I Quit My Business? Things They Don't Tell You About Starting A Business Rant

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what's good guys it's your girl stern lexus and  i am back again with another entrepreneur video   if you are new here welcome if  you're a regular what to do so today   um really not even today this is going to be  kind of like a mesh of just a bunch of stuff   but i didn't want to sit down and kind of talk  a little bit um because i've talked previously   a little bit about um you know staying motivated  and all that stuff but um i know a lot of people   have probably been wondering where i've been why  i haven't been consistent and stuff like that and   um i'll probably talk about it more in the  video later on but um basically like i just   feel like i was so motivated in the beginning  of 2020 with my business and this channel and   all that stuff and i think i definitely i don't  think i overworked myself um to the point where um   i started kind of like doubting myself a little  bit so um i kind of like uh it was giving very   much um imposters uh imposter i think it's  called imposter syndrome or something like that   um and i kind of like started like second guessing  my work and my business and all that stuff and i   kind of just became like really unmotivated  and i just kind of wasn't doing anything   um all while trying to move and all that stuff  um school was stressing me out family stuff like   it was just a lot on my plate and i kind of just  got overwhelmed and then just literally just like   stopped um so i am like i said trying to get  back into the groove of things um and just   not put so much on myself at once um so i'm  thinking like maybe maybe one upload a week maybe   two if i can do it um because i'm back in school  school started back yesterday today's thursday   wednesday so um i'm back in school full time and  um i want to launch the third paradigm soon with   my friend and get one collection back and running  and stuff like that um launching new stuff just   updating stuff and stuff like that so um yeah  basically like i just got really overwhelmed   and just like really unmotivated like i'm like i'm  a virgo so i'm a big like procrastinator but also   perfectionist um me being a perfectionist makes  me be a procrastinator because i just want to   make sure it's done perfectly um so it's just  like i don't know i just was putting a lot of   pressure on myself and then just like i said  overworking myself i wasn't getting sleep um i started losing weight like all types of stuff um it was just really really stressful so um i'm  slowly trying to get back so bear with me but   the business videos are not going nowhere  i'm still producing content stuff like that   and i'm just trying to um refine that spark um and  that motivation so that you know like i said we're   going to be on the road to 100k we all we're never  able to be in millionaires billionaires bosses   all that stuff like all that still stands um  but every boss needs like you know a little   mental break also um so um that's i feel like  the short version of what's really been going   on um but i have some orders that i need to  pack and um trying to think what else i need   to do i really need to take some new pictures and  stuff like that too um and upload my edge control   order new inventory stuff like that so once all  that stuff starts coming in and i do that i'm   recording of course but um yeah i just kind of  like wanted to sit down and kind of tell you guys   what really was going on and why i kind of like  was uploading like once a month or once every   two months and stuff like that um just during  really during the year of 2021 2021 i wasn't   it wasn't um as consistent as it was in 2020 um so  um i'm just trying to get back so bear with me all   right guys so it is um what a couple days later  i mean this is obviously not in the same day but   i guess this video was kind of just going to be  like maybe like a just a rant i guess not even   a rant but just i guess really expressing myself  and i kind of wanted to talk about like a little   bit about this is not like a structured  video at all um but it's just gonna be   um i just wanna talk like a little bit about like the p the things that people don't really tell  you like what goes on behind the scenes before   you actually start or decide to start your own  business and i feel like these things aren't to   discourage you or anything like that but it's just  like sometimes like you really just don't know   until you actually do it and for the people  who are going to ask yes i got a haircut   got me a little babiana but um so just  piggybacking off of like kind of what i   told you have been going on with me um i just  feel like when you when you own your own or you   start your own business it's really like you're  a one-man band like you're the one-man show   everything runs because of you so it's like really  like no breaks at all and at the same time like   with it not being any breaks available or time  for sitting down and actually focusing on yourself   um like you can't do that without everything  kind of like going downhill behind you   basically so it's kind of like you know when  you start your business um you just have i   don't know like a bad day or you know something  like that there's only so much time you can take   to yourself because things aren't going to  run without you and nobody's going to follow   up behind you to make sure things are still  going and if you do have someone like that   you're very blessed to have that but you know  everybody most small business owners we started   by ourselves and still are running everything  by ourselves so i just feel like um when it   comes to starting your own business you kind  of have to like mentally like prepare yourself   um for all of the hard work you're gonna have to  put in yourself and sometimes putting yourself   like to the side a little bit to make sure  that things