How Much Money Do CRNAs Really Make?

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hi everyone welcome to today's video so today we're going to be talking all about crna pay i'm going to be going over how much the average pay is for crnas in the us what the top paying state is and what the lowest paying state is how much the average is for the state i work in and how much i'm getting paid so if you're new to my channel my name is rhianna i'm a crna i just finished my fourth week of working as a new grad crna and i got my first paycheck because we get paid every other week so twice a month and it just happened to fall on today which is friday so that was really exciting my first real paycheck in a long time because i only worked per diem throughout school so i'm going to be sharing that with you i'm going to be talking about taxes what kind of job i took and we're just going to talk about all things pay today so first i wanted to talk about the average salary of crnas in the u.s because you probably don't live in the same state as me so the average salary is 180 to 200 000. i did a lot of research on this on different websites and the most accurate sites that i seem to find were ziprecoder and so i'll link those in the description below because that's where i got most of my information now keep in mind that salary can be affected by a lot of different things such as location if you're working as a w2 or a 1099 a w-2 means you're an employee a 1099 means you're an independent contractor so you probably have your own llc and you're contracting yourself out to the hospital a w-2 will have benefits through the hospital at 10.99 will not you be providing your own benefits so that's just a brief overview of those two things but i will make a whole another video going over w-2 versus 1099 crna jobs because that's been highly requested but it's too much to squeeze in here also location impacts salary a lot because people want to live in really awesome areas so where it's highly desirable to live sometimes the salary can actually be a little lower even though the cost of living might be high but it's just because everybody wants to live there and there's not enough jobs before i get into the individual states i also wanted to mention that the crna salary has been trending up over time so i'm not worried about my salary being impacted or going down in the future i think if anything it'll just keep going up as it has been really quick i just wanted to apologize if the light is changing a lot i film in front of the window in natural light and there's a lot of clouds going by because it's a partly cloudy day outside so light might be changing in this video please try to ignore it okay so the highest pink state right now in 2020 is new york state and that seems like it's not very surprising because new york city has a very high cost of living and so does a lot of other places in new york so the highest paid state new york the average salary is 222 000 a year now that's just the average so that's very high because that means that a lot of people make over 222 000 a year and a lot of people make under it as well because that's right there in the middle and when you compare that to the lowest paid state which is north carolina right now their average salary is 163 000 a year so that's significantly lower but you also have to keep in mind that the cost of living is a lot lower there too so there's a lot of different things to weigh in here also you don't know maybe there's a lot more 1099 jobs in new york and there's a lot more w-2 jobs in north carolina i'm not really sure but that could also be a factor so there's just so much different stuff that goes into this and the state i live in is west virginia we are ranked 20th out of the states for pay and the average pay is 193 000 so that's a pretty good medium and the cost of living here is extremely low so that's high pay for a low-cost living area which is a great benefit okay now that we've breezed through the pay in the u.s and in other states i wanted to talk about how much i got paid on my first paycheck now i'm sorry i cannot show you my whole entire paycheck because there's confidential and personal information on there the hospital names all over it i just couldn't show you the whole thing so what i did was i cut out the important parts of my paycheck my pay and my taxes because i figured that's what you'll want to see i'm going to talk to you about it and show it to you while i cut out all the confidential information and the stuff the hospital wouldn't want me to be like showing all over the internet so first things first my total gross pay was hundred 11 dollars and fifty cents so gross pays before taxes or anything is taken out and that's how much my pay was for two weeks which is amazing i've never gotten a paycheck that big before so i thought that was pretty awesome and in taxes i paid three thousand seven hundred sixty three dollars and six cents so that's a lot of taxes but i understand like why that much is getting taken out but still kind of shocked to see that and i'm pretty familiar with taxes because john pays his own taxes and i pay my own taxes for our businesses me for the youtube channel and john for like all of his stuff because he's completely self-employed but still it's always a big number when you look at it and that brings my total net pay to 8187.44 now i'm going to show you these really quick so you believe me even though they're not really like official or legit but i cut them off my paycheck stub that i printed out offline because we get direct deposit obviously we don't get a real paycheck anymore that you sign and put in the bank okay so here is my pay my total gross and my deductions which you see below which is the taxes which i'll show you in a second and my total net pay right there i'm kind of covering it with my finger um i had to cross out the hours because i don't think i'm allowed to say exactly how much i make an hour so i cross out the hours so you wouldn't be able to like do the math and know exactly