I Pranked My Friend With The Morph Mod!

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my friend SS is trying to beat Minecraft but today we're going to prank him I can transform into any mob and using that ability we're going to mess with him so first let's transform into a cow and let's see if we can get his attention we just got my wood let me make a crafting table oh what the heck what just hit me wait is there a mob around something just hit me I was just crafting oh he didn't notice and this is cuz right now I just look like any other normal cow let's try doing it again here we go wait what what keeps hitting me I'm so confused what's happening this is perfect he thinks I'm just a regular cow let's go mining to get some stone tools let's keep following him oh we have to cross this River I have to go swimming let me jump in okay he's standing near the water so let's transform into a fish there we go we're now a fish okay so if we go in the water we can see 's mining stone right here okay this should be enough yep we're good let's place oh what what keeps hitting me there's nothing around me this is like the third time today this has happened yes let's go let's hit him again what what is is there something in the water is there a new water mob I have no idea about let me check all I see is fish around I see salmon a pink fish and that's it what's hitting me what am I drowning or something this is too good he doesn't have a clue so now let me look for a cave H where could one be let's go this way oh he's going out of the water let me quickly switch back H let's become a pig this time all right let's quickly follow him while we're transforming into a pig h no caves over here hopefully he doesn't wonder why a random Pig keeps following him around wait what the heck there's a pig getting kind of hungry no no no no no he's trying to get me so he can get some food no I'm not food OHS no what the heck how is this pig so fast whatever I don't even need him there's a bunch of berries over here let me pick some and this should be enough food for a while oh my gosh wait but now we're only at three hearts so we have to eat two okay here we go wait what that sound something eating right now I didn't eat yet what was that there's been a lot of weird things happening in this world so far H whatever I must be going crazy okay SS might be getting a little bit suspicious so let's be more careful but this is pretty funny so far and it's going to get even worse finally I found a cave let's go and there's iron right there okay SS is going into the cave right now so we got to turn into a mob that usually lives in caves to start off let's start with something simple let's become a bat yes we're a bat now which gives us the ability to fly but the only thing is we only have three hearts so we have to be really careful wait what's that sound I hear something oh this annoying B come here die no no no no no no no no no no oh my God no no no no no no no come here wait where oh the bat's gone oh okay okay I'm blending in with the rest of the bats oh gosh what the heck there's so many bats here wait why is that Creeper following one of the bats oh no it usews me as a normal player so keeps following me and trying to kill me no no no no no what the heck is going on the creeper just blew up over there okay the mobs are all following me so I have to kill the mob before SS notices and we got them oh that was so close huh this is weird there's no more mobs in this cave there should be a lot must just be my luck I've been getting super lucky this run okay he's in a hole now and now that we're alone let's keep messing with him okay while he's mining let's replace all the stone around him with iron so let's go into creative mode and just break everything around him and place some iron so far I only have 10 pieces of iron I need like 20 more to get a full set of armor and tools hopefully I find some okay so so far we have all of this iron around him and you know what even though it's kind of risky let's just replace all the stone that he's near right now with iron so hopefully he doesn't see us and that should be pretty good enough okay now let's just wait for his reaction okay I just wait a minute what the heck this is like 30 pieces no way I could have missed this H what's going on here weird things have been happening in this game oh no did almost figure us out I'm really confused what if it's something like Herobrine wait why is this bat still here go away back leave alone your sounds are so annoying yeah go over there back with your back friend okay good he thinks I'm a normal bat still that's perfect because if we get caught right now OB is going to be really mad at us whatever I'll just get all this iron it's better for me anyways okay he's mining all the iron that we place right now wait a minute you know what would be funny let's replace all of the iron that he just mines so let's wait for him to go a little bit further and then let's replace all the iron right now let's see if he notices I have no idea how there's so many iron but this is such a benefit I'm going to be so rich now wait what am I seeing things I just mined that iron yes that's weird I'll just keep mining who cares let's go okay let's do it again but this time with