keep um running basically and then   along with that i feel like time management skills  are like super super important when it comes to   starting your business also because like um if you  don't know how to manage your time uh efficiently   or correctly like it's gonna be hard for you  to get things done um for your business and   then do anything else outside of that like so  for me like i definitely need to work on time   management because i've added new stuff to my  plate so it's like i have to figure out how to   uh read was i i would say like reschedule but not  even rescheduled but like you know just redo what i had already figured out if that makes sense  because before it wasn't like i wasn't really   worried about school and stuff like that i'm  packing an order by the way but i wasn't really   worried about school and like all that stuff  before but now i'm full time in school um i have   hella classes so it's just like i have to figure  out how to manage that along with my actual   business running that shipping products ordering  inventory making products all that stuff and then   also managing both of my youtube channels all of  my social medias for my my personal brand and then   my actual business so it's a lot and i do a  lot outside of that also so it's just like   um i just feel like i have to like i said relearn  something that i already had figured out because   i added more stuff to basically my plate  um really just like i would say like the   third thing that people don't really tell you  would be um is that like it's kind of like yeah   piggybacking off of the the first thing i really  said was you're a one-man band you cannot expect   your friends your family your people to really  support your business because those the ones who   scream the loudest when you talk about creating  or starting a business are the ones that usually   don't that usually don't ever support you um and  kudos to the people who actually do support um you know our businesses or whatever but  those people really go ghost they go   missing as soon as the business is started  and honestly um one thing i did realize   when i was trying to build when i was trying to  build my personal brand just like for my youtube   channel when i first started doing all this stuff  like i did realize that you know people who are   supposed to be my friends stuff like that didn't  really support my channel and stuff like that   and it's like to them it's almost like you're  doing too much but it doesn't seem like you're   doing too much if it's behind if you're doing all  that behind yourself that makes sense like i don't   feel like i'm doing too much if i'm posting  my business every day and i'm telling y'all   subscribe to my youtube channel yadda yadda but  like you know for a person on the outside looking   in they like dang is she gonna post about that  every day is she gonna keep talking about that   she's gonna keep mentioning that and that's like  that's the only way like consistency is key with   everything if you want to be successful in  anything honestly truly so it's just like   i just feel like sometimes people have to get  out of their own heads and stop making it about   themselves and getting annoyed with um you know  like people who are just going on adventures and   trying to you know create new opportunities for  themselves but strangers definitely do support you   way more than the people who are supposed to be  on your team like i swear like it's crazy how like   even just like for example with my youtube channel  like um this youtube channel like y'all support me   like crazy and it's just like i had to cut off  like a lot of people a lot of friends you know   because the energy wasn't reciproc reciprocated  like when they did stuff our support even if   i'm not interested in what the heck they doing  i'm at least reposted something you know but like   people just don't even want to lend like they  don't want to help you and i don't understand   because sometimes support is way beyond spending  your money you don't even have to spend your   money with me repost my businesses post when my  my business post a new post like you know it's   that kind of stuff is completely free and people  still don't want to do that for you and it's   like i just feel like if it's genuine if they're  genuine people then that shouldn't be a problem   for them to support you in the ways that are free  even if they don't have it um in their pocket   to purchase from you or you know to financially  support your business or you know stuff like that   and then i'm really ranting wow let me know if  y'all like these brands because i can really   do this all day because i just be thinking but  anyways the last thing i really want to say is   that like i just feel like a lot of people  especially like who openly i guess talk or   promote their businesses like on social media  stuff like that so people who like to youtube   and stuff like that i just think it's crazy that  not saying it's um anyone's responsibility but a lot of people have either started youtube  channels for just pure entertainment   like to entertain people or to actually  help people and mine was to help people   so i just found it crazy that like people who have  learned the ins and outs of business and stuff   like that started a small business um they don't  try to help other people and like i i'm learning   a lot as i go myself and that's why i record  everything and try to tell y'all everything i know   but it's like i'm realizing like even just reading  out comments and stuff like that i do see that you   know a lot of us don't a lot of y'all really don't  know a lot when it comes to like the legal stuff   and stuff like that and like i'm still figuring  out the sales tech stuff that's a side note um   i almost have it completely figured out so once i  actually send my payments and stuff like that i'm   definitely going to let y'all know how shopify how  you file your sales tax and