I put Multishot 10000 on an Ender Pearl. This is what happened...

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LudwigVonPhoenix 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flood312 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's phoenix please ignore the giant sushi that's in front of me right now it's for twitch smp don't worry if you've watched the live streams lately you know that a lot of you have requested that i attempt to put multi shot on an ender pearl that's crazy so i did it anyway i didn't even know if i'm gonna give you guys this data pack it's out of control because if you think about it ender pearls teleport you everywhere let me just set it to multi-shot one first i'm gonna throw this ender pearl into the sky and now we have one end ender pearl and another one there are going to be two projectiles that are in different motions so let me do it again so one's over there one's over there so i teleport twice so let's try multishot 10 now and let's do survival mode and let's just hurt the player because that's what ender pearls do to you so here we go all of them i land in the water one thing that you'll notice which hasn't happened yet is the endomites because endomites have a five percent chance of spawning when you do this uh but apparently no one writes just yet let's try it again multi shot 10 and the pearl so teleport 10 times all right let's up this now let's go crazy with this let's do 50 multi shot 50 ender pearl 50 ender pearls oh so there are endomites now you can actually hear them end of my die is over there so i'm taking a bunch of damage the only reason why i'm surviving right now is because you get a little bit of immunity uh every time you take damage so it's not like 20 times per second every time you get hit you do have a bit of immunity but otherwise i'd take damage 50 times if i'm constantly teleporting 50 times right so here we go oh that's so fun all right let's do 75 and f5 mode 75 ender pearls here we go there let's do it again oh they're in the sky now i still survive i'm taking damage and teleporting so quickly that you can't actually hear the player get hit and i survive again it oh whoa look at that dang it what happened oh i must have hit the tree oh okay so you can actually see them so now let's do a hundred there we go i died again i'm technically teleporting 100 times i want to go back uh let's do 250. here we go it's generating them all that's why it does that i didn't die i actually saw some endermites died there the reason why it does this is because it has to like spawn 250 ender pearls and calculate the motion of 250 ender pearls let's do 500 let's go now it's starting to lag there we go 500 i survived i teleported 500 times alright for this one i'm going to give myself instant health i don't think i'm going to survive this one oh it's slowing down it's starting to lag one thousand so if i was to attempt to do multi-shot 10 000 ender pearls i'd have to do it all the way up here because i need as much height as possible but it's probably not going to work very well just realized i've been sitting here for 10 minutes and the game has crashed so this is not gonna work it rolled back i didn't save i think i need to settle for a thousand and i don't like that because i wanna i wanted to do ten thousand fail that's a fail well poop if you guys wanna see that or like me put other enchantments on items that don't belong i don't know if that sentence made any sense uh let me know what kind of uh stuff would you like me to try to do it looks really cool when you can see the direction of the ender pearls but i can't do ten thousand it's just not possible look at that nice randomized ender pearls [Music] you
Channel: Phoenix SC
Views: 7,436,843
Rating: 4.8988752 out of 5
Keywords: Command, Blocks, Redstone, Phnixhamsta, phoenix, sc, tutorial, vanilla, mod, know, you, can, see, these, tags, datapack, multishot, enchantment, bow, crossbow, arrow, level, enchant
Id: -Y2I61VRQrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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