I Played Minecraft Demon Slayer For 200 DAYS… This Is What Happened

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in this video i revisited my 100 days demonstrator world for another 100 days there have been some updates to the mod since i last played on that world and i thought it would be nice to show some of them off so that being said my goals were to defeat all the new demons added but yeah with all that being said subscribe for more videos like this and i hope you enjoy alright so we're back on this world for 200 days i'm right here where i left off if you saw the previous video this is where i fought demon tanju and muzon and yeah it's just really nostalgic playing this man i haven't played this world in four months and oh my god it's just bringing back some memories here this is if you didn't know this was my first ever video that blew up uh and to this day it remains my most viewed video with over 5 million views which is insane i don't oh my god i i don't think i'll ever pass that on any video fingers crossed i will i i don't want to have peaked that early in my youtube channel but if i if i do i don't mind that honestly because that is insane i'm gonna start off here by just exploring this world a little bit reacquainting myself with it because yeah it's bringing back a lot of memories here what is that but yeah i want to find my old house because i forgot where it was i basically just took uh what's her name's house that demon lady i forgot her name but yeah also i'm rocking my yorice kit there's a demon tonjo somewhere i don't know but yeah my goals are to defeat muzon again and dimitanjiro again i didn't defeat even tantra the first time because he was unkillable but since then there's been a lot of updates um i don't really have to get much items because i already got myself i literally named the godsword and i got myself full protection for armor as well so yeah i'm pretty much as stacked as i could ever be so all i really need to do now is fight and yeah i just as i said want to go explore around and look for my old house so this video won't be too too long i really just wanna you know demonstrate season two is coming out soon so this is kind of a special for you guys just you know a visit of the old world and some of you i know a lot of you that watched the first video haven't really seen much from the new updates uh i yeah i think i think a lot of people watch my video and then just didn't watch much other demon slur videos after that they kind of just watched my video for the hundred days and then they went on to other 100 days videos so yeah i'm excited to show those of you who haven't seen much other content of the demon slayer mod all the new things that were added because there were quite a few oh god i'm sorry so yeah there were quite a few and let me know if you want me to cover them in a 200 days of my demon world as well okay got a stack of bread hopefully that lasts me the whole time but as you know with this mod it really really drains your hunger so yeah oh yeah she was added uh susamaru i just call her susmaru but yeah she's at 10 health for some reason okay that's a glitch um when i killed muzan previously it didn't give me that so hey maybe maybe sasumaru is just the main villain we never knew okay but with that all being said let's just let's just actually get into this let me activate my mark here and let's fight gyoko because he was updated as well he he has some new moves he has a new transformation when you get him low he goes all buff and stuff like in the manga so that's pretty cool oh god i hear i hear the one of the new bosses i was added up rank four he was added recently but first let me deal with gyoko alright one thing at time yeah there we go there's his final form right there and he gets really strong during this so let's see if he can actually do a bunch of damage to me or if i'm just gonna sweep them because that's also a possibility okay and i just sweep them okay i hope it's not too loud for you guys because literally i need my stuff to be that volume but yeah there he is there's a rank four and let's take him on now all right come here my friend come here where are you where'd you go i saw his little summons oh there's a rank one i'm really tempted to go fight him you know what let's fight him i don't know where uprank 4 went i'll show you him eventually all right but first up rank one let's go rematch i killed you to get the sword and i killed you once more i think right yeah but yeah we'll have a third fight right here okay let's do this my friend okay he doesn't really have much that he can use on me in this first form but he gets real strong in his um second and third form i think he got i think his new forms got added i'm not sure if they were in the update when i played i played on version 22. any experts on the mod if he had all his three forms in version 22 i don't remember right now at least i know that he's really strong with his three forms yup he's on to a second here or might be four forms actually yeah i don't remember him having that many oh my god we just launched him like he launched us just now okay now he's using some really strong moves i'm just gonna keep spamming this one oh you want to play that okay never mind then i'll just use that on you now let's do it yeah oh god that one's got a laggy though for my fps but i do have a new computer i got a new computer since that video so if you haven't seen me since then yeah there's a quick update okay oh yeah you don't like