stuff like that with   um using shopify as your platform but that's  a whole other story but i just feel like   like i said not that we're obligated to help  people but it's like if you know something that   could help other people and we're definitely in  the air of entrepreneurs um i learned that one of   my classes in college by the way but and it's just  like i just feel like if you have the knowledge   why not share it and like so many people  like i just read in the comments on my   channel stuff like that so many people will be  thanking me for sharing information and it's   just like i've seen so many um business  entrepreneur channels and it's just like   i don't know like i just find it so crazy and it's  like almost like discouraging because it's like   i'm thinking about it when i was trying to start  my business and figure out certain stuff i was   on youtube looking too and i couldn't find it  which is why i started recording the stuff i did   and it's like it's disco discouraging because  people don't know how to help other people   anymore if that makes sense i think that's crazy  and not saying you have to give people your all   but like if you know something that is going to  help people like why not just you know don't give   away all your secrets but something you know and  i just believe in like i always been taught like   um when you're continuously giving to other  people you're always going to be blessed   so it's like i just try to share as  much as i can um i'm just learning um   that i need to pace myself more because  i do kind of overwhelm myself trying to   learn so much to share like to spit back out  and share with you guys so i am dealing with   myself on that and then by the way if you  got this far into the video it is september   what 15 14 15. my birthday was on the 8th i turned  25 i'm finally 25 so if y'all want to bless my   little life for my birthday i'll put my cash up on  the screen or in the description box or something   but um yeah like this year this next year for  myself i just want to focus on you know learning   how to manage everything with my business and  just trying not to get discouraged and just like   self-sabotage because i have finally accepted the  fact that i do do that sometimes um when really   there's no need and i'm doing just fine and it's  like i just literally kind of like talk myself   out of believing that i'm doing well or i try to  basically tell myself that i could be doing better   which is crazy to me but um i was feeling i  just felt like ranting today i didn't really   i really didn't do much talk much nothing um  but i'm trying to get back active on here um i and it's like i have so many ideas and things  i want to show you guys to share with you guys   and i just have not turned on the camera and  the camera be sitting right here before i go   i just want to let you guys know that this  video is sponsored by skillshare of course   so the first thousand subscribers to click the  link in the description box or the comment section   will receive a one month free trial on me okay  um click the link it will take you directly to   the website you just sign up and you start your  free trial today and help yourself explore your   creativity there are so many different um classes  that i've actually added to my courses that i   want to take on my skillshare account um and one  particular that i just finished actually today   is um how to thrive through uncertainty and  set back on your creative path by dandin   lou i think it's dandin loop it was like some  really really um awesome points made in this   course some of them are kind of lengthy but  um it's really up to you uh which ones you   decide to take but um just a couple things like um  just dropping expectations and it takes a lot of   pressure off of yourself um and dropping those  expectations just basically means that you're   creating more space for patients and openness  of how you're going to reach your personal goals   for yourself your business or whatever whatever  it is that you're trying to achieve um that's   just one of the ones i took but um i just thought  that was a great class to mention um today because   of you know all the things that i've talked about  um there's a bunch of different classes though um   not only on you know learning new skills and stuff  like that but just like how to manage and how to   keep your creative juices flowing and so much more  so make sure you guys uh click the link in the   description um and start your free skillshare  trial today i hope that um this video helps   somebody i mean and i wasn't even seeing a bunch  of positive stuff this time but sometimes it's   cool to be transparent because you know sometimes  people just need to know that they're not the only   one feeling the way that they're feeling so um i'm  gonna keep y'all in my prayers um though this year   didn't go the way that i wanted for my business  i'm not gonna quit we're gonna keep moving and   we gonna make it do it to do the last couple  months of this year and next year there's so   many more opportunities to come so um y'all  stay encouraged um keep pushing don't give   up on yourself or your business i love y'all  bosses and i will see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Starring Lexis
Views: 13,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business, home business, why the lack of self awareness is killing your business, small business coaching, business coaching, business success, youtube business, small business vlog, entrepreneur life, THINGS THEY DONT TELL YOU WHEN STARTING A ONLINE BUSINESS, BEFORE STARTING A ONLINE BUSINESS, ONLINE BUSINESS, STARTING A ONLINE BUSINESS, BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESS, WATCH THIS BEFORE STARTING A ONLINE BUSINESS, TIP FOR ONLINE BUSINESS, TIOS FOR STARTING A ONLINE BUSINESS
Id: fxPSDU-4b1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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