how much i make an hour if that makes sense and this is my tax sheet that i cut off there so as you can see there's like a bunch of little different kinds of well big different kinds of taxes on here social security medicare federal taxes city taxes state taxes all that great stuff so that's how much i paid in taxes and i guess that's how much i'll pay like almost every two weeks so i don't know how much that'll be a year but i should do the math and figure it out now like i said in my last video and i wanted to say it again i'm not making this video to brag or glow or talk about how much money i make that is not the purpose of this video i'm sharing this information just to educate and inform people i get tons of questions about this all the time and i wanted to be a resource for those people that follow me to get information and are asking these questions i went back and forth about this because i really didn't want it to seem like i was trying to like show off or something but i promise that is not the intention of this video and while on the topic i wanted to answer another question that i've gotten a few times and that is will we continue living a frugal lifestyle now that i'm making money not student anymore and the answer to that is 100 yes we will that is just our lifestyle that's just what it is so that means that it's something that isn't just going to go away overnight and it's not going to go away ever so we like living frugally we like having extra money to be able to have freedom and do what we want and the one thing that i can see us raising our budget on is travel when we're allowed to travel again because we're not allowed to travel right now but when travel's allowed again and safe we will be increasing our travel budget and we hope to travel every three months to go on a trip so that would be four trips a year and we're usually used to going on one trip a year so that would definitely significantly increase our travel budget everything else is going to stay pretty much the same we're going to have to move out of student housing at some point so our rent or mortgage or whatever we decide to do is probably going to go up because it's so discounted here but other than that we went over our budget the other day everything's going to stay the same we're comfortable how we're living we don't feel like we're restricting ourselves and we're happy with it right now one other thing i wanted to touch on before i wrap up this video is the question is the stress worth the money so this is like a very big question but i'm just gonna touch on it right now and if you want a whole other video on it let me know but yes the stress is worth the money if you love the job and i hope that makes sense so if you love anesthesia you're very passionate you love being a crna and it's what you want to do then the stress is worth it the stress is worth the job the stress is worth the money the stress is worth all the hard work it takes to get here but if this is not your passion and you don't love anesthesia and this is not where your heart is it is not going to be worth it for you because no amount of money is going to make all the hard work and stress and doing something that you're not passionate about worth it um it is a very stressful job but that is one thing that i do love about it because it keeps me very busy and it keeps me motivated to learn and always be trying and educating myself to do better but that is something that some people might not like about this job so i just wanted to throw this in there because i feel like some people that don't know my whole story might be following and maybe they're considering crna this is for you and for everybody else but i just wanted to say that because money should not be the main motivator here while obviously it is a motivator of some sort you don't want that to be your only factor for making your decision all right and that's it for this video if you have any questions leave them below and i'll try my hardest to answer them for my next video i'm going to be going live to answer all of your questions in real time so we're going to be doing a live q and a um it's going to be on youtube i have gone live on instagram once before with um bold crna but i'm gonna be doing this on youtube i'm kind of nervous about it because i've never went live alone and i think it'll be fun though um and i think it'll be fun to answer your questions as you ask them and just i think we can get a good conversation going so that will be next sunday august 23rd and i'm not sure what time i should do it at yet so if you could help me out and leave a comment below of what time is best for you either 1pm or 9pm i'm trying to pick a time that's best for everybody and i know people on day shift night shift and sundays can be a busy day for everybody especially when the weather's nice outside so let me know if you prefer sunday august 23rd at 1 pm or 9 p.m um leave it in the comments below and i'll pick a time based on the most popular vote if you can't make it to this live don't worry i'm going to save it so you're going to be able to watch it later and i hope to do more lives in the future because i love interacting with you guys alright that is it for this video i appreciate you watching thank you so much for tuning in as always i hope you have an amazing week and i will see you next week
Channel: The Schoeller Family
Views: 247,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nurse, nursing, registered nurse, crna, nursing school, crna school, anesthesia, anesthetist, anesthesiologist, anesthesia school, highest paid nurses, highest paid professions, best nursing jobs, anesthesia assistant, how to make the most money, nurse practitioner, nurse entrepreneur, doctor, rhianna ferial, nurse anesthetist, new grad nurse, working mom, foster to adopt, how much do CRNAs make, CRNA salary, my first paycheck, how much do nurses make, CRNA paycheck, crna money
Id: RUtTZvj5zL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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