm pretty sure I just kind of beat the game and then didn't really play this game much after that I I want to say I remember going back online to pick up some online events at the time and that's pretty much it I never really bred in this game or did any EV training or stuff like that uh I am over you know actually I think I know the exact reason why I'm over here I think the reason why I'm over here in this game is because I was probably recording a f and if you go up here there's Crasher wake um he's gone now cuz we talked to him but I'm pretty sure up here Crasher wake is like standing here and if you talk to him he's like hey what's up then he just runs away so I guess last time I played this game was to record a video and check that out what's on our team though uh interesting team Ludy Colo peler yo Metagross and mewo so in Black 2 we have a record section I'm guessing the reason why I don't have that in Black one is cu I never beat the game so Hall of Fame number one was on February 4th 2013 what kind of team was I using I had a Lunatone on my team why OT Tellus this must have been from GTS or something I had a versum which I caught my starter Ash which I always named Norwall ashwat is like my favorite starter Pokemon and I mean I don't really love Sam I don't hate it but I think narwal is just a really funny name because it's like a gnarly narwhal like you get it like if I was tasked to name samuro back when this game came out I would have proposed narwall and I I probably would have got rejected but I still like the name oh we have a lot of Pokemon in this box a lot of cool Pokemon I should say we have a crussell which of course is the coolest one in the Box shiny embor one of my favorite shinies this I don't think this is legitimate where did this come from I have no idea where this came from oh this is the AOS that used in the Hall of Fame that's pretty funny I don't think I have very many Pokemon in this game yeah I have a random perin all the way in this box okay yeah so that's it for Block two not much here cuz like I said I didn't really play this game that much all right for our next game wait a minute that's not not a Pokémon game this next one's a fun one it's not technically my game so I guess the title's clickbait now but this is a Japanese comy Pokemon Pearl that I got used like over 10 years ago I remember getting it at like some random game store and I saw a Japanese copy of Pearl and was like oh you don't see that every day so I bought it so this is Yumi Adventure started on what does that say I'm guessing that's 2006 what is that would that be December 18 2006 is the year first I don't know or maybe it's 2012 I can't really tell when the adventure was started on this game but um yeah it looks like they did a decent amount of Wi-Fi battles and stuff I can't I can't read Japanese they have a very nice signature though considering this was made on a DS so I did actually play this game not terribly long ago I'm currently doing a playthrough on my plattinum version which I'm probably not going to show because I didn't beat the game yet and I'm also playing it right now so it's not really going much of reaction where I am doing a sh not really a shiny badge Quest but I'm kind of just shiny hunting throughout while playing the game um and I traded over a Japanese pisu so I can read for one uh where is which one's withdrawal or move Pokemon I can't you know if I could read Japanese this would be a lot easier okay there we go move Pokemon so yeah they had a lot of Pokemon in this game I remember and I'm pretty sure they're all like legit which is crazy nothing like really too crazy with this was in the game uh no shinies or anything like that from what I remember but they had like so many Pokemon and it's always so weird to see games like this used because if I had a game like this where I put this much time and effort into it I would never want to get rid of it man you know like this person like they definitely put so much time into it like look at this they have every single unknown at Le I think this is every single unknown uh it might not be I can't really tell but look at that like this one's taking forever to go through the celian ruines and catch all these like I could never do that and then everything else is just kind of like random Pokemon nothing like too crazy uh level 52 Leba is interesting though you don't see that a lot these must be like their like favorite Pokemon I'm guessing cuz they're like the highest levels uh possibly their Hall of Fame team let's Che out the Hall of Fame after this too almost all water Pokemon then I guess um got a little unorganized here can I find the Hall of Fame is this the Hall of Fame this is the Hall of Fame so they first entered the hall at least I don't know if this is the first entry or what they ender the Hall of Fame in 2008 October 21st with a very interesting team okay can I see the first entry so this is the 20th entry this is the first entry oh wow this is a team so they start with tort Tera just like I did in my original Pearl version named Fuji level 58 star after uh snow perugi chattot and a Roselia and then um they entered it 20 times so I'm guessing they they went through this a lot just level up Pokemon and get money which is just like so cool to see like they went through it with a krabby and a toal like why an Anorith they really want to level up only five Pokémon cuz that's all you need I guess yeah that was that was really fun to look through I always like looking through used stes you don't get to look through them a lot but um I had an idea to get a bunch of used games and look through them so I might I might still do that but uh let's go to the next game for now let's check out Pokémon X my beloved nearly 300 hours played this game I think is