diamonds so let's replace all the diamonds up here and we'll put diamonds right here where he just Min the iron he's going to be so surprised when he sees this you know what let's just replace all the iron with diamonds boom and that should be pretty good okay there we go okay I just got a lot of coal and iron so we should be what how is there diamonds here what this is not even like an actual amount of diamonds that could be here and we're way too high up for diamonds to spawn how is this here wait I have to spawn my iron to make a pickaxe let me grab a furnace okay this is so funny he has no no idea what's happening while SS keeps mining let's turn into a different mob okay so let's turn into a skeleton we look awesome but we don't have a bow so let me just grab a bow and now let's start heading towards SS and boom wait what what just hit me there's a skeleton right here no oh no no no die skeleton die come here no no what the heck um we got to run we got to run away quick we almost got caught that was too risky so we got to transform back into a different mob so let's transform back into a bat perfect uh is he gone yeah the skeleton's gone okay I can go back to smelting there's so much iron in here now I can now make a pickaxe let's go and that means I can mine all these diamonds I'm going to be so rich this is awesome I have three diamonds already yes this is perfect this going to make beating the games for OHS so much easier 10 diamonds 11 12 13 this is amazing this is the most diamonds I've ever gotten and that should be enough for diamond armor yeah we have 26 so let's craft a full set I look awesome this is so cool and it happens so fast I'm basically speedr running the game right now all right now let's leave this cave we got everything we needed let's go okay let's keep following him out and you know what let's turn back into a different mob so let's turn into a sheep yes I look awesome okay let's keep following ohms ooh this looks like a perfect spot to start my house yeah this is where I'm going to put it oh he's going to build a house now that's perfect but I am getting kind of hungry so let me just get some food first boom perfect wait what just happened what was that a sheep just killed another sheep oh oh no oh no oh no oh no I completely forgot I was morphed into a sheep no that was really weird how do he do that to his own kind and animals hurt each other now uh let me just pretend like I'm some normal sheep and eat some grass look I'm a normal sheep I'm have a normal sheep wait a minute that's the sheep that killed the other sheep oh no no no let me run away let me run away he's going to kill me he's going to kill me wait why is he running away what is going on that's so weird whatever I don't care let me go back to building my house oh that was so close you almost figure this out H yeah this is where we're going to build it let me clear up some space with the grass let's break it all out and this looks like a perfect spot so let me build the First wall right here oh yeah this looks great wait he's building a dirt house this looks terrible and let's build up over here build a nice wall like this build the second wall and build the third wall what is SS doing this is such a bad house and why does he building it with dirt okay the foundation is looking really good really good how is this really good and uh yeah we're done no we got to do something about this I can't let SS live in this H what can I do you know what let me turn into a creeper explode his house and make him make a new one okay oh I need a door I need to grab some wood let me go grab some wood oh that's perfect all right let's transform into a creeper here yo let's go I'm a creeper now I'm gling right into the grass and let me grab some TNT okay so let's go over to the house and let's place the TNT at the center and boom all right that's perfect let's just run away now okay I got the wait what my house why did it explode was there TNT in it or something what just happened no G now I have to build a whole new house and that house was a masterpiece wait a creeper come here was one of your friends that did this come here come here oh yeah you better run away and don't ever come near me again oh what the heck we have to rebuild oh that's so funny he doesn't suspect the thing but he almost did try to kill us so we got to be a little bit more careful okay the floor is now rebuilt and now let's build the walls again oh that stupid creeper blew up everything this house took forever to make twoo wait a minute don't tell me he's going to build the same house the same way with the same blocks I literally exploded his house just so he' build a new and better one but he's building it out of dirt again and it's exact shape too and we are done nice H we have to go do it again all right let's go over here Place some TNT wait wa wait what's that TNT is that a creeper wait creeper what the heck just happened the creeper just placed TNT he blew up my house no I think we got caught no you're dead come here creeper no no no no no no no no ow I got to run away I got to run away it's over for you how dare you come to my house and blow it up with TNT too ow let's run away and let's turn into a different mob real quick okay we run let's turn into a pig over