that very much do you okay come on let's do this okay he's gonna regen as he goes into his final form here you'll see he'll regen like all his health yep oh no this is his second last form yeah he has four forms and he'll regen again as he goes into his final form come on come on pal go into your final form do it yup there there he is oh god he just regen the bunch okay he's in this final form let's cast these down okay okay come on man let's do this oh my god he does a lot of damage yeah look at that that was just from one move he did three hearts to me yeah that move is really dangerous it's like the same as one of muzon's moves so yeah we have to watch out for that okay let's eat again oh my god yeah he does a lot i full protection for i've maxed out gear and he does so much still but yeah we're able to get him in the end nonetheless oh we got his clothes actually let's go i love these these are my favorite clothes in the entire mod i have cosmetic armor i can just put this on just for cosmetics let's see oh yeah it looks sick it doesn't really match with my pants because obviously that's um yorji's pants but still man oh i love this so much it's my favorite outfit in the whole mod but yeah i also have the demon slayer mark on the skin as you can see bottom right it's not very detailed they actually drop demons layer marks in this mod what if there's a low chance that if you kill the wind hashira and the water hashira giu anyway there's a chance that if you kill them and i think one other posture as well they drop their marks that's really cool so if you have cosmetic armor on you can just um you can have a helmet on and then put the curse mark on as well uh maybe i'll try to get one of those but you have to fight hofstra to do that and i'm a demon slayer you know so i don't know maybe i'll do that in the demon one that could be cool oh there he is there's up rank four okay so this is his first form it's real weak so uh let's just uh yeah and then he transforms into four of his forms then once you kill them he transforms into his final form okay wait a second here we just need to kill these okay let's just uh do that real quick then one more of these and they should be gone yup here he is here's his final form zohaku 10. yup here he is here's the summons oh my god oh that lightning is dangerous that does a lot well not to me i'm maxed out here but like normally that can like one shot you if he hits you with all his lightning it can one shot you oh my god he's using a lot of moves on me where'd he go yo look at this man this is nuts so yeah this wasn't in the mod when i played it before but i have fought him since aletandro's helping me out it looks like oh he's in his like final form over there where'd this man go i see his summons but where is he uh there he is why do you run so far what come on man oh yeah there's the drum demon he was at it as well kill guy but i can't get distracted i need to kill this guy oh no i think the sun's gonna rise man oh god this kaigaku is well chill bro chill i don't want the 2v1 here yo chill oh my god this is so chaotic man this is insane okay come here man let's do this oh it's a 2v1 oh he missed all his lightning though that was a blessing in disguise kaigaku or yeah kai goku shot me back and then he misses lightning because that oh no they are they despawn man that's a rip but actually i can do something here what you can do is you can feed this guy blood and he can become a demon and he's really strong like he's upper anchor level strong which is kind of meme he wasn't that strong in the anime he was literally just like a random guy that got like one shot but it's nice that the mod creator adds in details like that yeah unfortunately i can't do that right now because it's daytime but maybe if we find one of him during the night we can't but and also well i didn't cover in my last video you could actually ride on it but yeah let's just take this chance to get some food here come here so yeah let's just get some easy food here because meat is a lot better saturation wise we need to find our old house though man we really do there's so many animals yo okay so this was added in the most recent update i still have no idea what it is i read the whole manga i don't remember this that might just be my horrible memory but i guess we'll fight him he's he's real weak compared to the actual yorichi yeah i don't know what that was but that's that's the mob in the mod i don't know explain to me what that means in the description please i don't know it might just be a mod only thing like the mod creator adds in like random stuff that's that's not even from the manga like as i said you can turn that through into a demon there's like the golden sword that has like non-canon abilities which is cool but yeah i'm just wondering if this is another one of those oh there's the guy oh no he's gonna die oh yes i found it let's go i knew i wasn't crazy i knew it was on uh 500 on the x all right boys let's just let's just go in here oh my god let's just skip the next day i'm not even gonna fight anything i'm just gonna have a nostalgia trip right here let's have a look-see in the chest okay there's some cobblestone very nice oh i forgot i forgot i made a collection yo that's sick i only just found out in that hundred days with cubicle how good this thing is man this sword is amazing man it poisons if you it like swings a bunch and if you hit any of these it like does a horrible poison to demons so that's amazing man and here are my trophies