mostly legitimate from what I can remember so when the friends far oh actually I played this game recently because I was Shin hunting with Elliot um for a video that I made if you guys haven't seen it a little while ago I made a video of a shiny badge Quest except instead of just shiny hunting in the same game over and over again I went through a bunch of different Pokemon games with a friend each time and yeah we sh with Elliott for Pokemon X Andy for one of the patches so check that out in the description if you haven't already first and foremost what's in our party we have Charizard Greninja Nino and Zapdos it really is a shame that pretty soon the online functionality for this game is going to be turned off really is unfortunate but what can you do at least we can enjoy it while we're here so I have a bunch of 4 I Pokemon apparently I do remember breeding a ton in this game and I would just want to trade out the 4 I Pokemon CU they could help out other people trade for Pokemon which is kind of cool uh I think again though most my Pokemon are be transferred over to newer games a a ton of eggs I have no idea what could be in these I have a ton of Naran males and females I do remember breeding for one of these and I accidentally accidentally I mean I got a shiny 6 I one which is really cool no idea where that neeran is now but uh hopefully I can find it one day yeah that's pretty much it I think most of my Pokemon in this game I transferred over through Pokemon Bank into Omega Ruby but um this box is kind of neat actually I think this is my original Sylvia that I used to beat the game as well as the original Blaze Skin So when this game first came out I don't know how long it ran but there was an event where they gave out a Torchic with the blaz Gite and uh that's why I got this torchi or this spaz skin I should say let's check out our first game clear so what do we have here we have xerus so I first cleared the game on October 19th 2013 which I believe it's about a week after the game came out and I remember using this team i l this team so much I remember trying to get that Sylveon and I was so happy when it finally B the Sylveon uh Charizard that I got from the professor of course and my starter was Froakie and then I just used xerus I guess and you know this is all gift Pokemon now that I think about it except for the Eevee right I mean I guess the legendary is not techically a gift Pokemon but like you're going to encounter throughout the the main story no matter what you do so it kind of is do I have other Hall of Fame entries no I only C the Hall of Fame one time and just never again okay uh I know like in older games I would create the Hall of Fame a ton to get Pokemon or to get money uh in newer games though you could just get money in easier ways like I know in lumio see there's a few cafes you can go to and stuff like that uh but that's Pokemon X and Y I'll have a video on Pokemon X and Y pretty soon probably before the server shut down uh rest in peace Pokemon X Andy servers but for now let's go to Omega Ruby which I think should have a lot more Pokémon for us to look at good old Pokemon Omega Ruby turning 10 years old this year 786 hours sped I'm pretty sure that's my most Spate Pokemon game we've looked at so far in this video I did a ton of battling in this game an excessive amount of battling in this game which is where most of those hours come from but first what's in our party we have oh yeah again I was shiny hunting in this game so that's why I have the Gloom for sweet sent I was hunting for a shiny Shuppet uh with Elliot again for the same video that I talked about earlier so I played this game not that long ago but I didn't really like look at the PC and stuff like that so for our records what was my first game clear like so we had um that's the dress up Pikachu a mighten which I never really used I use a can I don't remember that at all I love cam ws lidios harama and septile that's a pretty cool team I like that team a lot do I have any other Hall of Fame records in here I do oh okay with a shiny Porygon Z apparently in 2015 why would I go through the Elite 4 again in this game I I have no idea we have a ton of Pokemon in the PC wow shiny AIS slash probably not legit lots of stuff here two Charizards what I got two Charizards for two evals cuz one's on enough and they're both shiny and definitely legit right there's really nothing too crazy in this game honestly a lot of battle right Pokemon like I said but most of them I don't think are legit I want to say this GameStop event Shiny Raichu is legit though as well as okay I don't think this Raichu I don't think this suun and anti legit though but I do remember getting these event legendary beast Pokemon so this would have been back in har golden soul silver uh if you went to GameStop I believe I I think they did over the course of like three months like one month was Rao one month was we one month was ente you would be able to get a shadow legendary beast yeah I'm just looking around and like there's a ton of Pokemon but they're not like my Pokemon they're just illegitimate battle ready Pokemon that I got elsewhere which like isn't as cool in my opinion and I don't really you know like doing that anymore so I guess it's enough for Omega Ruby and let's move on to what's next sun and moon I think yeah Sun and Moon Sun and Moon we got three 330 hours played still a lot of time but not as much as om mega ruby I think in terms of my boxes though it's going to be very similar to what we saw in Omega Ruby uh so first off what's in our team what do we got we got uh oh this is an interesting team so we got manife rhm frost I think Sylveon Excadrill gigalith and haers I almost forgot the name some of these Pokemon so in the PC right off the bat okay this is a lot of