here wait where'd he go where'd he go uh he must be near he must have turned all I see here is just a bunch of chickens and pigs and just normal mobs what what is going on this world is so weird we almost got caught I'll be on the lookout for anything that looks weird now but I guess now I can finally rebuild my house there seems to be no creepers around but that was super weird how we just placed TNT normally creepers explode and then die but this one actually plays down TNT must just be a new update or something yes that's awesome he still didn't suspect the thing but that was really really close one he almost killed us and two he almost caught us in in the act so let's be a lot more careful now but he's building the same house again and you know what I give up he he can live in the dirt house if he wants and Boop the door is complete home sweet home baby let me go in here real quick just to see what it's like wait what the heck is this pig trying to get inside uh you seem to be too fat here I'll make it a two-way door so you can fit come inside oh M just made it bigger for us okay let's see what's in this dirt house he built H wo there's a crafting table and you know what what am I even saying this house sucks that's all there is to it a crafting table and dirt I'm getting all muddy why is this Pig moving around so much chill out my man I'm leaving this this place sucks let me just wait what okay uh uh that pig just opened the door something is wrong with this world I have to kill that pig Hold on hold on let me turn into a sheep let me turn into a sheep I completely forgot again yes oh just in the nick of time okay perfect it's a sheep hello sheep did you see a pig anywhere around here uh B B I guess sheep just don't talk okay he's just eating grass whatever but it's now time to go to the nether so let's find another portal okay we got to follow him oh I've been running forever is there no portals around at wait there's a portal oh my gosh let's go but there's so much lava down there we have to be careful oh you know what let's Place some water for ohms there we go wait what where did this water come from let me stop this flow what the heck That's So Random I mean I guess that helped but where did it come from let's go and then let's turn into something smaller so let's become a wolf yes I'm a wolf now and then let's go down to SS and all we have to do is place the left over obsidian and we're good now let me make a flint and steel and let's go into The Nether let's go okay let's follow him into it wait what the heck there's a wolf in here wait I just saw a wolf what was that um do you want to follow me Mr Wolf uh bark bark I I guess so he seems like he wants to go on out lava ah ah I got to run I got to run okay okay okay I'm good where did that even come from oh my gosh almost just died the nether is so dangerous Mr Wolf I don't know if you really want to go on this adventure I think you should go back bark oh oh he's jumping okay I guess he wants to come all right follow me Mr Wolf yes let's go let's follow SS into The Nether but it's going to be so scary cuz there's so many hard mobs here but before we go to the Fortress let me go trade with some piglins oh I think is going to try and get some pearls and items oh you know what would be so funny let me transform into a piglin and then he can trade with me all right let's run over here and let's turn into a piglin oh these pigs are giving me nothing good give me something good for my gold I need ender pearls okay let's grab some items to give oh so let's give him a stack of diamond blocks ender pearls full netherite armor some golden apples and a totem of and dying all right this is perfect pigs come near me to trade wait a minute where did all the pigs go they ran off with my gold oh okay this is perfect oh there's one right here he's picking up all my gold Pig give me something good I need ender pearls anything you got okay first let's start off with a block of diamonds what the I just got 64 diamonds what is going on I think this pig is glitched or something what will you give me for this one gold SS is so cheap but you know what let's give him some more gold what he just gave me 64 gold blocks for one piece of gold H I have an idea what if I give him one piece of gold block oh my God SS is scamming me but I guess it's okay let's give him the ender pearls and let's give him some netherite armor what something's wrong in this game no way I just got full netherite armor oh no what are you die I know you're something weird come here come come on let's just give him the rest of the items before he kills me so if I hit him I get more op stuff oh no no no no no no he's going to keep H come here zombie you're done you're dead I got to turn back into the wolf somehow okay let me go back down here and let's turn into the wolf wait where'd he go he went down here wait what yes yes yes yes yes it's just a wolf down here wolf did you see a zombie pigman there's nowhere he could have gone did he jump into the lava or something uh bark bark whatever let me throw all my old trash and put on all this new netherite armor this is the strongest armor in the game beating the game is going to be like nothing oh that was so close SS nearly killed us and he tried to do it