the dragon egg and the beacon to prove i killed the ender dragon and the wither pretty cool so yeah i already did those if you didn't see that video but yeah i just really want to fight muzon and demon tanjuro legit let them spawn in the world like they can now um but yeah i guess i'll fight uprank 4 again i'll fight the other mobs i haven't fought and the mobs i have because there have been updates like uprank 2 he has a giant buddha now i'll probably show you that when we fight him so yeah that'll be cool uh what is that house i don't even know oh there's another time i use house okay that's pretty cool i have since learned like a long ago like three months ago that futon's our thing and you can skip tonight with them so yeah that's pretty cool so that yeah the mod creator did think about people playing as demons because yeah he added futons and the futons did i really loot this place oh there's no futon in here but yeah he thought that people playing as demons you know should be able to play and not have to camp out somewhere for 10 minutes every single every single night so he added futons so you can skip tonight so that's pretty cool we do have to find one which is actually no we can craft one okay it's three wool and three feathers okay we might already have those resources actually in our house so i really have no feathers come on there have to be feathers right please oh my god there's actually no feathers okay yeah why why would i even think i would collect feathers i didn't even need them for anything okay i guess we'll just look around for some chickens now oh we have a looting sword on the bright side so they should drop feathers relatively quickly come on i'm finding every animal except for chickens please i know for a fact they spawn in this biome all right don't comment that i've seen them in this biome plenty of times they just don't want to come out now that i need them of course i've literally found every animal including llamas i think those are except for chickens am i just blind and i haven't seen them because they're smaller than the other animals that that's equally possible because yeah uh fun fact about bravo's i'm very blind in real life and i refuse to get glasses because i can still read stuff so that's all i need okay there's a house is there just a futon this is that oh my god yes i thought those are sheep for a second please okay two one more yes let's go man okay let's go all right now we can skip tonight okay let's do this come on muzan and whoever else muzon up rank four and even tangero are the main three i'm looking for the big three you might call it alright come on i'm just looking okay now there's a chicken in this biome of course of course come on now please okay i don't know why some of my looting was off okay muzon where is he where is he where is he who's on please is that you that's not you god that's docky when she sees you she literally chases you for all of time i found out the hard way it doesn't help that he's wearing like black clothing okay there he is let's go man let's go all right our demon slayer mark lasts for three more minutes okay we'll need to reload that soon oh muitro's already fighting him all right let's join in come on moves on let's do this pal oh my god he's doing numbers on muitro okay we poisoned him we poisoned him oh you don't like that very much do you pal let's do this okay oh my god he's already going off this will be a hard fight it's i mean me and kubica fought him 2v1 and that was a really close fight as well then we found 2v2 and that was really close but yeah if a one-on-one fight with this updated muzon is nuts because he has more moves now oh god okay no he's not even letting me get close man no oh my god look at him man he's nuts he's not even letting me get close now let's sneak attack him from behind let's do this oh my god he's so annoying man okay got him up close poison him let's go it always ends up that i spam this one doesn't it now he's on me okay okay okay can we poison him again here okay he's poisoned again let's go he does so much damage my demonstrator mark i have to remember to renew that or else i'm literally dead i will not be able to fight him without it oh god oh no he stuck me in place and i can't use any breathing styles while i'm like this this move is his most broken one oh god oh no i'm stuck in water i can't get out no okay i'm good yeah when he gets low he spams that so i have to be really careful okay let's poison you again i have to keep him poisoned constantly okay come on come on okay poison you again the poison doesn't last long but it is really strong it does a bunch of tech damage to him okay let's poison you again oh i think i missed that one no we have to end this before daytime i don't want to repeat i don't want to repeat the blast time where he died to the sun no it's turning day man no moose on we have to end this okay poison once again let's do this muzan let's do this get in the water i i don't think he dies to the sun if he's in water oh my god that did so much demon slayer mark again i'm glad i remember to activate that okay come on okay there we go we have to keep him in this water no don't don't get out of the water please yeah i think he i don't think he dies when he's in the water so i need to keep you in there come on i'm doing this for your old safety so you don't die to the sun but you die to me instead yes this is for your own safety come on okay don't don't use that move on me again come on oh yes i think we did it yes