just random Pokemon that I caught I'm guessing cuz it's like a lot of random stuff um are these Pokemon legit down here I don't don't know bird yes that is that is a bird so there's actually less Pokemon in this game than there were in Omega Alpha Sapphire I thought there' be a lot more we have a lot of starter Pokemon apparently that's uh interesting I don't think these are real either uh we there's just less Pokemon in general than there was in a I thought i' have more in this game but I guess not but again like it's you know nothing really too cool here there's a lot of cuti flies cuz I was ready for a shiny one which is cool um oh there's the GameStop event ente this is a legit ente I'm pretty sure cuz I I I remember going to this event to get the sente uh but yeah outside of that sun and moon and most of the later 3DS games really nothing too eventful to look at in this game I guess cuz I was also a lot older when I played this game so I didn't do as many like weird dumb things like we saw in like the other older games my ultra Sun only has 34 hours played on it so yeah I don't think I played the ultra games very much at all I think by this point I was pretty much done competitive battling and stuff like that but that's all the DS and 3DS games so that's that's fun to look at unfortunately this is the only way I can record footage of my Game Boy advancing Game Boy games so we're just going to go on the DS light for now we're going to start off with Pokemon Emerald Version which is one of my most nostalgic games cuz I remember playing this game so much back then and again this was when I was little and did a lot of really silly dumb things as Pokemon I haven't looked at this game in a little while so we should be able to find a lot of weird stuff in this game uh Turnal battery dry I think that's fine I think the safe file is still safe that happens right yeah so I only have 140 hours about which is a lot less than I thought I would have I I don't know I feel like when I was a kid and I played this game I played it so much but I guess 140 hours for a kid is is probably still a lot uh what do we have in our party though so we have we have charl so this again is from my bootleg copy of fire red that we'll look at in a minute here we have a hitmon top nice little spinny animation cool we have a Reiko which was also from that 10th anniversary event that I talked about earlier we have a Rayquaza which I think is legit it's in a master ball I don't it's probably legit and oh a m while that's random didn't expect to have that in this game let's check out our Hall of Fame I have no idea what I did the Hall of Fame with so I know I start with Blazin so I want to say Blazin in it and then outside of Blaze skin I have no idea what else I the Hall of Fame with um this is entry 39 where's entry number one we have to press angle all the way back to entry number one I I played this game a ton jeez 39 entries in the Hall of Fame so my first entry the Hall of oh wait what I had a septile too how did I get a septile oh you know what okay so I think this septile is my actual starter septile or Trio and this Blazin it just like we saw in one of the DS games is the blaze kid for my original Ruby version that I lost cuz I recognized that trainer ID so I guess I had I had two starters in this game Rayquaza and then yep in classic little kid fashion when you're playing through Pokemon game you have like your two or three favorite Pokemon and then just three high level Pokemon you catch in the Victory Road in Lou harama and Lon which I probably didn't even use at all I do apologize for the blur I think I I fixed it a little bit but if I look at the PC boxes uh I again I think a lot of this just got transferred over to newer games once they came out this box is called contest I'm guessing this is Pokemon I want to use in contest okay then we have another box for breeding which has a ton of Pokemon I don't think unknown Ken breed can Unown breed I I have no idea actually we have just yes so many random boxes there's that meww and Kyogre that we see a lot of and of course another Mew this one I think is this might be actually like the original Mew this one's yeah this this might be the original mystery me that I got cuz it's only level 10 so I'm guessing I cloned it a ton and just kept the original one right here so that's kind of cool to see uh we got some more raos from the 10th anniversary I'm guessing kava Trio oh wow yeah this I mean this box is called clones so um yeah there was a really easy glitch to clone Pokemon in this game though I remember you did it in like the battle tower or somewhere in one of those battle buildings uh and you would like save the game and then like go to the PC and it would like duplicate the Pokemon or something like that so this box I actually remember this box so I thought it would be so cool to build a box of Pokémon that were only in the anime at the time so that's why I have woba Fett and cfish because I think Jess Jesse or James had a Boba Fett at the time in third gen anime and then Ash had a cfish and then Jesse had a CER and James had a Cacnea and then I guess this lidios and Articuno just kind of got here somehow level 18 Ludy col it's actually a low level but okay I probably just found out how to evolve Lombre and was so excited nothing really too crazy in this game either again like I said earlier most pokemon are probably transferred up but uh this Mewtwo and Kyogre as well as like the Blazin and Flygon all those Pokemon that I used uh that was like my main team back in this generation I remember going to that 10th anniversary event that I talked about earlier where I got like this raicho and stuff and I used that same team in a tournament and I won the first round and I lost the second round and I was very