because he wanted more items he's so selfish but I guess it's fine H where's the Fortress at wait it's right there let's go oh let's go we found the Fortress this is perfect okay now we need to find blazes and get their blaze rods to go to the end and beat the game and with this netherite armor I could literally just swim in lava like it's nothing wait what why is he swimming through Lava I mean I guess it's fine and he's using diamond blocks to block it up S is so rich I found the blazes let's go you know what I have a great idea while he's fighting the blazes let's become one of the blazes so let me turn into a blaze awesome and I also gave myself a flint and steel and a flame bow so it looks like we're shooting fire oh I can also fly this is perfect I found the spawner let's go wait The Blaze come here come here oh I can't reach him yes ow ow okay let's start shooting at him boom ow I'm taking so much damage ah the blazes are destroying me come here die no no no no I'm going to die these blazes are so powerful for some reason I have full netherite and I'm losing so much health yes and let's Place flint and steel all around him come on oh everything's on fire no no no no no leave me alone wait a minute did I just pick up arrows oh let's just keep shooting at him and there's arrows in my body wait that blaz is shooting arrows that's not what blazes are supposed to do they shoot Fireballs oh oh no oh no he's figured me out I just need to get all the blaze rods whatever one more and we got seven okay let me get out of here these places are so weird and strong okay he hasn't copi this is great let's see where SS goes to next that fight was so hard those blazes were not normal they were so powerful now it's time to go back to the Overworld okay great then let me change back from a blaze to a wolf and that's perfect oh finally I found a ruined portal and it's only missing two blocks and yes obsidan inside so let me place it and with the flint and steel I can go back home yes home sweet home oh the dog's coming with me hello dog bark Park I'm finally back at the house and now I can craft the blaze rods and ender pearls we got into Eyes of Ender and that means I can find the end portal I guess we're going to the end now to finally defeat the Ender Dragon oh I already have so many good ideas on how to prank him so let's throw the eye and it's this way okay here we go and we should be yeah we're right underneath it it's right under me let's go I could finally beat the game so let me mine straight down and go to the portal okay let's just follow SS for now and yeah I found the portal room let's go Let Me Mine the spawner over here and let me get rid of all these silverfish leave me alone now let's put the Eyes in inside the portal and let's jump in let's go okay here we go the Ender Dragon's right there come here I'm going to destroy you okay for our final prank let's turn into the Ender Dragon yes yes oh my gosh we're becoming the dragon we're so big okay let me get rid of all these crystals to defeat the dragon oh I see SS right now he's going to get the crystals Crystal number three is out what what the heck one Dragon there's two dragons here what is going on how is this possible oh we noticed it wait am I seeing things or is this real wait it's real yeah they're both getting healed from the crystals this one just staring at me get away from me get away from me oh no you know what let me just punch him off come on yes you know what let me just shoot at him come on yes wait he's right here I got oh no no no no no I'm going to die I'm going to die oh I got a pearl out of here throw and then clutch okay we made it out we made it out what is going on in this world I knew it was glitched before but now this is insane two dragons I've never seen that before yes this is so funny oh one of the Dragons perching and this one looks like the right one so hopefully we beat the game after this ah he's hitting me back come on ah he's so low yeah yes I defeated one of the dragons and it spawned the portal but this one's still here what the heck is going on I can't even damage it he's Invincible Dragon get away from me what is going on okay I think it's time we reveal to him the truth let me call him real quick hey OHS wait Cory no guess what OHS no it's not you don't say it you just got pranked yes no are you serious you didn't even have a clue oh whatever but this isn't the last time because this isn't over you're right it's not over because we're raising to a million subscribers and I'm going to destroy you no you're not oh subscribe so we can beat him
Channel: Kory
Views: 1,899,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft troll, minecraft pranks, minecraft funny, noob vs pro, minecraft, hacker, minecraft noob vs pro, minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker, build, house, challenge, minecraft pro vs noob, animation, hidden, minecraft animation, noob, pro, vs, big house minecraft, safest, mob proof, jayjay and mikey, mikey and jayjay, jj and mike, maizan, water park, summer, water slide, amusement, troll, prank, minecraft prank, omziscool, kory, omz, family friendly, minecraft trolling
Id: N7XUhWzsm1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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