let's go we defeated muzon let's go i think the lowest he got us was like 13 hearts because we're maxed out right now okay now it's time for demon tantra that's that's the only biggest fight we have left that was intense man that was really fun though i'm glad i have this gear because if not i would have been so dead oh this moves on again of course of course he's spawning like crazy and i can actually find him now that i don't need to uh there's ox you know what why not fight him let's go okay come on now let's do this pal what you gonna do oh you gonna do that doesn't matter okay okay akuza oh can you relax okay stop using those moves on me i wish there was an up close move for this i mean it's nice that this sword has really long range but there's not anything you can really use close range or is there this one kinda but like it doesn't do much damage all right oh oh his head's off he's dying right that's what that means let's see ouch let's see yep he's gone all right gg gg that was a good fight he didn't do much damage to us but like what can you expect at this point you know what fine leave nine blood let's go for this by the way if it doesn't work it makes a really loud sound so i'll have to kill him to get rid of that sound so sorry if that happens but we'll see okay worked with one blood okay that's actually insane it like never works with that little but look at that he literally has muzon's abilities he's like yeah he's 250 health he's stronger than dice which is insane man because dice is an actual demon slayer this guy's just some random guy off the street but i guess you know it doesn't like the people's ability as a normal human don't really become the strongest demons every time right like it's based on how much blood you can take from muzon and that's like not based on your ability right am i remembering that wrong i think just like anyone can like be lucky enough to take a lot of his blood but anyway getting sidetracked let's focus on this fight okay let's poison it oh god yeah he can freeze us in place for a second there like luzon i don't think he can do it fully but like he can at least freeze us for a bit and he can use the lightning as well okay he has some explosions i'm dodging them though because i keep on jumping i think i have to be at the ground for those to hit me yeah i keep on dodging them i think that's all we need to do to defeat him there we go gg all right is that him please yes let's go man let's go okay here we go final boss fight boys let's do this all right let's go he's basically oh look at that can shoot out those massive like electric balls he's basically like muzon he's a bunch of muzon's moves plus a couple more including that one i don't think luzon has that but yeah we have to keep him topped up with poison just like muzon and we have to keep our demon slayer mark up just like nuzon because he can do a lot of damage when he gets low and he does that same thing where he keeps you in place and doesn't let you use um breathing abilities as well so yeah this man is a menace okay oh god yeah there it is he's in his final form oh god he does a lot of damage here oh god i can't use breathing abilities i can't use breathing abilities okay i think i can now okay i'm good okay he's pretty low i just have to make sure he doesn't do that again please don't do that again i just have to keep on him come on i can't give him a chance to use that move on me again come on i can keep the pressure up okay those fireballs are whatever electric balls are fine just don't use that move again on me come on no okay he's oh my god he's using sun breathing he's so broken man he's using sun breathing on top of demon forms look at him oh my god okay come on okay okay he's one hit let's go let's go man a peaceful world without demons revert tandro back into human with medicine i guess i guess they're adding the medicine but for now you just have to yes you just have to kill him to get that achievement g g and look at this blood demon are demon king this was added so yeah we got all of the tough boss fights out of the way now we only have one man left please hiro oh yes yes yes no no one else kill him he's mine no who's killing him stop it he's mine stop killing him okay he's in his final form i gotta get him come on who killed him was it me it counts all right i got his sword as well that counts alright i hope you all enjoyed uh tell me if you want any other 200 days for my 100 day series i think this was really fun as i said throughout this video uh it was really nostalgic i want to thank you guys so much for the support on the original video again that video started my channel and now we're over 150 000 subscribers so yeah uh i hope you enjoyed uh subscribe for this sword also very nice sword as i said like and subscribe i'm kind of speechless i'm very bad at outros but yeah besides that i'll see you all next time peace
Channel: Brevis
Views: 488,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days minecraft challenge, minecraft 100 days challenge, 100 days of minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft luke thenotable, 100 days in minecraft modded, 100 days minecraft survival, minecraft mods, kimetsu no yaiba, minecraft demon slayer mod, the true gingershadow, senpirates, beckbrojack, butterjaffa, brevis, I Played Minecraft Demon Slayer For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened
Id: 1qEXDOBexxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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