sad I remember my second round opponent had a Mewtwo that landed so many blizzards which is probably why I lost looking back but then again I was also like I don't know like 9 years old or something like that and barely know how to play Pokemon so that could have had something to do with it too also in hindsight why the heck was Mewtwo even allowed meww is not allowed anymore in VGC events why they allowed in 2005 let's check out this bootleg fire red next so I have no idea how my dad managed to get this but this was before fire red and leaf green came out in the US I think I asked my parents for it cuz I first heard about it and like two weeks later my dad just gives me this and it had like a box and everything uh but it's not a legitimate game but it still like runs and operates fine and and you can trade Pokemon over into legitimate games which is really weird so I don't know if this will work on the DS Light even though cuz I've only ever played this on the original game boy but I guess we'll find out I also turned the lights on and the screen looks a lot better so hopefully the rest of the video looks better too so everything looks the same like everything looks normal right like this is in English although it says Pokemon Fire Red by Jazz I don't know what that means I'm guessing jazz is the person who like translated the game from Japanese to English cuz if you if you play the actual game it's like kind of in broken English and kind of in half Japanese like there's some Japanese text right now I don't know what it's saying uh do I have a save file on this game even though I do red 6 and a half hours played three badges so I remember uh back when firea green first came out yeah we have like half Japanese half English right now I used to play this game a lot and I used to love playing the game as if I was using Red's manga team I thought that was like the coolest thing I did that so many times and I just constantly reset the game and just keep doing it so I have no idea there's no date on this so I don't know when I last played this but yeah apparently I I went through Mount Moon I'm in Mount Moon why am I in Mount Moon I have three badges already oh this isn't Mount moon this is that other place this is The Rock Tunnel right maybe yeah but as you can see like we have pack Red Save option all caps you look at the Pokémon too they're all like five or six letters because that was the the name cap in um bootleg copy of half Japanese half English fire red if I look at the summary though are the attacks in English the attacks are in English kind of Razor Leaf pison powder L seed Vin this is like like in hindsight like as just a thing to have in your collection this is such a random and cool thing to have but I have no idea where it originated from no idea who made it I've never even heard of other people having this copy of the game so I again like you have to keep in mind like sure buying a game like this A reproduction game like this in the modern day is so easy you just go on eBay and buy it but back in 2004 before fire leave green came out in the US this was like impossible to get like you couldn't just EAS get this so I I have no idea where this game came from but it's just so cool to see I do have a legit copy of fire red it's just in Japanese so uh let's see what's on this game so again like the Japanese Pearl game I don't know what's on this game at all uh this I didn't actually play through the game I don't think I reset this game even so let's see looks like we have eight bades 46 hours played so got some decent play time here looks like they just got meww or something cuz they're exiting the Cerulean cave exiting their home and they're in the the PC that's probably me actually checking out the PC in the daycare when I first got this game and now we're in the daycare in the sevi islands I believe right are we in the sevy islands we are in the sevy islands okay so let's go right into the Pokemon Center and first and foremost let's check our party uh is this one party this is party we have o this is this is a squad whoa level 61 Pidgeot level 58 Gengar 68 Charizard an egg 31 Eevee and a 35 ditto that is that is a Squad this is Hall of Fame this is I don't know if this is the first entry or what but wow they had a crazy team Gengar Pidgeot Ru Lapras Charizard Kingson that is a generation one team I've ever seen one what's in your PC now we got a lot of random Pokemon level 67 Kadabra I guess this person didn't have somebody to trade with so sorry uh there's the MW level S I guess they caught just put in the PC another Lapras another Kangaskhan I'm guessing these are the Pokemon they use in the Elite 4 so that's cool to see and what else do we have anything else oh this box is full this is a full box I have no idea there's any shinies or anything like that I don't think I ever checked but I'm just going to assume not cuz I feel like if there were shinies oh there's the birds that's neat I assume if they were shinies they being like in their own section somewhere Le that's what I would do is this a complete Pokédex by the way no I don't think it is I think it's just random Pokémon lots of meows level 10 and 14 and it looks like that's about it I don't think there's really anything else on this uh I'm guessing this is just some random kid play through this game and that's all that ever was like nothing they didn't really like breed or anything like that or do competitive battling which is still cool to see but they got so many Pokemon dude all right that's enough about fire red let's move on into a used copy of Ruby version that I have um so again the story behind Ruby version I I've said it throughout this video a little bit but when I was a kid I got Ruby version that was my first gen 3 game I was so happy to have it I love that game so much it took me like a year to beat it because you know when you're a kid it takes you a long time to beat games and I remember I got a cheaty device for it which is which is a big no no and a few days after I got my cheaty device and load up the game with a bunch of like cheaty Pokemon I lost it and I remember as a kid I thought I lost it and I lost my Game Boy Advance SP my blue one which is like the worst I remember as a kid I thought it was because that I cheated in the game that I lost it so then I didn't cheat for a while um until Hol silver came out and then I cheated again but we don't cheat anymore uh we don't really need to anymore especially with the way like scar on the last works with getting competitive Pokémon uh but review version batter is ran dry unfortunately so we have a William with seven badges seven Badges and 58 hours played William what were you doing you are oh this is the e-reader room oh I think I played this recently actually to check out the e-reader room cuz I have the e-reader cards uh what's in our party though we have dusl Machoke gecko Sharpedo peler and pea pal I feel like there not going be much in the PC though because we don't have a Hall of Fame even but then again this person has nearly 60 hours played so there's got to be something in here right there's a lot of Pokemon in here actually okay um again probably nothing too insane because this person didn't even beat the game yet but a lot of like decent level Pokemon the box one is full lots of stuff here uh nothing like crazy I think it's literally just like two boxes and then a little bit and then then that's it so really not much for this ruie version cuz the game not even completed yet but still kind of cool to see and now we have some original Game Boy games to look at so I could not find my my red and blue copy and I also there's a few other games I couldn't find too but um and my crystal my crystal is somewhere here I just didn't pick it up yet I'll take a look at these games though and see what's on them so starting with Crystal Version I don't think I ever actually beat my crystal oh my battery is Ren dry last I played this game which was probably a couple years ago the safe file was still on it that's the biggest problem with these older games is I think all of my safe files might be gone I know for a fact it's gone on my red version because I tried to look at that a few years ago and it was gone and I don't even know where my red version is but yeah unfortunately there's nothing on crystal see if there's anything on my Silver version I have a lot of memories playing Silver version actually um I remember at the time that it came out I don't think I liked it when it came out that much and then like a year or two later I went back and played it and just loved it and again battery is no safe I do have two gold versions though so one of them has to work right okay none of the gold versions worked I also have two yellow versions though so hopefully one of these work we have a save file eight badges 18 hours played 50 in the Pokédex oh my gosh what's on this what we got Zapdos Moltres Articuno Mewtwo and chansy that is a squad I don't know why I don't have like a starter on my team and where that chansy came from but do I have a hall of fame Pokemon League you know I think I remember playing this actually I think I replayed this game this must have been like I don't know 2008 2009 something like that and I remember I just played through it again cuz I wanted to and yeah we got a level 40 primeape in the Hall of Fame our starter Pikachu of course charar the Charizard Laya the Clefairy Zapdos they poron and that's our Hall of Fame team so the PC in this game is really annoying to just operate so we got Zapdos no I don't want to I want to withdraw we have a pidoto venonat Oddish yeah nothing like insane I mean I think I tried I have a Mew this is probably from the Glitch I think I tried to complete the Pokedex in this game and then I just like gave up so uh uh yeah there's that I do another Yellow Version though uh this might have been like a used copy or something like that so let's see if anything's on here continue we have Ash 41 hours played okay What Pokemon do we have radicate Muk neok King zappy this has got to be Zapdos right it is Zapdos uh electrode and Kabuto what a team what a team so do we have the Hall of Fame I wonder we have eight badges so we probably do let check the Hall of Fame oh we don't have a Hall of Fame entry so what's in the PC I guess and then withdrawal so we don't have anything like crazy I mean we're going to find like a random level 100 Pokemon I don't think uh we do have a couple of boxes filled out though although changing boxes in this game is quite tedious you got to save the game every time let's go to box one uh we have sleepy level 30 I'm guessing that's a Snorlax that would make sense two abas that's must have been a pain to catch although they could be from the the uh game Corner as well I guess oh I just realized Pikachu is in here did they did they deposit their Pikachu they might have cuz Pikachu wasn't following us let's check out box two magcraft grammar tentac Magnemite Marowak execute gas Ricky I'm curious who's Ricky I have to check so Ricky is a level 22 Machoke is that a champ that's have a champ so whoever had this game figured out that you could trade to evolve it OT trainer
Channel: PaPaSea
Views: 79,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon old saves, exploring my old save file, Reacting to all my old Pokemon game save files, pokemon videos, pokemon gameplay, used pokemon game, old pokemon game, ruby and sapphire, diamond and pearl, x and y
Id: wLCOgkv8AtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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